The End of the World

Tomorrow is income tax day, also tax revolt day. My one man tax revolt commenced in 1973. Here’s the story.We’ve many indicators, the Mayan Calendar, Nostradamus, the Bible, that the end is near. Richard Tarnus, renowned philosopher and cultural historian, from his 30-year study of the unfavorable alignments of Saturn and Pluto says the unfavorable alignment that began in the month and year of Obama’s election, and will end in three to four years, is the end of an epoch.It’s darkest before the dawn. Coincidental with the end of an epoch prediction is the fading away of the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, which is where the United States is at this moment, as divided as we’ve ever been. Obama, the divider, is bringing us to the end of an epoch of personal irresponsibility, decadence, and corrupt government. It all fits like a hand in a glove. A great change is certain.Behold, we’re fading into the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is the water-bearer. I’m an Aquarian messenger. What will this water-bearer’s message be? I was born with Aquarius rising and Saturn was in its most favorable of alignments with Pluto. That’s a good omen, so you surely want to know my message.Going back to 1973, Uranus, my ruling planet, had transited in its orbit around the sun to a position opposing itself, meaning pressure to change. My business enterprise was on the rocks and my marriage as well, by reason that Neptune was on the cusp of my Seventh House, the house of partners, when I was born.I didn’t know anything about astrology. All of this was like a sack of cement falling on my head. I was having terrifying nightmares. I blamed it on government.I studied my Constitution and brought legal action against the IRS. The IRS called me a “Fifth Amendment freak.” The news media called people like me nutcakes. Federal judges called me a “spurious constitutional objector.”Voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I had a bigger than life calling. This was bigger than my own personal fight.In the summer of 1975, I was going through a divorce. In order to survive, I’d taken a security guard job. At 12:30 P.M., my key would not open the door of my apartment. My landlord had locked me out for non-payment of rent. It is darkest before the dawn.The IRS, who called me a Fifth Amendment freak, was lawlessly holding my refund money due to net operating loss carry-backs, which would have paid my rent. The deal the corrupt IRS offered me was to drop my lawsuit if I wanted my refund, and allow them to deduct their erroneous tax assessment. I was convinced I was going to win my fight. I told the IRS I’d see them in court, and I did ,and the tax court ruled in my favor. The case was closed and the IRS immediately resorted to the same lawless tactics. It’s obstruction of justice, but I didn’t stand a chance in the lawless system of justice in place. Judges looked the other way. The IRS is permitted to make unlimited mistakes. I took the court record to the press. A front page story had the IRS falling over itself apologizing. Not only did I beat the IRS, but my life got better and better. I’ve been rewarded. All my dreams have come true.From The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” “He becomes the water-bearer by marching to the beat of a different drummer. . .The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods and showing the rest of humanity the way.”I’m an Aquarian messenger—ahead of the time. As you are now aware, the powers-that-be are using every trick in the book against you. You are racists, Nazis, frauds. The pot is calling the kettle black. They are desperate. They will do anything they can to keep the change you want from happening: when you take the driver’s seat. Never, never give in! You’ve got hard times ahead. It’s darkest before the dawn, but the stars say to keep the faith and all of your dreams will come true.
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