The Age of Aquarius

I was laying on my back this morning with my left foot out from under the covers. I was awakened a little before six with a tug on my foot. I looked, expecting it to be my wife being cute, but no one was there. My wife was next to me asleep.

This is the Fourth of July, the birthday of the United States. With the ship of state off course and heading for the rocks, I’m reminded that in the Lord’s Prayer, on earth as it is in heaven, now I get a quite different picture than the picture when I was a Christian repeating the Lord’s Prayer. I get a picture that is up to today’s speed, yet, ironically, one that one that dates back to between 147 B.C. and 127 B.C., when Hipparches discovered the precession of the equinoxes, having to do with the rotation of Earth’s axis; that is, the earth’s wobble, like a spinning top, causing the northern axis to point to each of twelve constellations, and each thought to generate certain characteristics on Earth—on earth as it is in heaven—obviously, this comes from ancient star gazers long before the birth of Christ. That tug on my left foot was my conscience reminding me to get up and start writing.

Replacing the American tradition of on earth as it is in heaven, the government of the United States, feeling duty bound, establishing itself as the prime source of earthly benevolences, I’m forced to conclude that the American people are bewitched and needing help in sorting things out.

Reality in today’s America is after me you come first, with government in the lead. Actually, it’s nature’s unbreakable law, the big fish feeding on the little fish. But with on earth as it is in heaven in mind this morning, I ask myself, what was it that caused the planet Earth to form in precisely the right orbit around the sun to allow life as we know it, life that began in the sea, and to develop into beings knowing good and evil. As shown in Hipparches’ zodiac, a map of the heavens, the ages are linked together in progressive order. We humans are here with increasing purpose, so why is progressive government turning the American people into government dependents? Progressive government is against the divine redemption Jesus promised. The next time you Christians repeat the Lord’s Prayer I hope you think about this. And think about this, too: we Americans are our brother’s keepers.

The Age of Pisces is followed by the Age of Aquarius. The sign of Pisces is two attached fish, one swimming upstream, the other downstream. The sign of the Aquarius is the water-bearer to humanity. Water symbolizes where life began, connecting, in my mind, with on earth as it is in heaven. Thinking about these connections, and the characteristics of Pisces, the United States was born under the sign of Aquarius, according to the zodiac. Thus July 4, 1776, represents the water-bearer characteristic.

The American people who formed this great republic migrated from Europe, reminding me that the old-world did not offer them what they were looking for. Being conscious of Pisces—and one swimming upstream, the other downstream—a case of the old being replaced by the new—the water-bearer: on earth as it is in heaven, this morning, thanks to what the ancients left us, I’m consciously aware that with America came the birth of a new age, and along with it increasing purpose. So, what does our high tech world tell us? I felt a tug on my foot this morning, reminding me that I’m an Aquarian messenger. We no longer have to work from dawn to dark to survive. Indeed, this July 4, 2010 we have mass communication, and increasing purpose.

It is inexplicable to me how the ancients, from gazing at the stars, could predict the future. The Mayans got their calendar from the precession of the equinoxes. The Mayan calendar predicts that on December 21, 2012 something ends. I’m not quite sure, but I’d bet my bottom dollar that Obama’s nutty notions end. I doubt very much that our world ends. I’d bet, from what I’ve gathered, that it shifts gears from reverse to forward and moves on down the road faster than ever before.

There has to be some connection with on earth as it is in heaven we’ve yet to discover. The cutting edge of science has discovered the answer. To a growing number of quantum physicists the ancients’ predictions are making sense. The ancients looked to the heavens for characteristics; quantum physicists look at the aspects of matter for their answers. Both the heavens and the aspects of matter are in the same universe but the authorities do not accept this, by reason that they could no longer invent the universe to suit their ideas: big fish feed on little fish. It all begins with the aspects of matter and conscious awareness. The next time you Christians repeat the Lord’s Prayer, think about the fact that in nature there is “Higher Law:” knowing good and evil.

To those with the latest knowledge of the universe, without consciousness the universe could not have matter. Humans were created with the capability of greater conscious awareness, knowing that before anything comes consciousness, a state of awareness, the potential for something. In Gen. 1:1, “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” Gen 1:2, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” And so to make a very long story short, we come to man in Gen. 1:26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Obama and his following have an excessive interpretation of man’s dominion—for the good of all it is necessary to take from the rich and give to the poor; for the good of all, that is, in his camp, and the worst for those who are not. Obama has the same idea as Hugo Chevaz.

This brings me to when I came to a jumping off place in my life, my business career on the rocks, and my marriage as well. I found in a second hand law book store law Professor Edward S. Corwin’s essay, The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. Not what you hear in Sunday school, this is when I parted company with Christianity and assumed we are all God’s children.

Jesus became real when I came to a jumping of place in my life, which, coincidentally, was predicted in the transit of the planet Uranus. I was born in Houston, Texas at 4:51 P.M. C.S.T. on September 17, 1925. Astrologers can tell you I was born with Aquarius rising, which means that my ruling planet is Uranus, and on Good Friday 1975 that I would be under great pressure to change my life. I was thirty-five years ahead of the times.

Corwin’s essay inspired me to go to the county law library and study my Constitution, as differentiated from the Constitution interpreted according to today’s needs by judges. As I read, I had the feeling that voices from the past were personally speaking to me, encouraging me. I had a bigger than life calling, the same as growing millions of American are now getting, knowing they are at a jumping off place. The Constitution turns out to be “Darling I Am Growing Old;” “There’s gonna be a change in the weather, a change in me, nobody wants you when you’re old and grey.”

It isn’t everyone who would take positive action against the most powerful nation on earth. By nature, neither leader nor follower, I’m independent, when I read the Constitution, it was a proper fit and I acted accordingly. I took the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to court. But that was a no-no in 1975. I was one of those nasty, self-serving tax protesters America’s free press railed against. Fudging judges reported to the press that I was a “a spurious constitutional objector.” Judge Quelly, my tax court judge, took me into is chambers, took off his robe, and said, “man to man, why do you think you shouldn’t pay your taxes? My response: “Because, as I read my Constitution, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is violating my constitutional protections.” Judge Quealy: “Well you are wrong. The Commissioner made a mistake. It will be corrected in this court.”

As it turned out Judge Quealy was wrong and I was right. By taking the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to the Supreme Court, I know something the public does not know. The IRS has been entitled by your government to make unlimited mistakes against taxpayers in order for self-serving politicians to entitle other people. It’s Roosevelt’s legacy—the means is justified by the end. Read my blog, “A Word on Government Entitlement.”

The United States does not stand for American values. It has clearly overturned the balance of power my Constitution gave the American people—has turned the ship of state around and headed our freedoms for the rocks. The current lawless renegades in control of American lives were forced to admit to the world on the front page of The Palm Beach Post that they had lawlessly confiscated my property. So, now the frauds, having painted themselves into a corner, those you vote into office, are anything but your friend.

Christians, the next time you repeat the Lord’s Prayer, think about what I’m telling you. You don’t know the power on earth as it is in heaven gives you. You, personally, are connected with the consciousness of the universe, which is impersonal yet generous, benevolent, and patient, encompassing a love for all. The consciousness of the universe desires to apply its energy to universal service. This is what the ancients said. So, Let us make man in our image.In light of the present circumstances, interpret the Scriptures, and your Constitution, for yourselves. Let your own intuition interpret. For you and your eternal soul are here for a specific purpose in this space-time universe. It is your unique chance to improve man’s image. I hope that tug on my left foot reminding to write this has helped.

Lastly, because Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), his usual ill-advised self, says that the tea party movement is “unsustainable” and will “die out” because it lacks vision, I’d like to say, God bless this July 4, 2010. The American people are waking to the fact that we are not spectators. We are each part of the action.

Keep in mind, my Christian friends, as we proceed to turn the ship of state around, the Pisces characteristic, desperate to do the right thing but weak willed, like Sen. Graham, the Aquarian characteristic, strong willed and determined, this time in history was predicted by the ancients. Bye bye, Sen. Graham. It’s been nice to know you.

On earth as it is in heaven, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

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