Saturday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
The Sessions hearing shows
who's really colluding with Russia
by Marc A. Thiessen
 An Outstanding Post-Attack Defense of the 
 Second Amendment 
Inevitably and almost immediately after crazed leftist James T. Hodgkinson shot and wounded five, including Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, as they practiced for a baseball game, gun control came up. A reporter asked Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who had just survived the harrowing attack, "Congressman, does this change your views on the gun situation in America?" Yep, leftists are once again exploiting an atrocity to trot out the tired, flawed "guns are the problem" anti-Second Amendment narrative. But Brooks didn't take the bait. In fact, he tactfully and expertly exposed the flaw in the argument against the right to bear arms. Brooks responded:
          Not with respect to the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment right to bear arms is to ensure that we always have a republic. And as with any constitutional provision in the Bill of Rights, there are adverse aspects to each of those rights that we enjoy as people. And what we just saw here is one of the bad side effects of someone not exercising those rights properly. But we're not going to get rid of freedom of speech because some people say some really ugly things that hurt other people's feelings. We're not going to get rid of Fourth Amendment search and seizure rights because it allows some criminals to go free who should be behind bars. These rights are there to protect Americans, and while each of them has a negative aspect to them, they are fundamental to our being the greatest nation in world history. So no, I'm not changing my position on any of the rights we enjoy as Americans. With respect to this particular shooter, I'd really like to know more about him — whether he was an ex-felon, by way of example, who should not have had possession of a firearm — I'd like to know other things about his background before I pass judgement.
          If anything, this latest attack proves to illustrate just how important and essential the Second Amendment is to protecting American Liberty. Imagine if the Capitol Police detail had not been there, the carnage and death toll would have been significant, due to the fact that all the congressmen were unarmed. How many Americans have their own police detail following them around offering protection? The obvious answer also points to the foundational purpose of the Second Amendment. See here where Mark Alexander has written extensively on the Second Amendment.
          James Madison wrote, "The ultimate authority ... resides in the people alone. ... The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition." Thankfully, Rep. Brooks understands and embraces these truths. 
~The Patriot Post
Gutless GOP Leaders Ignore All
liar-nObama Scandals, DOJ Collusion
To Sacrifice The President
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Lou Dobbs has a few very enlightened, frustrated and borderline angry thoughts to share regarding “the role of the deep state and the Dems and the left’s efforts to subvert the Trump administration and its policies... President Trump today slammed the witch hunt, he tweeted this, ‘Why is it that liar-Hillary Clinton’s family and Dems’ dealings with Russia are not looked at by my non-dealings are?'” Dobbs thinks that’s a great question. He’s got another one from the President as well, who tweeted, “‘Crooked liar-H destroyed phones w/hammer, bleached emails and had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?’ Another great question,” says Dobbs. He continues, “This as the Senate Judiciary Committee has launched an investigation of the Department of Justice’s handling of the liar-Clinton email probe. Good luck with that,” he says, “because we’ve seen what these committees do. But this committee says it will also investigate the Comey firing. Good on you, Judiciary, we really needed another investigation by a hearing, Good Lord.”...
Trump Admin Rescinds DAPA Amnesty Program
by Peter Hasson
{} ~ The Trump administration has fulfilled another one of Donald Trump’s campaign promises by rescinding the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program... implemented under Barack liar-nObama that could have allowed as many as five million illegal aliens with children who are citizens or lawful permanent residents to remain in the country if they met certain criteria. DAPA was blocked by the courts from implementation, which the Department of Homeland Security cited as a reason for rescinding the program. A DHS press released said Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly signed a memorandum rescinding DAPA on Thursday because “there is no credible path forward to litigate the currently enjoined policy.” The program had been challenged by 26 states after liar-nObama issued it in November 2014. The Supreme Court deadlocked when ruling on the constitutionality of the program in June 2016...
Grassley / Feinstein Agree To Subpoena
Comey For Answers In Lynch / liar-Clinton Collusion
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is once again surprising people with what is, at least what appears to be, objective decisions that lack the customary partisan bias that permeate every action taken by a Democrat... On Thursday she confirmed that she and her fellow Democrats will support subpoenaing James Comey to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Feinstein had earlier indicated an openness to speaking to Comey in an interview on Sunday’s “State of the Union” program. She’s now made it official with a letter to Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, stating, “We unanimously believe that Director Comey should testify before our Committee regarding serious concerns that have been raised about political interference with FBI investigations and possible obstruction of justice. … Be assured my Democratic colleagues are supportive of issuing a subpoena should it become necessary.” The Judiciary Committee has oversight over the FBI...
ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Killed In Russian Airstrike
{} ~ Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has been killed in a Russia-led airstrike in Syria... The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Friday that early indications suggest that a Russian Su-34 aircraft and an Su-35 multirole fighter killed the ISIS leader during a series of strikes in Raqqa on May 28. reports: The strikes targeted a meeting of high-ranking Islamic State chiefs where Al- Baghdadi was reportedly present...If this report is confirmed that would be great.
 The Sessions hearing shows
who's really colluding with Russia
by Marc A. Thiessen
{} ~ According to the U.S. intelligence community, Russia's objectives in meddling in the 2016 election included not only hurting liar-Hillary Clinton's chances but also undermining "public faith in the U.S. democratic process," "impugning the fairness of the election" and calling into question "the U.S.-led liberal democratic order."

If the spectacle of the past few months is any indication, Russian leader Vladimir Putin is certainly succeeding in these latter goals.

And here is the great irony: Those who are falsely claiming that Trump was under FBI investigation for collusion with Moscow are, in fact, the ones inadvertently colluding with Putin to undermine American democracy.

No doubt Putin was smiling as Attorney General Jeff Sessions was forced to rebut what he correctly called "appalling and detestable" accusations that he colluded with the Russians and lied to the Senate.

Sessions testified that the much-vaunted "third meeting" between Sessions and the Russian ambassador at the Mayflower Hotel - which Sessions reportedly failed to disclose - did not happen, at least not beyond possible incidental contact that he doesn't even recall.

There was a time when airing unproven allegations of coordinating with the Kremlin was seen as bad form. Now it is common practice in Washington. These kinds of false charges and innuendo directly assist Russia in its efforts to undermine public confidence in our democratic institutions. Those raising such accusations without proof are, wittingly or unwittingly, doing the Kremlin's bidding.

For months, Democrats (aka "The Resistance") have been spinning the false narrative that President Donald Trump was under FBI investigation to call into question the validity of his presidency.

In March, Democrats used it as a pretext to argue that Trump did not have the legitimacy to fill a Supreme Court vacancy.

Senate Democratic leader Charles E. clown-Schumer, N.Y., declared in a floor speech that the Senate should not vote on Neil Gorsuch's nomination because Republicans "stopped a president who wasn't under investigation" from filling the seat.

Two days later, Sen. Elizabeth dinky-Warren, D-Mass., said the same thing, declaring, "The FBI has revealed that the sitting president of the United States is under investigation.

And it raises a really, I think, important question and that is whether or not a president who is under investigation by the FBI ought to be ramming through a Supreme Court nominee that would have a lifetime appointment."

The media gleefully echoed these false claims.

The day before Comey testified, CNN blared: "In testimony, Comey will dispute President Trump's blanket claim that he was told he wasn't under investigation."

In fact, Comey said precisely the opposite.

When Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, asked, "While you were director, the president of the United States was not under investigation. Is that a fair statement?"

Comey replied: "That's correct."

Even then, CNN was not willing to concede its error, declaring in a so-called "correction" that "Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation."

No, Comey did not fail to "directly dispute" it, he directly confirmed it. The CNN story - and its non-correction correction - was "fake news."

Not only that, Comey also testified that Trump never tried to get him to stop the probe into Russia's election meddling, which Comey explained was a separate matter from the FBI's investigation of disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Not only did Trump not ask Comey to stop the probe, the former FBI director told Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., "He went farther than that. He said, and if some of my satellites did something wrong, it'd be good to find that out."

Rubio pressed Comey, asking whether he was testifying that Trump effectively said, "Do the Russia investigation. I hope it all comes out. I have nothing to do with anything Russia. It'd be great if it all came out, people around me were doing things that were wrong." Comey replied, "That was the sentiment he was expressing. Yes, sir."

Given these facts, Trump has legitimate reason to be frustrated. If you knew you were not under investigation by the FBI, but everyone was saying you were, you'd want the truth to get out. And you might be upset with an FBI director who refused to lift the "cloud" hanging over your administration by confirming that he was not investigating you.

That said, Trump has been fueling the liberal feeding frenzy with his tweetstorms taking his critics to task. If Trump knows he did nothing wrong - and if he really wants to find out whether any of his "satellites" did - he should stop talking and tweeting about the investigation, let special counsel Robert S. Mueller III do his work and focus on his job: governing. His daughter Ivanka Trump was recently asked how she dealt with the media frenzy over Russia. She replied, "I'm trying to keep my head down, not listen to the noise and just work really hard to make a positive impact in the lives of many people."

That's a good strategy - and one her father ought to emulate.
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