Wyatt J. Hebert's Posts (1)

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The Leftist Teacher

I am currently a senior in high school and I'm not saying that I'm some enlightened being but I do have common sense, something that one of my teachers is seriously lacking. I got into a small argument with a teacher who claimed that Donald Trump was a racist. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the biggest Trump fan but I would never consider him a racist. This treacher also said that he is a sexist, islamaphobe! Are you kidding me!? There's three things wrong with this whole ordeal. 1. Trump is none of these things 2. This teacher should not be sharing his political beliefs in a classroom and 3. He's a Hillary supporter! Hillary, if anyone, is a sexist and a racist! Allowing rapists to abuse women and perpetuating white guilt are just a couple of the things Hillary has done. This teacher will support Hillary and proceed to call Trump the same things he's supporting. This post is mainly to inform all of you of the nonsense being taught to your kids. This is what we've come to. Rant over
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