Monday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
How the liar-nObama EPA 
Fudged Regulatory Evaluation 
by Jordan Candler
Wasserman Shultz Stone - Faced When 
Asked About Her Role in Pakistani Spy Ring
{ } ~ Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) never had a problem lying in public when she was the DNC chairman... or in her capacity as a Democrat in the House of Representatives. The fact that she refuses to respond to this reporter’s questions, or to even acknowledge her presence is an indication that the stakes surrounding her involvement in the Imran Awan House espionage case are high. Wasserman Schultz is clearly following the instructions of her attorney not to speak to the media, for the obvious reasons of implicating herself in the espionage case she’s at the center of. But there’s also the upcoming potential of immunity for her spy guy, Imran Awan, and the possible implications if she were to say the wrong thing and mess that up. She could cause a problem by saying the wrong thing and complicating matters, reducing a favorable judge’s ability to contort a ruling in her and Awan’s favor, if that is how this is playing out. Conversely she could be concerned with saying something she might have to later back away from after Awan gets immunity and turns on her. Either way it’s unlikely anything she might say would improve her situation. By keeping her mouth shut, as difficult and unnatural as it is for her, she can’t make matters any worse...
Trump signs VA law to provide 
veterans more private health care choices 
l5JU1v-2Asmauvj7Lp_MZIsSvABP88_nVkXxXnygVAE89-xpTSnatqLWGamr8LDtQERiuHDwaS3Q3C2KuD7mUaxSI628FTbtALVQUhEfm6ek7pAIaTcXa9k89TlN7rAEiqydxKoEVXmU2wfO5IXffTC8lGt72KfGgMgyWtivghdWXpyDZcJm-l9F0JWfih2Qcc4zr3a7qz0b2FxjVHHFpBFhaJGPsFxbh-uXn-RXXwlXnFAqNxtXX_KqSGymZpCsvG-UXb-SqbESvAavUrkhx0KqqkcubJQlue14F-4w=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Donovan Slack
{ } ~ President Trump signed legislation Wednesday paving the way for a major overhaul of the Department of Veterans Affairs... and expanded access for veterans to VA-funded care in the private sector. The measure, which passed both chambers of Congress last month with overwhelming bipartisan support, delivers on a key campaign promise for Trump, who pledged to provide veterans with more non-VA health care choices. "What a beautiful word that is — choice — and freedom to our amazing veterans," Trump said at the signing ceremony. "All during the campaign I'd go out and say, 'why can't they just go see a doctor instead of standing in line for weeks and weeks and weeks?' Now they can go see a doctor."...
VIDEO: via @usatoday
Media Silent as Israel Exposed for
Aiding Saudi Arabia in Developing Nuclear Weapons 
X8C2wgwFa5QwkZIgulwP3auGnjku-tMy2zQKIan3xadytYMfAW0ihauQWLS5926rUrbWUOg1YoAAfcc-RUr4wdOnnrBEs8uO-zGomOV7gfOKYkF2fFWrXSy1KIzQ-5sGf2M7zu9y4sr4MldYKcKMp4_NMYbJyg=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Jay Syrmopoulos
{ } ~ The Saudi Arabian government has been covertly receiving information on the creation of nuclear weapons from the government of Israel... according to Ami Dor-on, a senior Israeli official at iHLS (Israel’s Homeland Security). iHLS bills itself as the “leading hub for the homeland security ecosystem globally and in Israel” — and is partially funded by U.S. weapons manufacturer, Raytheon, according to a report by MintPress News. Israel is not a declared nuclear power, yet, but is believed to possess hundreds of nuclear weapons. The Israeli government has steadfastly refused to become a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel has been a nuclear power for decades, though its nuclear arsenal is undeclared and the country has refused to sign. Estimates of its arsenal vary, with most suggesting that Israel possesses from 100 to 200 nuclear weapons. Israel was aided in the development of its nuclear program by Western powers, particularly France. Much of the Western “help” Israel received, however, was the result of covert thefts of nuclear material from countries such as the United States and Belgium...
by Joel Kotkin
{ } ~ Jerry Brown’s long political career will likely end in January 2019, when the 80-year-old’s second stint as California governor concludes... The growth that so impressed over the past five years has masked a multitude of policy sins, and as California’s economic engine slows down, the underlying problems are becoming harder to deny. People are moving out in greater numbers than they’re moving in. Rates of job creation—and the types of jobs being created—vary widely according to geography. The high-tech hubs of San Francisco and Silicon Valley have added tens of thousands of well-paying jobs during Brown’s tenure, but the rest of the state hasn’t done nearly as well. Brown has put California on a fiscally unsustainable path. A disproportionate share of the funds paying for his ever-expanding progressive agenda derive from Silicon Valley’s capital-gains tax revenues and inflation of the state’s coastal real-estate prices. Any slowdown in the tech money machine or drop-off in property values could prove disastrous for Sacramento’s budget—California gets half its revenue from its top 1 percent of earners. According to Pew, this makes it the major American state with the most volatile finances. Both U.S. News & World Report and the Mercatus Center ranked California 43rd among the states in fiscal health. And that was during an economic boom. Brown’s departure will also remove the last if only partial restraint on progressives in the state legislature, who largely do the bidding of California’s powerful public-employee unions and the green lobby. These forces will pressure the next governor to ram through even stricter environmental laws, more onerous labor regulations, and a single-payer health-care system. California’s teachers are even pushing for an exemption from state income taxes...Good ridden Brown, just look at the tent cities that are lighting up the street of LA. and beyond the city.
Iranian Officials Admit To Facilitating 9/11 Attacks 
Dl9aChC1b5pcubN5W-N1dPZ0MEsFGo2poHkHq9CbsUJb-uMzSZWF6dcA_POsuYD1RsVzFW84HeFir341TFGZcC7odsPwXegS8K-9qYk6iqdpYppJ3q_SEsLyFW4SfHdCNPg6gQ=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
{ } ~ It sucks to have been right all these years. I was in Phoenix when 9/11 happened and I will never forget weeping as I saw the towers come down while almost 3,000 Americans perished that day... Now, in the cold comfort of knowing I was right when it happened, Iranian officials have now admitted to facilitating the 9/11 terrorist attacks on that bright, sunny Tuesday morning in September, 2001. They secretly aided the al Qaeda operatives who eventually went on to fly commercial airliners into the Twin Towers in New York City, according to new remarks from a senior Iranian official. This is a poke the American badger moment because we pulled out of the Iranian deal and in the mullahs’ arrogance, they are admitting the murderous truth. Why? Because war is coming between our nations and they don’t care anymore. According to the Washington Free Beacon, Mohammad-Javad Larijani, an international affairs assistant in Iran’s judiciary, disclosed in Farsi-language remarks broadcast on Iran’s state-controlled television that Iranian intelligence officials secretly helped provide the al Qaeda attackers with passage and gave them refuge in the Islamic Republic, according to an English translation published by Al Arabiya. “Our government agreed not to stamp the passports of some of them because they were on transit flights for two hours, and they were resuming their flights without having their passports stamped. However their movements were under the complete supervision of the Iranian intelligence,” Larijani was quoted as saying. You do get that this admission is an act of war, right? I’m sure President Trump does, or at least he should. You can bet that John Bolton does. The remarks represent the first time senior Iranian officials have publicly admitted to aiding al Qaeda and playing a direct role in facilitating the 9/11 attacks. The U.S. has long suspected and accused Iran of being part of the attacks...

How the liar-nObama EPA Fudged Regulatory Evaluation 

by Jordan Candler:  It isn’t necessarily news to say the liar-nObama administration used the Environmental Protection Agency treacherously, employing deceitful methods to enact a burdensome environmental agenda. But a recent report sheds some light on one way this was accomplished — “by gaming cost-benefit analysis to downplay the consequences of its major environmental rules,” The Wall Street Journal reveals.

             The liar-nObama EPA produced an annualized average of 565 directives, “imposing the highest regulatory costs of any agency,” according to the Journal. Legally, the EPA is generally required to submit these proposals to a cost-benefit analysis. The caveat is that the agency is also afforded considerable leeway in the process. The liar-nObama administration considered this an opportunity and proceeded to exploit the system by estimating a cost for not enacting regulations.
               The Journal explains, “By introducing ‘social costs’ and ‘social benefits,’ the EPA began factoring in speculation about how regulatory inaction would affect everything from rising sea levels to pediatric asthma. EPA optimists even included their guesses about how domestic regulations could have a global impact. Meanwhile, the agency ignored best practices from the Office of Management and Budget, juking the numbers to raise the cost of carbon emissions.”
               To illustrate, in the run-up to the superfluous and extremely costly Clean Power Plan, the Journal says “the EPA suddenly raised the social cost of a ton of carbon emissions to an average of $36 from $21. Before it embarked on new oil and gas regulations, the EPA put the social cost of methane at an average of $1,100 per ton.” After reexamining the claims using verifiable criteria, Scott Pruitt’s EPA came up with vastly different numbers. The result? “While the liar-nObama Administration claimed the Clean Power Plan would yield up to $43 billion in net benefits by 2030, the Trump EPA concluded it would carry a $13 billion net cost,” the Journal notes.
               Thankfully, Pruitt intends to ameliorate the cost-benefit analysis process. Earlier this year, “secret science” was banned, to which Pruitt explained, “We need to make sure [the] data and methodology are published as part of the record. Otherwise, it’s not transparent.” His rationalization to the cost-benefit analysis change is exactly the same. As the Journal concludes, “If Mr. Pruitt succeeds, future cost-benefit analyses will be more consistent and transparent.” Pruitt is both reining in the EPA and demonstrating the extent to which his predecessors went rogue.   ~The Patriot Pos

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