We've all heard the noise and ruckus; and even with all the Shucking & Jiving; and his latest rendition of 'Michael-Jackson Moon-walk, and the most incredible lack of Authority!  Clearly, violating our Constitution again: and without even a suggestion of taking responsibility for any of the long list of grievances and illegal maneuvering; no one has an accurate count on the  list of E.O's. It has become the most lawless episode of American History, which have been laid out, like a Rubik's-cube!  Yes, the Big Egg is splattered all over the yard!  Even  with all of his Czar's, the Executive Appointments, the Amazing Chicago gang-unit; and the crew from the comics Super-hero's Team(shysters- everyone) and his link to the party faithful and the union-bosses__/_they still will not be able to put Humpty back together again; and all king's horses and the king's men WILL NOT EVER GET IT BACK TOGETHER AGAIN!

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