My Constitution

The facts I wrote in “For the Good of All” on this blog space were printed in The Palm Beach Post on December 1, 1986, on the front page of “Local News.” The article included the names of IRS officials and the details of their lawless confiscation of my property, in violation of court orders. I have the court records proving that the federal judiciary was complicit in the IRS lawlessness.

There was no response to The Palm Beach Post article. It is a well-known fact that federal income tax, as enforced, is lawless confiscation of property, and despised but obviously accepted by the American people. My question here: “What do you think we should do about it” got no response.

The idea of “for the good of all” has been growing ever since Roosevelt’s New Deal law in the 1930s. It has now reached the point of absurdity and still the clamor is for more of the same. According to the poles, the majority wants government entitlements, which are growing in cost to taxpayers by leaps and bounds. Millions of Americans could not exist were it not for government entitlements. When push comes to shove, whether or not you can exist on your sweat, you can bet your bottom dollar your taxes are going up. The IRS is going to become more abusive. The courts are going to continue to hear no evil. Government is going to show more favoritism to unions, those too big to fail, and the poor. It is for the good of all; the taxpayers get lip service. They are going to fix tax unfairness in the usual way, by making the tax code more ambiguous and convoluted. It’s unbelievable. Cruising in a sea full of icebergs at full throttle, we hit an iceberg. While we listen to chamber music, we’re the Titanic, a sinking ship.

Federal income tax, in its present excess, robs the individual of his God-given right to exist on the fruits of his own labor. “For the good of all” comes first. Your silence is deafening. To be sure, there have been many tax protests. Thirty-five years ago, Senator Lawton Chiles wrote me that he received more mail complaining of IRS abuses than all the rest of his mail put together. He attributed it to the fact that with income tax the individual was directly affected. You know; they know. You who are directly affected, what have you done? Mostly protest and protest. A lot of good it does. As long as the taxpayers allow it, politicians will continue to tax more and more and hand out more and more of your sweat for votes.

I did not stand for it. I studied my Constitution and determined that I had the right to take my tax issue to court. You can’t do that everywhere in the world. The IRS was lawlessly robbing me. I had a personal stake in the outcome. That gave me “legal standing.” The IRS had violated the law and my Constitutional right to my property.

By challenging the IRS, the IRS retaliated by becoming more lawless. Lawlessly, the courts allow the IRS limitless mistakes. There is nothing in place to stop this lawlessness. Only if it is my Constitution is government and courts unconstitutional. I started it and the lawless government and courts built my case. Might doesn’t make right.

I got positive results by going to the press and exposing the out-and-out lawless theft of my property, as well as the courts’ tacit approval of IRS lawlessness. By exposing this federal fraud to the public, the IRS put my money back in my checking account. Justice was served my way, personally, but not to a single other taxpayer. What does that tell you? As long as you allow it, Uncle Sam will continue to break in and take your property, of course, for the good of all. As you see here, you cannot expect others to take up your cause for justice. Once you give your sweat to government, it is theirs to do with what they will. The object is to keep what is yours in your possession—cut off government’s grasping hand.

You might say, though, why put in thousands of hours of effort and frustration to win a fight that netted me practically nothing, considering my court costs? What stops the IRS from doing the same again, and again? You might say it is impractical, even nonsensical. It all depends on the objective. It takes thousands of hours to learn to play the piano well. It brings one countless hours of pleasure. Mine was about my God-given rights, not the money. It was a bigger than life cause. It took thousands of hours to learn to play the game and beat the government at its own game. It paid off in many ways. Voices of the past in my Constitution encouraged me. Like magic, it caused me to know and believe in myself. Rather than simply read my Constitution, I read and acted. Knowing who I was and what I was about ended with all of my dreams coming true. If my life could be any better, I don’t know how. I think it was worth the effort.

What would you do if a thief in the night broke into your house. Would you pull the covers over your head and assume the prenatal position? We are not going to do anything to help you. As we see here, you are on your own. You either let the thief help himself or you defend your rights. Thankfully, you still have them. If you don’t defend your rights, the thief with be back and help himself to more. You can count on that. You can also count on the thief to take away your right to own a gun to defend yourself. In that same sense, it is your personal Constitution—your weapon. It is your life, liberty, and property, or the government’s to do with what it will. It’s not for me to say. All I can say is that it paid off for me handsomely to consider it my Constitution. Thank God for my Constitution. Isn’t that what America is about? I mean, if we know what’s good for us, we’re not sitting here in the bleachers. Protesting your tax is a waste of time. Pass this on: We’re players. Thanks to federal income tax, like it or not, you are on the field of play, either to win or lose. If I won, so can you

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  • In my day, I've been through many grim battles, starting with World War II. The Nazis thought they were invincible. Me and my buddies showed them they were not. It was not easy. I forced the IRS into eating crow before the whole world. That's no small accomplishment. You are right. The IRS came back with a vengance. They lost again. The IRS crawled under a rock. I've not heard from the scum bags since. They know that I'm ready for them. I am not under government, Toddy. I am under God. I know the power of God. I've been saved for a purpose. Keep the faith in your Constitution and America. Untimately, I promise you, we are going to win.
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