respect (3)


The Party that is now led by John Boehner is totally out of sync with reality. Yes, the Head of the Rino party has gone out of his way, with his sorry Herm Edwards impersonation, to again ostracize the American conservatives that put him in office.

            Mr. Boehner- Put Down the Pipe. You need to focus on reality or you will be looking for work flippin’ burgers. I’m sure you then will be screaming for $15.oo an hour for that job.

             The Real Republicans Serve God and Country, and can read and write. Most Importantly “We the People” Vote Too! Do you think for a minute that Theatrics like those you used today and actions like standing for the same fleecing of the People the Socialist leaning Democrats do is Good for Americans, or just good for you?

            There are many in this country that will not stand for your childish antics any more than they will stand for the same for that Carney clown. The Liberal media will surely put you on T.V. but at what cost? Your manhood, your integrity, your dignity all seems to have been flushed down the toilet like so many O’Promises.  You might Keep your Speakership if you like it, but not for long. You may even be good in a debate, but it won’t be against the next Dem running for president. Get your Act together. No, on second thought get your Priorities in Order.

Realistically even my 10 year old girl can see the futility of your words and actions. Even as a Veteran of a whole EIGHT WEEKS in the Navy I can have absolutely ZERO respect for a man of your caliber (or lack of caliber it seems).  Respect is not an attribute that is freely given to an office, position, or rank and standing without reason. Respect Must Be Earned. Whether Senator, Congressman, President, Preacher or anyone, Proof of Respect must be earned by deeds, and actions, long before it is awarded or even Deserved.

Tea Party Member or not, I will always tell the truth about the persons I write about. The excuses used these days are so out of control the truth seems to change along the same lines as any current Pole numbers tabulated.

The Fact that you are siding with anyone you can now is proof enough that your credibility is waning fast. You are fast becoming more irrelevant than Jimmy Carter or Rutherford B. Hayes. If you think turning your back on the conservatives that truly will rule this country soon will get you some cushy job so that you really will continue leaching off the American public, you are in for a rude awakening come re-election time.

 Please give us more Ted Cruz’s and Ronald Reagan’s in this world. As it is, this nation will end up like the people I used to watch on the other side of the barb wire fences standing in food lines all day long outside of Guantanamo Naval Air Station back in 1977+78. Those people do their best to get to the United States of America even risking death if need be to try for a better life.

So Boehner old friend, Come and tell me why you want to be a Rino, and I’ll tell you why I’m a Tea Party Republican.

If anyone can forward this message on down the line, I’ll be willing and Ready to give a defense for FREEDOM.

Thanks Patriots.  


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Have a Personal Value System

A personal value system is a set of principles or

ideals that drive and/or guide your behavior.

Your personal value system gives you structure

and purpose by helping you determine what is

meaningful and important to you.

It helps you express who you are and what you

stand for. If you are unaware of, or become

disconnected with your values, you end up

making choices out of impulse or instant

gratification rather than on solid reasoning

and responsible decision-making. Your values

define your character .


They impact every aspect of your life including

personal and work behaviors, your interactions

with family, friends and co-workers; your

decision-making processes and the direction

you take in life. This is why it is so important

to know what you value and what is

important to you.

Four Categories of a Personal Value System

Personal Values - Personal values are those traits

we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our


Spiritual Values - The values that connect us to

a higher power and give us a sense of purpose

beyond our material existence.

Family Values - To love and care for those we

are close to; our children, our parents, other family

members, and our friends.

Career Values - The best use and expression of

our talents and skills for the purposes of contributing

to society and for monetary compensation.

Which values do we as social beings find


No matter what tradition we are brought up in, there

are characteristics we value in others which transcend

social, economic and religious boundaries. Some of

these characteristics are:


Integrity is trustworthiness, honesty and uprightness

of character. We value people of integrity because we

know what to expect from them. We know they will act

honorably and that they will do what they think is right.

We want people with integrity as our friends, on our

teams and in our organizations.


Respect is honoring the worth and dignity of all

people. Those who respect others treat them with

fairness and courtesy. They treat others the way

they themselves wish to be treated.


Loyalty is a commitment and faithfulness to a

person or cause. Those who are loyal to their

family, friends, organizations and country stand

behind and support them during good times and

bad times. They can be counted on to be there

when the going gets difficult and to help out

when the chips are down.


Those who accept responsibility are reliable,

dependable and willing to take accountability

for who they are and what they do. They believe

they have a moral obligation to help others

and to make a contribution to the society

they live in.

No matter what values we choose live by, it

is vital that we look at the big picture, assess

what we want our role to be, and map out

how we intend to conduct our lives.
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A personal value system is a set of principles or

ideals that drive and/or guide your behavior.

Your personal value system gives you structure

and purpose by helping you determine what is

meaningful and important to you.

It helps you express who you are and what you

stand for. If you are unaware of, or become

disconnected with your values, you end up

making choices out of impulse or instant

gratification rather than on solid reasoning

and responsible decision-making. Your values

define your character .


They impact every aspect of your life including

personal and work behaviors, your interactions

with family, friends and co-workers; your

decision-making processes and the direction

you take in life. This is why it is so important

to know what you value and what is

important to you.

Four Categories of a Personal Value System

Personal Values - Personal values are those traits

we see as worth aspiring to, and that define our


Spiritual Values - The values that connect us to

a higher power and give us a sense of purpose

beyond our material existence.

Family Values - To love and care for those we

are close to; our children, our parents, other family

members, and our friends.

Career Values - The best use and expression of

our talents and skills for the purposes of contributing

to society and for monetary compensation.

Which values do we as social beings find


No matter what tradition we are brought up in, there

are characteristics we value in others which transcend

social, economic and religious boundaries. Some of

these characteristics are:

Integrity is trustworthiness, honesty and uprightness

of character. We value people of integrity because we

know what to expect from them. We know they will act

honorably and that they will do what they think is right.

We want people with integrity as our friends, on our

teams and in our organizations.


Respect is honoring the worth and dignity of all

people. Those who respect others treat them with

fairness and courtesy. They treat others the way

they themselves wish to be treated.


Loyalty is a commitment and faithfulness to a

person or cause. Those who are loyal to their

family, friends, organizations and country stand

behind and support them during good times and

bad times. They can be counted on to be there

when the going gets difficult and to help out

when the chips are down.


Those who accept responsibility are reliable,

dependable and willing to take accountability

for who they are and what they do. They believe

they have a moral obligation to help others

and to make a contribution to the society

they live in.

No matter what values we choose live by, it

is vital that we look at the big picture, assess

what we want our role to be, and map out

how we intend to conduct our lives.
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