Robert Buckles's Posts (12)

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The following is a quote from “Dreams of My Father”, President
Obama’s book:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I choose my friends
carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists,”

who or what is he selling out,I believe it is clear to any right thinking person.

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Just for laughs

Those Racist Liberal Democrats Begin Sarah Palin Style Smear Attacks on Herman Cain


The Difference is Herman Cain is a Black Man and unlike Barack Obama, he is 100% Black and a Conservative with Real Family Roots right here in America.  The Ole Liberal Double Standard has reared it’s ugly head once again but this time it ain’t gonna work!

Trying to make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill.  Politico puts out an article accusing Herman Cain of Sexual Harassment by two “Anonymous” Women who say they were made to feel uncomfortable.

Give me a break already.  How far of a stretch is it not to see the Blatant Racism of the Left.  Perhaps Racism only applies to Conservatives who Criticize our first Bi-Racial President?


But Wait

What ever happened to these New Stories that the Left Wing Obama Controlled Media chose to Ignore?


Of Course the Liberal Media had a Little Trouble trying to Ignore this Story






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Atheists at it again Memorial Statue of Jesus Overlooking Big Mountain in Montana

Atheists are at it again with trying to tear down all that christians hold dear by throwing up a fuss over this being on federal land. I am sick of these trecherous people who want to tear down anything that has to do with christians.I want to get a law passed that stops these kinds of lawsuits from being considered when it comes to the heros that gave all so these idiots could actually have a voice.I say silence that voice of derision and send them packing

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Sudan and Slavery


Slavery is alive and well in the world today and it is not Europeans committing this Crime against humanity.....It is Muslims.The problem according to a formor slave is the indifference by the UN on this ongoing issue.The UN is so concerned about the palenstians and their refugees that they completely deny the problem in Sudan by calling them abducted people and not slaves as it should be is a shame and scary that the UN takes this position over sudan and yet decries Isreal for her supposed crimes against palastine.

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http://, October 30, 2011

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This is what happens to christians when  they try to practice their religion in muslim nations and trust me it will happen here if we do not stop the negative rhetoric that is being flung throughout the internet,papers and televisions by secular Atheists and muslim extremists.

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Socialism in America

With the recent occupy wall street demonstrations flowering across this country
and the world,it finally looks like the socialist/marxist/communist liberals are
gaining ground on the destruction of capitalism and the american way each and
every day.This is not new by any means yet this time it feels more real to
me.These demonstrations are decades in the making and extremely intricate and
well thought out.I fear that the youth of today are to eaisly taken in by
promises of a even playing field that will solve all their day to day
troubles.This is a fantasy that has been propped up by liberal
acadamia,government,hollywood and well heeled billionaires who have an entirely
different agenda than what the common man has. it is about government dominance
over every aspect of a humans life,the exact thing that America is against.They
do this by either doomsday propaganda,promises of a great working wage and
benefits,or through enviormental regulations that squeeze the populace ever
nearer to each other to obtain work.There are groups that flood money into
campaigns for people who can help them achieve their ends.They change the school
curriculum to reeducate children to think collectively instead of as an
individual,they smear the accomplishments of the U.S. as criminal and
unethical,they flood the internet with attacks on conservatives and paint their
cause as the only hope for human kind. We still see racism being used as a tool
to attack conservative whites ,whether true or not.We see our southern border
being inudated with so many illegal immigrants that stop the flood would take an
act of war.we have extremist muslims trying to infiltrate our nation with the
help of CAIR and other Muslim organizations,we have a president who couldn't
create the truth let alone a job and to top it all off you have the mainstream
media that reports only the stories that are significant to the liberal left. I
no longer trust this countries government to do the right thing;as a matter of
fact i believe they will start turning up the pressure on conservative americans
if they win the presidency in 2012. Below are some very good sites on the
insidious progression of the socialist/marxist/communists agenda in this


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