Monday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 The Events of the Week -- Featuring: 
Debate Depressive Disorder
by Michelle Malkin
 Pentagon Reneges on Recruitment Bonuses 
America's soldiers and veterans are getting worked over once again by the nObama administration. First we learned of the travesty of bureaucratic malpractice experienced by many veterans for years at the hands of the VA. Then there's been all the social engineering and budget cuts. Now the Pentagon has ordered at least 9,700 California veterans and current soldiers to repay re-enlistment bonuses they received 10 years ago. At the height of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the California Army National Guard was under pressure to meet enlistment demands and offered bonuses to many soldiers that recent audits concluded were erroneously awarded. With threats of interest charges, wage garnishments and tax liens should soldiers refuse to pay, the Pentagon has so far pickpocketed these Patriots for $22 million.
          Many soldiers say they feel betrayed. Former Army captain and Iraq veteran Christopher Van Meter, who was awarded a Purple Heart, said, "These bonuses were used to keep people in. People like me just got screwed." Van Meter refinanced his home mortgage to pay back a total of $46,000 for a $25,000 re-enlistment bonus and $21,000 in student loan repayments the Pentagon says was given to him improperly. Some soldiers and veterans are attempting to fight repayment, but others have given up, saying the stress of looming financial uncertainty should they lose was too much.
          House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) promised an investigation, saying, "It is disgraceful that the men and women who answered their country's call to duty following September 11 are now facing forced repayments of bonuses offered to them. Our military heroes should not shoulder the burden of military recruiters' faults from over a decade ago. They should not owe for what was promised during a difficult time in our country. Rather, we are the ones who owe a debt for the great sacrifices our heroes have made — some of whom unfortunately paid the ultimate sacrifice."
          One wonders if recovery of these bonuses is the Pentagon's means for funding its new policy of providing for the "necessary" sex-change surgeries for transgendered soldiers.  ~The Patriot Post
Red Alert! Protestant
Couple "Security Threat" to Turkey!
by Burak Bekdil
{} ~ Over the past several years Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pressured Greece to construct a mosque in Athens. He has criticized the country which boasts the only European capital without a mosque... He does not hide his passion for mosques worldwide. In 2015 Erdogan proposed the construction of a mosque in secular, Communist-ruled Cuba. Also in 2015, he went to Moscow for the inauguration of the biggest mosque in the Russian capital. Earlier this year Erdogan pleasantly announced his presence at the opening of the biggest mosque in Amsterdam. The mosque is called "Hagia Sophia," named after a Greek Orthodox Christian basilica built in 537 AD in Constantinople, reflecting the typical Muslim extremist obsession with "conquest." Recently Erdogan has also been eyeing Iraq...
Americans Are In Extreme Danger-Says
Media Director of the Oathkeepers
by Dave Hodges
{} ~ I recently interviewed Jason Vantatenhove, the Oathkeepers media director. Jason deals with all levels of military and law enforcement and their personnel. Oathkeepers is an organization that serves to remind those who would protect us that they have a sacred oath to defend the people and the Constitution. Based on conversations that Jason has had with law enforcement and the military, he is very disturbed by what is coming to America.ALLOF US ARE IN DANGER-Here is that conversation.
The TRUTH About The Democratic
Party’s WikiLeaks Subterfuge
by Jeff Dunetz and Onan Coca
{} ~ The Democrats say the Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks need to be ignored because: They were stolen documents, and They were stolen by Russia... Chris Cuomo of CNN even went so far as to say it is illegal for them to possess emails leaked WikiLeaks, so the general public could not read them, they had to rely entirely on the media to learn about their content. Notice that no inside the Democratic Party or in the Democratic-controlled media is denying the truth of the documents? That’s because they are true. If they weren’t true, Democrats would be screaming they were false from the top of every skyscraper in the country...
liar-Clinton Whisper Earpiece Coaching
Heard On Debate Audio And A Teleprompter?
by Rick Wells
{} ~ We all expect liar-Hillary Clinton to cheat and we also expect that for the most part, with the exception of the big enchilada, the presidential election, she gets away with it... Nobody but the American people will stand up to these criminals and since we have no Congressional representation, our only opportunity to do so is on November 8th. Every debate has been tarnished by allegations of liar-Clinton cheating and there’s no reason to expect this last to be any different. In fact, she seems to have combined what worked best for her before. There is enough here to make one suspicious, if not convinced. liar-Clinton looks down a lot during some of her responses, as is pointed out in the video, yet an inspection of her notes indicates there is not much of any significance written down there. Maybe some yoga routines, a reminder that Trump is actually a Russian, or a message from Huma for inspiration, but nothing too wordy that would require as much time referencing as what she exhibited during her answers...
Dobbs – Donald Trump Is Right To Be
Concerned About Integrity Of Election
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Lou Dobbs calls ours a corrupt political system and a rigged election in describing the topic of the segment. He expresses his concern and that of the American people who “want their votes counted, not diluted.”... He says, “Donald Trump has been right on every major issue in this campaign to this point, none more so than his focus on a crooked election system.” Dobbs says, “The liberal national media went crazy this week when Trump said we need to restore integrity to our electoral process. It’s extraordinary that this is where we are today. Why would anyone, why would the national mainstream media, why would anyone in the Democrat Party object to any candidates at any level’s insistence on free and honest elections? Dobbs remarks that the left wing media would have us believe that “there’s no voter fraud at all in this country. But there is and we have detailed many of the cases here nightly. The Pew Charitable Trust found one in eight voter registrations in this country that are either inaccurate or no longer valid. That means 24 million invalid voter registrations. In and of itself that’s not fraud, that’s just the opportunity for fraud.”...
WikiLeaks Releases
Batch #15 Podesta Emails…
{} ~ WikiLeaks released batch #15 of the John Podesta emails within the liar-Clinton community:
Iran Ready to Milk
Billions Out of Soft Administration
{} ~ According to a recent report from Iran’s Mashregh News agency, the country’s leadership – pleased about the success of last year’s hostage exchange with the nObama administration... is ready to exploit the soft U.S. president for another billion dollars or two before Barack leaves office in January. “We should wait and see, the U.S. will offer many billions of dollars to release those citizens still being detained,” say officials in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. Among those citizens: Siamak and Baquer Namazi, Americans who have been abducted and sentenced to prison by the Iranian government. This abduction occurred after the administration paid Iran $1.7 billion to recover Americans unjustly imprisoned by Tehran on trumped-up charges...
WATCH – liar-Hilllary Caught on Tape
Admitting Something “Secret”
{} ~ Recently uncovered information has revealed new clues about liar-Hillary Clinton’s behavior. liar-Hillary is shown on video warning her staff to be vigilant about cyber security... This incredibly ironic and somewhat damning in light of what we know about her private email servers. If liar-Hillary is warning her colleagues, it means she knew better. It suggests that she knew her private email servers were not secure. And it suggests she has not been honest with the American people...

Debate Depressive Disorder
by Michelle Malkin
{} ~ How many more broadcast bust-ups will it take before America finally decides to make its presidential election debates tolerable again? I can’t take it anymore. Can you?

For the past three cycles — 2008, 2012, and 2016 — I’ve chronicled the depressing, systemic bias of left-leaning partisans whom the Commission on Presidential Debates routinely installs as “moderators.” It would be one thing if these activists posing as journalists were upfront about their political preferences. But they continue to star in phony debate theater wearing their dime-store costumes of objectivity.

The even bigger farce? Masochistic Republican Party bosses let them get away with it year after year after year.

Note to President nObama: This is not “whining.” This is truth-telling. I find it rather rich that the complainer-in-chief who spent two terms incessantly attacking Fox News and conservative talk radio is now wagging his waggy-licious finger at anyone else who bears grievances against hostile media and its enablers.

In 2008, the Commission on Presidential Debates allowed liberal PBS anchor Gwen Ifill to serve as unfettered moderator for the sole vice presidential debate. As I reported at the time, Ifill had failed to disclose before the event that she had a book coming out on Jan. 20, 2009 — a date that just happens to coincide with the inauguration of the next president of the United States — titled “Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of nObama.” The promotional material left no question about Ifill’s perspective. She hyped nObama’s campaign as “stunning” and marveled at his “bold new path to political power.” She also used her access to author a hagiographic pop culture piece for Essence magazine about the nObama family.

When asked to respond to criticize about her ideological and financial conflicts of interest, Ifill acted like a true-blue leftist and played the race card.

This year’s vice presidential debate “moderator” didn’t fare much better. Billed as a “historic” choice because of her Filipino heritage, Elaine Quijano was a historic doormat for liar-Clinton’s babbling running mate, Tim Kaine. Her media cheerleaders, led by The New York Times’ Nick Kristof, naturally invoked the gender card to defend her embarrassing passivity.

Another “diversity” moderator, Telemundo celebrity journalist Maria Celeste Arraras, known as “the Katie Couric of Spanish TV,” soaked up nearly half a CNN GOP primary debate earlier this year representing “the Latino community” on issues such as Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy.

2012, of course, was the year of Bitter Candy — CNN’s Candy Crowley. She notoriously injected herself into the second debate a town hall debate that was supposed to spotlight citizens’ questions by arguing with then-GOP nominee Mitt Romney about Benghazi and running interference for nObama.

Crowley was just the latest Democratic plant at a CNN-sponsored election debate. The network has a long history of passing off partisan operatives as “ordinary people” and “undecided voters” during town halls while failing to disclose their political affiliations to viewers. Moreover, there’s no telling how many CNN contributors are acting as moles for Democratic campaigns. We know of at least one. This week, CNN host Jake Tapper was forced to admit that a WikiLeaks-published email showing CNN contributor and DNC head Donna Brazile had tipped off the liar-Clinton campaign in advance to town hall questions was “horrifying.”

And four years ago, we also endured the spectacle of liar-Clinton adviser-turned-ABC newsman George Stephanopoulos pushing the Democrats’ “war on women” propaganda by pressing Republicans on a nonsense contraceptive ban.

Yet, the debate commission and the Republican National Committee keep drawing from the same tainted well of cloistered media personalities. Establishment journos Anderson Cooper of CNN and Martha Raddatz of ABC News were repeat moderators this year — with disastrous results. Raddatz, another left-wing PBS alumna and Beltway fixture, created her own bitter Candy moment at the second presidential debate last week when she lost her marbles over Syria and scrapped with Donald Trump over Syria. He was right to call the townhall charade a “one on three” battle.

Actually, “one on three” is not quite accurate. As the Center for Public Integrity revealed this week, a whopping 96 percent of the nearly $400,000 in presidential campaign donations from “people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism” has gone to liar-Hillary Clinton.

Wham! There’s your fact-check of the year, my fellow journalists. I’m looking at you in particular, Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza. Annoyed by mounting social media criticism of liberal reporters tilting their coverage, he tweeted this week: “Let me say for the billionth time: Reporters don’t root for a side. Period.”

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. It’s the fuel that sustains the Fourth Estate’s undeserved superiority complex and monopoly over the debates. What would be so wrong with allowing open, transparent, informed partisan journalists from all sides of the political aisle a bite at the presidential debate apple? Abandon the pretenses. Put all the ideological cards on the table. Make the debates honest and tolerable again.

The problem isn’t the partisan press. It’s the poseur press.

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