Secular Humanism

My Webster’s College Dictionary defines secular humanism as any set of beliefs that promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine, and secularism as secular spirit or tendency, especially as a system of political or social philosophy that rejects religious faith and worship. I ask that you make this distinction before we proceed.


As a secular humanist, I’m open all human values. This is not counter in any way to the Word of God?  As a secular humanist, I don’t think to be a child of God one must adhere to the doctrines and dogmas of any religion, as long as he or she possesses human values. Humans believe in doing to others as you would have them do unto you.  In any event, in my opinion, humans would not condemn their own kind to hell.  Christian dogma condemned my Jewish mother to hell, and me, a secular humanist, the work of the devil!  We are smart enough to know better.  What is the reason for this?


I accept Jesus as my personal savior but I do not condemn those who do not accept Jesus.  Why should I? As a matter of fact, Jesus was not a Christian; he as an unorthodox Jew. Jesus was, by definition, a secular humanist, one who believed we are all our brother’s keeper. My thinking works for me. If your thinking works for you, more power to you. Why judge me? Why should I think like you?


Five hundred years ago, the Church, supposedly founded by St. Peter, the first Pope, the “foundation rock” of Christianity, Christians believe, also believing in a supernatural god under whom, most conveniently, anything goes they say goes, the Holy Roman Catholic Empire, which controlled Europe, having decreed that our planet was at the center of the universe, and that anyone who did not accept this ungodly nonsense was a heretic, and would go to trial for heresy, Galileo, who proved by scientific means that the earth was not at the center of the universe, was convicted of heresy and threatened with torture if he did not confess his sin.  


Any more than the Holy Roman Catholic Empire, is Islam attempting to promote human values.  In no way by today’s interpretation of human values, a husband has the God-given right to beat his wife. Islam wants to take us back to Arabia in the year 600 A.D, and there is no way you can reason with Muslims. Like the Holy Catholic faith 500 years ago, it is blind to today’s reality.


In Time Life’s European Emergence:  “On foot and horseback, a steady stream of peasants and villagers crowded the rutted roads into the small German town of Juterbog. . . The celebrated Dominican preacher Johann Tetzel had set up in the marketplace a rostrum surmounted by a great cross decorated with the arms of Pope Leo X; Tetzel’s credentials, a document of authorization from the pontiff himself, lay on a gold-embroidered cushion. And beside the rostrum, a representative of the Augsburg banking house of Fugger superintended the chest into which the credulous would be invited to deposit their florins. ‘As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs,’ ran the catch phrase attributed to Tetzel.”  


Martin Luther, a 33 year-old lecturer in biblical studies from the nearby University of Wittenberg was there, and madder than a hornet.  Little did he know that the banking house of Fugger was there to collect on a loan it made to Luther’s bishop.  His bishop agreed to pay the pope for his high office, and borrowed the money from the Augsburg banking house.  The whole thing was a Ponzi scheme for ungodly purposes.


Luther was dead set against the money making indulgences fraud. It just so happened that the printing press had been invented and Pope Leo was a bit slow in taking action against Luther. Too bad. Luther spread the word around that he did not approve of indulgences. A protest grew and the Holy Catholic Empire lost much of its power. I doubt that you know that the Protestant Reformation got its start because of a Holy Catholic Ponzi scheme?  


Don’t fight it. Islam fights back with a vengeance. Let Islam stew in its own juice. Promote human values. In Evan Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness, in Chapter 18, “A God for Tomorrow,”  this new age prophet, a quantum physicist and brain doctor, writes:


Now we see that the independent existence of matter and absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter.  In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation.  .  . The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality.  The observer interacts with matter.  Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.” Did you know that the quantum mind is the basic reality? I doubt it.


As a matter of scientifically proven fact, beyond the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, there is a force of nature that controls the universe. It is beyond space and time.  It is the superconsciousness of the universe. Not many know this. With the present knowledge emerging of the underlying structure of the universe, a unity of man and nature, all things being aspects of the mind, this is going to replace religion.  A god-self exists in each of us.


Logic tells us that without consciousness, nothing could exist; that we are conscious beings created with logic. Consciousness is natural, not supernatural. Thus, it is unnatural for man to give up his most essential asset: logic. Having said this, I submit to you the First Amendment to the Constitution:


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


At the present, only 13 percent of the American people have faith in Congress.  Obama was elected with the support of big money, the labor unions, and government workers. Rather than a supernatural illusion placed on the gullible by less than human men, we’ve got the Tea Party to take on Congress, the President, and the judiciary. What are we going to do with it? Has Congress, or the President, or the federal judiciary adhered to the First Amendment?  Have they all not unconstitutionally imposed their power on the American people? Have not men in authority read into the First Amendment all manner of illogic to deprive you of your God-given rights, to enslave you to their wills?  Are they your master or you servants? What can we do about it?   Keep in mind that Hitler was legal but that logic said there were higher laws that adhered to the principles and values established over the life of man.  The First Amendment gives you the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,  and we’ve got plenty.


Your Constitution is a historical document in a glass case unless you use it as a living document, giving you inalienable rights, to quote Black’s Law Dictionary: “Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights.” It doesn’t take a Philadelphia lawyer to understand this.  We read scores of blogs telling us how our God-given rights are being abused. We don’t read what we, personally, can do about it, accept from me.


I’ve been told that here that Jesus will do wonders for me if I accept him as my Lord and Master. Obviously, the informer had not been reading my blogs.  I have accepted Jesus and I’ve been greatly rewarded. I’ve written my personal experiences. I’ve told you that you can, yourself, shoot your government down—make it eat crow before the whole world. You can argue with me till the cows come home, but given the facts and evidence, you deserve everything you get or don’t get from your government if you don’t personally demand, in some meaningful way, your God-given rights. It is the nature of government to take every right you have if you allow it.  That’s why you have the Bill of Rights.  The Founding Fathers knew what happens when people have no rights.




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