Andrew Breitbart’s Righteous Indignation!

The following article and/or blog contains an eye-opening and inspiring book review of Andrew Breitbart’s new book that reveals the history of Socialism in America, beginning with early worship of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (who actually came before Karl Marx) to the scary Frankfurt School at Columbia University and that Marxism started in universities, government and the media, which he claims is America’s worst enemy, along with 13 Rules for Conservative Activists and much more-You Decide:

Posted on The Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On May 23, 2011:

“As a Conservative political web-writer, one of my modern-day heroes is Andrew Breitbart.  After reading his book,Righteous Indignation, I’m an even bigger fan than ever before.

I could relate to almost everything Breitbart wrote, from his early beginnings as a Democrat to his ‘Conservative enlightenment’.

Breitbart grew up in a privileged Southern California neighborhood and then became a major party boy at Tulane University.  His big political ‘ah-ha’ moment happened during the Clarence Thomas hearings; he couldn’t understand the hypocrisy of the left, with their sudden hyper-critical treatment of Thomas while seeming to let everyone else get a free pass regarding morals.  He was also transformed while working as a Production Assistant and spending time in his car listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio.

Breitbart’s career began when the Internet was still in its infancy, hooking up with Matt Drudge just as Matt’s own career was taking off (when he broke the Monica Lewinsky ‘blue dress’ story).

I was a little surprised to learn that one of Breitbart’s early mentors was Ariana Huffington who, ironically, started out as a Conservative and later morphed into the liberal thing she is today.  He later even helped her launch the Huffington Post, which he claimed he did as a way of “keeping tabs” on what the other side is doing.

Another huge turning point in Breitbart’s life happened after his first appearance on Bill Maher’s “Politically Incorrect.”  He had a great time, the audience laughed in all the right places and Maher didn’t rip him to shreds.  But after the show, even before his high had a chance to subside, he started hearing from his Conservative friends who wanted to know why he hadn’t stood up for them.  He realized then that he had an obligation to defend Conservatives—and knew that if “our side” was going to win the war, he had to get in the fight.

So the next time he was on “Politically Incorrect”, he did just that—he “threw down the gauntlet of popularity” and went for broke, putting himself on the line when he stood up for Conservatives.

“Walking out of the Maher show, I realized that what I had feared most—expulsion and derision—didn’t really even hurt, not when you are standing up for what you believe in,” he wrote.

One of the things I enjoyed most in Righteous Indignation was Breitbart’s very deft (and easy to understand) history of Socialism in America, beginning with early worship of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (who actually came before Karl Marx) to the scary Frankfurt School at Columbia University.  Even America’s beloved baby doctor, Dr. Benjamin Spock, studied with Frankfurt School’s Erich Fromm.

Who knew?  And that was exactly the point; they didn’t want people to know.  They just wanted to carefully infiltrate every area of society, from art and music to philosophy and, of course, the media.

“Marxism started in universities, government and media and grew like weeds, originated from those Germans who landed in California.  They created the foundations of the Democratic Complex,” Breitbart wrote.

Breitbart claims that one of America’s greatest enemy is something he calls the “Democratic-Media Complex” (or ‘The Complex’), which is a “collusion between the media and the Democratic party” and was begun many years ago with some of the first Progressives, including Teddy Roosevelt.

“Like an early 20th century Barack Obama, Teddy (Roosevelt) slammed those who disagreed with him, characterizing tyrannical American self-reliance as selfishness.  Collectivism was the new cool.”

Breitbart also writes at length about Saul Alinsky—that communist every liberal seems to love, and who Time Magazine lauded as the Prophet of Power to the People” in 1970.

“Alinsky perfected the ‘inside-out’ tactic by insisting his followers pose as the enemy to achieve their goals…He acted as a Constitutionalist; he talked about the Founders and basically posed as a Conservative,” insisting his followers do the same.

“Alinsky finally put the Democratic Complex into a manageable place.  Every successful interest group and social movement in the United States since the 1960’s has used the Frankfort School ideology and Alinsky rules…It is tragic it has taken Conservatives so long to realize it,” Breitbart wrote.

I found the most important part of Righteous Indignation was Breitbart’s “13 Rules for Conservative Activists”.  Some of those rules are:

1.     Don’t be afraid to go into enemy territory. “Alinsky activists call Fox News ‘Faux News’.  We have to use their media control against them by walking into the lion’s den, heads held high, proud of who we are and what we stand for.  Get in the game.  Get in the fight!”

2.    Expose the left for who they are—in their own words. “That’s where ‘citizen journalists’ come in.  You are the soldiers in this war against the Institutional Left.”

3.    Be open about your secrets. “If you’re going to go out in public, be absolutely open about yor past.  Out yourself before the left does it for us.”

4.    Don’t let libs attack you with their political correctness. “If you refuse to buy into their lexicon, they can’t harm you.  ‘Their bullets aren’t real.’  Don’t defend yourself; call them out on their Alinsky tactics.  Let them know they are racist by citing race continuously.  Don’t let your enemies characterize you.  Name-calling is their best strategy and if you don’t lend it credence and instead force them to back up their charges with specifics, you win.”

5.     Control your own story—don’t let the Complex do it. “Serialize it—push your point, make it heard.  Keep the story alive by planning its release down to the minutest detail.”

You need to buy the book to read the rest because seriously, Andrew’s ‘13 Rules’ should be known and put into practice by EVERY Conservative in America.

Breitbart’s biggest break came when he broke the ACORN story, posting videos of a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute trying to get government subsidized money.  The videos were a combination of hilarious and terrifying; the level of corruption was staggering.

This type of exposure—showing the world the evil that exists in our government and demanding accountability for it—is what Andrew Breitbart is all about.  Throughout Righteous Indignation, he encourages all of us to get involved—to become “citizen journalists.”  We can’t sit idly by and trust that the world will get better on its own anymore because the people running it do not necessarily have our best interests in mind.

Andrew Breitbart has become one of the major forces in Conservative American media with all of his “Big” websites (Big Government, Big Hollywood, etc.). 

He has also become a very important Tea Party activist and spokesperson, staunchly defending them at every turn.

We Conservatives should be very grateful to have a fearless, outspoken warrior like Andrew Breitbart fighting for us on the front lines—because, as he writes, “We have now entered the first full-fledged Alinsky presidency.  And the only way to beat Alinsky is with strength.  We don’t fight fair, we fight righteous.”


Note The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this issue-You Decide: 

Did Obama quote Alinsky in Mideast policy address?-Posted on Aaron Klein-On May 22, 2011:

Media Slammed ‘Bitch’ Angle’s Ad, Now Silent When Ryan Shown Throwing Granny Off Cliff-Posted on The Media Research Center-By Alex Fitzsimmons-Posted on May 20, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

How ABC, CBS and NBC Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party Movement!

ACORN-The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-Automaker Labor Unions:

Do Alinsky’s Rules Define This Administration’s Governing Style?’s-rules-define-this-administration’s-


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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