Friday PM ~ The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The collapse of the Democratic Party
Newt Gingrich
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Racists, Tigers and Chickens Come Home to Roost — Oh My!  
The freshman class at the University of Missouri must be the most racist, sexist and homophobic student body in America. After all, it was just last year that Mizzou was lauded by the Leftmedia for its tolerance and inclusion after rallying around Michael Sam, the star football player who had recently announced his homosexuality to the world. Since the faculty is largely unchanged, the only conclusion we can draw from the recent resignation of university president Tim Wolfe is that he recruited a bunch of racist students over the last year and now must be punished for his sins. How else does one explain Mizzou going from the gold standard of tolerance and diversity to a hotbed of racism, sexism and homophobia in just a single year?
          The impetus for the unfolding scandal was the hunger strike of Jonathan Butler, a black graduate student, which would not end, he declared, until "either Tim Wolfe is removed from office or my internal organs fail and my life is lost." Butler claimed the university had consistently failed to address incidents of intolerant behavior.
          The primary complaint stems from an incident last month in which a white student jumped on a stage where black students were rehearsing a skit and allegedly shouted racial slurs. The evidence for Wolfe's indifference apparently comes from the fact that Wolfe, riding in his car during the homecoming parade a few days later, did not step out of the vehicle and prostrate himself before a mob of angry black protesters.
 -The Patriot Post
 Fifth Circuit Upholds Rebuke of nObama's Amnesty  
It's funny how you never hear Barack nObama talk about the limits the law places on his office. But you'll hear plenty from the White House about how it's exploring how far it can go through executive action. For example, this was how nObama "reformed" the nation's immigration policies last November. But when the law — in this instance, the courts — checks the nObama administration's power, it rages. On Monday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a lower court ruled correctly in staying the implementation of nObama's executive action on immigration. Furthermore, as CNN reports, the lower court claimed that the challenge from 26 states would likely succeed because the administration didn't follow the correct procedure — set out by law — for creating new regulations. Justice Department spokesman Patrick Rodenbush disagreed with the ruling. "The Department," he said, "is committed to taking steps that will resolve the immigration litigation as quickly as possible in order to allow DHS [Department of Homeland Security] to bring greater accountability to our immigration system by prioritizing the removal of the worst offenders, not people who have long ties to the United States and who are raising American children." If the administration decides to fight the law, the next step is to ask the Supreme Court to review the case. Meanwhile, a leaked memo shows that the nObama administration has been considering how to work its way around the court's injunction to further its immigration agenda since the summer. Hello Rule of Law?  
  -The Patriot Post
 Hilly Blames GOP for Her Husband's Mess  
Hilly Clinton, saying that the biggest issue of the 2016 election will be the economy, insists that Republicans have offered no solutions, only complaints, while also bearing the blame: "They say, 'Well, this recovery is so slow.' Really? Why did we need a recovery? What was the original sin here? It was bad Republican policies!"
          Two points. First the "original sin" was not "bad Republican policies" but Bill Clinton's mortgage policies. Clinton’s rules, in effect, applied affirmative action to the lending industry — which is to say the economic crisis was not a “free market failure” caused by "Republican policies" but was instead the result of socially engineered financial policy by the central government. The mortgage markets welcomed their new customers with open arms, fueling a real estate boom across the board. Eventually, the housing market of cards collapsed, which in turn led to the collapse of financial markets — just in time for Barack nObama's election in 2008.
          In 2008, Bill Clinton admitted, “I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rests more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress ... to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”
          Second, Hilly Clinton's comments are also an admission that over the last seven years a Democrat president's policies are in fact why "this recovery is so slow."    -The Patriot Post
 Oh, So That's What a Real Debate Looks Like  
From the moment Tuesday night's fourth Republican debate began, it was obvious the night would be a stark contrast to the third debate, in which the moderators served as the Democrats super PAC attack dogs. Maria Bartiromo and Neil Cavuto of the Fox Business Channel and Gerard Baker, editor in chief of The Wall Street Journal, deserve praise for not getting in the way of a substantive debate. They got right to the point and allowed the candidates to be the focus. "[T]he purpose of tonight’s debate," Cavuto began, is "the economy and what each of you would do to improve it, no more no less."
          There were fewer candidates on stage last night, too, as Mike Huckabee and Chris Christie were demoted to the "undercard" debate due to poor polling. Fewer candidates meant more speaking time for each one, and the result was positive. The tone was far more substantive, allowing each candidate to present his or her economic case — with some venturing into national security — to the American people without having to combat the moderators. On the other hand, most of the candidates were able to comfortably repeat talking points without being challenged.
          Overall, the picture of the candidates remained largely unchanged. Marco Rubio is a good debater and a good candidate. Ted Cruz continues to impress, and once again won points for zinging the media. (Don't be surprised if the primary comes down to those two men, or if they end up joining forces on the ticket.) Carly Fiorina is well rehearsed and focused. Ben Carson's warm personality and down-to-earth observations often compensate for his unpolished policy chops. Jeb Bush avoided any unforced errors this time, but did little to improve his standing. John Kasich continues to run against his own party instead of the Democrats and his peevishness is tiresome. Donald Trump largely faded into the background for much of the night, perhaps because all he does is rearrange the words "America," "win," "unbelievable," "tremendous" and "great" to form vaguely coherent, tremendously repetitive and unbelievable sentences.   -The Patriot Post
 Netanyahu: No “Second Front” for Iran in Golan Heights  
{Amy Miller} ~ This week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Washington for his first meeting with President Barack nObama since the passage of the Iran nuclear deal... It was their first face-to-face conversation in over a year, and while DC journalists largely pitched the meeting as a welcome relief to the normally-tortured U.S.-Israel relations, I wrote yesterday that both leaders appeared almost too careful during the limited time they appeared together before the press. During this week’s meeting, Netanyahu reportedly spoke at length with nObama over concerns regarding instability in Syria, and the uncertain (in international relations terms) status of the Golan Heights. This territory is important to Israel—especially now, since Islamic jihadists have gained significant control in bordering, war-torn Syria. Both former Ambassador Michael Oren and former cabinet secretary Zvi Hauser have publicly called for American recognition of Israeli sovereignty of the Golan, saying that it would help stabilize the region.
 Climate Criminal hanoi-John Kerry – Save The Butterflies, Kill America 
{} ~ The ConJob21 Climate Convention in Paris is less than three weeks away and the pitch to have us surrender to the United Nations... and the predatory globalist cabal that has taken control of the United States government is intensifying. Everything imaginable is being blamed on man, but mainly on the American man who. According to our High Climate Priest and Frankenstein monster there is still time for the planet to forgive us of our sins, if, and only if, we sacrifice ourselves on the UN altar, surrendering our freedom to their dictates. They made similar outrageous claims in Copenhagen, which were wisely dismissed and rebuffed in 2009. These criminals are nothing if not persistent and this time around they’ve coerced and bribed their way, using our tax “aid” dollars, into greater cooperation from the parasites of the world anxious to feed on our carcass as we lay rotting alongside the road to UN totalitarian Hell.
 Iran’s Military Involvement in Syria Will Lead to Even More Death...  
{Behrooz Behbudi} ~ It should have come as no surprise that Russia and Iran made their joint military move into Syria before the ink on the Iranian nuclear agreement was even dry... The operation had clearly been long-planned, given the vested interests that Moscow and Tehran have in keeping the Assad regime in power, and the swiftness of their military deployment. Although the Iranian leadership seldom publishes figures on their casualties in Syria, they can no longer tone down the extent of their intervention in the Syrian civil war, given the rising number of public funerals that the regime inadvertently holds to shore up support and justify its devastating regional policy.
 New Muslim Majority City Council in Michigan Warns...  
{Pamela Geller} ~ Last week, I reported about the first American city in history to elect a Muslim majority City Council. Well it didn't take long for the aggression and hostility to surface — did it? It never does. Always conflict and strife... A cell phone video surfaced of one of the organizers declaring, "Today we show the Polish and everybody else……" The town has a large but shrinking Polish community. Ugly. They won — are they incapable of being gracious? Don't answer that. The message is clear. Non-Muslims move or else. Big mistake America.
 Anti-American Republicans target Middle Class...  
{} ~ Maybe it’s time to retire the term RINO, as it implies a deviation from true Republican values in line with the Constitution... It’s become painfully obvious that with a few exceptions, the world Republican has lost its meaning, becoming little more than a group designation, one that has no affinity with conservative values or traditional America. It’s a club, like the Democrats, composed largely of traitors to their country. They are no longer the good guys, just a different, slightly less tyrannical variety of bad guy. While Democrats are doggedly intent on the destruction of America through a Marxist system the Republicans are working equally hard towards our demise from their Fascist, US Chamber of Commerce perspective. Ultimately, in spite of claims to the contrary, neither camp cares about the future of America beyond keeping the parasitic host alive during their feeding and extending the feeding period for as long as they can. Both sides of the single party system want to flood the nation with cheap foreign labor, as we know. The Democrats have their set of reasons, all self-serving and destructive, as do the Republicans. The Republican Party, with those few previously noted exceptions, such as Senator Jeff Sessions, is serving the interests of the moneyed elite who have purchased their legislative services. They are prostitutes for sale, totally corrupt and treasonous in their actions.
 FBI expands probe of Clinton emails, independ. classification review 
{Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne} ~ The FBI has expanded its probe of Hilly Clinton's emails, with agents exploring whether multiple statements violate a federal false statements statute, according to intelligence sources familiar with the ongoing case... Fox News is told agents are looking at U.S. Code 18, Section 1001, which pertains to "materially false" statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Violations also include pressuring a third party to conspire in a cover-up. Each felony violation is subject to five years in prison. This phase represents an expansion of the FBI probe, which is also exploring potential violations of an Espionage Act provision relating to "gross negligence" in the handling of national defense information. "The agents involved are under a lot of pressure and are busting a--," an intelligence source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, told Fox News.
Video: at the site
 Petraeus: Ground Forces Needed in Syria to Defeat ISIS  
{Nicholas Ballasy} ~ Gen. David Petraeus said the United States has to have a ground force in Syria if its goal is to defeat the Islamic State... “I think that the limiting factor all along in Syria has been the absence of a Sunni Arab moderate force that we could support. The fact is, I don’t care what your objective is in Syria, if your objective is that Bashar must go, you have to have a Sunni Arab force that’s going to get him to go,” the former CIA director said at the Brookings Institution during a discussion about Michael O’Hanlon’s book The Future of Land Warfare. “If your objective is to get to the diplomatic table, and we’re there now, to a degree, you have to have a military context. There is no military solution, as everyone is fond of saying. There is a military context that has to be established without which no one is going to go to the negotiating table, or at least they won’t negotiate seriously. And by the way, if you want to degrade and defeat the Islamic State and the al-Qaeda affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra and the Khorasan Group, the al-Qaeda element sent there for establishment of a cell in Northern Syria, you’re going to have to have a ground force.”
 Senator Ted Cruz Seeks to Remove Muslim Brotherhood’s Veil  
{Lt. Colonel James G. Zumwalt, USMC (Ret.)} ~ Imagine the existence of a group involved in covertly formulating a plan on how to subvert the U.S. Constitution, distributing that plan among its leadership and agents within the U.S., quietly supporting terrorism to further this agenda, declaring war against America, and brazenly recognizing U.S. indifference by boasting about its terrorist activities... A rational mind would conclude this group be identified as a domestic threat with every effort made to minimize its influence. Yet President nObama has not only embraced the group, but welcomed its leaders to the White House. In numerous other countries-Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the UAE, Bahrain and Russia-this group, known as the Muslim Brotherhood, has been banned due to its well-known destructive intentions and terrorist acts. The nObama administration has yet to do the same. Legislation to pull back the Muslim Brotherhood’s veil, exposing its telltale terrorist heart, has been introduced-again. On November 3, legislation was filed to have the Muslim Brotherhood designated a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” (FTO)-introduced by Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Senate and Representative Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) in the House.
 HIPAA and How it Affects Parenting  
{MACK STETSON} ~ It's every parent's nightmare.  You get that phone call in the middle of the night delivering the horrific news that your child was in an accident...  You rush to the hospital, numb, but ready to serve as your child's advocate and to make all the right decisions about his care.  When you get there, you're told that you have no say in his care.  Ok, then, you wonder: why did they call me?  Oh, yes, you are the party responsible for the financial obligations.  You can pay, but you can't say! For Rae Stone, that is exactly what happened.  HIPAA laws that are now in place to protect privacy are so restrictive that even the parents who pay for the insurance and, ultimately, the medical care, of an adolescent child are not permitted to have access to their health information.  In Rae Stone's case, her child was 18, legally an adult.  But he was still a senior in high school and still on his parents' insurance plan.  However, in certain instances, the privacy of adolescents who are minors is also protected.  The Guttmacher Institute outlines some of those situations on their website:
 Islam: A treatable Malignancy 
{Erik Rush} ~ Although average American news viewers remain blissfully ignorant of this... Europeans have been turning out by the thousands in protest of their governments’ intention to throw the doors open wide to innumerable Muslim refugees from regions in which Barack Hussein nObama’s mercenary army (otherwise known as ISIS or Islamic State) and other militant Islamists have made life as they know it untenable. The ire of these distressed Europeans is certainly not for a lack of tolerance. They have already been subjected to exponentially more tribulation than have Americans as a result of the human garbage with which their politically correct socialist overlords have saddled them over the last 30 years. These new refugees have already proved to be a demonstrable threat to public health and public safety, and have touched off several particularly violent riots.
The collapse of the Democratic Party
Newt Gingrich
     {} ~  At least since the election of Barack nObama in 2008, Republicans have been hearing that their party is on the verge of extinction. The only thing the media pundits haven't seemed able to agree on is what will be the cause of death.
     Some of the eulogies have claimed that the Republican Party is dying of old age, "literally."
     Other commentators predicted endlessly that the GOP is doomed because it supposedly cannot appeal to Hispanic Americans and other minorities.
     Still others smeared Republicans as anti-women and claimed ridiculously that the party has destroyed its chances with the sex that makes up half the population.
     Most pundits seemed to agree that younger voters --"millennials" -- would never support Republicans because of their supposedly prehistoric views about things like the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.
     Jonathan Chait summed up the left-wing establishment's view of Republicans' inevitable demise when he wrote in 2012 -- in a long feature piece for New York magazine -- that "the modern GOP - the party of Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes - is staring down its own demographic extinction ... Conservative America will soon come to be dominated, in a semi-permanent fashion, by an ascendant Democratic coalition hostile to its outlook and interests."
     What a disappointment all of these commentators were in for! Since President nObama's election, the Republican Party steadily gained strength. By almost every metric, the party is at historic high-water marks. In the House, Republicans have the largest majority since 1928. They have a majority in the Senate. They have 32 governorships. They have the greatest number of state legislators and greatest number of state legislative bodies in their history.
     The results of this week's elections further grew the Republican Party's historic strength.
     In Kentucky, Matt Bevin won the governorship in an upset that makes him the state's second Republican chief executive in four decades. He did it by running against nObamacare and national Democrats. Kentucky also elected Republican Jenean Hampton to the lieutenant governorship. She will be the first African American elected statewide in Kentucky's history.
     In Virginia, Republicans held the state Senate despite an outside group funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg spending millions of dollars to turn the chamber to Democrat control.
     In Houston, voters defeated the left-wing mayor's attempt to let biological males use women's restrooms, and vice versa. The measure went down with 61 percent of voters opposing the bathroom ordinance -- a significant blow to the left in a city that is by no means conservative.
     In addition, Republicans won a number of other state legislative and statewide elections to continue to build on the trend of winning in areas previously won by Mr.. nObama.
     Finally, after this week's elections, the Washington-media establishment may be starting to show signs of recognition that, far from 2010 and 2014 being anomalies on the way to Republican extinction, it is the Democrats who are facing historic challenges in their nationwide appeal.
     Chuck Todd, moderator of NBC's "Meet the Press," noted on Twitter this week that "outside of nObama's campaigns in 2008 and 2012, the Dem track record everywhere else is, well, abysmal since his election."
     In fact, it may turn out to be Mr. nObama's two campaigns that were the anomaly: extraordinarily well-run, with an exceptional candidate in favorable political environment. Everywhere else, as Mr. Todd points out, has been disastrous for Democrats.
     You have to wonder: If in 2016 Republicans win the presidency, hold the Senate, keep the House and maintain their historic strength at the state level, will the same pundits in the news media be calling on the Democrats to compromise their core principles and change their views, as so many were eager for Republicans to do following Mr. nObama's re-election? I'm not holding my breath.
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