Rohnda Pagan's Posts (1)

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Finding my way around racism.

I have to admit, finding my way around this place is difficult for me.  I'm not even sure what I am looking at half the time.  The very first time I go to look at the voting poles, I run across what seems to be a racist.  I saw other's questioning this woman about her remarks.  

I do NOT like racist!  I grew up in the 60's and 70's and my very first social interaction with another child did not go well as they had been brought up racist.  Lets just say I walked away with bloody knees.  I lived in the lower poverty area some would refer to as the ghetto and saw a lot of racism.  I knew then when I was 6 that I did not want to be like them.  I am not racist against skin color, that being said, I have a lot to say about religion, specifically the Muslim religion.  My kids call me racist because I fear why the Muslims are here in the US.  I will not take on a Muslim doctor or have them as friends.  I believe unless they have changed to Christianity they think we are their enemy.  Their holy book the Qur'an is very clear about us Westerners.  I just want to know that I am not sitting and socializing with our enemies.  They don't wear tags that say they are Muslim and they will do anything to confuse and take advantage of us.  Am I promoting a hatred, I would call it more of an awareness of an evil religion. 

I understand one of our first rights is the freedom of speech and I believe in it.  That doesn't mean I have to like what I am seeing other's say.  If you want to be a racist, that's your problem and your judgement will only get you so far upwards.  But I don't want you vomiting that crap all over me.  Racism has no place in this time and age.   I find it hard to believe that adults here in the US are still being ugly with racism.  That being said, Obama is a moron! Definition : A Fool.  Peace out!

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