Jesus Saves

A Tea Party member who believes Jesus is his savior has asked me what he can do right now. I was shocked. Why me? I’m a nonconformist. I believe we are all God’s children. I’ve given this a lot of thought. The short answer is that I studied my constitutional rights. I sublimated my anger at the IRS by taking positive action. I took the IRS to court. In the end, the IRS hung itself with its own rope. Jesus said, Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

I believe Jesus is my redeemer, but in my own unconventional way. It was his message that sold me, and after the fact—after the fact that my old life was over; after I cut from the herd and went on my own; after the fact that I took a great chance; after I believed that my answers were right for me and the establishment’s wrong. I have to say the establishment did not take kindly to my stand. It took great determination on my part to follow my own best judgment. It was Jesus. Inexplicably, my experiences, nothing short of miraculous, convinced me that Jesus had entered my life and redeemed me. I was given a purpose bigger than self. “For they shall be filled” applies to my life since I went on my own.

So it is below, so it is above is very old. It affects our existence. The Babylonians in Mesopotamia, where civilization began, built temples and priests kept written records of prominent constellations, the wandering stars, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon and Sun. The Babylonians invented the calendar and divided the heavens into twelve constellations, called the zodiac, which links constellations to times of the year. The Babylonians envisioned from the movements of the heavens future events and human characteristics. Those movements of the heavens, and conclusions, were based on observation and intuition, and perhaps extraterrestrial knowledge. There is too much evidence today that we are being visited by other intelligence to discount that possibility.

The star in the east, when the sun rises on the eastern horizon of the zodiac, tells astrologers that I’m Aquarius rising. They know this from the exact time when I drew my first breath and where I was born. Coincidentally, the three wise men, from the star in the east, found the Christ Child. The Age of Aquarius, which we are now entering, is a time of brotherhood and fraternity, which happens to be in Jesus’ message. Astrologer Jeanne Avery tells me in The Rising Sign that I may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. Not what the authorities tell you, but the Age of Aquarius speaks of Jesus’ second coming.

Ancient Egypt left us one of the world’s seven wonders, the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the tallest building in the world until the 1800s. It was built in 2550 B.C, a couple of thousand years before Rome. From measurements, it has been determined that its builders knew the circumference of Earth and that it took 365.2 days for Earth to circle the sun. The Christian church, a mere 500 years ago, held that Earth was flat and at the center of the universe. Non-believers of the priesthood’s falsehoods were tortured. Is it any wonder that you are being led astray? Give yourselves credit for being born with reason and logic. You are born for justice, and right is not merely an arbitrary opinion of men in authority. Never believe it.

“And God said” (Gen1:26), “Let us make man in our image.” And God gave man dominion over all other life. That is a logical conclusion. Believe that. What sets man apart from other life forms? We know good and evil. In the story of Adam and Eve, we have ancient man’s way of expressing it. Man used tools to plow the ground, and to kill man. This is pointed out in the Bible throughout man’s moral story. If read in its overall context, you will find that various religious dogmas and doctrines are man’s fabrications to keep you from knowing the power that lies within you. In defiance of the priesthood, Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables. This unbeliever, unknowing at the time I challenged the IRS, unconsciously, upon Jesus’ advice, I took the IRS to court. The all-powerful IRS ate crow.

I went to sea on a sailboat I named Bold Venture. Little did I know at the time. In a storm one night, while at the wheel, it was like I was not there; that I was an observer. I was calm and assured. It wasn’t my hand on the wheel. The inexplicable happened. I was at my destination at my estimated time of arrival. For eight hours during the storm I’d been 90 degrees off course. Seas were breaking completely across the inlet. Something told me to go for it. With seas breaking on both sides, my stern went up. We slid down a giant wave into the inlet that never broke. My three friends with me called it a miracle. There are many inexplicable mysteries in the Bermuda Triangle, including time warps.

Wouldst thou know the mystery of the sea? Only those who brave its dangers comprehend its mysteries. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that save a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.” The Author of Amazing Grace was once a sea captain engaged in the slave trade. During a storm at sea, he found God.

Read what Jesus said. This is not just me telling you, it is voices from the past, voices of experience. I listened. My life is good. Believe in Jesus’ truths and be redeemed. Know the power that lies within you.

In a poem to me, Oliver Wendell Homes:

Leave thy low vaulted past!

Let each new temple, nobler than the last,

Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,

Till thou at length are free,

Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea.

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