Friday PM ~ The Front Page Cover

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"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Immigration and Our 
Founding Fathers' Values
Michelle Malkin
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 And One of the Biggest Whoppers of the Year Goes To...  
One of the largest bastions of the Leftmedia, The Washington Post, has said the "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative that gelled after the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson was one of the biggest political lies of 2015. The false narrative was that Brown had his hands up when Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed him. A grand jury later ruled that Wilson acted in self-defense.
          The Post's Fact Checker blog released a list of claims it said were the "The biggest Pinocchios of 2015." Among the claims flagged by the Post, Hilly Clinton lied when she said the Defense of Marriage Act was signed by her husband to prevent a DOMA amendment to the Constitution, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy mislead Americans when he said, on average, there was a school shooting every week since the Sandy Hook massacre, and Barack nObama fibbed when he said the Keystone Pipeline would transport oil not for American consumption.
          But in terms of the most stubborn lies, "Hands up, don't shoot" was one of the worst. It was repeated before a NFL game, as well as on the steps of the Capitol and on the House floor. In communities nationwide, it was a false narrative that fomented discord and served as race bait between law enforcement and residents. Unfortunately, this BIG Lie has had a big cost in terms of a spike in crime in big cities.  -The Patriot Post
 Paris Climate Conference Focused on Fear, Not Climate Reality  
The Paris climate conference is now over. Whether the nations there enthusiastically supported "doing something" about the world's thermostat, or whether they were set to be recipients of a whole lot of wealth redistribution, one thing is clear: The agreement means almost nothing for the climate and everything for loss of economic productivity and Liberty.
          After all the time involved and the carbon dioxide produced getting thousands of people from 196 nations all in the same place and then back home again, the agreement does not put the world on a path toward what alarmists regard as a safe level of rising temperature. But the agreement sets forth a clear path for countries to identify their own targets for CO2 reduction. Ultimately, participants want a global carbon-free environment by 2060, at the latest, meaning that every car, building, plane, ship, train and power plant would have to operate without burning any fossil fuels.
          Days prior to the closing, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon told the ministerial session, “The clock is ticking toward climate disaster.” Repent now, for the end is near.
          The populist potentate of ecotheology, Al Gore, compared combating climate change to the abolition of slavery, giving women the right to vote and the civil rights battle. Gore said, “The right choice is to safeguard the future for the next generation and for the generations to come.”   -The Patriot Post
 Lessons of the Fifth GOP Debate  
Nine Republican candidates took the stage last night in the fifth debate of this primary cycle. The theme was national security, and there's no question the next president will have an enormous task endeavoring to recover from Barack nObama's years of domestic and foreign policy failures. But perhaps the overarching takeaway is that everyone on the stage brings their constituents to the election that matters most — defeating Hilly Clinton in 2016.
          Here is my summary: The most prepared were Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina. The least prepared were Ben Carson and Donald Trump. Carson in particular is a smart, moral, nice guy who is painfully unprepared to be commander in chief.
          Some other observations: Rand Paul too often sounded petulant, but he had the best cheer leading section. Trump and Jeb Bush hate each other — perhaps because they are most alike as silver-spoon politicos. Trump again demonstrated he is the master of sound bites but thin on any real understanding of issues. Bush, on the other hand, is knowledgeable, but comes across as whiny and mad at Trump for taking his candy. Chris Christie would have been far more formidable in 2012. John Kasich wins the "time bell violator" award.
          Last but certainly not least, the most notable political phenomenon with the greatest potential consequences in 2016 and beyond would be the rocketing rise of Trump. His celebrity name recognition, contentious remarks and populist rhetoric have kept the blustering billionaire at the top of pop-presidential polls for months.
          Trump’s support is a reflection of how dissatisfied millions of disenfranchised grassroots conservatives are with Republican "leadership." The status quo represented by former House Speaker John backstabber-Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell has, in effect, underwritten Trump’s rising stardom. Despite greatly increasing the numbers of conservatives in the House and Senate in the historic "Republican Wave" elections nationwide in both 2010 and 2014, the much-loathed "establishment types" held the House reins until Paul Ryan replaced backstabber-Boehner, and they still control the Senate. GOP leaders continue to marginalize or ignore the concerns of the conservative/Republican base — grassroots conservatives — and we are rightly outraged.
          2016 will either provide an opportunity for the renewal of American exceptionalism in 2017 — the restoration of principles that have made our nation great — or it will end with the election of Hilly Clinton and a more precipitous national and international degradation.   -The Patriot Post
 Policy Compromise Marks This House Spending Bill  
Whatever happens on Capitol Hill in the next few days, let's remember that the outgoing speaker handed Speaker Paul Ryan the beginnings of this budget. It takes a while to turn a monolithic institution like Washington. Early Wednesday morning, the full-text version of the $1.1 trillion, 2,009-page spending bill was posted online. After negotiation, Republican and Democrat leadership left happy with the compromises (which is itself worrisome). If all goes well, then Ryan told GOP lawmakers he wanted to return to regular order in the New Year.
          While spending levels are pretty much set, the sticking points were the policy amendments tacked onto this must-pass piece of legislation, the "riders," as they are called in Washington. Among potential GOP accomplishments, the bill would delay implementation of nObamaCare provisions like the "Cadillac tax" on high-end health care plans and a tax on medical devices. The legislation would also lift the 40-year-old ban on oil exports — a measure for which the now-struggling oil industry lobbied for two years. As for Democrats, they were able to extend tax credits for wind and solar energy while blocking GOP efforts to end of the visa-waiver program and Barack nObama's immigration policies. GOP leadership doesn't know how the rest of the party will vote on the spending bill Friday. In the meantime, members of the House Freedom Caucus are approaching the process critically, worried that GOP compromise will not result in Democrat compromise. This still is the first demonstration of Ryan's leadership.   -The Patriot Post
 nObama’s Lack Of Clarity On ISIS Confounds DOD And Critics Alike  

{Jonathan Levin} ~ President nObama and the Defense Department are warning of the dangers of deploying ground troops to Syria without first answering whether ISIS can be defeated without them... Critics say the status quo is not doing the job.  Max Boot wrote in the Wall Street Journal on December 8 that air power alone cannot defeat ISIS.  The same morning, former Army Chief of Staff retired General Ray Odierno likewise told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that air power has never won any war in history, and added that “you can’t defeat ISIS without having people on the ground.” On the other hand, Gen. Paul Selva, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee the next day that, “it’s clear from ISIL’s strategy that their objective is to cause us to engage in what they believe is an apocalyptic war with the West.”  Selva added, “anything that we do to feed that particular frame of thinking counters our national security.” Now I don't agree with that. They don't have ISIS's strategy let alot ours.

 Welcome to Hamas West, Aka Connecticut College  
{Phyllis Chesler} ~ The Connecticut College administrators have finally put it in writing. And they did so on the last day of the semester before the winter break when they knew that students would be leaving or already gone... Based on what they wrote, these administrators would welcome a professor who teaches that the earth is flat. One can only wonder if they would also welcome Darwin’s discoveries about evolution—or might they view evolution as Darwin’s own opinion to which he has every right unless it offends a person of color who might become violent, in which case, Darwin’s ideas may be taught as long as Creationism is given equal time. The American campus now welcomes all expressions, Big Lies, lethal narratives, speech that incites people to violence, junk science, ideas that are false and that endanger their own students—all are welcome.
 As Army Shrinks, Milley Considers Ways to Regenerate Force  
{Jen Judson} ~ The US Army chief of staff is looking at how the service might quickly regenerate the force when needed at a time when it is rapidly reducing its size... The Army has already shrunk the force by 80,000 troops since withdrawing from Iraq in 2011, and it plans to further reduce its end strength in the coming years. The service is scheduled to reach an end strength of 450,000 troops by the end of fiscal 2017. If the Army continues to get hit with budget cuts, it could see a deeper cut down to 420,000. On Monday at a Center for a New American Security conference in Washington, Gen. Mark Milley took pains to dispel the myth that it’s easy to regenerate an Army.
 Liberal Media Thinks It Is Too “Offensive” To Call ISIS This…  
{Andrew McNealy} ~ MSNBC host Chris Matthews is offended that Republican Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey would dare to call ISIS terrorists “animals.”... “And also, animals!” fumed Matthews. “I mean, call them what they are, bad people. But what’s this ‘animal’ thing that Christie’s throwing around?” Instead of animals, Matthews suggested that Christie use the term “bad guys” to ISIS. ISIS routinely beheads its own people, as well as Middle Eastern Christians and any Western journalist they can get their hands on. And, from a liberal perspective, ISIS has even more of a record of atrocity when it comes to so-called “marginalized” groups, like women and gays. Matthews and the liberals are dump and stupid idiots. Hey, maybe they'll be offended.
 nObama to New U.S. Citizens: Syrian Refugees...  
{Steve Byas} ~ Speaking Tuesday at a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C., President nObama took the opportunity to lecture the newly minted Americans and subtly criticize Republican presidential candidates about immigration in general, and the issue of Muslim immigration in particular... “In the Syrian refugee today, we should see the Jewish refugee of World War II,” nObama declared, in an obvious reference to the incident when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt refused to admit Jews into the United States, sealing their fate, as they were then returned to Europe and Hitler’s death camps. The president's analogy fails, however, in one critical respect. Not one person at the time believed that the Jews asking for admission into America in an effort to escape persecution of the Nazis in Germany were any threat whatsoever to commit murderous acts of terrorism inside the United States. On the other hand, not one person can assure us today that no ISIS terrorists would be among the genuine Syrian refugees fleeing persecution of those same terrorists in the Middle East.
 Why Syria can't be fixed  
{Daniel Greenfield} ~ nObama is betting the last of his foreign policy cred on beating ISIS by fixing Syria through a peace process that brings together Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and just about everybody who is anybody in the international terrorism and regime change racket to fight the ISIS war that he doesn’t want to fight... There’s just one little problem. Nobody on the guest list wants to fix Syria. They want to control it. The reason that ISIS exists is the same reason that Syria can’t be fixed. ISIS didn’t get so big because Muslims are angry about our foreign policy. It got huge because Sunni Muslims hate Shiite Muslims. Al Qaeda in Iraq didn’t become popular because it killed American soldiers, but because it suicide bombed Iraqi Shiites. It really took off once there was a civil war underway between Syrian Shiites and Sunni Islamists. 
 Carter Directs Navy to Cut Littoral Combat Ship Program to 40 Hulls  
{Sam LaGrone} ~ Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has ordered the Navy to trim its total buy of Littoral Combat Ships to 40 and down select to a single shipbuilder and design for the class as part of its fiscal year 2017 budget, according to a memo obtained by USNI News... The directive to trim the service’s planned total of 52 planned LCS and Frigate hulls and direct the savings into other programs was contained in the Monday letter from Carter to Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. The new plan would call for a building only six LCS between fiscal years 2017-2020 – eight less than the Navy’s submitted in its 2017 plan – and directs the Navy to down select to a single shipyard and a single hull type in 2019. This is a no-brainier. We know what this pres is doing.
 hanoi-Kerry is wrong...Assad can never stay  
oENn06YSxvE0fyS6brmgNwodPX8mww5f_5dWjhjn86vhJqLDJ54fXLVga7m9XFl5r6mkRigi7vz8BmLUYp6ngUe3nMDDwP4br2xm6uDkx9t_1GT7eJIghloaC9pJ3B53xtdXq711a-6hNmqQ2aGyC7D_8mU=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href= {Michael Rubin} ~ Secretary of State John hanoi-Kerry has reversed a long-standing position and declared, during a visit to Moscow, that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s ouster is not a prerequisite for Syrian peace talks... In a sanitized world, hanoi-Kerry’s position has allure: After all, how can the outcome of negotiations be presaged before they formally begin? And perhaps a formula can be established by which Assad can remain provisionally until new elections. The problem is that such sanitized, detached consideration of Syria demonstrates profound ignorance of events in Syria and the trauma which Syrians have experienced. Over at Commentary, I drew parallels between the 2011 Hamza Ali al-Khateeb episode and the US civil rights era case of Emmett Till. Both boys were kidnapped by those in power. Both were tortured and murdered. But rather than quietly burying their sons, both sets of parents allowed the media of the day to photograph their castrated bodies and broadcast the horror widely.
 More Lies from Abbas about The "Intifada"  
{Bassam Tawil} ~ Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas now wants us to believe that the Palestinian "youths," who are sent out to murder Jewish soldiers and civilians, are acting out of "despair."... He wants us to believe that these "youths" decided to murder Jews because their dream of a two-state solution has not been realized. Abbas is also trying to convince us that these "youths" are upset about Israeli checkpoints, construction in settlements, and visits by Jews to the Noble Sanctuary (Temple Mount). These latest statements by President Abbas show that he is either completely disconnected from reality, or else thinks that everyone will believe whatever he tells them. His claim -- that the Palestinian assailants who carry out stabbing and car ramming attacks against Israelis, are frustrated because the two-state solution has not yet been realized -- is, frankly, an insult. We still have never encountered one case -- ever -- where a terrorist complained about the absence of a two-state solution. Also, contrary to Abbas's claim, none of the terrorists has ever complained about settlements or checkpoints. In fact, these "youths" that Abbas is talking about are mostly affiliated with Hamas, and do not believe in any two-state solution. Like Hamas, these terrorists want to see Israel wiped off the map.
 Sen Sessions Warns Of Ryan, McCon-nell Betrayal Omnibus  
{} ~ On Wednesday Senator Jeff Sessions delivered a warning of the treachery underway in Congress by the servants of big money, including most egreiously, Speaker Paul Ryan, in conjunction with the criminal nObama regime... He made an impassioned plea for responsible government that serves the American people on the Senate floor as well as an accompanying posting to his Senate website. Senator Sessions detailed the treachery of the open borders globalist puppet and terror enabler Paul Ryan and the many anti-American, destructive components included in the 2 year omnibus spending bill. Financing for every anti-American program nObama wanted is part of the deal. It’s an inexcusable abuse of power and the American people that is without precedent. Senator Sessions’ speech is highlighted in the video below as well as a text version from his website in which he wrote:
Immigration and Our 
Founding Fathers' Values
Michelle Malkin
{} ~ President nObama claims that restricting immigration in order to protect national security is "offensive and contrary to American values." No-limits liberals have attacked common-sense proposals for heightened visa scrutiny, profiling or immigration slowdowns as "un-American."
America's Founding Fathers, I submit, would vehemently disagree.
Our founders, as I've reminded readers repeatedly over the years, asserted their concerns publicly and routinely about the effects of indiscriminate mass immigration. They made it clear that the purpose of allowing foreigners into our fledgling nation was not to recruit millions of new voters or to secure permanent ruling majorities for their political parties. It was to preserve, protect and enhance the republic they put their lives on the line to establish.
In a 1790 House debate on naturalization, James Madison opined: "It is no doubt very desirable that we should hold out as many inducements as possible for the worthy part of mankind to come and settle amongst us, and throw their fortunes into a common lot with ours. But why is this desirable?"
No, not because "diversity" is our greatest value. No, not because Big Business needed cheap labor. And no, Madison asserted, "Not merely to swell the catalogue of people. No, sir, it is to increase the wealth and strength of the community; and those who acquire the rights of citizenship, without adding to the strength or wealth of the community are not the people we are in want of."
Madison argued plainly that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily "incorporate himself into our society."
George Washington, in a letter to John Adams, similarly emphasized that immigrants should be absorbed into American life so that "by an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people."
Alexander Hamilton, relevant as ever today, wrote in 1802: "The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education and family."
Hamilton further warned that "The United States have already felt the evils of incorporating a large number of foreigners into their national mass; by promoting in different classes different predilections in favor of particular foreign nations, and antipathies against others, it has served very much to divide the community and to distract our councils. It has been often likely to compromise the interests of our own country in favor of another."
He predicted, correctly, that "The permanent effect of such a policy will be, that in times of great public danger there will be always a numerous body of men, of whom there may be just grounds of distrust; the suspicion alone will weaken the strength of the nation, but their force may be actually employed in assisting an invader."
The survival of the American republic, Hamilton maintained, depends upon "the preservation of a national spirit and a national character." He asserted, "To admit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens the moment they put foot in our country would be nothing less than to admit the Grecian horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty."
On Thursday, a bipartisan majority of U.S. senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee adopted a stunningly radical amendment by Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt., to undermine the national interest in favor of suicidal political correctness. The measure would prevent the federal government from ever taking religion into account in immigration and entrance decisions "as such action would be contrary to the fundamental principles on which this Nation was founded."
This pathway to a global right to migrate runs contrary to our founders' intentions as well as decades of established immigration law. As Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., pointed out in a scathing speech opposing the Leahy amendment: "It is well settled that applicants don't have the constitutional right or civil right to demand entry to the United States. ... As leaders, we are to seek the advancement of the Public Interest. While billions of immigrants may benefit by moving to this country, this nation state has only one responsibility. We must decide if such an admission complies with our law and serves our national interest."
Put simply, unrestricted open borders are unwise, unsafe and un-American. A country that doesn't value its own citizens and sovereignty first won't endure as a country for long.
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