Another Immoral Democrat Melts Down: "Weinergate" Ends in Tear and Defiance!

By John W. Lillpop

After several days of “Weinergate” drama, the U.S. Congressman who claimed that the release of a lewd photo from his Twitter account was an obvious “hack” job, has finally admitted what was perfectly obvious to everyone else in the world: The entire episode was conceived and executed by Anthony Weiner himself.

That is right, the same left-wing nut ball who fancies himself a suitable person to preside over the city of New York and its 14 million inhabitants.

As reported, in part, at the reference:

Embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted to posting lewd photos of himself on Twitter at a Monday afternoon press conference.

While addressing the media at the Sheraton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, Weiner made the following statement:

“Last Friday night I tweeted a photograph of myself that I intended to send as direct message as part of a joke to a woman in Seattle. Once I realized I posted it to Twitter, I panicked, I took it down and said that I had been hacked. I then continued with that story to stick to that story which was a hugely regrettable mistake.”

Weiner apologized to the Seattle student, who was on the receiving end of the tweet. “To be clear, the picture was of me and I sent it. I am deeply sorry for the pain this has caused my wife Huma and our family, and my constituents, my friends, supporters and staff,” Weiner said.
In addition, the congressman said that “over the past few years I have engaged in several inappropriate conversations conducted over Twitter, Facebook, email, and occasionally on the phone with women I have met online.”

Weiner said he “exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years.” He said “most” of the communications took place before his marriage, but admitted some took place afterward.

Weiner also said he would not resign and that he did not believe that he did anything that broke the law. Weiner said it was a mistake but that he was trying to protect his wife.

“This was a mistake and I am very sorry for it and take it very seriously,” he said.

When asked if he would split from his wife, Weiner said he loved his wife very much and that they would not split.”

Hold on there, Weiner! When it comes to Huma, why not let the Lady speak for herself? With her drop-dead beauty and connections, surely she can do better than being manacled to a 46-year-old going on 12?

Furthermore, Weiner claims that all of his sexual communiqués were with adult women, those over 18, although he admits that it is conceivable that some of his tweets were with ladies who “fibbed” about their age.

Hmm. Surely law enforcement will check that all out and advise the beleaguered if criminal culpability exists—right?
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