Tuesday ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 2016             The truth will set you free 
Will Orlando Change Anything?
by Thomas Sowell
 nObama Blames Liberty 
On Thursday, Barack nObama made his way to Orlando to grieve with those mourning the loss of loved ones in Sunday's brutal Islamist attack. But let's face it — nObama politicizes everything, and never more than when attending funerals for the victims of mass murder committed with a gun.
          "The notion that the answer to this tragedy would be to make sure that more people in a nightclub are similarly armed to the killer defies common sense," nObama declared. "Those who defend the easy accessibility of assault weapons should meet these families and explain why ... it is that we think our liberty requires these repeated tragedies. That's not the meaning of liberty."
          As if nObama, of all people, is the authority on defending Liberty. Quite the opposite. nObama is arguing that Liberty is the problem. If he were truly honest, he'd start pushing for gun confiscation and see what happened.
          "They pleaded that we do more to stop the carnage," he said later. "They don't care about the politics. Neither do I." Give us a break — this is all about politics for nObama. If he really wanted to stop Islamist attacks on U.S. soil, he'd pursue a different strategy against the Islamic State. But that's not his goal. Indeed, he again denied the ties that the Orlando and San Bernardino attackers had to a larger movement and insisted they were "home-grown" and "deranged individuals." Oh, and all this "hatred towards people because of sexual orientation" has got to stop, he lectured. Such stubborn denial of the real problem defines the nObama era.  -The Patriot Post
 CIA Chief: ISIL Has a Lot of Western Operatives  Earlier this week, Barack nObama boasted of the success of his strategy against the Islamic State. Here's a sampling: "We are making significant progress. ... ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ... ISIL continues to lose key leaders. ... As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. ... ISIL's ranks are shrinking as well. Their morale is sinking." Time for a reality check.
          CIA Director John Brennan told some inconvenient truths to Congress Thursday, warning, "ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West." He continued, "Unfortunately, despite all our progress against ISIL on the battlefield and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the group's terrorism capability and global reach. ... In fact, as the pressure mounts on ISIL, we judge that it will intensify its global terror campaign to maintain its dominance of the global terrorism agenda." Not only that, but Brennan cautioned that ISIL aims to smuggle in jihadis among refugees. Translation: nObama's "strategy" is absolutely not working.
          It's no surprise that the Islamic State is in fact a real threat, contrary to what nObama regularly insists. Recall that he initially dismissed them as the "JV team" just after they'd retaken Fallujah, and that we had them "contained" just before last year's Paris massacre. nObama has been asking for cooked intelligence, and Brennan aided in removing politically incorrect language from training material — at nObama's direction. Five years ago, Brennan told American Muslims that he was striving to avoid "unnecessarily creating tensions" and valued the "promotion of an inclusive society." Those are not bad things in and of themselves — most Muslims are peaceful people, especially in America, and we need their help to stop terrorist threats. Yet you might notice a pattern of appeasement with the nObama administration rather than appropriate countermeasures. That's why nObama was more angry about having to use the words "radical Islam" than about the Orlando attack itself. 
-The Patriot Post
 Everybody Saw It Coming but the FBI 
The signs were there. Nearly everyone who came in contact with Orlando jihadist Omar Mateen saw him as dangerous. His co-workers reported him. His first wife said he abused her and had mental health issues. Even Disney contacted the FBI to say Mateen was possibly casing "the happiest place on earth."
          This concern extended to one of the gun shops Mateen visited. Lotus Gunworks in Jensen Beach, Florida, contacted the FBI after Mateen entered the shop looking to buy "high-end body armor." When the shop informed Mateen it didn't sell what he was looking for, Mateen asked about bulk ammunition. The shop turned him away. Unlike cake bakers, gun shops can decide with whom they want to do business. The takeaway: Gun storeowners generally know what they're doing and when leftists clamor for more regulation, they ignore the protections already in place.
          Case in point: CBS wanted to scare viewers by making them think it's too easy to acquire an AR-15. Thanks to modern technology that allows gun storeowners to run an instant background check on a potential gun buyer, the reporter was able to purchase her AR in 38 minutes. A law-abiding citizen passed a background check and legally exercised her Second Amendment rights? Horrors! But she might have broken federal law hours later when she transferred the rifle to a licensed firearms dealer. According to the gun store's manager, the reporter claimed she wanted to "undergo training," though she declined the shop's free firearm safety instruction. Suspecting that the reporter made a straw purchase, the gun store reported the incident to the ATF and Virginia State Police.
          If there is room for improvement, it's with the FBI. Politically correct directives from nObama hamstring the agency, causing them to let men like Mateen off the hook. And let's not forget that the government itself breaks gun laws in order to "justify" more gun laws. Remember how the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms let straw purchases go through during nObama's Fast and Furious gun control scheme. The government didn't enforce the law, and people died as a result. It's time to quash the leftist gun-grabbing agenda and focus on the real problems. 



Is America really in decline?
by James Pethokoukis
{aei.org} ~ And here we are in 2016 America with “a chorus of lamentation” singing loudly in the world’s wealthiest, most powerful country. Everyone wins but America... Things used to be so much better, say populists on the left and right. Wise words from philosopher Eric Hoffer: “All mass movements deprecate the present, and there is no more potent dwarfing of the present than by viewing it as a mere link between a glorious past and a glorious future.” All of which brings me to a Wall Street Journal piece by reporter Eric Morath looking at how the US has been doing lately versus other advanced economies. Sure, the US faces economic challenges. I write about them all the time in this blog. But if we — to use Tomb’s phrasing– abandoned “this fit of the vapors” about America past and present, then perhaps it would “a calmer, more rational analysis of our situation and our needs.” Or as presidential candidate Freddy Picker tells a rambunctious crowd in the 1998 film “Primary Colors”:...  http://www.aei.org/publication/is-america-really-in-decline-what-we-can-learn-from-britain/?utm_source=paramount&utm_medium=email&utm_content=AEITODAY&utm_campaign=061716
NRA Publicly Rebukes Trump:
His Ideas on Guns “Defy Common Sense”
by Leon H. Wolf
{redstate.com} ~ I've said it before and I'll say it again: the price for getting in bed with Trump is that you have to spend every interview between now and November answering for the latest dumb thing Trump has said or done... Let's review what's happened since the NRA endorsed Trump for President a couple weeks ago. First Trump publicly called out the organization while parroting an unconstitutional and stupid Democrat talking point. This caused Chris Cox and Wayne LaPierre to spend several days trying to explain how Trump was on their side of this issue instead of the Democrats'. Then Trump suggested that the best way to have solved the Orlando massacre would have been for all the drunk and possibly high patrons of Pulse to have been strapping weapons to their waists or their ankles, or wherever. So when Cox and LaPierre made the rounds on the Sunday shows today at one of the highest pressure moments of the NRA's history, instead of talking about the Cornyn bill that the Democrats insanely filibustered, they instead got to explain their thoughts on, you guessed it, some idiotic remarks from Trump...  http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2016/06/20/nra-publicly-rebukes-trump-ideas-guns-defy-common-sense/?utm_source=rsmorningbriefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl
nObama’s support of radical Islam and the rise of ISIS
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~ The foreign policy for dealing with radical Islam pursued by Barack nObama and liar-Hilly Clinton can best be described as the intersection of ideology and incompetence... nObama's "amore" for radical Islam began in 2009, soon after his inauguration, when he ordered his administration not to support the Iranian Green Revolution after thousands of brave Iranian democracy protesters rose up against the brutal Khamenei regime. According to the Wall Street Journal: "nObama administration officials at the time were working behind the scenes with the Sultan of Oman to open a channel to Tehran. The potential for talks with Iran-and with Mr. Khamenei as the ultimate arbiter of any nuclear agreement," one that would prove to be a national security disaster for the US. As it turned out, nObama's Iran nuclear agreement only strengthen the hard-liners; since completion of the agreement, Tehran has stepped up arrests of political opponents...
CAIR’s Shibly Schemes To
Manufacture Airport Inspection Complaints
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~ On May 29, 2016 The Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) leader Hassan Shibly was returning to the U.S. from Istanbul Turkey.  At the airport, Mr. Shibly, was asked for a secondary screening by Custom's and Border Protection (CBP) Agents... Hassan Shibly got so unhinged, at his secondary screening by the (CBP) he made two selfie videos posting them to his FaceBook page on May 29th & 30th, explaining how certain Muslims should behave when being questioned at the airport. I will explain how Imam Shibly and CAIR are instructing Muslims to be loud and disrespectful to airport security hoping to generate a mass complaint lawsuit against the U.S. Government for Muslim discrimination at airports...  http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/cairs-shibly-schemes-to-manufacture-airport-inspection-complaints?f=must_reads
nObama: Anti-Anti-Terrorist
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~ Barack nObama has spent his presidency cultivating Islamists, particularly from the international Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates in the United States. As we saw this week, he chafes at the term "radical Islam" - as do his Islamist advisers... At their insistence, he had instructional materials for training government agents purged of references to Islamic terms that illuminate the nexus between Muslim doctrine and jihadist terror. nObama's vaunted national-security strategy, "Countering Violent Extremism," is Orwellian. The term CVE supplants identification of our jihadist enemies with the wooly notion that "violence" can be caused by any form of "extremism" - it has nothing to do with Islam. By transferring security responsibilities from government intelligence agents to Muslim "community leaders" often, Islamist groups, CVE actually encourages violent extremism. These steps have been reckless. They have made our nation more vulnerable to the kind of jihadist atrocities we saw last weekend in Orlando. So obvious is this that many nObama critics have gone from thinking the unthinkable to saying it aloud: The president of the United States seems to be intentionally betraying our national security; even if not squarely on the side of the terrorists, nObama is such an apologist for their Islamist grievances that he might as well be...  http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/obama-anti-anti-terrorist?f=must_reads
NPR Continues to Help nObama
Obscure the Sharia Threat
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~ National Public Radio was recently discovered to have helped a donor disinform NPR's audience about the Iran nuclear "deal." In so doing, it played a role in a now-acknowledged White House-sponsored domestic propaganda operation... A similar effort seems to be underway at the moment. National Public Radio is pushing the official spin that Omar Mateen may not have been motivated by his Islamic supremacism to kill and wound scores of homosexuals in Orlando. The proof? He was into controlling things and brutalized his first and second wives. Of course, anyone familiar with the Islamists' totalitarian sharia code would recognize domination and abuse of women as symptoms of sharia-adherence, not evidence of other motivations...http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/npr-continues-to-help-obama-obscure-the-sharia-threat?f=must_reads
"Selling a House to a Jew is a Betrayal of Allah"
by Khaled Abu Toameh
Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood
{gatestoneinstitute.org} ~ A Palestinian Muslim who commits the "crime" of selling property to Jews should not expect to be buried in an Islamic cemetery. Marriage to local Palestinians will no longer be an option for this criminal's family members, and any weddings the family makes will have no guests attending... Both the living and the dead, then, will pay the price for such "treason." This is only a sampling of the punitive measures that will now be faced by Palestinian residents of Jerusalem who are involved in real estate transactions with Jews. The latest measures were recently announced by a group of Palestinian activists in east Jerusalem, as part of a renewed campaign against Palestinians who are found guilty of selling a home or plot of land to a Jewish individual or organization...  http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8300/palestinians-homes-jews
How the Democrats Are Disarming Us
by David Horowitz
{frontpagemag.com} ~ According to a Gallup poll taken in the week after the atrocity in Orlando, only 29% of Democrats thought this was an Islamic terror attack. Fully 60% of all Democrats attributed the attack to “domestic gun violence.”... Moreover 42% of independents felt the same way. Only 44% attributed it to the Islamic holy war that has been declared on America and the West. How is this possible? During the massacre, the terrorist himself took pains to post messages declaring that his acts were acts of Islamic terror against America. “Now taste the Islamic state vengeance," one message said. Another warned, “in the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the USA.”  Moreover, in the days following the attack a dossier of his behavior and associations going back more than fifteen years showed that he saw himself as a warrior for Islam and a jihadist in the making. The FBI had interviewed him twice – once in 2013 after co-workers reported that he made “inflammatory” comments to them about radical Islamic propaganda, and the following year because of ties with a fellow Muslim who traveled to Syria to become a suicide bomber...  http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/263239/how-democrats-are-disarming-us-david-horowitz
Media Mislead About Mateen's Motives
by Roger Aronoff
{gopusa.com} ~ The mainstream media are desperate to distract from the facts of the Orlando shootings, choosing instead to blame Republicans and conservatives for the deaths of 49 individuals at a gay bar called Pulse... In reality, the attacks were perpetrated by an American-born Islamic jihadist who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State during the attack, and had in the past “boasted of ties to the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Al Qaeda.” Instead of discussing the ramifications of terror worldwide and in our midst, the liberal media have reignited their quest for new gun control legislation and have sought to blame this attack on Republicans in general, and presumptive Republican candidate Donald Trump in particular. Omar Mateen’s “bullets and the blood he left behind that early morning were a reminder that in many corners of the country, gay and transgender people are still regarded as sinners and second-class citizens who should be scorned,” wrote The New York Times editorial board in a scathing piece aimed squarely at Republicans. They write that the “precise motivation for Mateen’s rampage remains unclear.”...The Media is not reporting the true facts, but are helping our enemies.  http://www.gopusa.com/?p=11482?omhide=true


Will Orlando Change Anything?
by Thomas Sowell
{townhall.com} ~ However great the shock of the massacre in Orlando, it is only a matter of time before we start hearing again the fact-free dogma that "diversity is our strength."

If there is any place in the Guinness Book of World Records for words repeated the most often, over the most years, without one speck of evidence, "diversity" should be a prime candidate.

Is diversity our strength? Or anybody's strength, anywhere in the world? Does Japan's homogeneous population cause the Japanese to suffer? Have the Balkans been blessed by their heterogeneity -- or does the very word "Balkanization" remind us of centuries of strife, bloodshed and unspeakable atrocities, extending into our own times?

Has Europe become a safer place after importing vast numbers of people from the Middle East, with cultures hostile to the fundamental values of Western civilization?

"When in Rome do as the Romans do" was once a common saying. Today, after generations in the West have been indoctrinated with the rhetoric of multiculturalism, the borders of Western nations on both sides of the Atlantic have been thrown open to people who think it is their prerogative to come as refugees and tell the Romans what to do -- and to assault those who don't knuckle under to foreign religious standards.

The recent wave of refugees flooding into Europe include Muslim men who have been haranguing European women on the streets for not dressing modestly enough, not to mention their sexual molestation of those women.

Smug elites in Europe, like their counterparts in America, are not nearly as concerned about such things as they are about preventing "Islamophobia." Legal restrictions on free speech in some European countries make it a crime to sound the alarm about the dangers to the culture and to the people.

In the lofty circles of those who see themselves as citizens of the world, it is considered unworthy, if not hateful, to insist on living according to your own Western values or to resist importing people who increase your chances of being killed.

But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.

America's great good fortune in the past has been that Americans have been able to unite as Americans against every enemy, despite our own internal differences and struggles. Black and white, Jew and Gentile, have fought and died for this country in every war.

It has not been our diversity, but our ability to overcome the problems inherent in diversity, and to act together as Americans, that has been our strength.

In both World War I and World War II, the top commander of American troops who went into combat against the German army was of German ancestry -- Pershing and Eisenhower, respectively. So too was General Carl Spaatz, whose bombers reduced German cities to rubble. Whatever their backgrounds, they were Americans when the chips were down.

Today, that sense of American unity is being undermined by the reckless polarization of group identity politics. That affects not only how Americans see themselves, but how others in our midst see America.

Some people demand American citizenship, as if it is an entitlement, while burning the American flag and waving the flag of Mexico. And the apostles of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" watch in silence. That includes the President of the United States.

Probably most people in most groups are decent. But if 85 percent of the people in Group A present no serious problems and 95 percent of the people in Group B present no serious problems, that means you can expect three times as many serious problems when you admit immigrants from Group A.

Unfortunately, there is remarkably little interest in the relevant facts about crime rates, disease rates, welfare dependency or educational deficiencies among immigrants from specific countries. Most debates about immigration policies are contests in rhetoric, with hard facts being ignored as if they didn't exist.

Tragically, the massacre in Orlando seems unlikely to change that. Too many people have too much invested in their own particular position to change, especially in an election year.
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