Monday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 2016             The truth will set you free 
Soros's campaign of global chaos
by Caroline B. Glick
 Half of Sec. liar-Clinton's 'Private Meetings' Profited  Foundation 
"More than half the people outside the government who met with liar-Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the liar-Clinton Foundation," reports the Associated Press. "It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president." The details? "At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Mrs. liar-Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs."
          As we noted yesterday, a campaign spokesman insisted, "liar-Hillary Clinton never took action as secretary of state because of donations to the liar-Clinton Foundation."
          It might be tough to prove action was taken on behalf of donors, especially when she deleted tens of thousands of emails, but it's pretty clear that access was given for donors. And action may not be hard to see, either. liar-Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta founded the Podesta Group, which his brother Tony still runs. The firm was paid $180,000 to lobby the liar-Clinton State Department on behalf of Uranium One, a company Russia bought to control one-fifth of the uranium production in the U.S. Secretary liar-Clinton approved the deal, while Uranium One donated $2.35 million to the liar-Clinton Foundation, which she did not honor her agreement to publicly disclose. And Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow. That looks suspiciously like liar-Clinton took action as secretary of state because of donations to the liar-Clinton Foundation.  ~The Patriot Post
 The American Immigration System, a la Barack nObama 
James Shott: A common refrain about immigration is that the U.S. "is a nation of immigrants." People coming to the colonies built what would become the United States of America, and since then millions have immigrated here.
          "Most immigrant groups that had formerly come to America by choice seemed distinct, but in fact had many similarities," as explains. "Most had come from Northern and Western Europe. Most had some experience with representative democracy. With the exception of the Irish, most were Protestant. Many were literate, and some possessed a fair degree of wealth."
          Most, but not all immigrants intended to become American citizens. Some, however, returned to their native land after earning money to send home. Not all were good people; some were criminals, mentally ill, anarchists and alcoholics.
          Furthermore, many Americans were not thrilled about immigration, and tells us, "In 1917, Congress required the passing of a literacy test to gain admission. Finally, in 1924, the door was shut to millions by placing an absolute cap on new immigrants based on ethnicity. That cap was based on the United States population of 1890 and was therefore designed to favor the previous immigrant groups."
          Throughout the decades and the problems and controversy that accompanied immigration, diversity came to the U.S., which had become a nation of primarily peaceful, self-reliant, hard-working people, qualities they generally passed on to the next generation.
          However, the concept that America is a nation of immigrants is less and less valid. Today, the USA is a nation not so much of immigrants, but principally a nation of the descendants of people who were immigrants generations ago; a nation of Americans.
          Our government has the duty to admit immigrants who want to become good American citizens, as demonstrated in the previously discussed examples of acts affecting immigration. But no sensible person would allow into their homes people who cannot be virtually certain are good and honorable; our government must be every bit as cautious.
          Instead, we find that the current immigration system is wholly dysfunctional, and the responsibility goes squarely on the shoulders of Barack nObama and his administration. The idea held by many on the Left — that we are morally obligated to admit any and all who seek entry, legally or otherwise — is not just dumb, it is dangerous. And that concept has no basis in history or in the Constitution.
          Nevertheless, that foolish idea has strong support, and it set the stage for what happened in a hearing of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee this past April, when Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) addressed comments to those testifying, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement director Sarah Soldana.

Chaffetz listed some startling facts:

  • In a three-year period Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has released more than 86,000 criminal aliens into the American public. These are people here illegally, were caught committing a crime, were convicted of that crime, and instead of deportation, were released back out into the United States of America. All told they were convicted of more than 231,000 crimes.
  • In 2015, 196 of these people were convicted of homicide, and ICE released them back into the public, rather than deporting them.
  • One hundred and twenty-four of those who were released between 2010 and 2015 went on to commit homicide.
  • In 2013 ICE released 36,007 criminal aliens who were unlawfully in the United States. As of September 2014, 5,700 of those individuals went on to commit additional crimes.
  • In March of 2015, the director of ICE testified that during fiscal year 2014 ICE released another 30,558 individuals with a combined 79,059 criminal convictions, instead of deporting them. Of those 30,558 criminal aliens 1,895 were charged with another crime following their release, including sex offenses, assault, burglary, robbery and driving under the influence.
          "And ICE told us that in 2015 the agency released 19,723 criminal aliens with a combined 64,197 convictions," Chaffetz said, "including: 934 sex offenses, 804 robberies, 216 kidnappings, and 196 homicide-related convictions. And that's on your watch." They were here illegally, committed crimes, were caught, tried and convicted, and then turned loose to prey on the American people again.
          Chaffetz then displayed an aerial photo of Notre Dame football stadium filled with game watchers, and said, "You released more people that were convicted of crimes and should have been deported than you can fit into that stadium. You'd still have people waiting outside in line. Those are the criminals that you released instead of deporting."
          Government's job is to seal the borders from illegal entry, to thoroughly vet people before letting the acceptable ones in, and to prosecute and punish criminals. Put them in jail, or at the very least deport them and keep them out.
          Do these colossal government failures rise to the level of criminal offenses? Should they? Or, is such dangerous and irresponsible behavior "merely" gross malfeasance? Is there no penalty for such wrongdoing, whether criminal or not?
          Not in the administration of Barack nObama, where apparently the treacherous operation of this immigration system is a matter of celebration for his supporters.  ~The Patriot Post
nObama’s State Dept. DELAYS Critical Evidence
That Could END liar-Hillary
by Clyde
{} ~ President Barack nObama’s State Department won’t release liar-Hillary Clinton’s official meeting calendars from her time as secretary of state until more than a month after the presidential election, The Associated Press reported... The calendars have been a major source of controversy, as those already released showed that liar-Clinton met with major liar-Clinton Foundation donors in meetings that were kept off the record by her staff. Seven months ago, a federal judge had ordered the schedules to be released as a part of a lawsuit by The AP, which has been asking for liar-Clinton’s detailed calendars since 2010...
nObama Spills The Beans, Exposes
liar-Hillary’s Corruption in This Viral Video
by Harry Hibbs
{} ~ Isn’t it pretty how Barack H. nObama, liar-Hillary Clinton, and Bill liar-Clinton are best buds suddenly? They are set to dominate the world now, why shouldn’t they be, correct?... Unfortunately, for most of them, video is a thing that forever is out there. How soon people ignore nObama once ripped liar-Hillary for the money she’s accepted from lobbyists, trade offers, NAFTA, protecting Wall Street, and pandering for votes! The ONLY thing I have ever given nObama credit for since his first day in office is his orating skills. In fact, his ability to get a crowd behind him, entertain them, and dip into their emotions is probably the ONLY reason he actually got elected...
ACLU Loses Court Ruling In Fight Against
Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law
by Jack Davis
{} ~ A federal appeals court on Friday declined to soften Wisconsin’s strict voter ID law, ending several weeks of legal jousting over the measure first approved by lawmakers in 2011... The ruling is “a significant victory for the people of Wisconsin and ensures that Voter ID will be in place for the upcoming election in November,” said Rebecca Ballweg of the Wisconsin Department of Justice. In July, a federal district court had ruled against the law, saying that voters who did not have the required ID could sign an affidavit attesting to their identity...
White House won't say if it pays countries
to take Gitmo prisoners
 by Nicole Duran  
{} ~ President nObama's spokesman on Friday wouldn't confirm whether the U.S. pays third-party countries to take detainees released from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba... Experts have speculated that Washington has to pay handsomely to convince other nations to accept and detain the prisoners. Josh Earnest, nObama's press secretary, sidestepped the question, which has been asked more frequently as nObama looks to unload as many cleared terrorist suspects as he can to get closer to his goal of closing the facility...I am sure he is using taxpayers money to do just that.
liar-Hillary Clinton Supported By Grand Dragon –
That Makes Her One Of Them
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Applying what passes as logic for the dishonest Democrats, liar-Hillary Clinton has just become an honorary Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and a regular full time member... She has been supported, as a March video shows, by KKK Grand Wizard Will Quigg, as his choice for president. He’s asked directly, “Who do you like for president, sir?” His response is “Uh, liar-Hillary Clinton.” He’s asked if he thinks whites are better than African-Americans and Latinos to which he replies, “Well, we are God’s chosen people.” Just a day before, liar-Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, said that Trump shared David Duke’s values because Duke had supported Trump. Kaine paired Trump with David Duke by virtue of Duke’s support of Trump and dishonestly implied based upon that support that they share all values, that Trump reciprocally shares Klan or David Duke values. Sleaze ball Kaine said, “Ku Klux Klan values, David Duke values, Donald Trump values are not American values. They’re not our values and we’ve got to do all we can to fight, to push back and win and say that we’re still about heading towards that north star that we set out so long ago.” Smearing somebody as a racist based solely upon the identity of a supporter is hardly consistent with the pursuit of the lofty North Star, Sleazy Tim...
liar-Clinton Had Him Beaten, Left For Dead
To Cover Affair, And Lied On TV
by Rick Wells
{} ~ The video is a firsthand account by Gary Johnson of the events surrounding his incidental recording of Bill liar-Clinton entering the condominium of his neighbor and mistress, Gennifer Flowers... It was an accident that changed his life forever. He and Larry Nichols describe the lies told by the liar-Clintons to cover it up as well as the extreme violence unleashed upon him by liar-Clinton’s goons. Johnson had installed a security camera which took a shot of the front of his door and in doing so inadvertently captured multiple instances of Bill liar-Clinton entering Ms. Flowers’ condo using a key and letting himself in. Larry Nichols details some of the lies that were told and other events around the videos, including threats against Johnson’s safety. They play portions of Bill liar-Clinton lying to 60 Minutes about having not had any relationship with Flowers, making the tapes an important loose end that needed to be tied up. His thugs were very good at tying things up...
ENERGY STAR Possibly The Most Corrupt
Federal Program In US History
by Conor Coughlin
{} ~ “If it’s not ENERGY STAR, it’s not energy efficient” has been the EPA’s motto for over 25 years. ENERGY STAR has become a multi-billion dollar Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE)... marketing a single unique and valuable product; government energy efficiency. This government-created commodity is so rare and precious that it must be kept secret, for fear of undermining it’s value in Global markets. Which totally explains the need for a media blackout on all news related to ‘energy efficiency’ in nObama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP), and the fact that the entire 4th Building Block of nObama’s CPP had mysteriously disappeared. Nobody dares to speak of this multi-billion dollar Bait & Switch scam! Why? Was it because EPA selected it’s own ENERGY STAR brand in a No-Bid process as the sole source for ‘energy efficiency’, a completely illegal action? Or was it to suppress information about the Clean Energy Investment Program (CEIP) that replaced the 4th Building Block, and hide the fact that CEIP doesn’t contain any language regarding ‘energy efficiency’ after EPA spent billions promoting ENERGY STAR’s extraordinary energy-savings claims...
Christians as "Target Practice"
by Raymond Ibrahim
{} ~ More reports of the brutal treatment that Christians and other minorities experienced at the hands of the Islamic State (SIS) emerged during May... One account told of a couple who, after their children were abducted by ISIS militants, answered their door one day to find a plastic bag on their doorstep. It contained the body parts of their daughters and a video of them being brutally tortured and raped. Another Christian mother from Mosul answered the door to find ISIS jihadis demanding that she leave or pay the jizya (protection money demanded as a tribute by conquered Christians and Jews, according to the Koran 9:29). The woman asked for a few seconds, because her daughter was in the shower, but the jihadis refused to give her the time. They set a fire to the house; her daughter was burned alive. The girl died in her mother's arms; her last words were "Forgive them." The Islamic State reportedly beheaded another Christian leader on February 18. No media reported it, except for one Italian paper in May: "There are reliable reports are that Father Yacob Boulos, was beheaded by the terror group' militants after he prayed on the altar of his church. He was punished for his faith."...
Free Speech Dies In Sep, US Conditioned
To Accept Censorship As UN Takes Over
by Rick Wells
{} ~ The trend is deliberate and unmistakable. A global stifling that ends with the elimination of free speech is underway... Their intent is to control our communication with one another, to remove our ability to object to their tyranny and to prevent us from being able to rally to oppose their authoritarian dictates. The globalist oligarchs have successfully enacted restrictions through the use of the filter of “hate speech” across Europe, where it is now a criminal act to object to the invasion of the continent in Germany and other countries. Islamist invaders have become a protected class that are not to be spoken of in negative terms. It is unlawful to denounce the accompanying crime, social degradation, cultural destruction, diminished standard of living, quality of life or to object to the Islamist’s aggression. To do so has been declared intolerant, Islamophobic or xenophobic. The globalists attach negative labels to the natural instinct for survival, making it sound like a medical condition that societal controllers must treat and remedy. To use one of the forbidden words, it’s undeniably a worldwide “conspiracy” among those who have hijacked the individual nations on behalf of the globalist oligarchs. They are represented in Europe by the EU and in the US by the Democrats and treasonous Republicans, in service to their masters, most notably the evil one himself, George Soros...
DHS Scrubs Nearly 1,000 Potential
Terrorists from Terrorist Database
by Bethany Blanklet
{} ~ Judicial Watch uncovered documents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that evidence a “hands off list,” which essentially removed nearly 1,000 suspected individuals with ties to Islamic terrorist groups... specifically after the Boston Marathon bombing, which included the San Bernardino killers. nObama’s priority was to ensure that the “civil rights of suspected terrorists” were protected by REMOVING them from the Terror Watch List and Terrorist Screening Database– instead of protecting U.S. citizens from threats both foreign and domestic. Thanks to Senator Charles Grassley who released internal DHS emails, it became apparent that there was actually a “terrorist ‘hands off’ list” of individuals with potential links to terrorist groups already on U.S. soil– that law enforcement could not investigate...

Soros's campaign of global chaos
by Caroline B. Glick
{} ~ Major media outlets in the US have ignored the leak of thousands of emails from billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation by the activist hacker group DCLeaks. The OSF is the vehicle through which Soros has funneled billions of dollars over the past two decades to non-profit organizations in the US and throughout the world.

According to the documents, Soros has given more than $30 million to groups working for liar-Hillary Clinton’s election in November, making him her largest single donor. So it is likely the case that the media’s support for liar-Clinton has played some role in the mainstream media’s bid to bury the story.

It is also likely however, that at least some news editors failed to understand why the leaked documents were worth covering. Most of the information was already public knowledge. Soros’s massive funding of far-left groups in the US and throughout the world has been documented for more than a decade.

But failing to see the significance of the wider story because many of the details were already known is a case of missing the forest for the trees. The DCLeaks document dump is a major story because it exposes the forest of Soros’s funding networks.

The first thing that we see is the megalomaniacal nature of Soros’s philanthropic project. No corner of the globe is unaffected by his efforts. No policy area is left untouched.

On the surface, the vast number of groups and people he supports seem unrelated. After all, what does climate change have to do with illegal African immigration to Israel? What does Occupy Wall Street have to do with Greek immigration policies? But the fact is that Soros-backed projects share basic common attributes.

They all work to weaken the ability of national and local authorities in Western democracies to uphold the laws and values of their nations and communities.

They all work to hinder free markets, whether those markets are financial, ideological, political or scientific. They do so in the name of democracy, human rights, economic, racial and sexual justice and other lofty terms.

In other words, their goal is to subvert Western democracies and make it impossible for governments to maintain order or for societies to retain their unique identities and values.

Black Lives Matter, which has received $650,000 from Soros-controlled groups over the past year, is a classic example of these efforts. Until recently, the police were universally admired in the US as the domestic equivalent of the military. BLM emerged as a social force bent on politicizing support for police.

Its central contention is that in the US, police are not a force for good, enabling society to function by maintaining law and order. Rather, police are a tool of white repression of blacks.

Law enforcement in predominantly African American communities is under assault as inherently racist.

BLM agitation, which has been accused of inspiring the murders of police in several US cities, has brought about two responses from rank and file police. First, they have been demoralized, as they find themselves criminalized for trying to keep their cities safe from criminals.

Second, their willingness to use force in situations that demand the use of force has diminished. Fear of criminal charges on the one hand, and public condemnation as “racists” on the other causes police to prefer inaction even when situations require that they act.

The demoralization and intimidation of police is very likely to cause a steep increase in violent crimes.

Then there are Soros’s actions on behalf of illegal immigration. From the US to Europe to Israel, Soros has implemented a worldwide push to use immigration to undermine the national identity and demographic composition of Western democracies. The leaked emails show that his groups have interfered in European elections to get politicians elected who support open border policies for immigrants from the Arab world and to financially and otherwise support journalists who report sympathetically on immigrants.

Soros’s groups are on the ground enabling illegal immigrants to enter the US and Europe. They have sought to influence US Supreme Court rulings on illegal immigration from Mexico. They have worked with Muslim and other groups to demonize Americans and Europeans who oppose open borders.

In Israel as well, Soros opposes government efforts to end the flow of illegal immigration from Africa through the border with Egypt.

The notion at the heart of the push for the legalization of unfettered immigration is that states should not be able to protect their national identities.

If it is racist for Greeks to protect their national identity by seeking to block the entrance of millions of Syrians to their territory, then it is racist for Greece – or France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden the US or Poland – to exist.

Parallel to these efforts are others geared toward rejecting the right of Western democracies to uphold long-held social norms. Soros-supported groups, for instance, stand behind the push not only for gay marriage but for unisex public bathrooms.

They support not only the right of women to serve in combat units, but efforts to force soldiers to live in unisex barracks. In other words, they support efforts aimed at denying citizens of Western democracies the right to maintain any distance between themselves and Soros’s rejection of their most intimate values – their sexual privacy and identity.

As far as Israel is concerned, Soros-backed groups work to delegitimize every aspect of Israeli society as racist and illegitimate. The Palestinians are focal point of his attacks. He uses them to claim that Israel is a racist state. Soros funds moderate leftist groups, radical leftist groups, Israeli Arab groups and Palestinian groups. In various, complementary ways, these groups tell their target audiences that Israel has no right to defend itself or enforce its laws toward its non-Jewish citizens.

In the US, Soros backed groups from BLM to J Street work to make it socially and politically acceptable to oppose Israel.

The thrust of Soros’s efforts from Ferguson to Berlin to Jerusalem is to induce mayhem and chaos as local authorities, paralyzed by his supported groups, are unable to secure their societies or even argue coherently that they deserve security.

In many ways, Donald Trump’s campaign is a direct response not to liar-Clinton, but to Soros himself.

By calling for the erection of a border wall, supporting Britain’s exit from the EU, supporting Israel, supporting a temporary ban on Muslim immigration and supporting the police against BLM, Trump acts as a direct foil to Soros’s multi-billion dollar efforts.

The DCLeaks exposed the immensity of the Soros-funded Left’s campaign against the foundations of liberal democracies. The “direct democracy” movements that Soros support are nothing less than calls for mob rule.

The peoples of the West need to recognize the common foundations of all Soros’s actions. They need to realize as well that the only response to these premeditated campaigns of subversion is for the people of the West to stand up for their national rights and their individual right to security. They must stand with the national institutions that guarantee that security, in accordance with the rule of the law, and uphold and defend their national values and traditions
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