Monday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
by Burt Prelutsky
Gov. Seeks to Normalize Transgenderism 
Via Science
by Culture Beat:  When science and social politics collide, science is often co-opted to promote political ideology rather than genuine science instructing public policy. The former seems to be the case (again) regarding the National Science Foundation’s spending of over $100,000 to create “safe zones” for LGBTQ students. Some $114,116 was given to the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign for the purpose of studying ways to “increase the inclusion of LGBTQ students and professionals in  engineering.” According to the grant, the field of engineering can be an “unfriendly or a chilly” climate for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals.”

          The grant also states that “the research will be the basis of systematic development and formative refinement of an online SafeZone course to provide inclusion training to engineering students and professionals nationwide.” Is this science or politically motivated social engineering?
          The federal government’s use of “science” to further push the normalization of transgenderism onto the American public doesn’t stop there. The National Institutes of Health will be spending $200,000 on “exploratory or developmental research on the health of transgender and gender nonconforming people.” The NIH announcement further stated, “Transgender and gender nonconforming people encompass individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex on their original birth certificate, including individuals who are making or who have made a transition from being identified as one gender to the other, as well as individuals who are questioning their gender identity, who identify with more than one gender, or whose gender expression varies significantly from what is traditionally associated with or typical for that sex.”
          It’s important to note that studying the problems of gender dysphoria and the impact it has on individuals is not unwarranted or unscientific research. But in today’s politically correct environment — where transgenderism is being celebrated as normal, and anyone questioning its normality or morality is labeled a bigot and a hater — it’s pretty clear this is an attempt to use “science” as a tool to further justify forcing the American public to accept transgenderism as normal. Even Sen. RINO-John McCain (R-AZ) is drinking the Rainbow Mafia’s Kool-Aid. He is co-sponsoring a bill that would prevent the military from banning transgenders from serving.  ~The Patriot Post                                  

Trump Shut Down clown-Schumer 
And Pulosi With Two Tweets
{} ~ Chuck clown-Schumer and Nancy Pulosi triggered a political earthquake when they claimed they struck a deal to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. But it was a lie... And Donald Trump shut them down with two tweets. clown-Schumer and Pulosi emerged from a meeting at the White House and claimed they had agreed on a deal with Trump to give amnesty to the so-called “DREAMers” in exchange for vague promises of border security and Trump dropping his demand for a border wall. Trump’s base was understandably upset. But it was fake news...
Sanctions or No Sanctions, 
North Korea Keeps Pushing Their Limits
{} ~ North Korea, undeterred by a recent batch of harsh sanctions from the U.S. and the United Nations, launched another ballistic missile on Thursday – this one, for the second time, flying in the airspace over Japan... International governments confirmed that the missile reached an altitude of nearly 500 miles and traveled more than 3,700 kilometers before landing in the Pacific Ocean. On its route, it passed over Japan’s Hokkaido Island, inspiring another harsh condemnation from Japanese officials as well as the Trump administration. This is the second time in under a month that North Korea has fired a ballistic missile over Japanese sovereign territory, and this one flew much higher and further than the last one. Not incidentally, the missile would have been able to reach the U.S. territory of Guam, an island that has been threatened repeatedly by the Kim Jong Un regime....Why wasn't it shoot down?
Ann Coulter – Trump Must Get Back on 
Trump Train – No Amnesty, Build The Wall
{} ~ Todd Starnes welcomed Ann Coulter for a discussion of the turmoil in the Trump administration and policies, asking, “What went wrong with President Trump?”... She backs up just a bit to the campaign, characterizing it as candidate Trump running against sixteen clowns, leaving us with no choice than to support the one candidate who was not a clown. Having said that she points out that he’s not experienced at politics and rather than sticking with those that “brung him to the dance,” he populated his administration with globalist Goldman Sachs operatives and purged the winning team. Now he’s virtually unreachable behind the Praetorian Guard of General Kelly and his access permission slips..
Trump Signals US May Not Pull 
Out of UN Climate Deal After All
{} ~ The slaughterhouse lambs who feel that it’s premature or improper to discuss the overtures President Trump has made to Democrats in supporting an amnesty under the pretext of “it’s only for the dreamers,”... probably won’t want to hear the disturbing news about the potential softening of his posture on the climate hoax and remaining in the Paris accord either. For them they may want to just put on a MAGA cap and sit in a corner, chanting build the wall or lock her up, pretending that their candidate’s promises are being kept while waiting for every possible shoe to drop and every commitment to be. That way a full and speculation-free evaluation can be made. Of course by then it will be too late to do anything to prevent it, but they’ll have all the facts. There’s nothing wrong with watching and analyzing what our leaders are doing, in fact, it’s our duty...
by Burt Prelutsky

I suspect that if I were 50 or 60 years younger than I am, and had been raised on a non-stop diet of left-wing blather, I might have a very different attitude about diversity than I do.  After all, it took me a long time to get over the fact that the Democrats did not speak to me or for me, all because I had been raised in a home by Russian-Jewish immigrants who were convinced that the sun shone brightly out of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s butt.

Because it has been several decades since I was in school and quite a few since I changed my party affiliation, I’m not even sure on what basis the Left propagandizes on behalf of diversity, aside from the fact that it sounds so tolerant and virtuous.  To my ears, however, it sounds patronizing to suggest that people, whose brains and initiative aren’t reason enough for them to be in a college classroom or an office cubicle, nevertheless deserve to be accommodated simply because they happen to be black, Hispanic, female, gay or transgender.

In my own life, I was generally surrounded by other Jews in school, at play and in my home, at least until I went to college.  I didn’t find that my life improved simply because I was suddenly in a more diverse universe.  I liked some of these non-Jews, disliked some others and was indifferent to the rest.  Which is how it had always been.  It’s not as if a large group of Jews lack diversity.  In fact, if the kids I went to school with through high school had any single thing in common, it was to make me happy that the teachers weren’t grading on the curve.

Over the course of my 77 years, I have had friends who represented different races, different religions and no religions, were male and female, gay and straight.  But the fact remains that if I had spent my entire life among only Jews, I could say the same.  Believe me, there is as much difference, maybe more, between Jews who regard themselves as orthodox, conservative or reform, as between Jews and Catholics.  As for atheists and agnostics, I suspect that the majority of them would tell you they were raised in Jewish homes.

● I had recently suggested that a widow I know, a professional cellist who had lost her husband many years ago, should think about getting a dog.  She admitted she had considered it, but, never even having had children, wasn’t sure she’d be up to the task.  For one thing, she spent a good of time practicing on her instrument, and she was concerned that she and a dog would be incompatible unless the pooch was a music lover.

I explained it might be difficult to find a dog who was into any type of music, let alone the classical variety.  Dogs, after all, even those of the same breed, are not clones. 

All our dogs have been either pure Maltese or a Maltese blend because my wife Yvonne is particularly fond of small white dogs.  But whereas Sammy would lie on the bed, fully engrossed in nearly anything that was on the screen, Duke wouldn’t even perk up if there was a dog barking on the tube. 

On those rare occasions when Sammy would lose interest because there wasn’t enough action in whatever I was watching, he would stop whatever else he was doing and eagerly turn to the tube if he heard the jingle for any of the multitude of dog food commercials, all of which he had apparently committed to memory.

Duke, on the other hand, was so oblivious to television that even if a chorus line of poodles had been performing the can-can, he wouldn’t have lifted an eyelid.

Our current bundle of fur, Angel, takes after Duke, not only in the line of royal succession, but in her absolute lack of interest in television.

So, I was unable to tell my friend that dogs are natural music lovers.  The best I could do was to assure the woman that any dog would be so grateful for her presence that it would gladly even put up with Wagner or Bartok, if it meant being close to her very own goddess. 

I did remind her, though, that a lot of dairy farmers piped music into their barns because they were convinced that it made their cows more content and led to greater milk production.  I always thought they should call that stuff moosic.

● It seems that the Justice Department has decided it wouldn’t be appropriate to investigate and perhaps bring criminal charges against Lois Lerner, the bureaucrat who led Internal Revenue’s war on conservative groups, and who today receives a federal pension in excess of $100,000-a-year.

This has come to light only weeks after the FBI decided not to release the results of their investigation into Secretary of State liar-Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private server because it would, so far as they were concerned, serve no purpose.

Frankly, I have thus far been unable to discern the slightest bit of difference between the current Justice Department and the one overseen by Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

● House and Senate Democrats were dying to see Donald Trump’s tax returns.  I’m dying to see theirs.  But I’ll add that I would also like to see those of their Republican colleagues.

I want to see a record of the way their wealth has increased year by year, and the source of that wealth.  If it’s so essential to see how a president came by his fortune, why isn’t it equally essential that we find out how it is that someone as ignorant as, let us say, Maxine Waters, winds up a millionaire living in a Los Angeles mansion?

I mean, generally, when someone who’s as dumb as a rock ends up that rich, it’s because that person can hit a curveball, catch a football, dunk a basketball or carry a tune.  But Rep. Waters can barely walk and chew gum simultaneously.

● A guy who lives in Illinois sent me a bunch of jokes about southerners.  So, I will state for the record that anyone who lives in a state that has a Republican governor calling for sanctuary status, and a mayor of America’s number one murder capital defending Chicago’s own sanctuary status by announcing that illegal aliens are safe in his city, has a lot of nerve making fun of other people.

On the other hand, some of the jokes are pretty funny, which is rationale enough, plus I’m extending an open invitation to anyone wishing to submit jokes about Illinois.  But, pointing out that I was born in Chicago would be in really bad taste.  

A group of Alabama friends went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day.  That night, one of the hunters returned alone to the cabin, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck.  “Where’s Henry?” the others asked.

“Henry had a stroke.  He’s a couple of miles back up the trail.”

“You left Henry laying out there and carried back the deer?”

“A tough call, I admit, but I figured nobody is going to steal Henry.”


An old man was overheard saying, “When I die, I hope it’s in Louisiana.”

When asked why, he replied: “Because everything happens in Louisiana 20 years later than everywhere else.”


Down in Mississippi, a young guy came running into a tavern, rushed up to his buddy, and said: “Bubba, somebody just stole your pickup truck.”

“Did you see who it was?”

“No, but I got the license plate.”


In Tennessee, a state trooper pulled over a pickup truck -- probably one with Mississippi plates -- and asked the driver: “Got any ID?”

“About what?”


● The English poet and critic Dame Edith Sitwell once said, speaking for most American conservatives, I’ll wager: “I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.”

If you want to Comment directly to Burt Prelutsky, please mention my name Rudy.
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