Monday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Feeding the impeachment
alligator with Hilly Clinton
Kevin “Coach” Collins
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
WashEx: “Senate Democrats blocked a once-bipartisan human trafficking bill over abortion language they said they failed to notice when they sponsored the legislation. The vote was 55-43, falling seven votes shy of the 60 votes needed to prevent a filibuster. The vote creates uncertainty not only for the legislation but for the Senate calendar. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell, R-Ky., said a planned vote this week on the confirmation of Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch is now uncertain because of the gridlock on the human trafficking bill. The bill would provide $30 million in restitution fees to help victims of human trafficking. Republicans included language preventing the money from being used for abortions. Democrats who both co-sponsored the bill and cleared it unanimously in committee on March 2 now want that language removed.”  -Fox News 

National Journal: “The top aide to Senate Democratic Leader dinky Harry Reid was quietly lobbying the White House last year against tough net-neutrality rules, according to internal documents released Tuesday. The emails, made public by the House Oversight Committee, contradict the ultimate position publicly taken by President nObama-and dinky Reid himself.  In an email to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler on May 15, 2014, David Krone, dinky Reid's chief of staff at the time, wrote that he ‘spoke with the WH [White House] again last night and told them to back off Title II [of the Communications Act].’ The section of the 1934 law would give the FCC broad powers and allow it to treat Internet providers more like heavily-regulated phone companies. ‘Went through once again the problems it creates for us,’ Krone wrote.  Wheeler also initially favored a more-lenient approach.”  -Fox News 
 nObama Vows Retaliation Over Bibi's Campaign Rhetoric  
There will be consequences for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's heightened national security platform days before the Israeli elections -- the nObama administration will make sure of that. Before the Israeli election Tuesday, Netanyahu said he opposed a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine -- even though the United States has made that its foreign policy goal for years. Granted, the deterioration in the Middle East has influenced Netanyahu's campaign platform. For example, there's the campaign ad featuring ISIL fighters, making the case that only Bibi could prevent the terrorist group from marching upon Jerusalem. But the nObama administration is none too pleased with Netanyahu's focus on security or his re-election win. Unprompted, nObama's spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters, "We've talked a lot about how our shared values are an important part of what binds our two countries together, and rhetoric that seeks to marginalize one segment of their population is deeply concerning and it is divisive. And I can tell you that these are views that the administration intends to communicate directly to the Israelis." Not only that, but Barack nObama could very well take his power to the United Nations and lift America's longtime protection of Israel, in essence injecting more chaos into the pursuit of peace. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Left Floats New Idea: Mandatory Voting  
Barack nObama told a civic group in Cleveland, Ohio, that it would be "fun" for the United States to amend the Constitution to force everyone in America to vote in elections. Hey, it would solve all the ills the Left touts come election time about dark campaign money, the lack of civic interest, etc. "It would be transformative if everybody voted," nObama said. "That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country." nObama's comments come at a time when there is historically low civic knowledge and engagement, and citizens are abandoning their trust in the federal government. But mandatory voting would not help boost meaningful civic engagement. Elections would -- even more than they already do -- boil down to a popularity contest for who gives the most goodies. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 Barbara Bush Now Touting Jeb for President  
"We've had enough Bushes," said no less than Barbara Bush, the family matriarch, when asked in 2013 if son Jeb should run for president. She was right then, but she's recently changed her tune. "When the idea of Jeb running for President first came up, I was hesitant," Mrs. Bush wrote in a letter to supporters. "You may have heard about that. When you see the pounding candidates, their spouses, and even their children take, what mother wouldn't be? But our problems are so profound that America needs a leader who can renew the promise of this great nation." Indeed, but there are more than 300 million Americans without the surname "Bush," and several qualified Republicans are ready to join the presidential field. But never mind that, she says: "Jeb is our best chance of taking back the White House in 2016, and I hope that you will join me in pushing him to run." It certainly does appear he's running, but, again, "We've had enough Bushes."   -The Patriot Post 
 Astroturf and manipulation of media messages  
( - In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages...Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C. She is currently writing a book entitled Stonewalled (Harper Collins), which addresses the unseen influences of corporations and special interests on the information and images the public receives every day in the news and elsewhere. For twenty years (through March 2014), Attkisson was a correspondent for CBS News. In 2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for her reporting on “The Business of Congress,” which included an undercover investigation into fundraising by Republican freshmen. She also received Emmy nominations in 2013 for Benghazi: Dying for Security and Green Energy Going Red. Additionally, Attkisson received a 2013 Daytime Emmy Award as part of the CBS Sunday Morning team’s entry for Outstanding Morning Program for her report: “Washington Lobbying: K-Street Behind Closed Doors.” In September 2012, Attkisson also received an Emmy for Oustanding Investigative Journalism for the “Gunwalker: Fast and Furious” story. She received the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting for the same story. Attkisson received an Investigative Emmy Award in 2009 for her exclusive investigations into TARP and the bank bailout. She received an Investigative Emmy Award in 2002 for her series of exclusive reports about mismanagement at the Red Cross.

Israel lies at the center of the territorial caliphate envisioned by ISIS - and that's only it's

second greatest security concern.

 Security Challenges of the New Israeli Government  
(Efraim Inbar) - A new Likud-led government will take office in Jerusalem in the upcoming weeks. The government will have to face many security challenges emerging from the turbulent strategic environment...The most important issue is Iran. The US is racing toward an agreement that will legitimize the nuclear threshold status of Iran. Many key Mideast powers have signaled their displeasure with the nascent accord, as well as their desire to develop uranium enrichment capabilities on par with Iran. The American attempt to offer a nuclear umbrella to forestall regional nuclear proliferation – which is a strategic nightmare – is doomed to failure. No Arab leader trusts President nObama. Therefore, only a military strike to destroy the Iranian capability to produce fissionable material needed for nuclear bombs can stop nuclear proliferation in the region.
 Benghazi panel head Gowdy asks Hilly to ‘relinquish’ personal server  
( - The chairman of the congressional committee probing the Benghazi terror attacks has formally asked that Hilly Clinton turn over her personal server -- warning that the House could take steps to pressure her if she refuses...Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., sent a letter, released Friday, to Clinton's attorney requesting that the former secretary of state "relinquish" the server to a "neutral, detached and independent third-party" for review. The server has become a point of controversy after she admitted to exclusively using a private email account and a personal server while secretary -- yet insisted her server would remain private, though some lawmakers want access to it to ensure she's turned over all official emails during her tenure.
 Texas AG – Wouldn’t Want To Try To Explain Admin “Misled” Judge  
( - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton weighs in with his perspective on whether or not the nObama DOJ deliberately “tried to mislead” Federal Judge Andrew Hanen...regarding the official actions already undertaken in the implementation of his illegal alien amnesty decree. He says they specifically told the Judge several times that they would not be implementing this executive action. He says, “Certainly we feel like they’ve misled the court. What was in their minds at the time we don’t know but we do feel like they’ve misled the court and they’ve misled the plaintiffs,” Texas and 25 other states. The Attorney General notes that the plaintiffs are now asking for more discovery based upon the fact that they have been misled, wanting to know what else might be going on, if there are any other things that they don’t know.
 Iran’s Supremo: Introduce youth of US, Europe to “Islam of jihad”  
(Terence P. Jeffrey, CNS News) - The way things are going, given the denial and self-deception of our leaders and the mainstream media, and the complacency and ignorance they’ve fostered among the people, the youth of America and Europe will be introduced to the Islam of jihad soon enough...In a speech translated into English and posted on his official website, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Iran’s “Assembly of Experts” last week that “our goal and main guideline should be to pursue Islam in its entirety.” What we understand from all Quranic teachings is that Islam commands Muslims to create a perfect and complete Islamic government,” said the Supreme Leader. “Islam wants the complete implementation of Islam.” The ayatollah also said Iran should use what he called “Islamophobia” and the “targeting of Islam” to reach out to youth throughout the world and “provide them with real Islam.”
Secretary of State John Kerry, and Wendy Sherman, the under secretary of state for political affairs, in Lausanne, Switzerland. / AP
 Congress Seeks to Cut Off Taxpayer Funding For Iran Deal  
(Adam Kredo) - Congressional leaders have begun pressuring their colleagues to cut off all U.S. funding for the ongoing talks with Iran over its contested nuclear program as the nObama administration rushes to hash out the details of a deal in the coming months...according to multiple sources and a letter that will be sent next week to appropriators in the House of Representatives. With the deadline approaching, congressional Republicans have been exasperated by the nObama administration’s efforts to prevent them from having any oversight over the deal. Reps. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) and Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.) are now petitioning their colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee to prohibit all taxpayer funding for the talks, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.
Russia's KH-101 long-range cruise missile / National Air and Space Intelligence Center
 Northcom: Russian Cruise Missile Threat to U.S. Grows  
(Bill Gertz) - Russia is developing a long-range cruise missile that poses a new threat to the United States, the commander of the U.S. Northern Command warned this week... “Russia is progressing toward its goal of deploying long-range, conventionally-armed cruise missiles with ever increasing stand-off launch distances on its heavy bombers, submarines, and surface combatants, augmenting the Kremlin’s toolkit of flexible deterrent options short of the nuclear threshold,” Adm. William Gortney, Northcom chief who heads the U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said Thursday. “Should these trends continue, over time NORAD will face increased risk in our ability to defend North America against Russian cruise missile threats,” he said in prepared testimony to the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces.
 Hilly Clinton's money problems keep getting worse  
(Colin Campbell) - Former Secretary of State Hilly Clinton and her foundation continue to run into ethical issues as she prepares to launch a Democratic campaign for president in 2016...In the latest development, Reuters reported Thursday that another Clinton charity broke an agreement she had with the White House while she served in the State Department. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, she promised to disclose all of her nonprofits' donors. However, that turned out to not be the case.
Megyn Kelly Just Made a Massive Move to Personally Take On Hilly  
( - Megyn Kelly’s been keeping them honest in Washington for a while now, but few could have predicted this huge of an admission from President Barack nObama’s perfidious State Department at her behest...According to State Department officials who spoke on Tuesday, the department cannot find any record of Hilly Clinton’s OF-109 exit form. The admission comes after a Freedom of Information Act request by Kelly that sought to determine whether the former secretary of state had signed the required document. If she had done so, given her withholding of email from her private account, signing the OF-109 might have constituted perjury.
AP Photo
 nObama, Media Lied About Netanyahu and the Palestinian State  
(Ben Shapiro) - For the last several days, the entire Western media has run with a false story: the story that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he no longer would, under any circumstances, endorse the possibility of a Palestinian state...Ha’aretz, a left-wing Israeli newspaper opposing Netanyahu, reported Netanyahu’s supposed comment with this headline: “Netanyahu: If I’m Elected, There Will Be No Palestinian State.” The rest of the media quickly followed. Days later, when Netanyahu said that he had never disavowed his prior support for the possibility of a Palestinian state – support he expressed in a speech at Bar Ilan University in 2009 – the media accused Netanyahu of flip-flopping. There is only one problem: Netanyahu never said that a Palestinian state was out of the question.
Feeding the impeachment
alligator with Hilly Clinton
Kevin “Coach” Collins

     ( - Those who have been paying attention understand Hilly Clinton’s nomination for president is no longer inevitable. Like Lucy and Ethel at the candy factory she has been called upon to do too much with too little to convince Democrats she can win 2016.   The lies have piled up and are spilling over the end of the conveyor belt. In a nutshell: It aint happening.

     If this were the totality of Hilly Clinton’s problems she could actually become the doting grandmother she tells us she wants to be and ride off into the sunset with her pockets full of foreign money.  Fortunately for us that’s not happening either. Hilly will be held accountable for her years of violating both criminal statute and the laws of decency.

     It is an established fact that backstabber John Boehner has already capitulated  on the matter of impeaching Barack nObama for his many high crimes and misdemeanors. For many people that is the end of the issue; yet in politics sometimes things become true because enough people believe they are true.  There is a growing number of Republican House members who want to impeach Barack nObama.  If enough of them believe it is time to impeach nObama it could happen; but it won’t happen for a very good reason.

     At some point when the calls for impeachment become unbearable for backstabber Boehner he will have to make a deal with nObama to end the crisis. That deal is staring us in the face: It is Hilly Clinton’s indictment.

     In such a deal the various crimes committed by Hilly and Bill Clinton – Benghazi – the State Department felonies – the acceptance of foreign money, will be rolled into one big informal under the table illegal plea bargain.

     Hilly’s indictment will be used to feed the impeachment alligator that nObama and backstabber Boehner fear will devour them both.

     When she is presented with her alternatives, Hilly will cop a plea to the State Department felonies. Of course it will be accompanied by an illegal and undisclosed promise that that will be the end of her troubles and that Bill and Chelsea will be kept out of her problems. Hilly will take the deal.

     backstabber Boehner will pour her blood in the dust to try to satisfy the demands for an nObama impeachment. nObama will order AG Loretta Lynch (don’t doubt it) to figure out how it can be done and the Republican Establishment and nObama can go back to sabotaging Scott Walker’s candidacy. 

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