The Brightest Star in America

When one looks honestly at the current runaway government spending, one knows the economic consequences are going to be horrific. The scariest part of it is that there has not been the political will—not in any politician now in office—to temper the ingrained eagerness to satisfy that lofty ego that says—“destiny put me here to lead.” Alas, my Tea Party friends, if they were leaders, they would be talking about how they planned on cutting taxes and balancing the budget.

With the public debt now at the World War II level, and the economy sick, our “leaders” have set America’s course in unchartered water, and hide from us what they are doing. I recall that after World War II the economy was booming and we workers were heading for the American Dream.

Not surprisingly, the Tea Party has suddenly become America’s brightest star. The Tea Party, from recent elections, is telling both political parties that maybe it isn’t the best thing to continue raiding the taxpayers’ pocketbooks and handing out the fruits of their labor for votes, if they intend to remain “leading” America.

This is only half of the problem; that is, if the politicians are to remain “leading” America. To be sure, we don’t want to push grandma in her wheelchair down the stairs. We surely don’t want to take food away from our children. Never, never do we want to allow the greedy rich to exploit workers. The list goes on and on. In short, no way do we Tea Party members want to do any of the horrible things those terrible Republicans would do by way of solving the problem. So, what do we do, pray tell, about the growing millions of Americans—and those undocumented millions—who can’t exist without taxpayer help?

Sadly, politicians, whether they be Republican or Democrat, have failed to come forth with any answer. They debate endlessly, year after year, and still they do not have the foggiest clue of what to do. Therefore, it is up to we in the Tea Partly to help them “lead” us.

Now that politicians are beginning to see the merits of distancing themselves from our President (with his poll ratings in a free fall) and the very name, Tea Party (those “tea baggers” [hardi-har-har]), implying the answer, perhaps now even President Obama (with his Hitler mustache [hardi-har-har]) might see that rather than joining the American revolution, by joining the Marxist Revolution, the one that now leaves Europe up a creek without a paddle, hopefully, if he ever hopes to lead us, he might see that we Tea Party members want to help him reinterpret our Constitution; he’s been taught wrongly by Harvard Law School and the South Chicago mafia.

Let it be known that we Tea Party members surely agree that we don’t want to sit silently watching America go bankrupt , while our “leaders” dither endlessly over what to do. We go bankrupt; the politicians lead us; we lose our rights; the politicians direct our every move; exactly what they want. Realistically, looking at history, it can happen. We, the people, surely don’t want that.

What’s the right answer, the only logical answer, and the last thing politicians want? We want to faze out the New Deal and the Great Society, all of those programs the politicians have implemented to keep themselves in office, do we not—as the Supreme Court would say, “in light of today’s needs?”

Oh! And by the way, President Obama, being a white male, I’m not ridiculous. I reason that a Latino woman does not make the best American judge. Mr. President, in all due respect, the way you think is the way you act. We don’t think America needs to be remade. We don’t think we need your Marxist minded czars. We are not for your brand of “social justice.” We don’t accept your idea of the whole world being inclusive in our laws. We are not one-worlders. We want our borders made secure. From the way you think, Mr. President, it doesn’t appear that you are an American. Why don’t you let us see your papers? You appear to be undocumented. Actually, Mr. President, we’ve got far better ideas on the law in America than a Latino woman brings us.

I’m proud to be a member of the Tea Party. God bless America! Mr. President, in all due respect, join us in our effort to bring liberty and justice for all, or go to wherever you came from and let us get on with our task.

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