Friday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The Green Spike
California newspapers aren’t telling the whole story about fracking
Chris Reed
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Ferguson Man Busted for Shooting Two Cops  
When he was arrested Saturday and charged with one count of discharging a weapon inside a vehicle, two counts of first degree assault and three counts of armed criminal action, Jeffrey Williams admitted to shooting two police officers outside the Ferguson Police Department headquarters March 12. But his story doesn't add up. Williams said he had a dispute with someone and the cops were collateral damage; he never meant to shoot officers. But the physical evidence suggests something else. Williams fired his .40-caliber handgun about 120 yards away from inside a vehicle and managed to hit two police officers standing next to each other. Aim small, miss small. Furthermore, there's disagreement as to who Williams is in the drama unfolding in Ferguson. On Sunday, Ferguson police said they saw Williams amid the protesters. But protesters deny Williams' participation in their movement. Of course they'd deny him; he's messing up the Left's narrative-The Patriot Post
 DHS Arrests Four in 'Pay to Stay' Student Visa Scam  
Give the government credit for actually trying to enforce immigration law. The Department of Homeland Security arrested the operators of four Los Angeles Schools for running a scam that allowed immigrants to stay in the U.S. on a student visa without actually going to school. When the DHS stopped in unannounced at one school, they discovered only three foreign students attending an English class -- even though the school said 900 foreign students attended regularly. In a statement, Acting U.S. Attorney Stephanie Yonekura said, "Officials at several schools allegedly abused their responsibility to ensure that only legitimate foreign students were allowed to stay in the country. This type of fraud against the United States will be thoroughly examined to bring those responsible to justice and to protect the integrity of our immigration system." Such examples of abuse upend the nObama administration's rhetoric that immigrants only want to come here for better lives and we shouldn't fault them if they cheat the system. Ryan Lovelace reports at National Review that 36 terrorists entered the United States on student visas in the past. A lawless administration isn't helping. More...  -The Patriot Post
 Carville: Hilly Just Didn't Want Congressional Oversight  
Clintonista James Carville is one of the few rushing to defend Hilly Clinton over her secret email servers. But after his most recent comments she may not want his "help" any more. "At the end of the day," Carville said, "the Republicans can't pass a budget, alright, [so] we got another investigation, just like we had the Whitewater, just like you go through the file-gate, you go through travel-gate, you go through seven or eight different congressional committees. And you wonder why the public is not following this? Because they know what it is." In other words, Carville says it's a political distraction contrived by Republicans -- a standard talking point. But he wasn't finished, adding, "I suspect she didn't want Louie Gohmert rifling through her emails, which seems to me to be a kind of reasonable position for someone to take. It amounts to ... nothing but a bunch of people flapping their jaws about nothing." Oops. Hilly Clinton just wanted to avoid congressional oversight. How inconvenient to have Congress "rifling through her emails." Who'd want that? Of course, that oversight is precisely the point, but the Clintons have always played by their own rules.  -The Patriot Post
 Hanoi Kerry: The Climate Debate Is Settled ... Because Gravity!  
In remarks to the Atlantic Council, which bills itself as "an essential forum for navigating the dramatic economic and political changes defining the twenty-first century," State Secretary Hanoi John Kerry presented skeptics of man-made global warming a lesson on science. "When an apple falls from a tree," he explained, "it will drop toward the ground. We know that because of the basic laws of physics. Science tells us that gravity exists, and no one disputes that." He continued, "Science also tells us that when the water temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it turns to ice. No one disputes that. So when science tells us that our climate is changing and human beings are largely causing that change, by what right do people stand up and just say, 'Well, I dispute that, or I deny that elementary truth'?" For starters, science once pontificated earth was flat. And earth was the center of the universe. And high-cholesterol diets ensured heart disease. And socio-economic collapse resulting from global warming should already have happened. And... You get the picture. What Hanoi Kerry won't admit is that there is no "scientific consensus" on the issue, and even if there was it wouldn't make one iota of difference. Climate change is well documented through the ages. So while Hanoi Kerry disses "climate deniers," as they like to call us, he's only illuminating his complete ignorance of history
-The Patriot Post
 'A Radical Change in Climate Conditions'  
2015-03-13-2f30a375.jpg" />
Report from the AP.

Now that meteorological winter 2014-2015 is in the books (though the season isn't formally recognized as ended until the Spring Equinox on March 20), anti-fossil fuel gurus are warning that, despite frigid cold spells over the Eastern United States, overall it was the 19th warmest on record. "Averaged together," reported, "temperatures across the country this winter were 2.1 Fahrenheit degrees above the 20th-century mean, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center." Moreover, based on measurements from the National Snow & Ice Data Center, seasonal ice buildup in the Arctic is on pace to set a new record low. So it's officially time to freak out, right? Well, no. Before you start preparing for The Great Climate Apocalypse, consider this:

"The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway.

"Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.

"Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds."

That sounds awfully familiar because that's exactly what alarmists are clamoring about today. Only the excerpt is from an article published by the Associated Press on Nov. 2 ... 1922. Nearly a century later, it still appears the climate is, well, repetitious. As are propagandists on a mission.   -The Patriot Post

 nObama Whitewashes Iranian Terrorism  
(Joseph Klein) - The nObama administration is shamelessly whitewashing the Iranian regime’s state sponsorship of global terrorism, no doubt to help soften Iran’s image in preparation for trying to foist a bad nuclear deal on the American people...It also did the same thing for Iran’s jihadist proxy terrorist group, Hezbollah. The administration’s most recent unclassified version of the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community report published on February 26, 2015, delivered to the US Senate by National Intelligence director James Clapper, conspicuously omitted any reference to the ongoing terrorist threat posed by Iran and Hezbollah. While acknowledging that Iran remains “an ongoing threat to US national interests,” the report noted Iran’s “intentions to dampen sectarianism, build responsive partners, and deescalate tensions with Saudi Arabia.” The report also noted Iran‘s commitment of more resources to the fight against the Sunni extremists of the Islamic State.
 President Stompy Feet Didn’t Want To Congratulate Netanyahu  
( - After the White House and State Dept. did everything legally possible, and some things potentially illegal too, to see Benjamin Netanyahu lose election...President nObama did not want to call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him on a crushing victory. President Stompy Feet told Secretary Hanoi John Kerry to do it.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin casts his vote in yesterday's elections.

 The Role of the Palestinian Authority in Israel's Election Results  
(Alan M. Dershowitz) - Those around the world who are upset with Prime Minister's Benjamin Netanyahu electoral victory over the Zionist Camp party should put much of the responsibility for Israel's rightward turn squarely where it belongs: on the Palestinian Authority (PA)...At least twice over the last 15 years, Israel has offered the Palestinians extraordinarily generous two-state solutions. The first time was in 2000-2001 when Ehud Barak and Bill Clinton offered the Palestinians more than 90% of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip, with a capital in Jerusalem. Yassir Arafat turned down the offer and started an intifada, in which 4000 people were killed. This self-inflicted wound by the leader of the PA contributed greatly to the weakening of Israel's peace camp, most particularly of Ehud Barak's Labor party. The current Zionist Camp party, which is an offshoot of Labor, has continued to suffer from that weakening. Then again, in 2007, Ehud Olmert offered the Palestinians an even more generous resolution, to which Mahmoud Abbas failed to respond positively. This failure also contributed to the weakening of the Israeli center-left and the strengthening of the right.
 Benghazi Docs Obtained Belie Hilly’s No Classified Emails Claim  
( - Though Hilly Clinton asserts that she didn’t send any classified material on her secret email account, Benghazi documents obtained by Judicial Watch show classified information was indeed circulated among top State Department officials via electronic mail...It’s hard to believe that the Secretary of State was completely out of the loop on this material, which was disseminated among her top aides as Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the first diplomat to be killed overseas in decades, and three other Americans were murdered in the violent ambush. The nObama administration initially blamed the attack on a demonstration ignited by an anti-Muslim internet video but JW has uncovered droves of documents that show the administration knew in real time that it was carried out by armed assailants tied to a terrorist group.
Late last year, or 18 months after she left office, Mrs. Clinton turned over 55,000 printed pages she said contained about 30,000 emails she believed were work-related that she sent during her time in office. (Associated Press)
 State Department agrees to reopen Hilly Clinton email case  
(Stephen Dinan) - The State Department has decided to reopen a FOIA lawsuit Judicial Watch closed last year regarding Huma Abedin’s emails...Judicial Watch decided to pursue this lawsuit again because the Hilly Clinton email scandal has revealed that the State Department did not do a thorough job searching email accounts in response to Judicial Watch’s FOIA requests. Since it was discovered that Hillary Clinton and her former aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were using private email addresses to conduct official business, Judicial Watch asked District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan to take up this lawsuit again. Read more about the reopening of this FOIA lawsuit here.
 Bill Whittle: The Criminal Arrogance of Hilly Clinton  
(Bill Whittle) - 30,000 deleted emails... Bill Whittle looks at the lawlessness, the arrogance, and the unmasked contempt that Hilly Clinton and Barack Obama have for the American people...The American experiment was many things, but first and foremost it was an attempt, for the first time in human history, to create a society based upon the rule of law. The Declaration of Independence lists, in exhaustive and minute detail, nearly thirty enumerated cases of lawlessness on the part of King George III. This nation showed the world that common people could not only rule themselves; they could do so without an aristocracy and especially do so without an aristocracy that was, like King George, above the law.
092 voter mandatory 940
 nObama Likes, Suggests Mandatory Voting For America  
( - While every citizen of the United States has the right to vote, not every citizen chooses to do so. Likewise every citizen is born with the right to bear arms but there are many who prefer not to own a firearm...Many who might be capable of serving in public office choose the private sector. Self-determination is an aspect of the freedom that we have revered in this country, a concept that is under direct fire from the nObama regime. In a recent speech at the City Club of Cleveland, Hussein nObama made a comment promoting the idea of mandatory voting in the United States. Of course, he would never have made a comment like that in the face of an informed voting public, nor one that understands the Constitution, that’s probably why he chose the Democrat stronghold of Cleveland. nObama must be confident that there will soon be a sufficient number of mindless Democrats, many of them of the imported variety, to whom he can issue fraudulent voting credentials, thereby assuring his fellow Marxists of being elected and the eventual global communists’ takeover of America.
 No Accident That nObama Excluded Iran And Hezbollah  
( - Ambassador John Bolton has some assessments as to what underlies the decision by the nObama regime to remove references to Iran and Hezbollah as terrorists and terrorist sponsors from the 2015 Worldwide Threat Assessment. After all, what are friends for?...Bolton isn’t buying the lame excuse that there was a format issue which resulted in the deletion. Bolton describes it in no-uncertain terms as “a flat lie.” He says, “The format of this year’s report is exactly the same as last year’s report.” He adds, “People who would say that this is a format change are weasels.” Greta Van Susteren injects he characterization of liars and they ultimately agree on “lying weasels” to describe those who make those claims.
 Pentagon loses track of $500 million in weapons  
(Robert Spencer) - There are “fears that the weaponry, aircraft and equipment is at risk of being seized by Iranian-backed rebels or al-Qaeda, according to U.S. officials.”...Combine this with the weapons nObama gave to “moderate rebels” in Syria that are now being used by the Islamic State, and the U.S. has provided weapons to a significant segment of the global jihad. The Pentagon is unable to account for more than $500 million in U.S. military aid given to Yemen, amid fears that the weaponry, aircraft and equipment is at risk of being seized by Iranian-backed rebels or al-Qaeda, according to U.S. officials. With Yemen in turmoil and its government splintering, the Defense Department has lost its ability to monitor the whereabouts of small arms, ammunition, night-vision goggles, patrol boats, vehicles and other supplies donated by the United States. The situation has grown worse since the United States closed its embassy in Sanaa, the capital, last month and withdrew many of its military advisers. What the heck is wrong with this nObama's Pentagon? Why don't they supply Egypt who requested military aid.
Sen. Harry Reid / AP
 dinky Reid-Backed Firm Lied to Get Stimulus Cash  
(Lachlan Markay) - The Senate’s top Democrat is proud of securing taxpayer backing for a green energy company accused by former employees of fraudulently obtaining federal grant money, his office said this week...Two former employees of Ormat Technologies filed a lawsuit in 2013 claiming the company lied to the Treasury Department in order to secure more than $130 million in federal grants. The lawsuit was unsealed last year, but has garnered little attention since then. In a series of emails, a spokeswoman for Senate Minority Leader dinky Harry Reid (D., Nev.) defended his work on behalf of the Israeli company, which operates geothermal energy plants in Nevada and is fighting the allegations in federal court.
The Green Spike
California newspapers aren’t telling the whole story about fracking
Chris Reed

     ( - Anti-fracking sentiment is growing in California. In November, voters in Mendocino and San Benito Counties voted to ban the energy-extraction process, which involves injecting a pressurized mixture of water, sand, and chemicals into rock to release the natural gas trapped inside. In all likelihood, Golden State voters will be asked to consider a statewide fracking ban in November 2016. Not only do California’s environmentalists want to make a statement to the world; they also believe an anti-fracking ballot initiative would help boost turnout among voters sympathetic to liberal causes and politicians. This sentiment—along with sharp criticism by activists of Governor Jerry Brown’s relatively moderate views on hydraulic fracturing in California—led U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell in January to call proponents of local fracking bans “know-nothings.”

     In an interview with Northern California PBS affiliate KQED, Jewell said the proposed bans on fracking were misguided. “I think it’s going to be very difficult for industry to figure out what the rules are if different counties have different rules,” she said. “There are a lot of fears out there in the general public and that manifests itself with local laws or regional laws. . . . There is a lot of misinformation about fracking. I think that localized efforts or statewide efforts in many cases don’t understand the science behind it and I think there needs to be more science.”

     A full-throated defense of fracking’s safety from an nObama administration cabinet official would seem newsworthy. But a Nexis search reveals that the only mention of Jewell’s pro-fracking remarks in a California newspaper came in my own editorial for U-T San Diego. This was no fluke. With the exception of a handful of stories in the San Francisco Chronicle, the state’s largest papers almost never report the administration’s view that—with prudent regulation—fracking can be safe.

     At a May 2013 press conference, Jewell discussed new regulations governing fracking on public lands. She delivered her by-now standard endorsement of the practice and criticized misinformation about the energy-extraction technique peddled by environmentalists. “I know there are those who say fracking is dangerous and should be curtailed, full stop,” she said. “That ignores the reality that it has been done for decades and has the potential for developing significant domestic resources and strengthening our economy.”

     That quotation appeared in the New York Times. The Los Angeles Times omitted Jewell’s quote and chose instead to turn to a spokesman for the Western Energy Alliance, a Denver-based trade association, for the pro-fracking view. If a pro-fracking comment appears in a California paper, you can be sure it will be from one of the Golden State media’s favorite bogeyman—either an energy trade association representative or an oil company executive.

     Environmental-beat reporters at the L.A. Times, the Sacramento Bee, the San Jose Mercury-News, and other large state newspapers have reported on the nObama administration’s other energy policies, including its opposition to the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. But even as the president campaigned for reelection in 2012 with boasts about all the natural gas and oil produced by fracking during his first term, these reporters have somehow decided his views aren’t worth sharing with their readers.

     In 1980, Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert Moss published a thriller about a Soviet plot to subvert the United States called The Spike. It was inspired by de Borchgrave’s years as a journalist and his belief that stories that didn’t reflect news organizations’ liberal political views often got “spiked” (pulled from publication)—even really juicy and provocative stories.

     It’s almost impossible to look at California newspapers’ coverage of fracking and not see it as “The Green Spike.” The narrative that the greenest president in history thinks fracking is safe doesn’t fit with the narrative that fracking is dangerous. So in newsrooms across the Golden State, the real views of this president and his administration are considered irrelevant—even as his interior secretary throws down the gauntlet with California’s greens.

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