Monday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
Open a criminal investigation of 
Barack Hussein liar-nObama
by Cliff Kincaid
Empty Barrel, Empty Hat – Wilson Can’t
Comprehend Kelly’s Simple Comment, So It’s…
{} ~ The ridiculous buffoon, Rep Frederica Wilson (D-FL), sits on the couch with her best “Shelia Jackson Lee” fake flower on her lapel... gymnastics rings hanging from her ears and her favorite, most “dignified” cowgirl dress-up hat on her head. While it’s easy and appropriate to completely dismiss her in view of what she is, a female, less greasy form of Rep Al Green (D-TX) and a younger, less Freddy Krueger-like version of Mad-Maxine Waters (D-CA), her comments do reveal something noteworthy about people like her. People who immediately run to play the race card don’t always look to see if it enhances their position before throwing it down. Sometimes clowns like Wilson will reflexively grab for and play the race-joker instead...
CIA Director: Russian Meddling 
‘Did Not Affect Outcome Of Election’
{} ~ CIA Director Mike Pompeo contested allegations that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election skewed results in a Thursday appearance before the Foundation for Defense of Democracies... “The intelligence community’s assessment is that the Russian meddling that took place did not affect the outcome of the election,” Pompeo flatly declared, adding that he could not think of anything more important for the U.S. intelligence community to do then ensure the integrity of elections. The director continued that Russian efforts to influence U.S. elections “is not new,” adding, “the Russians have been at this an awfully long time.”...
Judge Napolitano Predicts New Evidence 
Will Lead to liar-Hillary Clinton Indictment
by Martin Walsh
{} ~ Fox News’ senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano believes new emails found on former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s computer may lead to an indictment of liar-Hillary Clinton... During an interview Thursday with Fox Business host Stuart Varney, Napolitano said he believes evidence is mounting against liar-Clinton, and that the FBI could indict her should they re-open the case. “The significance is an FBI acknowledgement that Huma Abedin, former spouse of Anthony Weiner, had a top security clearance as the number two assistant” to the former secretary of state, he said...
Russia Triples Gold Reserves In Preparation 
For Full-Scale Economic War With The U.S.
by Jay Syrmopoulos
{} ~ The Central Bank of Russia has more than doubled the pace of its gold purchases, and tripled its gold reserves—from around 600 tonnes to 1,800 tonnes... bringing its international gold reserves to the highest level since Putin became president 17 years ago, according to the World Gold Council. The impetus for the massive increase in Russian gold reserves is their desire to break away from the hegemony of the U.S. petrodollar and dollar-based payment systems. Currently, over 60 percent of global reserves and 80 percent of global payments are denominated dollars, according to James Rickards, author of Currency Wars. Additionally, the U.S. is the only country with veto power at the International Monetary Fund, known as the global lender of last resort. Thus, one of the most crucial weapons wielded by Russia, in its war to free itself from the hegemony of the petrodollar, is gold...
Carlson, Bongino – Las Vegas
Investigation Infighting and Mandalay PR Focus
{} ~ After noting that the “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” slogan isn’t supposed to include criminal or terrorist investigations... Tucker Carlson addresses the glacially slow pace of the investigation and the fact that a Clarke County Judge has issued an order to Mandalay Bay not to destroy any evidence. That order includes gambling records, surveillance tapes and anything else that might be relevant. He points out there’s “not even a settled timeline” and asks “Why is this taking so long?” Dan Bongino joins him with similar concerns. Carlson remarks about the odd nature of the order, saying, “of course you don’t destroy evidence,” although it wasn’t so obvious to the professionals in the FBI when it came to liar-Hillary Clinton or to her and her associates. In that instance it was “hurry up and destroy it,” so there is some justification for stating the obvious...
Open a criminal investigation of 
Barack Hussein liar-nObama
by Cliff Kincaid
{} ~ It's suddenly big news that there are perverts in Hollywood. The really big news is that former President Barack Hussein liar-nObama's communist and terrorist-support network remains a state secret. Attorney General Jeff Sessions won't touch it.

Until we come to grips with liar-nObama, our first Marxist president with radical Muslim sympathies, we are adrift as a nation. He ran for office as a "committed Christian," a monumental deception to conceal his record of service to the communist cause, Muslim background, and grooming by suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis.

As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian revolution, America should take note of our own communist revolution – the eight years of the liar-nObama presidency and his leadership of the global anti-Trump "resistance."

A WND story says former Trump White House aide Sebastian Gorka believes radical Islamic jihadists, China, and radical leftists pose the greatest threats to U.S. national security, but that "they will be defeated by President Trump and his supporters who are restoring America's global dominance and reclaiming the country's culture."

Based on the record so far, this is as likely as Hollywood coming completely clean about Harvey Weinstein's perversities.

Russia is not even on the list of Gorka's top three threats! Yet Russia is behind the Jihadists, is in an alliance with Red China, and still backs the radical leftists.

Gorka tells WND, "The immediate term threat is the Shia-jihadis – this is Iran, this is the Republican Guard, Hezbollah. If they get nuclear weapons, that's a game changer and that's why it's so important the president decertified the Iran deal."

Yet, Iran's nuclear weapons program is made possible by Russia. Why no mention of that? And why didn't Trump cancel the Iran deal as he promised to do?

In the first place, liar-nObama should have been impeached. Under United Nations auspices, he ordered the bombing of Libya, in order to depose a ruler, Gadhafi, who had given up his weapons of mass destruction and was fighting al Qaeda. The massacre of Americans in Benghazi by Jihadists resulted from this illegal and unconstitutional war. All of this benefited the Muslim Brotherhood. Indeed, liar-nObama issued a secret 2011 Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11, supporting this radical Islamist group throughout the Middle East.

National security reporter Bill Gertz said, "The directive, according to officials familiar with its contents, outlined how the administration would seek to support the Muslim Brotherhood around the world despite the Islamist supremacist organization providing the ideological underpinning for jihadist terrorism for both al Qaeda and its successor, the Islamic State."

PSD-11, which is still secret, should be released by the Trump Administration and declared exhibit number one in a criminal investigation of Barack Hussein liar-nObama.

Trump was supposed to turn things around. In Afghanistan, Gorka tells WND that Trump's speech sending more American soldiers to their deaths in an endless conflict didn't use the words "radical Islamic terrorism." He was upset about that omission. But Trump also didn't mention Russia's role in sending arms to a Taliban faction killing our troops.

This is what we called the Red Jihad, a book quoting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying that Soviet/Russian support for international terrorism made radical Islam into the threat it is today. He explains that, "without the support offered by the Soviet bloc and the Arab world, international terrorism would revert to its earlier, localized manifestations before the 1960s and would hardly dominate the global scene."

If you want to defeat radical Islam, engineer regime change in Russia, which is still the global center of revolutionary violence against America.

Domestically, Sebastian Gorka mentions in the WND interview the influence of liar-nObama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in academia, but ignores how their communist terrorist networks spawned the liar-nObama candidacy and presidency. These networks, nurtured even today by Bill Ayers in his new book, Demand the Impossible: A Radical Manifesto, are promising an uprising of some sort on November 4. The Refuse Fascism group, which is behind the November 4 protests, is a front of the Revolutionary Communist Party and its founder, former Ayers and Dohrn associate Bob Avakian.

As we document in Comrade liar-nObama Unmasked, liar-nObama supported America's enemies at every opportunity, including the communist regime in Cuba, the communists running South Africa, and even the FARC narco-terrorists in Colombia.

But he stands out during his eight years in office as the real Russian agent, who was passive when Russia invaded Ukraine and Syria, gave Russia a nuclear weapons advantage over the U.S., and awarded the Russians special trading privileges. Working with Russia, he conceived the Iran nuclear deal.

However, on his way out the door, in a classic Marxist dialectical maneuver, his CIA director John Brennan launched an investigation of President Trump as a Russia agent. It was a stroke of genius that put Trump on the defensive, gave the liberal news media months of joy, and resulted in multiple Russia-gate investigations, including by a former FBI director determined to get Trump.

On the 100th anniversary of the Virgin Mary Fatima revelations about Russia's threat to world peace, we also learn from Dr. Paul Kengor's new book that the Soviets were behind the May 13, 1981, attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. The book, A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century, says Reagan's CIA director William Casey confirmed the Soviet role, in the face of official CIA resistance to the finding.

Until the reality of liar-nObama's communist support is examined and the secret role of Russia in global conflict exposed, the former president and America's enemies will have the upper hand.

But Gorka and Trump seem clueless. "China has the most leverage to deal with North Korea," Gorka told WND. "And the fact that the president and Ambassador Haley at the U.N. have managed to convince China that even if you're in a competition with us, you will not profit by having a nuclear war on your border and they joined us with Russia – it's a big deal – in the tightest sanctions package against North Korea in history, that tells you how big a problem North Korea is. China may be our long-term enemy, but they don't want a war in their back doorstep either."

Does he really think another in an endless series of U.N. resolutions will make any difference? The U.N. is another communist front, designed by a Russian agent working in our State Department by the name of Alger Hiss. Have we forgotten?

Working through the U.N. is a dangerous dead end.

Our book The Sword of Revolution conclusively demonstrates that the "Sino-Soviet split" was a fraud. What's more, the "collapse" of Red Russia was itself a fraud, too. Together, China and Russia, combined with liar-nObama's inaction during his two terms, have made a nuclear North Korea a reality.

What's more, China is still communist. An article in China Daily entitled "Adapting Marxism called crucial" explains how Marxism is guiding the country's future. Here's a quote:

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China [CPC] Central Committee,...said that as a party upholding Marxism, the CPC should make sure its theories keep up with the times. Drifting away from or betraying Marxism will lead to the Party's losing its soul and direction as it moves forward, Xi added. Marxism is unsurpassed in achieving great heights and having a huge influence, he said.

The reliance on China to deal with its nuclear client North Korea is another dead end.

The key failure involves the inability or unwillingness to investigate liar-nObama's global network and what his anti-American policies were designed to do.

In terms of the threat within, consider that the FBI website still features wanted posters of two fugitives – Donna Borup and Elizabeth Anna Duke – both members of the May 19th Communist Organization.

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, a speaker at our upcoming November 10 National conference on liar-nObamunism, has cited evidence that liar-nObama was a member or supporter of the May 19th Communist Organization, an above-ground support group for the Weather Underground based in New York City from 1978-1985.

He notes that the May 19 Communist Organization was described by liar-nObama pal and former communist terrorist Bill Ayers as providing "a sea for the guerillas to swim in."

Some May 19 members committed acts of violence and terrorism, such as the 1981 Nanuet Brinks robbery and murders, the bombing of South African offices in 1981, and the U.S. Capitol bombing in 1983, notes Gilbert. He adds, "I spoke with a former FBI informant who told me the May 19th Communist Organization had a weapons training camp in the Catskill Mountains, run by former Black Panthers. In addition, some May 19 members were sent to Cuba for several weeks each year with the Venceremos Brigades, a continuation of the SDS/Weather Underground program begun in the sixties, for explosives training from Cuban intelligence, DGI."

Here's the big revelation: "A former May 19 member I spoke with identified liar-nObama as participating in their public protests and meetings. In his 'Dreams' book, liar-nObama mentions transferring to Columbia to pursue his interest in activism and recounts attendance at some events similar to those sponsored by May 19."

This might help explain why Borup and Duke are still on the loose. And why liar-nObama never demanded the extradition of Black Liberation Army cop-killer Assata Shakurand FALN bomb-maker William Morales from Cuba.

In addition to the focus on liar-nObama, our November 10 conference will expose the Red Pope, Francis, who was liar-nObama's collaborator after a George Soros-engineered coup forced Pope Benedict to resign. The old joke "Is the Pope Catholic?" is not funny anymore. This pope is not Catholic; he's a communist.
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