Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Hacker Group Anonymous Threatens Israel
With 'Electronic Holocaust'
Jack Moore  
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
With some kind of deal to lift sanctions against Iran – or to keep talking about the prospect of talking about talking – in the offing, Eli Lake
offers a timely profile of the man who has won concessions from America once considered unimaginable for the theocracy: “[Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s] ability to negotiate concessions despite Iran’s shaky past would be impressive enough for any foreign minister. But consider that he was able to do so even as his bosses in Tehran waged a successful proxy war against Western allies throughout the Middle East. In Yemen, a pro-American government fell this month to Iranian backed Houthi fighters, and prompted Saudi Arabia to launch an air war to beat them back. In Syria, Iranian support has been vital to the survival of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator nObama used to say had to go.”
          [American Enterprise Institute has released its latest
political report focusing on terrorism, how safe Americans feel under President nObama versus prior administrations and overall satisfaction with national security.]
          “The president lifted the sanctions, just to bring Iran to the negotiating table. And we've continually given away the best cards we hold. The best approach would be to walk away now, to reinstitute the suspended sanctions and impose new sanctions to get back to a position of strength so we can negotiate a better deal.” – Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., on “The Kelly File” Watch here-Fox News 
 Prosecution of Senator Shows Justice's Double Standard  
Corruption charges against Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) cleared a federal grand jury Wednesday, which itself smacks of political corruption inside the Department of Revenge Justice. According to the DOJ's allegations, Menendez accepted bribes from a Florida eye doctor. Menendez said it was only a friendship. Former federal prosecutor Adam Lurie told The Wall Street Journal, "I think the government's real challenge here is going to be overcoming the friendship evidence. Doing something for a friend is not a crime, and doing something because you also have a real policy concern about something is not a crime. And I think the government is going to have to deal with both of those issues here." Attacking Menendez could solidify the Democrat Party behind nObama, as the senator was a vocal opponent of the nObama administration's diplomatic actions with Iran and Cuba. Meanwhile, former IRS official Lois Lerner, who helped nObama win re-election by targeting conservative groups, will not be charged with contempt of Congress. According to The Hill, a DOJ attorney said it would be "inappropriate." Indeed, nObama doesn't send the DOJ after his friends.   -The Patriot Post 
 America Has Almost Earned Enough to Pay All the Taxes  
How much time does it take America to work to pay off taxes? It will take 114 days for Americans to earn enough to pay off their tax debt to all levels of government. Good job, America! You're almost to Tax Freedom Day. The Tax Foundation named April 24 as the day when taxpayers have finished paying off Big Brother and can get on to actually making money for themselves. The cost of feeding the leviathan is so high that Americans will spend more in paying taxes then they do in housing, clothing and food combined. Tax Foundation economist Kyle Pomerleau told CNS News, "Tax Freedom Day gives us a vivid representation of how much we pay for the goods and services provided by governments at all levels. Arguments can be made that the tax bill is too high or too low, but in order to have an honest discussion, it's important for taxpayers to understand cost of government." Of course, different states have different tax burdens, and you can see when you'll be hypothetically free from taxes in the map below. It's good news if you live in Louisiana, not so much for people in Connecticut. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Damning Study Challenges CO2-Temperature Relationship  
The ongoing global warming hiatus, per satellite measurements, surprised climatologists because computer climate projections never indicated a short- or long-term reprieve. Scientists anticipated temperatures to move in tandem with steadily increasing levels of CO2 -- which didn't happen -- and nevertheless they insist that it's only a matter of time before warming re-emerges. That's what the data reveals. According to NOAA, the data also shows that global carbon dioxide measurements for the last seven days average around 400 parts per million, up from 380 ppm during the same period in 2005. Without question, CO2 measurements continue to climb, which begs the question: Why haven't temperatures? A damning new study reinforces what skeptics have long suspected: The relationship between the two isn't as clear-cut as we're led to believe. In what would otherwise be labeled a "game changer" outside the mainstream media, The Daily Caller writes, "A study by scientists at Germany's Max Planck Institute for Meteorology found that man-made aerosols had a much smaller cooling effect on the atmosphere during the 20th Century than was previously thought. Why is this big news? It means increases in carbon dioxide emissions likely cause less warming than most climate models suggest." The study is even listed on the American Meteorological Society website. As significant as the finding is, however, expect the study to receive the same conniving response from man-made global warming evangelists as do skeptics offering their viewpoint.  -The Patriot Post 
 nObama Submits U.S. Pledge to UN for Climate Treaty  
The cost/benefit analysis on Barack nObama's climate pledge isn't adding up. The nObama administration introduced its pledge to the United Nations saying that America would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 26-28% by 2025 from 2005 levels. The EPA says this proposal will cost the U.S. $8.8 billion a year, but that's a conservative estimate, as National Economic Research Associates estimates the regulations will cost $41 billion a year. And for what? Chip Knappenberger, a climate scientist at Cato Institute, says for all that effort the U.S. will only prevent the earth from warming 0.001 degree Celsius per year. But nObama wants everyone to think he has everything under control. When asked if Congress should have a say in the United States' negotiations at the UN over a climate treaty, nObama spokesman Josh Earnest said Congress should stay out because they're stupid. "Well, these are individuals, at least many of them, [who] deny the fact that climate change even exists," Earnest replied. "So I'm not sure that they would be in the best position to decide whether or not a climate change agreement is one that is worth entering in to." It's typical of the Left to frame the conversation thusly: Either you agree with our solution to the problem, or you want the end of the world. Same as nObama and Iran -- either you want his deal, or you want war. There is no compromise. More... 
-The Patriot Post 
Environmentalists Lose More Credibility With Global-warming Claims
 Environmentalists Lose More Credibility With Global-warming Claims  
(Bob Adelmann) - While the national media was focused on California Governor Jerry Brown’s announcement of his state’s first mandatory cuts in water use by residents due to the ongoing drought (allegedly caused by man-made climate change)...little was said about two Gallup polls and a study out of Germany showing those concerns about global warming to be greatly overblown. The paper out of Germany’s Max Plank Institute for Meteorology concluded that gases blamed for the earth’s allegedly continuing climb in temperature have far less impact on that climb than previously estimated. Those estimates have, as a result, been thrown into serious doubt, according to two climatologists from the Cato Institute who reviewed the study:
 U.S. Military Indoctrination Program Targets Patriotic Citizens  
( - What follows below is an outline not of how America is working to build a cohesive military for the defense of our nation but an alarm bell of how our once-cohesive military forces are being converted...into divided and resentful groups targeting a particular sector of those within their ranks as well as the American population in general. What is being sown are the seeds of dissent and rebellion against the American principles and our nation within the ranks of those sworn to defend it, and it’s been going on since 1971. The foot in the door of this subversive, dangerous nonsense are the “Equal Opportunity” officers and an entity called the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI). Why are they needed? They are a Trojan horse of mind manipulation and entitlement. They serve to purpose in the advancement of the fighting abilities of our troops, but they do serve to compromise and misdirect their loyalty. Throughout history, great leaders have naturally risen to the top. While education is key as expertise in strategy, tactics, military history and technical skills are critical to varying degrees in different specializations, leadership abilities, particularly in a military setting, reveal themselves quickly.
 U.S. Surrendered to Iran’s Threats to Walk out the Last Minute
( - The French delegation in Switzerland felt the outline for a nuclear deal with Iran was “not solid enough,” and wanted to improve upon the deal before signing off on the accord, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Europe 1 radio on Friday...However, the Iranian delegation threatened at the last minute to leave the talks entirely, which persuaded the American delegation to capitulate to the demands of the Ayatollah’s regime, Fabius revealed. The French Foreign Minister said he wanted a strong, comprehensive deal that dissuades “other countries in the Gulf such as Saudi Arabia from embarking on nuclear proliferation.” Fabius’s remarks add evidence to Friday’s Wall Street Journal report that the delegation led by Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry continually conceded to the demand’s of the Iranian regime throughout the course of the talks. What started in September of 2013 as a chance to dismantle a vast swath of Iran’s nuclear program, turned into America making major concessions as the agreement was finalized, the Wall Street Journal explained.
 Tracking Every Citizen – DHS Doesn’t Care About Illegals  
( - One of the federal agencies most responsible for the invasion of America by foreign nationals is the Department of Homeland Security. Its director, Jeh Johnson...has managed the unconstitutional dissolution of our immigration laws and the abuse of prosecutorial discretion to the point of non-prosecution. Almost unbelievably, Johnson has also ordered the release of tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens onto our streets over the last two years. This same individual now claims he and the agencies he abusively oversees need access to a license plate tracking database. Of course, the assault on our Constitution is once again being conducted in the name of protecting America, and national security. Johnson is soliciting bids from companies to provide his agency with access to a national license plate tracking system that already exists, tracking virtually every American driver on a daily basis. Johnson cancelled a similar request last year, but progressive socialists never stop and he’s testing the water again in hopes of slipping it past us this time.
 nObama places USA in Submission to Iran...and Islam itself  
(Sher Zieve) - While all too many of the American sheeple continue to sleep, nObama continues to destroy their country. Every day, his treasonous acts grow and every day our elected federal officials try to find new dark corners in which to hide...Even Republican State executives – aka governors – are now bending and caving to the new nObamaGov that is quickly rising from the ashes of the now deceased USA. As quickly Indiana and Arkansas passed freedom of private religious (think Christian only) businesses to sue in court for not having to do business with the "gay" community, they caved to said community – when its members said 'bad things' about them – and virtually nullified the original bill. Question: How much estrogen have these so-called men been taking? But, let's get back to the Obama situation now and save the Republican wimps and nObama-collaborators for another column.
 EPA’s Green Hole – Seeking Diversity “Story Tellers” On Our Dime  
( - Maybe the EPA is sensing that their alarmist message has become stale, that people are starting to question their hysteria, or perhaps they just want to hone their propaganda skills for an imminent all-out assault on our reason and intelligence...Regardless of the motivation, nothing prepares one for selling the Chicken Little theory of global warming better than seminars on the skill of telling fairy tales. As incredible as it sounds, the EPA has, in fact, sent out a solicitation for bid for story tellers. They are seeking trainers who can teach government employees, supposedly in the name of advancing “diversity and inclusiveness.” Here’s a better idea, how about they advance a program of exclusion instead, as in excluding their stupid ideas from the people’s treasury.  If this is what happens when the social parasites at the EPA get tired of watching porn all day, let’s get them all annual subscriptions to Hustler online. Surely it would be much cheaper in the long run.
 Media Matters for the Left: D. Brock’s mission to boost Hilly Clinton  
( - Below is the link to an interesting article by Capital Research Center that dissects the seedy world of a left-wing attack blog called “Media Matters” and its attempt to portray itself as a neutral media watchdog...The question is why some in the media use Media Matters, with all its well-known false information and implications, as if it is a neutral or legitimate source. Do they not know better? Or do they know better but simply like the material? The author of the article asks another question: “This raises the obvious question: Why is this disreputable 501(c)(3) nonprofit Media Matters still tax-exempt? And why has Media Matters, unlike conservative and Tea Party groups, been mysteriously immune from IRS audits?”
 Who do we believe, nObama or Iran?  
(Jim Emerson) - nObama spiked the football in the Rose garden this week when he claimed that Iran and other world powers had agreed on an “historic” framework toward a final nuclear deal...He was doing his best channeling of Neville Chamberlain when he declared “I am convinced that if this framework leads to a final comprehensive deal, it will make our country, our allies and our world safer.” Of course, the key word in Barack’s victory speech is “if;” as in “…if Tehran proves that it is adhering to the agreement.” Yet nothing is in writing! Maybe The One has gone back to those early administration days of dreaming of chocolate rivers and dancing unicorns. In any event he is foolish to spike the ball before the game has ended. A framework and a final verifiable agreement are two different things.
a israel military
 Israel Threatens Military Action Against Iran  
( - When it comes to the wisdom of pursuing nuclear talks with Iran, you would have to be blind and deaf to miss the many ominous signs that point out the folly of the nObama administration...But even then you couldn’t miss the words of Israeli Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz. He said Thursday that Israel would leave no option unexplored if left with the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran. In an interview with Israel Radio, Steinitz conceded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would counter any Iranian threat first with diplomacy and intelligence, but “if we have no choice, we have no choice. The military option is on the table.” When confronted with how Israel would respond to U.S. pressure to leave Iran alone, Steinitz reminded his interviewer that Israel had defied American wishes in the past. He pointed to their strike on Iraq’s Orisak nuclear reactor in 1981 as proof of their resolve to act unilaterally if it was in the country’s best interests. Steinitz is not alone in his resolve. After Iranian Commander Mohammad Reza Naghdi said earlier this week that “the destruction of Israel is non-negotiable,” Netanyahu used it to slam the nuclear talks:

Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during a break in talks last month in Lausanne, Switzerland.

 Backgrounder: Iran Nuclear Negotiations  
( - President nObama's announcement that the P5+1 world powers have reached a framework agreement with Iran over the fate of its nuclear program...was greeted with consternation in Israel, many Sunni Arab states, and the U.S. Congress. To help explain why, we have compiled the following selected writings from Middle East Forum staff and fellows, and from our flagship journal, Middle East Quarterly.
Hacker Group Anonymous Threatens Israel
With 'Electronic Holocaust'
Jack Moore  
   ( - Cyber activist group Anonymous has released an internet video which threatens Israel with an “electronic Holocaust” on April 7, in a massive cyber attack planned to fall just over a week before Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 16, known in Israel as Yom HaShoah.

     The video shows a masked figure in a suit and tie delivering a prepared statement, warning that the group will eradicate Israel from cyberspace “for...crimes in the Palestinian territories”.

     “We will erase you from cyberspace in our electronic Holocaust,” says the video’s masked figure. "As we did many times, we will take down your servers, government websites, Israeli military websites, and Israeli institutions."

     “A message to the youth of Palestine, you are a symbol of freedom, resistance and hope: we are with you and will continue to defend you,” the electronic voiceover adds. “Our message to the foolish Benjamin Netanyahu and all leaders in the Zionist entities, we will continue to electronically attack until the people of Palestine are free.”

     Delivered in English and with Arabic subtitles, the video shows Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu sitting with members of his cabinet and military leaders, coupled with images from the Gaza conflict, including ones showing the air strikes on the enclave during the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Operation Protective Edge last summer and Gazans running with injured children.

     Previous targets of the hacker group’s operations have been websites of the Israeli prime minister’s office, the IDF, the Bank of Israel and the Embassy of Israel to the United States.

     Benjamin T. Decker, senior intelligence analyst at Tel Aviv-based geopolitical risk consultancy The Levantine Group, says that the hacker collective makes the threat every year and, thus, Israel has acclimatised to the cyber threat, with less damage done with every year.

     “For the most part, this is posturing. This is actually the fourth year that Anonymous has carried out this Op Israel attack and called on their supporters to erase Israel from the internet,” he says.

     “As the years have progressed we have seen that, despite their increasing sophistication in hacking techniques, we have seen less damage against Israeli cyber infrastructures, largely due to Israel’s pioneering of most cyber warfare tactics, both offensive and defensive.”

     Last year, during the Gaza conflict, the ‘hacktivist’ group pledged that the #OpSaveGaza campaign against Israel would “expose their terrorist activity to the world”, referring to Israel as ‘Israhell’.

     Isaac Ben-Israel, a technology and security expert at Tel Aviv University 
told The Times of Israel that cyber attacks against Israel increased nine-fold during the battle between the IDF and Palestinian militant groups. “Instead of the usual 100,000 attacks we get each day, we were now getting a million such attacks from all over the Arab and Muslim world,” he claimed.

     In last summer’s 50-day conflict, over 2,100 Palestinians—at least 1,585 civilians of which 530 were children—were killed, according to UN and Palestinian accounts, and 72 Israelis—all but five soldiers—were killed, according to Israeli accounts.

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