Monday Noon ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~  
The Media Have Done Tremendous Damage 
to the Country and Themselves
David Harsanyi
scumbag-James Clapper Tells CNN It Was scumbag/liar-nObama Who Ordered 
Trump-Russia Hoax
by Tori McNabb
{} ~ Former Director of National Intelligence scumbag-James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President scumbag/liar-nObama asking for an intelligence community assessment that “set off a whole sequence of events”... we would not have the dirty cop-Mueller investigation. scumbag-Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment “are still unfolding today.”  There needs to be just a bit of reading between the lines here but make no mistake, what scumbag-James Clapper is doing here is sending out a warning flare that if he’s going down there will be a lot of others he intends to take with him—including a certain former President of the United States. Really pay attention to how much he emphasizes scumbag/liar-nObama’s personal involvement in the process from beginning to end. This is a Deep State operative clearly rattled by what may soon be coming his way…“One point I’d like to make, Anderson, that I don’t think has come up very much before, and I’m alluding now to the President’s criticism of President scumbag/liar-nObama for all that he did or didn’t do before he left office with respect to the Russian meddling. If it weren’t for President scumbag/liar-nObama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel dirty cop-Mueller’s investigation,” Clapper said Wednesday on CNN. ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: The 2017 assessment that the President says he now agrees with, that was done while you and then NCI Director scumbag/commie-John Brennan were still in office. So, how can we reconcile the President attacking you, but apparently after a very long time finally, allegedly saying — or saying he allegedly agrees with the product of the intelligence community that you, yourself oversaw?...
Trey Gowdy: CIA May Stop Giving scumbag-
Adam Schiff Information Because He Leaks
‘Like A Screen Door On A Submarine’  
by Chuck Ross } ~ Former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy predicted Sunday that the U.S. intelligence community might stop providing information... to House Intelligence Committee Chairman scumbag-Adam Schiff because he leaks “like a screen door on a submarine.” Gowdy was asked to weigh in on Republicans’ decision Thursday to call on scumbag-Schiff to step down as chairman of the House panel. “Never seen that before,” said Gowdy, who served on the intelligence panel before leaving Congress in January. “We never voted to remove or ask a chairperson to step down.” “scumbag-Adam is a deeply partisan person. He did everything he could to make sure scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton became president. And he’s done everything he could to keep a cloud over the Trump presidency,” Gowdy said of scumbag-Schiff. Gowdy suggested House Speaker Nancy Pulosi could potentially remove scumbag-Schiff as chairman of the committee. He also said the CIA and other intelligence community agencies could withhold intelligence from scumbag-Schiff...
Solomon: Time To Question scumbag/
liar-nObama And scumbag/liar-Clinton
About FISA Warrant
7hdeU2CKOa7eSOWOagP82Gv1DHTFZyCmAVNpf5FpGze_z9yvVirAPUtLIBEh2XNflIbbVnZpBEX1n6qg1TP4teJc5tqdHu4xZwCw0ZhCzii9Xqe7Re0QHPP4ZiYjKA_PxIQBjoIfNNIcskYJTruV9tZVZsNf0xYXDUE=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Jennie Taer
{I } ~ n an interview with Mark Levin on “Life, Liberty & Levin” airing Sunday at 10 PM ET, journalists John Solomon and Sara A. Carter reacted to the close of the dirty cop-Mueller investigation and what should happen next...  Levin asked Solomon what President scumbag/liar-nObama knew during the time his Justice Department was seeking a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign team. Levin, who was the deputy attorney general to Reagan’s top lawman Edwin Meese, said that if such an occasion presented itself in the 1980s, Meese would have “taken a car right over to the president to fill him in.” “Is Barack scumbag/liar-nObama the only human being on the planet who didn’t know anything about the warrant to spy?” Levin asked.Solomon said scumbag/liar-nObama needs to be formally interviewed by the feds on what he knew and when he knew it. “Why wasn’t scumbagliar-nObama interested in Russian collusion before the election but was interested after the election?” he asked. Solomon said scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) should also be interviewed to see how much she knew about the contact between former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson and ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele...  
VIDEO at the site
UK: Radical Muslims Welcome, 
Persecuted Christians Need Not Apply
VCkegnj7FAuhtS5N3cXaXQ02B4_r86D9nUpZK3x4c8d9Hd4Gxq7jOIH0qiHNC24nMJwbyxg43t3yZ_H7NwGq9n4gtA=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Raymond Ibrahim } ~ In two unrelated cases, the United Kingdom denied asylum to persecuted Christians by bizarrely citing the Bible and Jesus... Both Christians, a man and a woman, are former Muslims who were separately seeking asylum from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the ninth-worst persecutor of Christians -- particularly of those who were Muslims and converted to Christianity. UK asylum worker Nathan Stevens recently shared their stories. In his rejection letter from the UK's Home Office, which is in charge of immigration, the Iranian man was told that biblical passages were "inconsistent" with his claim to have converted to Christianity after discovering it was a "peaceful" faith. The letter cited several biblical excerpts, including from Exodus, Leviticus, and Matthew, presumably to show that the Bible is violent; it said Revelation was "filled with imagery of revenge, destruction, death and violence." The governmental letter then concluded: "These examples are inconsistent with your claim that you converted to Christianity after discovering it is a 'peaceful' religion, as opposed to Islam which contains violence, rage and revenge." In response, Nathan Stevens, the asylum seeker's caseworker, tweeted: "... I've seen a lot over the years, but even I was genuinely shocked to read this unbelievably offensive diatribe being used to justify a refusal of asylum. Stevens added: "Whatever your views on faith, how can a government official arbitrarily pick bits out of a holy book and then use them to trash someone's heartfelt reason for coming to a personal decision to follow another faith? There seemed no awareness that, despite occasional verses of violence in the Bible, its main message, in both the Old and New Testaments, is to be found in Leviticus 19:18: "Love thy neighbor as thyself."...
‘What Are You, nOprah Now?’ Kellyanne
Conway Snaps At Chris Wallace
For ‘Inappropriate’ Question  
by Virginia Kruta } ~ Kellyanne Conway snapped at “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace over what she deemed an “inappropriate” question about the state of her marriage...  Attorney George Conway has been a vocal critic of President Donald Trump — calling him, among other things, a narcissist and claiming that he is “unfit for office” — but what makes his criticisms of particular interest to many in the media is the fact that he is married to White House senior advisor Kellyanne Conway. Wallace brought up several of George’s recent tweets during a Sunday morning interview with Kellyanne — also mentioning Trump’s response to the attacks. “I don’t want you to fight,” Wallace explained. “I guess the question I have to ask, bottom line, final question, has this hurt your marriage?” Conway snapped back immediately, calling his question “inappropriate.”...
The Media Have Done Tremendous Damage 
to the Country and Themselves

David Harsanyi

For the past two years, a large swath of the media  engaged in a mass act of self-deception and partisan groupthink. Perhaps it was Watergate envy, or bitterness over Donald Trump’s victory, or antagonism towards Republicans in general — or, most likely, a little bit of all the above. But now that special counsel dirty cop-Robert Mueller has delivered his report on Russian collusion, it’s clear that political journalists did the bidding of those who wanted to delegitimize and overturn Trump’s election.

While bad behavior from partisan sources should be expected, the lack of skepticism from self-appointed unbiased journalists has been unprecedented. Any critical observer could see early on that Trump-era partisan newsroom culture had made journalists susceptible to the deception of those peddling expedient stories. Our weekly bouts of Russia hysteria all sprung from one predetermined outcome: the president was in bed with Vladimir Putin.

The natural disposition of journalists — even opinion journalists — should be skepticism. Like him or not, the notion that the president of the United States, a wealthy showman who’s been in the limelight for decades, and ran one of the most chaotic major political campaigns in history, had been secretly conspiring with Russia to steal a 50-state election should immediately have been deemed too good to be true by any decent journalist.

Yet, once-respectable, if biased, mainstream outlets churned out one deceptive and faulty story on the matter after the next. Even when corrected, these debunked pieces helped foster an environment that allowed the Big Myth to fester.

And for all the alleged reporters who spread tales of conspiracy, there were also an endless number of pundits and liberal writers who regularly accused the president, not of being merely mendacious or incompetent, but of sedition.

A bunch of crackpots were transformed into social media stars. Cable news paraded out officials with axes to grind, like scumbag/commie-John Brennan and scumbag-James Clapper, and a slew of supposedly credentialed talking heads as experts. They all claimed that the most remarkable conspiracy in American history had transpired.

No one, of course, will take responsibility for two years of panic-driven coverage. Margaret Sullivan, a media columnist at The Washington Post, argues that mainstream journalists — not the ones who were rightly dubious about the collusion narrative — should be “proud” of the exemplary job they did.

Sullivan might not be aware that it was The Washington Post that helped ignite the Russia scare with two “scoops” that turned out to be completely false in early 2017: the first, a piece on Russia hacking a Vermont power grid and the other a breathless story about the reach of Vladimir Putin’s fake news operations.

“There’s been so much solid reporting about the Trump-Russia mystery,” wrote Brian Stelter, CNN’s chief media correspondent, “but the media ecosystem tends to reward speculation over straight news.” He would know. Not only was feverish speculation regularly batted around on CNN panels, but also most of the network’s anchors allowed guests to perpetuate conjecture without any pushback.

CNN’s reporters, in fact, were some of the worst offenders. It got to a point where the network had to stop firing people for acts of journalistic malpractice.

There were many false alarms. And every time a story was debunked, we were told that reporters, like all humans, make mistakes. It’s true. Unlike everyone else, though, theses allegedly innocent blunders by mainstream reporters were almost always skewed in the same direction. That takes a lot of luck.

“I’m comfortable with our coverage. It is never our job to determine illegality,” New York Times editor Dean Baquet explained, “but to expose the actions of people in power. And that’s what we and others have done and will continue to do.”

In reality, The New York Times and other outlets have hurt their ability to expose the actions of the powerful, because, even when they’re right, many Americans will have a difficult time believing them. And the powerful will certainly have a lot easier time dismissing them as tools of the Democratic Party.

Now, I’m no fan of Trump’s use of the fraught phrase “enemy of the people” to attack the media. It’s undeniable, though, that the media have done more damage to trust in American institutions, including their own, than the Russians could ever have hoped with their Twitter trolls and Facebook ads.

Polls show that a majority of Democrats still believe Russians tampered with their votes. The 2016 election wasn’t Pearl Harbor. It isn’t the worst attack on America since 9/11. You have free will. No one determines your  vote but you. In truth, Russia didn’t really “meddle” in the election. Russia, as they have always done and always will, tried to meddle in the American election.

Trump antagonists, with the help of the media, used fear over Russia to try to reverse the results of a legitimate election. Nothing like this has ever happened in modern American history.  ~The Patriot Post  
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