Hi everyone, I would like to propose and Idea.

That will rejuiveinate the american spirt. Lets work with congress to pass a bill that will allow individuals to earn up to $250,00.00 a year without any goverance. Thats right no county, no state no federal Lic's. No goverance on any level that would inhibit the earning of this individual's living and persuit of happiness.

This will allow the Rebirth of America! People working and propering with out the onerous burden of gov.. It goes without saying that this would be gainfull legal work, that improves their community and themselves done safely and with dignity.

Think about the 8.4 million unemployed and what they could do if this were law now.

The goverment will still reap the rewards of this hard work in many ways. Lets make America a free and prosperous place with happy plp again. Edwin

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  • The glass is not half empty. This idea like tax reduction will increase revenue going into gov. by increases in economic ativity. Hey why not try it we're bankrupt now right.
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