Friday ~ The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
What Jeb and Hilly Have in Common
Peggy Noonan
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 DOJ: It Was Totally Fine for Hilly to Delete Emails  
It got a lot easier for the State Department to investigate Hilly Clinton's email habits, though it appears investigators won't take advantage. The company that managed Clinton's private email server from 2013 to the present, Platte River Networks, says the emails Clinton deleted may be recoverable because Hilly's server wasn't actually wiped. It's the difference between deleting — or telling the computer it can write over data (in this case Clinton's emails) with new information — and writing over the data with gibberish. Now, the question before the State Department is whether or not the government should comb through the emails. At least two Justice Department lawyers think not. Lawyers Benjamin Mizer and Elizabeth Shapiro submitted a brief last week arguing it's okay for officials to make the decision what is private and what is public. So it was acceptable to the nObama Justice Department that Hilly deleted 30,000 emails about weddings, yoga class and possibly classified information. Mizer and Shapiro wrote, "The evidence, if anything, demonstrates that the former secretary's production was over-inclusive, not under-inclusive" — despite knowing Clinton lied about her treatment of classified information. Nothing to see here; move along.  -The Patriot Post  
 Surprise! Iran Announces Large Uranium Reserves  
Days after Democrats blocked a vote that would have allowed the Senate to consider Barack nObama's foolish Iran nuclear deal, Iran's Atomic Energy Organization announced that the country has found an "unexpectedly high reserve of uranium" at a new mine, according to Reuters News. "Unexpectedly" indeed. Iran will soon start to extract the resource. "Why is this important?" one writer at Red State asks. "Because the nObama administration's entire negotiations with Iran is based on the idea that Iran has to import uranium ore. If it doesn't have to import the ore, there is no way the [International Atomic Energy Agency] can rationally guess at, much less scientifically estimate, the amount of enriched uranium Iran is producing." And it's unlikely that Iran is simply posturing about the discovery. What does it have to gain? nObama's political maneuvers have assured that the U.S. will enter into an agreement with the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, and that Iran will receive between $100 and $150 billion in frozen assets with which to continue funding terrorism. Iran doesn't need imported uranium as the international community assumed entering the negotiation room. It only needed its assets thawed. Now Iran can run a self-sustained nuclear program while being "monitored" in a way that leaves the international community wanting answers. The deal is done, and Iran confirms we've been played. Thanks, nObama.  
 -The Patriot Post  
 Oh, Now Hilly Is an Advocate for Rape Victims  
While campaigning in Iowa, Hilly Clinton pledged that she would push for policies to deal with sexual assault on college campuses by making government programs for victims "comprehensive, confidential and coordinated." Don't be fooled. She's positioning herself to capitalize on the Left's witch hunt in the supposed "epidemic" of rape on college campuses. "I want to send a message to all of the survivors," Clinton said. "Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard, the right to be believed, and we are with you as you go forward." Say, does that apply to the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault? Juanita Broaddrick says Hilly threatened her into keeping quiet. Kathleen Willey says the former first lady goes after the women who have accused her husband "to ruin them again and again." When Paula Jones accused the playboy in chief of sexual harassment in the late '90s, it was "scorched-earth legal warfare," The Washington Post said at the time. And let's not forget Monica Lewinsky, the low-level intern abused by her superior. Hilly famously blamed that one on a "vast right-wing conspiracy." But just whose side is Clinton on in the "war on women"?   -The Patriot Post  
 Crime Soars in 'Sanctuary' San Francisco  
The murder of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco by an illegal alien who had been released by local law enforcement before the killing brought the issue of sanctuary cities to the forefront of public debate. These cities are not just havens for illegals, but local authorities in many of them are releasing criminals by the thousands. Once again using the Golden Gate City as an example, Judicial Watch released some staggering new numbers: "Judicial Watch announced today it obtained records from the San Francisco County Sheriff's Department revealing that violent crime in the Bay area has skyrocketed since 2011, with the number of arrests for murder up 55%, and the number of arrests for rapes up 370%." The Department doesn't track the citizenship or legal residency status of criminals represented in these statistics, but San Francisco began implementing sanctuary city policies in 2011 and officially became one in 2013 and the rise in crime coincides with those policy changes. It's hard not to think San Francisco is doing its own citizens an unspeakable disservice by catering to illegal immigrants.   
-The Patriot Post  
Shelter In Place – Good Enough For Our Military Recruiters...  
{} ~ For many Americans, it is impossible to understand the strained logic that prevents ourarmed forces recruiters from actually being armed forces while recruiting... The military is more comfortable having our service personnel as sitting ducks, provided with cameras so that someone that is trusted with arms can be called to rescue them as they sit behind new protective gear, such as sandbags or bullet proof glass, awaiting the cavalry. The response of choice is one of non-response, prayer and sheltering in place. That’s good enough for our military but not good enough for foreign nationals. As is pointed out in the discussion between Col Oliver North and Greta Van Susteren, the importation of Syrians into the United States is a risky, possibly reckless endeavor which carries with it a high probability that terrorists would be included. It’s also not necessary and an inadequate response to the situation that nObama has created by allowing ISIS to grow as he cowers like a schoolgirl in the face of cries for action.
 Hilly Destroyed Months Of Govt Documents, Emails – Uncovered  
{} ~ Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced some new revelations in the ever-evolving Hilly Clinton espionage case... including the existence of a nearly five month total gap in email production. Fitton uses the more accurate description of “emails she decided to ‘return’ rather than what has been the customary terminology using the word ‘released,’ since they were not her property and were improperly removed from government custody. He also describes there being indications that a State Department FOIA Official did not want there to be a written record of issues surrounding the production of documents in question. Fitton expresses renewed concerns that Judicial Watch now has regarding the accuracy of claims made by the nObama regime and Clinton regarding document production.
 Republicans Fail (Again) to Stop nObama on Iran  
Is it incompetence? Apathy? Something more sinister? These are the questions conservatives should be asking themselves today as we bask in the glow of another spectacular Republican failure... After all the bluster and tough-talk, the Senate voted this week to uphold the Iranian nuclear deal, shutting down any but the most unlikely routes to victory. Essentially, this was a political failure rather than an ideological one – Republicans were united in opposition and the votes reflected that. But because of sneaky Democrat procedural tricks, they were unable to push the disapproval resolution through. Still. You have to laugh at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell, eager to save face in front of the press. “No amount of saying this issue is over makes it over,” McCon-nell said. He warned that should Republicans take the White House, things would change. “I say to Iranian observers of the debate, (the deal) will be looked on anew.” Yes, but Mitch, could you explain why anyone should vote to put a member of your party in the White House? Because judging by what Republicans have been able to achieve with majorities in both the House and Senate, there appears to be no difference between your party and nObama’s. You guys certainly sound different when there’s a microphone around, but the story of the last nine months seems to be one of cowardice, if not outright collusion.
 Judge Jeanine Pirro To Inmate Clinton...  
{} ~ Judge Pirro opens by remarking that it’s been a schizophrenic week for Hilly Clinton... She notes that on Monday Clinton made a statement to the Associated Press that she had no intention of apologizing to anyone over those emails because her actions were permitted by the State Department. She asks whether Clinton gave herself permission, and notes that if she did so, she was in violation of State Department regulations that have been in place since 2005. She notes a few instances of Clinton demanding of others to do as she says not as she does when it came to their own emails. She even fired an ambassador based in part upon a failure to follow proper email protocols.
 Beware the nObama Admin's No-Alternatives Racket on Iran  
{Gary C. Gambill} ~ Tune into a debate on the Iran nuclear threat in the United States and you'll be sure to hear proponents of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) gleefully bemoan the lack of alternatives... A congressional vote to block the deal (and override a White House veto) will encounter the "objection of the vast majority of the world," U.S. President Barack nObama said in an Aug. 5 speech, thus making it harder to maintain the international sanctions that brought Iran to its knees. A vote to reject is therefore a "vote to allow Iran to get off scot-free, and to get all the sanctions relief" without "having to give up anything," according to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.
 The Refugee Crisis must not Undermine U.S. National Security  
By its words and deeds -- or more properly, by lack of deeds -- the nObama administration created a power vacuum...  The situation was further exacerbated when the president drew “lines in the sand” and demonstrated an abject lack of resolve when he failed to act when those lines were crossed. Negotiations must always be conducted from a position of strength, however, the administration's posture and apparent lack of resolve projected anything but strength. Our adversaries respect strength and, conversely, become emboldened when we demonstrate weakness. Radical Islamists saw opportunities in all of the above and ISIS pushed on with its plans to create a Caliphate.  Today huge numbers of people are understandably fleeing the violence and chaos that has enveloped Syria and other parts of the Middle East.
nObama and Allies Seek to Nationalize Local Police  
{Alex Newman and William F. Jasper} ~ On December 18, 2014, President nObama signed an executive order creating the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing... In May 2015, the task force came out with its Final Report, which is commonly given the title “21st Century Policing.” One of the report’s recommendations, which the nObama-friendly media fixated on, concerns greater restrictions on transfers of military equipment to local police agencies. However, as we reported in a related article ("What's Happening to Our Police?"), the new “accountability” rules will not explicitly reduce the flow of war materials to law enforcement, but simply place more federal controls over local police. Moreover, the new nObama rules regarding military gear were just one component of a broader set of recommendations issued by nObama’s plan for “21st Century Policing” — the overarching theme of which was promoting increased federal control over law enforcement.
 Govt Shutdown Looming as Congress Navigates Spending Bill Drama  
{Raven Clabough} ~ With just a few short weeks left for Congress to reach an agreement on a spending bill, experts are predicting that a government shutdown is likely to take place on October 1... Government funding needs to be approved by September 30, and once again, lawmakers have failed to pass the necessary spending bills to pass a full budget and will have to rely on a short-term Continuing Resolution to keep the government open. But the process will not be easy as lawmakers will be grappling with a number of other major deadlines. After the eight-week summer break, the congressional calendar is jammed with votes that are both significant and controversial. Items such as increasing the government’s borrowing authority above the already absurd $18.1 trillion cap and avoiding a federal default are among the top priorities, as well as a highway bill, numerous tax breaks, and defense policy bill that nObama has already threatened to veto.
 Russians Hacked U.S. Industrial Control Nets  
{Bill Gertz} ~ Russian hackers penetrated U.S. industrial control networks that run critical infrastructures like the electrical grid, according to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper... Clapper, in little-noticed testimony before Congress last week, also disclosed that Moscow has formed a cyber military command and a special hacker unit as part of preparations for future cyber warfare. In addition to Russia, the intelligence chief singled out China, Iran, and North Korea as the primary nation states capable of conducting sophisticated cyber attacks and espionage.
 You Mean The EPA Is Lying?...  
{} ~ Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) has bought into the man-caused climate change fantasy one hundred percent. She even introduces herself as a trained nurse in prefacing her question about the negative effects of CO2 on human health... She’s about to have her eyes opened. The witness she’s questioning, Bryan Shaw, is chairman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. She asks, in a rambling, disjointed sort of way, “Have you factored in the costs that it would take the state to continue to afford this kind of health care cost with most of our people being poor that are living in low income areas that are damaged more frequently by these heavy environmental violations?” He points out that the EPA claims are based upon incidental or accidental benefits which may or may not occur in conjunction with CO2 restrictions which are not related in any way to CO2 itself. It’s a nice way of telling the Congresswoman she’s been lied to.
What Jeb and Hilly Have in Common
Peggy Noonan
     {} ~ The other day I saw Jeb Bush looking comfortable. It was startling. He was on TV, in a modest midday interview on Fox News Channel, answering a question about the pope’s comments on abortion and forgiveness. He said we all should be more merciful.
     He didn’t look like the Unhappy Warrior. Normally he sort of bobs back and forth on the screen, shrugging out responses like a distracted mother on the playground checking her phone, or a jittery tennis player who can’t, in repose, stay still. But he was pleasant, fluid, in the moment. Maybe as fall begins, as the summer in which he was eclipsed by Donald Trump ends, he’s going to get comfortable. Maybe he had to find himself in reduced circumstances to wake up. Maybe he had to look into the abyss to realize it’s not an entitlement, it’s a battle.
     We’ll see if that becomes an autumn storyline. I still don’t see it working for Mr. Bush, but with money and organization like his you don’t just disappear like Herman Cain. You stay and fight. It would be humiliating not to. So you go at Mr. Trump, maybe start having fun, maybe come to see a deeper rationale for your candidacy. At least you’re trying to stop that Vandal, that Visigoth. You have a purpose. You’re not just next in a dynasty.
     They always say of candidates who aren’t so good on the stump, “But you should see him in the room!” Listen, they’re all good in the room. I’ve never seen a candidate who wasn’t. Politicians are warm-blooded animals; they come alive in groups with regular people (thank God, a normal American who’s awed to be with me!) and potential donors (thank God for money!). Jeb has always been said to be good in the office—literally sitting in the governor’s office, judging policy proposals. There he has all the sophistication and fluidity of Bill Clinton, but Mr. Clinton uses it just to talk and impress you with his range and acumen. Jeb, as governor, used information to start, end or reorder a program. Talking wasn’t an end in itself. But it’s still unclear how to translate “good in the office” into support.
     Six and nine months ago at various events people would cross the room and ask me, with some urgency, “Can Jeb win the nomination?” They were so hopeful. And they were all Democrats. They wanted an alternative to Hilly. I realized Jeb is a Democrat’s idea of what a Republican contender should be. Among Republicans of course he has some supporters, but the only really rabid pro-Jebbers I’ve met the past few months are former Bush 41 and 43 ambassadors who want back in the game. Of more immediate possible import, talks with Jeb donors suggest theirs was not passion money but canny financial bets placed when he was inevitable.
     This week’s thought on Mr. Trump: The shrewdest words on him from another candidate were Chris Christie’s observation a month ago that Mr. Trump will be as good a candidate as he wants to be, which implied that others would not bring him down, but he could bring himself down. My thought, which is really a question, is that candidates for president, while natural competitors, sometimes get to the point where they think they are going to win, and it messes with their heads. Maybe they fear, deep down, that they’re not quite up to the office—their skills don’t match its demands, their psychological makeup can’t withstand its burdens. They start to think: A guy like me shouldn’t be president! At that point they begin to undermine themselves with poor decisions and statements. I’ve wondered about what Mr. Trumps’s inner workings might tell him in this area. Sooner or later we’ll find out if he has any taste for self-sabotage.
     That of course would only happen if in his mind the White House, the office of the presidency, holds a certain mystique, certain historic vibrations: “Lincoln walked here.” “FDR found out about Pearl Harbor in this room.” I’m not sure everyone has those feelings anymore. They used to. Poor Nixon wouldn’t put his shoes up on a hassock unless he covered it with a towel, because it was White House furniture.
     We finish with Hilly. I am more deeply skeptical of her prospects for the nomination, even with the money, the organization, the endorsements, the inevitability. After this summer she looks very evitable.
     In the abstract, before a campaign, she’s always impressive—so famous, so accomplished, the first woman, we know her. And then she starts to campaign and she’s in your face and its not abstract anymore and you’re reminded of everything you don’t like, everything you have qualms and doubts and fears about.
     I don’t see how it works now. Her polls are on a downward drift. In Iowa Bernie Sanders is within striking distance: “This looks like 2008.” People don’t trust her; the famous word cloud—“liar,” “dishonest,” “untrustworthy”—was damning because it said it all. She doesn’t embody the current spirit of her party—she is too close to Wall Street, too grubbily self-enriching, too hawkish. She’s poor on the stump, comports herself like royalty, and in interviews and press gaggles there are the dead, disingenuous eyes. She shows impatience at having to answer questions as if she were just anybody. The national press corps has no special love for her. They won’t grill her on the skillet of their skepticism as they would a Republican, but they won’t carry water for her either.
     And the email scandal is not a scandal anymore but a continuing crisis. It will dog her as the FBI investigates. For all its complexities, everyone understands the story’s outlines. As secretary of state she wanted to use her own private email system because if she were part of the government’s system she wouldn’t be able to control it; her communications would someday be public record, vulnerable to freedom-of-information requests. She wanted secrecy as she did business the public shouldn’t know about or wouldn’t understand. If that resulted in a less secure system, one more vulnerable to hackers—well, she wants what she wants. She would be the one to determine what is made public. After that determination the server would be wiped clean.
     This is high-handedness not toward political foes but toward history and the people’s right to know. It reminds you of every scandal in the past and suggests more in the future.
     Yes, she remains strong in the polls, but not as strong as she was, and it’s not hard to envision steady attrition ahead.
Loose lips Joe Biden should get in, if he has the heart for it.
     If this summer has taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. A reality-TV star with no previous experience in elective office is running first in the Republican party.
     Neither Jeb nor Hilly embodies the current spirit of their party. Among Republicans that spirit includes hunger, anger, joyful aggression, a mood of “tear it down” competing with a mood of “build something up.” Among Democrats there’s a tilt leftward, against power centers, rebelling against inevitabilities. Neither party seems all that invested in continuing dynasties.
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