America the enemy of humanity.

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Seek the truth and expose the criminals that made America the enemy of humanity.

Fellow Americans, our world can be at peace, if we respect the rights of our fellow Americans and others countries; we cannot continue being the world’s pirates who are motivated by greed and power to rob other countries of their natural resources and enslave Americans and humanity.

America has become the world’s bully, the Pirates that in partnership with the elite of the western world are waging a private warfare, a campaign of piracy and pillage against the world and the American people; they are criminals that plan and destroy any nation for economic gain. The world community must regard them as "hostis humani generis", the enemies of humanity. The head of these countries that are engage on the undermining of any legitimate elected government, or form or orchestrate any acts to gain the public support of the people of their country to invade or make wars with another country; must be arrest and prosecute as criminals against humanity.

Today and for the last decade, people are dying in the Middle East. Thousands more will die before the year is out; it doesn't matter that some are Palestinians, Israelis, Iraqis or Americans. It doesn't matter that some are soldiers or civilians;  all are ordinary people who want to live their lives in peace, but all are victims of leaders such as George Bush, Obama, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, David Cameron, Chancellor Angela Merkel and many others who are puppets of a sinister force that uses war to murder and enslave mankind.

All wars are against humanity. For example, almost 60 million people died in the Second World War. The "leaders" on both sides were groomed and armed by the same sinister force. This force consists of the shareholders of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Banks, dynastic families that include the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Loebs, Lehmans, Morgans, Schiffs, Schroders, Harrimans and members of the European aristocracy. These people control much of the world's wealth but they want it all.  The human race is one family. All wars are against humanity. The enemies were not Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden. It is the international financial elite, and their political puppets and news media “the propaganda machinery of the oligarchs war monger” that want control through the making of the one world order and the world’s economic blocks to control the world’s economic.

Let’s remind our political puppets and the media actors that we know they are reading from a fascist NW0 script and let's learn from other countries to respect our culture, religion and ideologies and most important the sovereignty of all countries of the world. Peace and prosperity will come to the world community by eliminating wars and replace it by economic cooperation and love for humanity. Wars are evil, all wars are designed to advance the financial interests of the elite and to control and enslave the civilian population. The human race is one family. All wars are against humanity. The enemy was not Saddam Hussein, Moammar Kadafi, Bashar al-Assad or Osama bin Laden. It is the international financial elite, and their political and media corrupt puppets.

George W. Bush and Tony L. Blair are war criminals.

It is a crime in the US to tell the truth.

US history of crimes against Humanity.

US President and their crimes against Humanity.

Prosecute US criminals against humanity

The Fall of America and the Western World

The American Testimony

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