Bonnie Lyons's Posts (1)

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My thoughts for today.........

Today I recieved my I am the Tea Party Leader sign from Tea Party Patriots and my husband proudly put it in our front yard. I got my button and I am planning on wearing it every day and every where. It is time we take a stand one by one and take back our country. Every day there seems to be something so stupid on the news that we know is just not right we either laugh at it or get MAD about it. Take California wanting to boycot Arizona because they had the balls to stand up and say we are going to do something about immigration if the federal government want. Wonder what would happen if everyone that was behind Arizona boycotted California.

One of the many things I remember my daddy saying when I was a child was you can't clean up some body elses back yard until you clean up your own....I guess you could say Arizona has decided to step up and start cleaning their yard and I hope that the rest of the states will get the message. Our country is so busy trying to support people here illegally until it can't afford to take care of its own people who are in need.............

We can all take some history books and read back in our history and know what will soon happen..... History sometimes finds away of repeating itself when people take a high office and the power goes to their head making them think they could have done a better job cause they know more now than people did back then....... Sounds like my teenagers telling me they know more than I do......I have my high school diploma and my assoicates but none of that compares to the lessons life has taught me.....My daddy always said said their is book smart and then there is common sense.........Some of our elected officals may have a lot of book smarts and degress but they sure seem to be lacking in the common sense department and that makes them idoits........

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