Does this question not resonate whenever one thinks of the ‘debauchery’ that has occurred to the American dollar by government design. ‘Why is Bernie Madoff incarcerated, while the administration, the congress, and the bureaucracy that is their agents, not? Perhaps there should be a punishment much more than just incarceration, but that’s a personal choice.

Attempting to even comprehend why our citizens have no clue, the slightest iota of the catastrophe occurring, what is the why? Why is it that our nation’s citizens, those who are the victims of this fraud of immeasurable proportion, are oblivious to the event? What could have happened to acerbate and excel such lack of knowledge, advancing this unparalleled ignorance?  

How do we define the why of this problem? What is there about the average American today, that has perpetuated this absolute incomprehensible lack of understanding they—the public, the Federal Reserve, the banking system, wall street, the majority of the corporations in this nation, and definitely our congress, our administration, and the bureaucracy that does their bidding?

So we begin with the people themselves? Is our citizenry so incompetent, so illiterate—in economic realities—that even the words of description mean nothing? Have we so corrupted the world of reality, that our nation’s populace can’t distinguish fallacy from reality? Is there perhaps a more sinister reason, has the mental retardation of drug use…specifically marijuana…so retarded the mental capacity, rendering it incapable of ‘THINKING,’ we have lost reason? Is our nation somehow ‘evolved’ with this drugs use, ever the society itself—parent to child—has destroyed basic foundations of thought? 

Is the answer in our ‘conformity,’ not education of our academic environment? Have we so disregarded thinking, and replaced it with the mantra of ideological dogma, we lost the objective of why there is the environment of education…and teaching? Is this fallacy of emotional falsehood, this feel good environment of self—self-interest—delusion, so convoluted our society that even the concepts of right and wrong are dismissed from the society in which we live? Is this not heathenism? As it is the definition, then is it also perhaps by losing our foundations of mores, morals, and the religious foundation of our society equally the problem?

Should we not consider this simple reality, today in the wallet…or the purse…of the average American is the means to wealth unknown even to kings of 3,000 years ago! That is remarkable, when one considers it. Today, with the magic of unlimited credit, perpetuating the consumer society, with but a piece of plastic, with magnetic bar code, you can buy anything from a candy bar to an automobile. Not only does our society have this absolute remarkable wealth, they have a plethora of consumer articles available. A world of economic miracle never conceived in the history of mankind. Has this so corrupted our concept of even the identification of wealth, we do not comprehend or understand what wealth is? Can we not compound that problem? How many are there in this nation, up to third generations, that have never made any connection between working, or effort, and results? Their very existence, and their families’ existence is, and has been dependent upon the Post Offices’ ability to deliver to them the wealth—stolen from others, or printed from thin air…they depend on, and feel entitled to—for their sustenance? How can those who are in this society, through political design, to make the recipients ‘obligated’ to vote for them politically—for their own self-interest—not feel as victims? How can this reduction of liberty, the degradation of even human existence, respect, or acknowledgement become the genre of their normality?

Is there not another problem beyond comprehension? Listening to the political ‘ideologies’ suggestions of how to make the situation correct itself, who would not be confused? The communism of Keynesian monetary and fiscal policy of the Democrats is easy to hear, the only problem it doesn’t make sense, nor has any record of ever making sense. As if to not be outdone, the Republicans have the concept of waving some magic wand, coming up with equally ridiculous concepts, and them saying, see this works. When in reality, no they didn’t they acerbated the problem, and accelerated it, as their concepts do not deal with the reason the problem exists.

Think of our poor Bernie Madoff, what did he do? He was a thief who created a way to steal, that those who were the victims believed they were gaining from this event. I challenge anyone, any who think they are an economist, understand business, commercialism, are in the debauchery of employment of the Federal Reserve, the insanity of reducing taxes—and the insanity of their presentations, the flat tax, the horizon tax, the value added tax, the vertical tax, the psychedelic tax, or the insanity tax—present an antithesis of this position! Can they even present one example of their illusions, or hallucinations that have been successful! I’ll guarantee they cannot. I’d stake my life, as they are staking your wealth on it.

Bernie stole by telling people, you give to me, I’ll give to you—what more could you want? Is this not the same message of the political parties in this nation? Oh they give to others in different way, they steal from the treasury—from all of us…who are in the game rather we wish to be or not—by giving back to some, while stealing from all. Was Bernie’s design any different? If so, I challenge anyone to explain the difference!

The dementia of both Keynesian insanity, and the lower taxes insanity, at their foundations are not only equal—they are exactly the same in theory—using different tools of reason. The communist plan, if we put more ‘artificial wealth’ ‘valueless dollars into the economy—perpetual motion will begin—and the economy, because of this injection will continue on robustly! It’s worked so well that every time it has been attempted there is only one and only one result. I’ll continually use this example, for there is no better, and it is something every American should know and understand. The results of Keynesian communist monetary and fiscal policy…as all of communist design…were best identified by Henry Morgenthau, Jr. who was the Secretary of the Treasury under the Administration of Franklin Roosevelt as the Great Depression and its rampant unemployment were of primary focus for Morgenthau. After almost two terms served by Roosevelt, Morgenthau assessed the federal effort to relieve economic conditions by proclaiming, "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started...and an enormous debt to boot!"

The lower taxes, through whatever illogical concept advanced, changing the tax concept to the above mentioned…the flat, round, square, or crazy tax…does what? The concept makes the revenue of the nation more, by allowing more of those who have capital, to invest that capital—excuse me isn’t this the same as the insanity of the communist plan of Keynesian insanity—to allow the expansion of business increasing the revenue environment? There is only one difference—the capital of those who are producers, invest in production—while the communist plan invest in anything but…unless it is crony capitalism of some ideology…in the enterprise of the economy.     

The result, tax revenue increases, the ‘deficit’ between the—as our illustrious one call it…insanity beyond reason…revenue—taxes and the government expenditures are less. Were any of the reasons for the problem corrected? Do you know? Have you thought about it, or do you accept the propaganda of lies—supplied by the Republicans—that it was so good, things were doing so well. Yes they were—if we compare it to the absolute incomprehensible incompetence of the Jimmy Carter fiasco. What if we compare it to political design of say, the long lasting corrections of Warren Harding, who corrected the problem? Would it even be comparable? I’ll save you the trouble of the research—there would be nothing comparative. Why, you may ask. It’s simple, Harding identified the errors, and dealt with what the errors were. Regan, as he was handicapped by the wondrous absolute incompetence beyond measure of Tip…never met a drink I didn’t take…O’Neal. The result of course, in the term of Ronald Regan, with the reduction of taxes, the debt ceiling was raised under Regan 17 times. Why, because the problem wasn’t addressed. The problem is not gaining more of the pie, or even making a bigger pie. The problem was then, as now, is not the revenue side. It is not the tax side. It is nothing but the spending side and the spending sides only. The reason that Harding’s design worked, and the reason it is the only way you can ever correct the problem. Remember it was the Republicans who broke the trillion dollar barrier, that was all that stood between the inanity we have today, and the Republican mess created by Nixon when the dollar was separated from the gold standard. Not only did Regan’s presidency break this barrier—it tripled—the debt from $1 Trillion, the base, to $3 Trillion in his presidency. Yes, he was a great president compared to Carter, but he was what he was. A great American, but he was as clueless of the economic realities of enterprise as our current disgrace. 

Whenever anyone makes a deal with the devil—as Regan did with O’Neal—the results should be expected. For every dollar that Regan increased the—sic (oBOMBa) definition, revenue, taxes—O’Neal and the wondrous Democrats, with the increased revenue, then borrowed $2.50 more for each dollar of revenue. Folks for every dollar of a pay raise you get, if you spend $3.50. I’ll guarantee you that you will be more in debt!

Think of the results of these actions. Today the most incompetent man to have perhaps ever walked the surface of this planet, is increasing the debt of this nation, by not a Trillion over the term of his presidency, but has so far averaged over—the estimate by independent auditors, not the propagandist of government coercion—of close to $3 trillion a year! Think of that, in but 5 years, we see the increase of debt, the debauchery of our currency, and the legislative intrusion into our society—creating expense for those in enterprise…resulting in cost we have no way now to even estimate…as corruption of our society for perpetuity; as long as this nation exists.

Could it be worse? Unfortunately it not only can it is. Since 1918 when this nation, by its economic strength, transposed the English Pound as the world currency—what small stability that could be established was based on the—solid currency—policy…in its abated reference of our own economic (communist) policies—had some limited effect, worldwide on some currency stabilization. When this nation monetized our currency policy, creating this present scenario of absolute—I lack the word, perhaps ideocracy—of our current monetary policy. It opened the floodgates to the absolute nonexistence of any monetary policy worldwide. Advancing not only the debauchery of currency, through inflationary policy, while advancing deflationary earning reductions created by the loss of wealth in the value of our currency—not only to this nation, but to all other nations worldwide. The direct result that the more and more economic and monetary incompetency was advanced in this nation—the same wealth and value of currency worldwide, was also destroyed. The result, today every nation on the face of this planet, all nations, without exception, is in the same conundrum of economic insanity—the communist monetary policy—of their own governments.

Think of this for just a minute. What if Regan would have undone the genesis of our nation’s problems, instead of kicking the can down the road, to be dealt with later? What if, the Republicans would have initiated that the dollar be tied to something of value, if not gold, perhaps another thing that must be created by effort, not some relativism of government ideology. What if the cancerous bureaucracies of Carter, Johnson, and Franklin Roosevelt would have been reduced, and removed, instead of their existence concreted, establishing them in stone, while being expanded. Think of a world without the EPA, the HUD, and all of the altruistic societies—the parasites feeding off the life blood of this nation—would have been removed! It is a world, a society, a nation that is beyond comprehension considering that today, we as a nation accept the thought of government, intruding into every segment, every corner, everything of our society.

With this economic change, of world currency position, another possibility, beyond the insanity of any nation, anywhere for any reason, occurred. Those with this new power—this magical capacity—this nation could make wealth out of thin air. A power no nation had ever decided that they could by some relativism of what the wealth of the dollar would be—politically—influence all societies…economic policy…beyond our shores, in the world economy, advancing the corruption of our monetary illiteracy.

How did we use it? The absolute corruptive insanity of the international monetary fund, using the communist tool of finance, and capitalization, to direct not only our nation’s direction, but the other nations of this planet.

The example, of our attempt to temper the actions of Russia in the Ukraine, the absolute useless policies of sanctions against Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and just about every other nation on the face of the earth. The two edged sword yielded as ineffectively no matter how. First, if you do not comply, we will chastise you, and not allow you in the society of our economic dominance, and our wealth—imaginary at best, illusionary in reality. If not we will loan you some of this same fallacy, making you a debtor and obligated to our system. The result, those who ‘steal the wealth,’ of our benevolence, use that wealth for what? They use it to perpetuate their power, in the political spectrum buying the votes, the same as this nation, the Bernie Madoff policy of both political parties. 

Excuse the length, I know many are literacy challenged, and if too long, as the average American have an attention span less than a great white shark of 3 seconds, it may be strenuous.

We are not in some easy scenario. Our pending demise—economically—is not something that can be corrected easily. It can never be corrected if as a society—as currently—we remain absolutely ignorant—of not only the problem, but even the esoteric of the language of the problem.

Today, the powers of Russia, China, and Iran—all with wealth—created by the lifeblood of modern society…oil…are devising how they shall leave the irrational economic currency policy perpetuated by this nation. It matters not if they use, dollars of barter, trade, or whatever the…real and tangible… means of measurement they decide on, it will destroy this fallacy of ‘thin air’ monetary policy of this nation.

The result, the debauchery of the communist policy to destroy this nation will be complete. Our wealth, being destroyed by our own government at an ever-increasing rate, while we stand in not only mute silence, but in cognitive of the reality. The dollar will have no value. Our printing presses will be of no use. The wealth of a great nation will have disappeared in the time frame of our life’s experience.  

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  • they don't accept it. It is forced on them by badge and gun toting thugs, who will jail you, tax you out of your home, steal your savings, steal your food, and kill you if you try to resist. The problem is that Christians support their government as bad and corrupt as it is, believing God is in charge.

    When they stop believing in a creator God, it will all fall apart.

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