Friday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
liar-Pelosi Pushes Impeachment Along
AX7E-R2UbdvckzDHiXztJ0PrsBebykPkX60JtYcR_I4608MD076l3V9DM56LXG126QqiqyjwJU4uLeHIHNWELSuFmJDr00xxfT1wi2BFE5pmvYMjSPdiSp0pm81qJSNJCuQoXzac3cPEsCeA3dLfufo3Acxlxes=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=  Gary Bauer
Iran’s supreme leader calls Trump a clown, 
praises missile attack in rare appearance
By Edmund DeMarche 
{ } ~ Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, conducted Friday prayers in Tehran for the first time since 2012 and used the platform to praise the country's retaliatory strike against the U.S. over the killing of one of its top generals... He also appeared to call President Trump a clown who cannot be trusted. In the rare appearance, Khamenei dismissed the “American clowns” who he said pretend to support the Iranian nation but want to stick their “poisoned dagger” into its back. “The villainous U.S. government repeatedly says that they are standing by the Iranian people. They lie,” he said. “If you are standing with the Iranian people, it is only to stab them in the heart with their venomous daggers.”He also insisted Iran would not bow to U.S. pressure after months of crushing sanctions and called Washington’s decision to kill Gen. Qassem Soleimani a “cowardly” hit. “The shameless U.S. government was disgraced by calling Martyr Soleimani a terrorist when he was recognized by everyone as the most prominent and powerful commander in the fight against terrorism,” he said. “The U.S. government killed Martyr Soleimani, not in the battlefield but thievishly and cowardly.” Iran, in response to the Jan. 8 airstrikes that killed Soleimani in Baghdad, launched a barrage of ballistic missiles targeting U.S. troops in Iraq. While there were no casualties, the U.S. military said 11 service members were flown out of Al Assad Air Base in Iraq and treated for concussion symptoms. “The fact that Iran has the power to give such a slap to a world power shows the hand of God,” Khamenei said... Such BS.
Chaff and Countermeasures? – Timed During Impeachment, Another Report of Former FBI 
Director scumbag-James Comey 
Under Investigation
by sundance
{  } ~ Another New York Times report of scumbag-James Comey under investigation for unscrupulous, potentially illegal, leaks surrounding the FBI scumbag/liar-Clinton investigation... However, a note of caution: is this simply chaff and countermeasures intended to keep the heat off corruption monitors Bill Barr and John Durham? In 2018 congressman Jim Jordan noted scumbag-James Comey had a special employee on assignment ‘off-the-books’. People started asking questions and Fox News Catherine Herridge detailed how Daniel Richman held special access privileges to the FBI, as an outcome of former FBI Director scumbag-James Comey authorizing his friend as a “Special Government Employee” or SGE. According to The Times the current issues surround media leaks from scumbag-James Comey to his “special FBI employee” friend Daniel Richman related to the scumbag/liar-Clinton investigation: […] The latest investigation involves material that Dutch intelligence operatives siphoned off Russian computers and provided to the United States government. The information included a Russian analysis of what appeared to be an email exchange during the 2016 presidential campaign between Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat of Florida who was also the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the time, and Leonard Benardo, an official with the Open Society Foundations, a democracy-promoting organization whose founder, scumbag-George Soros, has long been a target of the far right. In the email, Ms. Wasserman Schultz suggested that then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch would make sure that Mrs. scumbag/liar-Clinton would not be prosecuted in the email case. Both Ms. Wasserman Schultz and Mr. Benardo have denied being in contact, suggesting the document was meant to be Russian disinformation...  
Is the Sahel Region Becoming 
a New "Islamic State"?
by Alain Destexhe
{ } ~ On January 13, French President Emmanuel Macron convened a summit of the G5 Sahel, a group of five Sahelian countries Chad, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and Mauritania that are affected by Islamist terrorism... The location of the summit, the small city of Pau in the south of France, was not chosen at random: it hosts the base of France's 5th Combat Helicopter Regiment. Seven of the thirteen French soldiers who died in a November 25, 2019 helicopter accident in Mali belonged to this unit. Since 2013, France has lost 44 soldiers in the Sahel. According to the Africa Center for Strategic Studies: "The Sahel has experienced the most rapid increase in militant Islamist group activity of any region in Africa in recent years. Violent events involving extremist groups in the region have doubled every year since 2015. In 2019, there have been more than 700 such violent episodes. Fatalities linked to these events have increased from 225 to 2,000 during the same period. This surge in violence has uprooted more than 900,000 people, including 500,000 in Burkina Faso in 2019 alone." Large parts of the territories are slipping out of the authorities' control. At the beginning of this year, Mohamed Ibn Chambers, UN Special Representative for West Africa and the Sahel, told the UN Security Council: "The region has experienced a devastating surge in terrorist attacks against civilian and military targets." "The UNOWAS chief elaborated on terrorist-attack casualties in Burkina Faso Mali and Niger, which have leapt five-fold since 2016 – with more than 4,000 deaths reported in 2019 alone as compared to some 770 three years earlier." In Burkina Faso, a country that was still considered stable two years ago, the death toll has risen even more dramatically, from about 80 in 2016 to more than 1,800 in 2019. The focus of terrorist attacks is predating eastwards and is increasingly threatening West African coastal States, such as the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin... 
Flynn Update – Judge Sullivan Grants 
Continuance, Requests Briefs and 
Sets Hearing Date
by sundance
{ } ~ Judge Emmet Sullivan has granted the Flynn motion for continuance and established a briefing schedule for consideration on the Flynn motion to withdraw his guilty plea... Judge Sullivan has set February 27th, 2020, as the next date for a hearing in his courtroom. It will be interesting to watch how the Bill Barr DOJ responds to Flynn’s request to withdraw his guilty plea. Flynn brief in support of motion to withdraw: 

Rand Paul Will Expose Every Republican
 Who Joins with Democrats
By M. Dowling
{ } ~ Senator Rand Paul sees the impeachment of Donald J. Trump as a mockery of the rule of law and is not pleased that some of his GOP colleagues want to call witnesses... That should have taken place in the House. He is taking a hardline on behalf of the President. END THE TRIAL BEFORE WITNESSES ARE CALLED. “Paul says if four or more of his GOP colleagues join with Democrats to entertain new witness testimony, he will make the Senate vote on subpoenaing the president’s preferred witnesses, including Hunter Biden and the whistleblower who revealed the Ukraine scandal — polarizing picks who moderate Republicans aren’t eager to call. So he has a simple message for his party: end the trial before witnesses are called,” Politico reports. “If you vote against Hunter Biden, you’re voting to lose your election, basically. Seriously. That’s what it is,” Paul said during an interview in his office on Wednesday. “If you don’t want to vote and you think you’re going to have to vote against Hunter Biden, you should just vote against witnesses, period.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned Republicans not to divide the party and endanger his slim GOP majority. However, what Paul is doing could help him. THEY WILL BE ON THE RECORD. But if a majority of the Senate agrees to hear witnesses, Paul is ready to go all out to make sure everyone in the Senate is on the record about whether they stand with Trump...
GAO said Barack scumbag/liar-nObama broke 
the law in 2014 but no calls for impeachment
{  } ~ In 2014, then-President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama arranged a trade of five Taliban prisoners in GITMO for deserter Bowe Bergdahl... scumbag/liar-nObama never ran it by Congress, although he had time to do so despite his claims to the contrary. Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle were skeptical of scumbag/liar-nObama’s claims that he had to hurry due to Bergdahl’s health. Upon his return, it turned out his health was not endangered. The GAO, a legislative body called the Government Accounting Office, came out with a report claiming the Administration did, in fact, violate the law by not notifying Congress. The President reallocated funds for the transfer (bribe), an action that was also illegal. The department violated a law that prohibits federal employees from spending money not authorized by Congress. “DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law,” the GAO said. scumbag/liar-nOBAMA DIDN’T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BREAKING THE LAW. At the time of the swap, President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama defended the move, saying the U.S. has a “sacred rule” not to leave men and women in uniform behind. “We saw an opportunity,” Mr. scumbag/liar-nObama said on June 3. “We were concerned about Sgt. Bergdahl’s health. We had the cooperation of the Qataris to execute an exchange, and we seized that opportunity.” The Defense Department notified Congress of the transfer in writing on May 31, after the fact. According to the GAO letter, the department said its actions complied with the law and, in any event, the relevant portion of the law is unconstitutional as applied to the Bergdahl transfer...
liar-Pelosi Pushes Impeachment Along
AX7E-R2UbdvckzDHiXztJ0PrsBebykPkX60JtYcR_I4608MD076l3V9DM56LXG126QqiqyjwJU4uLeHIHNWELSuFmJDr00xxfT1wi2BFE5pmvYMjSPdiSp0pm81qJSNJCuQoXzac3cPEsCeA3dLfufo3Acxlxes=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=  Gary Bauer

Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that the House of Representatives will vote today to send articles of impeachment against President Trump to the U.S. Senate. The House impeachment managers will also be named today.

What is this impeachment thing all about again? It has something to do with a brief phone call between President Trump and the leader of Ukraine, a call Trump knew that several White House officials were listening to. 

This is the left’s attempt to legitimize its ongoing efforts to overturn the last presidential election 10 months before the next presidential election because liar-Pelosi, scumbag-Schumer, and scumbag/liar-Schiff just aren’t sure any of their candidates can beat Donald Trump. 

So while a phone call is being used to justify impeachment, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on what the president has accomplished.

  • In three years, the Trump administration has created more than six million new jobs. He has shown that free enterprise really does lift all boats because unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics, and women are all at record lows.

  • He has reoriented trade policy so that preserving American jobs is the top priority while ending communist China’s exploitation of our markets. Median household income is the highest it has ever been.

  • Under Trump’s leadership, we have begun rebuilding the American military after eight years of neglect. We have restored the U.S. alliance with Israel. We have taken out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Iranian terror master Qassem Soleimani, and Al Qaeda leader Hamza bin Laden, Osama’s son. 

  • Every day more of the border wall gets built, reinforcing our national sovereignty.

  • Each week, his conservative judicial appointments, now numbering nearly 200, bring the federal courts closer in line with the Constitution and the values of the American people.

  • He has advocated for the sanctity of life unlike any president in history.

  • Against the wishes of the GOP establishment to avoid the so-called “culture war,” Trump has not hesitated to use the bully pulpit to defend our values whenever progressive ingrates offend our country, our flag, and our law-enforcement officers.

But there’s that dang phone call, so none of that matters and we’d better throw him out of office. That’s left-wing logic for you, and I’m confident that most Americans will reject it at the ballot box this November! 

A Tale of Two Stadiums

I still have a burr under my saddle about the disrespectful reaction the president received from some in the crowd at a stadium here in Washington, DC, during the World Series. 

But when the president walked out onto the field at Monday night’s college football championship game, he got a very different reaction. The crowd roared with cheers and applause. One side of the stadium was chanting “USA! USA!” while the other side was chanting “Four more years!”

Unfortunately, the always angry left is furious that actor Vince Vaughn dared to speak to the president and shook his hand.

Tehran in Turmoil

Protests against the Iranian regime are continuing, even amid reports of violent government oppression. Monday, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a statement putting Tehran on notice. In the statement, I am quoted as saying:

I am deeply concerned for the welfare of religious minorities in Iran amid the government’s already violent response to the current protests. The United States must closely monitor Iran’s treatment of religious minorities as protests continue and speak out strongly against any attempts to target these groups.

There are additional cracks emerging, as a number of news anchors at official Iranian media outlets announced their resignations. One journalist, Gelare Jabbari, posted on her Instagram account, “Forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies.”

The Trump administration’s policy of “maximum pressure” against Iran is clearly working. For proof, look no further than this New York Times headline:  "Iran’s Grim Economy Limits Its Willingness To Confront The U.S.“ The article notes that Trump’s sanctions have decimated Iran’s economy, "which is now contracting at an alarming 9.5 percent annual rate.”

Our European allies are also stepping up the pressure. Reuters reports that Britain, France, and Germany have “formally triggered the dispute mechanism in Iran’s nuclear deal,” accusing the regime of violating the terms of the 2015 deal.  

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson seemed open to replacing the scumbag/liar-nObama deal with a new “Trump deal” that actually prevents Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Buttigieg & Iran

It strikes me as strange and disturbing that Pete Buttigieg, the first openly gay candidate for president of the United States, has not found the time to condemn the Islamic Republic of Iran, which maintains the death penalty for open homosexuality. 

Buttigieg has viciously attacked Vice President Pence because the vice president opposes same-sex marriage. But he has shown no such vitriol toward the Islamist homophobes who run Iran and who are on their way to getting a nuclear bomb. 

Will any reporter question him about this blatant hypocrisy? Or will it just remain one of those many unanswered mysteries?   ~The Patriot Post  

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