By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

The political revolution has begun- When we fight we win, WTP.

Expose Hillary Clinton crimes and corruption. Hillary Clinton should be ban from the political arena. She is a sycophant, pathological liar criminal. Seek the truth and expose this criminal, she should not be running for office.

Fellow Americans, do not let the MSM brainwash you; for years they function as the propaganda machinery of the oligarchs; their objective is, to divide us and conquer. During the last 30 years Big Money (The IMF, The world Bank, The Federal reserve Bank and the elite US multinational corporations) manage to place in the White house and the house of congress,  puppets that will work for the oligarchs and made them richer at the expenses of the American working class. Money control Washington;  and a great number of Democrats and Republicans are responsible for getting us into the ill Middle East wars, passing the free trade legislation that demised millions of Americans jobs and made millions of Americans economic slaves and allowed the presidents to trash our constitution and our constitutional rights and freedom under the pretense of national security.  The demise of our economic and our freedom is being plan by the oligarchs to be used as a pretense  to legitimized globalization and the implementation of the one world order system of government run and control by the oligarchs.  

2016 is the year of our independence from this corrupt system of government; we must stop the traitors from destroying our country and making us economic slaves. The political revolution to take our country back; our freedom and our economic independence has begun.   Democrats and Republicans must become one voice and vote for America; we believe that before anything, we are Americans and the foundation of our country is our US Constitution. We will not allow the use of any political ideology to destroy our constitution, our country nor our economic and welfare. United we stand to fight for our country. “When we fight we win”. GOD BLESSES AMERICA.

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The Clintons crimes and corruption

Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the deaths of over 4,400 American soldiers

Free trade and Globalization-The great American deception

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