Friday PM ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~  
A Lie, a Myth and a Question
John Stossel

AG Barr Embarrasses Dem Senator Whitehouse
by Amber Athey } ~ Attorney General Bill Barr sparred with Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Wednesday over the AG’s use of the word “spying”...
 to describe the actions the FBI took against the Trump campaign. Barr alleged during his testimony to the House Appropriations Committee in April that “spying did occur” against the Trump campaign as the FBI investigated alleged ties to Russia. In addition to conducting surveillance on former Trump campaign official Carter Page, the FBI used informant Stefan Halper to make contact with three Trump campaign advisers. Whitehouse grilled Barr about his use of the term “spying” in relation to those efforts, suggesting that the term was not accurate because the activities of the DOJ were “authorized.” “I’m not going to abjure the use of the word ‘spying,'” Barr said. “My first job was in CIA. I don’t think the word ‘spying’ has any pejorative connotation at all.” Barr continued, “I think spying is a good English word that, in fact, doesn’t have synonyms because it is the broadest word incorporating really all forms of covert intelligence collection, so I’m not going to back off the word ‘spying.'”... 
White House Letter to AG Bill Barr SCORCHES 
dirty cop-Mueller for playing politics
uak4yRXF5KzKX-hBtBJxqhr5m4x7eKpbL6Yt4zHuyi_yChjCxbXBgAXvVMZ_bBt9jZfxWdChqYRQYZc_LY_0aed_er8Ra2udE01TzMF1UQfXHXHeI0WMp641kbUTT6U-9mhvBO4WXyMLp0Hb6cape7f8nYuTm1Jly5muffX5HGNn7WN__PSz=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=by S.Noble } ~ The White House harshly criticized special counsel dirty cop-Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in a newly-released letter to Attorney General Bill Barr... It was sent the day after the release of the report and it accuses dirty cop-Robert Mueller of playing politics. The letter, dated April 19 declares that the Report suffers from “extraordinary legal defect.” It expresses deep concerns about dirty cop-Mueller’s failure to reach a conclusion on the obstruction of justice charge and his assertion that the report does not exonerate President Donald Trump. The dirty cop-Mueller report claimed, the letter states, “The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” Emmet Flood, the president’s special counsel, explains further in the letter, dirty cop-Mueller is not in a position to “conclusively determine that no criminal conduct occurred” because he is operating as a prosecutor. dirty cop-Mueller needed to “either ask the grand jury to return an indictment or decline to charge the case, Flood wrote. He said that Prosecutors are expected to indict or decline to charge. Prosecutors are only supposed to determine if it is a crime or not, not establish innocence. It’s not their job, just as they are not in the business of “exonerating” the investigated person...
Pavlich Had Enough of scumbag-Holder 
Pontificating About Barr Being
Partisan: ‘Oh Spare Us’
by Randy DeSoto } ~ Conservative commentator Katie Pavlich was not willing to let former Attorney General scumbag-Eric Holder’s accusation that current Attorney General William Barr is a partisan protector of President Donald Trump go unanswered... scumbag-Holder — who served over six years as the Department of Justice head under President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama — tweeted on Wednesday, “The conduct of AG Barr over the last few weeks and in the hearing today has been shown to be unacceptable. “I thought he was an institutionalist, committed to both the rule of law and his role as the lawyer for the American people. I was very wrong. He is protecting the President.” In her own Twitter post, Pavlich, a Fox News contributor, responded: “Oh spare us. You were the first sitting Attorney General to be voted in civil & criminal contempt by Democrats and Republicans while you were protecting President scumbag/liar-nObama, who asserted executive privilege to prevent Americans from knowing about your bloody Fast & Furious scandal.” Politico reported the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to find scumbag-Holder in contempt of Congress in 2012 for his failure to turn over to documents related to the DOJ’s Operation Fast and Furious. As part of the operation, which ran from 2009-11, according to CNN, federal agencies allowed illegal weapons sales to take place in order to track buyers and sellers. Fast and Furious came to light when U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in southern Arizona in 2010 by a Mexican national using an AK-47 style weapon trafficked as part of the operation, Fox News reported. The vote to hold scumbag-Holder in contempt was 255-67, with 17 Democrats siding with the GOP... Thank you Pavlich for exposing the scumbag liar.
America’s Power Grid Vulnerable 
to Electronic Attack
by Bill Gertz } ~ A senior Air Force general is warning that America's electrical power grid is vulnerable to electronic attacks ranging from nuclear-produced electromagnetic pulse... to tactical electronic weapons from China or Russia, to geomagnetic storms—all of which can plunge the nation into darkness. Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, commander of the Air Education and Training Command in San Antonio, Texas, issued the warning in a telephone interview during a conference earlier this week that brought together experts to find ways to protect against what the military is calling the electromagnetic spectrum, or EMS, threat. "The American people need to understand that we built western civilization on electricity and information," Kwast said. "Whether it's our 4G LTE and our cell phones, or whether it's our energy grid, electricity and information are the magic sauce for economic development, economic growth, and the vibrancy of our economy." The infrastructure to support electrical power and information transmission were built without consideration of electronic or other types of attacks, he said...
Terror-Tied Muslim American Society in 
Philadelphia Indoctrinating Kids 
to be Islamic Terrorists
by Daniel Greenfield
{ } ~ We think of Jihadist indoctrination of schoolchildren as an evil that takes place in Iran, Gaza or Yemen... We’ve seen the scenes of young children praising violence and committing to war against non-Muslims from the Middle East.  But these videos uploaded by the Investigative Project on Terrorism aren’t coming out of Gaza, but out of Philadelphia. Young Muslim boys, dressed in traditional Palestinian garb, passionately lip-sync:  “The blood of the martyrs is calling us. Paradise, men desire it.  Revolutionaries, Revolutionaries Sword and Text, oh free men.” During the song, several children hold up a copy of the Quran. “Until we liberate our lands, until reach our anchorages, and we crush the traitor. … Oh, the winds of Paradise. Oh rivers of the martyrs, lads My Islam calls whoever responds. Stand up, O righteous ones The setting, as IPT reveals is, the Muslim American Society (MAS)’s Philadelphia chapter “Ummah Day”. A poster emphasizes, “One Ummah”. The theme here is patriotism, but not American patriotism. Instead it is the Islamic patriotism of an interdependent order in which Muslims fight each other’s Jihadist battles around the world, that has driven so many Muslims to enlist in ISIS. The Jihad is inside America. 
A Lie, a Myth and a Question

John Stossel

Socialists like commie-Bernie Sanders tell us that “the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.”

That’s a lie.

Yes, rich people got absurdly rich. Last year, says Oxfam, “the wealth of the world’s billionaires increased (by) $2.5 billion a day.”

I say, so what?

The poor did not get poorer. commie-Bernie’s wrong about that. The poor are much better off.

“As we’ve increased the number of billionaires around the world, extreme poverty has shrunk,” says former investment banker Carol Roth in my video about inequality.

She is right. Over the past 30 years, more than a billion people climbed out of extreme poverty. Thanks to capitalism, more than a billion people no longer struggle to survive on a few pennies a day.

commie-Bernie is correct when he says that the wealth gap between rich and poor grew. In America over the last 40 years, the richest people got 200 percent richer, while poor Americans got just 32 percent richer. But again, so what?

Gaining 32 percent is a very good thing (all these numbers are adjusted for inflation).

Everyone’s better off, despite the improvement not being even. It never is.

Now the myth:

The media claim in America there’s “a lack of income mobility” — that people born poor are likely to stay poor.

Some do. It’s true that people with rich parents have a big advantage. But it’s a myth that Americans are locked into their economic class.

Economists at Harvard and Berkeley crunched the numbers and found most people born to the richest fifth of Americans fell out of that bracket within 20 years.

Likewise, most born to the poorest fifth climb to a higher quintile. Some make it all the way to the top.

In fact, says Roth, “3 out of 4 Americans will hit that top 20 percent at some point in their lifetime.”

You see America’s income mobility on the Forbes richest list. Most of the billionaires are self-made. They didn’t inherit money. They created their wealth.

Still, the very rich are ridiculously rich. The Forbes billionaires have more money than the bottom 64 percent of the U.S. population.

“Unfair!” say the progressives. “It doesn’t matter if nearly everyone got richer, income inequality itself is a huge problem.”

It’s “threatening to tear us apart!” says New York City Mayor scumbag-Bill De Blasio.

It might, if people come to believe that inequality itself is evil. But one question: Why is that true?

Progressives like to point out that in Scandinavian countries, people say they are happier than Americans. Scandinavians have more equal incomes than Americans.

But that proves nothing. Incomes are more equal in Afghanistan, too. Incomes are more equal when everyone is poor.

Forget money for a moment and think about how impossible it would be to make everyone equal.

I’ll never sing as well as Adele or play basketball like LeBron. The best athletes, singers, dancers, etc., are just physically different. I’ll never be as self-confident as Donald Trump or as verbally smooth as commie-AOC.

“There’s inequality in everything. There’s inequality in free time, inequality in parents. I don’t have any parents or grandparents,” says Roth. “I have two kidneys. There are people out there who need one, don’t have one that functions. Should the government take my kidney because somebody else needs it?”

I suggest to her that some people having so much more than others is just inherently unfair.

“Life is unfair!” she replied. “Unfair is good. Unfair is a feature. It’s not a bug!”

Certainly, it’s wrong if government makes rules that create inequality.

Racist laws forbidding some ethnic groups to do business where they please, or restricting where they live, are evil.

So are government subsidies to rich people and well-connected corporations.

But allowing people to be different from one another, to employ their unique talents and succeed or fail by them, to rise as high as the market will bear — that’s an important part of freedom.

We won’t all end up in the same place, but most of us will be more prosperous than if government decided our limits.

And we will be freer.  ~The Patriot Post  

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