Netherlands: Knife-wielding Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” refuses to drop weapon, shot by police

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Geenstijl has more information here, in Dutch. Jihad Watch reader Peter, who sent this video to me, explains that the people who shot the video are Turks who are clearly not on the side of the police. According to Geenstijl’s translation, the man taking the video refers to the cops as “sons of whores” and shouts “Europe!,” which has become a curse word among the followers of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Images surface of shooting by police on Hobbemaplein,” translated from “Beelden opgedoken van schieten door politie op Hobbemaplein,”, April 20, 2017 (thanks to Peter):

A videoer today revealed images of the arrest on the Hobbemaplein in The Hague, where officers shot a man in the leg.

The police confirmed that the incident took place on April 12. A man brandished a knife and did not listen to the officers who ordered him to drop the weapon. After a warning shot, the officers decided to shoot him.

In the video it can be seen that the man walks toward the officers with an object in his hand. A loud bang is heard from the gun of one of the officers. Then the man falls to the ground, grabs his leg and calls out ‘Allahu akbar’ (‘God is great’). Four officers then approach the man.

The video was made from a house near the square in Schilderswijk.Video

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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