Monday AM ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~    
You Didn't Build That II
Cal Thomas  
The HERO higher education needs
by Tim Chapman } ~ Last month, Democratic candidates for president stood on stage and said they would fix higher education with a snap of their fingers... Politicians such as Sens. Elizabeth dinky-Warren and commie-Bernie Sanders promised to make all college free and forgive student loan debt. While higher education has become an issue in our nation, these candidates’ plans would only make the crisis worse while saddling taxpayers with mountains of new debt. Fortunately, just as students head back to school, a new bill called the Higher Education Reform and Opportunity Act, or HERO, might be the fix. More people attend college every year, and the price tag continues to rise four times faster than inflation, even as its value declines. Instead of preparing their students for a good life and a meaningful career, colleges too often prepare them for a lifetime of debt. A record 45 million Americans  now have outstanding student loan debt, yet a 2018 Strada Institute survey showed that 40% of new college graduates take jobs that don’t require college degrees — and those are the ones that cross the finish line.According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 40% of first-time college students won’t graduate in six years. Millions of students have gone deeply in debt with no college degree or career to show for it, largely thanks to subsidized federal loans and the misguided push for every student to obtain a four-year degree. Voters recognize this reality. In Heritage Action’s latest polling, 72% of voters said they did not believe a four-year college degree was worth the cost of tuition today. Additionally, 71% of voters in swing states said there are many skilled labor jobs available that don’t require a college degree and pay as much or more than jobs requiring a college degree. The American people understand the state of college today: it’s overpriced, overpoliticized, and overrated. They also know there are plenty of viable alternatives available to those who look. In fact, industries and employers have been suffering from a skilled labor shortage for years: There are currently more than 7 million open jobs in the United States, more than the number of job-seekers. Yet the candidates on stage last month continued to focus on increasing the number of four-year degrees and subsidizing the loans of those who have already graduated...
The Budget Is at a Crossroads
Which Path Will Congress Take?
by Justin Bogie } ~ Thanks to the latest massive budget deal passed by Congress, our nation’s fiscal situation is deteriorating even more quickly than before... That’s the main takeaway from the Congressional Budget Office’s updated economic projections for fiscal years 2019-2029, released on Wednesday. The latest estimates reiterate that the federal government continues to live beyond its means. The longer lawmakers delay action to curb wasteful spending and reform unsustainable entitlement programs, the larger the burden will be for younger and future generations. In May, the Congressional Budget Office projected the deficit would be $896 billion this year and showed it crossing the trillion-dollar threshold in 2022. The outlook has worsened significantly in just three months. The Congressional Budget Office now projects that by the end of September, the deficit will be $960 billion and exceed $1 trillion next year. The nation’s debt trajectory is equally alarming. Debt held by the public was 77.8% of gross domestic product in 2018. By Sept. 30, it will be an estimated 79%, and by 2029 debt held by the public is projected to reach 95.1% of GDP—an increase of 3.3 percentage points since May. In total, the Congressional Budget Office projects public debt will rise by $11.8 trillion over the next decade... Our congress needs an overhaul.
Trump Administration Working to Resolve Long-Standing Refugee Problem in North Africa
by Bob Barr } ~ President Donald Trump’s critics, including those in the media, delight in picturing him as a person unconcerned about human rights, and as a president totally unconcerned with the plight of those seeking freedom around the world... As often is the case in politics, the reality is quite different. The ongoing refugee problem in North Africa presents just such an example. Hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees in North Africa’s Western Sahara region may have more reason for hope today than ever before, thanks to the Trump Administration’s concern and involvement. In the 1970s, the people of Western Sahara, then known as the Spanish Sahara, thought for a brief moment that they would be free when Spain renounced her colonial claims, but it was not to be. The territory was soon occupied by the Kingdom of Morocco which continues to claim the area as its own, despite rulings by the International Court of Justice and numerous United Nations Resolutions recognizing the right of the region’s inhabitants, the Sahrawi, to self-determination. In 1991, after years of fighting, the UN worked out a ceasefire in which the parties agreed that the fate of the territory would be determined by referendum, giving the Sahrawi people the right to determine their own future. By that time hundreds of thousands had fled the conflict and were living in UN-administered refugee camps in Algeria. They were expecting to return home to Western Sahara after the referendum, but that vote has yet to take place and they continue to live in those same camps nearly 30 years later. In the meantime, the people of Western Sahara have prevailed at the International Court of Justice and other legal tribunals which have consistently found that Morocco has no ethnic, religious, or historical claim to the territory it has seized from them. None of these decisions nor the virtually unanimous demand that she relinquish what has come to be known as “Africa’s Last Colony” have moved Morocco from ignoring the law and world opinion...  
The very liberal in America are different
by Samuel J. Abrams } ~ To many, those on the extreme left appear to be more politically radical, insular, vocal and politically active than their moderate or even extremely conservative counterparts... It turns out that this is entirely correct. In addition to a host of new studies and reports showing that liberals live in a digital bubble and have less diverse social media networks than moderates or conservatives, new data from the AEI Survey on Community and Society adds another layer to the story: Extreme liberals are notably more active on social media generally and are far more politically engaged than their moderate and even very conservative counterparts. The AEI data reveals that social media has helped created an echo chamber around extreme liberals at rates significantly greater than other ideological groups. While 25% of very liberal respondents stated that social media made them “a lot” more involved with like-minded others, just 13% of moderates and very conservative identifiers believed that the internet increased their connections to similar people to that degree. In other words, extreme liberals are almost twice as likely to interact with those who share similar outlooks to themselves online compared to conservatives and centrists. Going further, progressives are also far more dominant online when expressing their views. Forty-eight percent of very liberal Americans report posting online about their politics, such as publicly supporting causes and campaigns, compared to just 23% of moderates and 30% of very conservative Americans. Once again, very liberal Americans are twice as likely to engage digitally compared to moderates. Such behaviors can further radicalize those in these echo chambers. Turning to offline activism and engagement, those who identify as very liberal are far more vigorous when it comes to promoting political views and messaging compared to the average American as well. While there is parity with reported voter turnout for extreme liberals and conservatives, extreme liberals are far more likely to engage in other forms of participation, from contacting elected officials to attending rallies and political events compared to any other ideological group...  
You Didn't Build That II

Cal Thomas

Remember the controversy in 2012 when President Obama said, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

In context, the president was trying to make the point that in addition to our own hard work, others contributed to whatever level of success we have attained. The president suggested no one achieves success on his or her own. Republicans took his words as just another indicator that Democrats want more government control over our lives and businesses.

The New York Times appears to have endorsed Obama’s view and gone a step further. The newspaper’s executive editor, Dean Baquet, recently called a staff meeting to announce “The 1619 Project,” named for the year the first African slaves were brought to Virginia. Someone recorded the session and leaked it to Slate, which published a transcript. The Washington Examiner reported on it.

“The goal of the 1619 Project,” says a statement from the newspaper “is to reframe American history.” More like rewrite it. This is the stuff of totalitarian regimes where the media serve as a propaganda organ for the state, in this case the surging left wing of the Democratic Party.

No more America beginning with the Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers and the Constitution. Africans had no say in these, though Jefferson’s brilliant line about all of us being created equal would resound nearly a century later in a Civil War that led to the freeing of slaves and the long road to achieving Jefferson’s noble statement.

Not satisfied with practicing what used to be called journalism, it appears the newspaper’s ultimate goal is to change what is taught in public schools so that children will no longer think highly of their country because of the “stain” of slavery, a stain that has been more than paid for in blood and federal programs, which have attempted to lift some descendants of slaves out of poverty. In many cases those programs have failed, poverty having many causes, but liberals continue to promote them because it seemingly makes them feel better about themselves.

The Examiner’s Byron York writes: “The basic thrust of the 1619 Project is that everything in American history is explained by slavery and race. The message is woven throughout the first publication of the project, an entire edition of the Times magazine.”

One excerpt reveals their drift: “If you want to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation.” Never mind that “brutal” capitalism has lifted more boats than any other economic system.

There’s much more. We are led to believe that America is evil, soulless, that those at the top have always exploited those at the bottom. There’s appears to be advocacy for bigger government, reparations and never-ending guilt for things we today had nothing to do with. Is this what we want to impose on our children?

The New York Times, despite Donald Trump’s criticism, carries influence with broadcast and cable networks like CNN and MSNBC, and these networks in turn can have a collective effect on the American psyche, particularly when there is no counterbalance.

No wonder private and home schools are growing at such a rapid pace. The National Home Education Research Institute projects that by next year the number of home schools will be 2.3 million, a major increase over recent years. According to the Department of Education, about 10 percent of children in grades K through 12 now attend private schools. If politicians allowed for school choice, the number would likely be higher.

The Times’ attempt to shape history to fit its own biases is not journalism. If public schools follow its lead, they will begin to resemble schools in countries where freedom is not the prevailing tenet and antithetical to what the Founders gave us. America’s greatness eventually led to the freeing of slaves and a chance at a better life for their descendants.  

~The Patriot Post  

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