pledge to america (5)

What Obama Gains

from Multi-State Bankruptcy


            If ugly truth is worse to you than lovely myth, go read someone else’s blog, I won’t myth you.   Most Americans are woefully ignorant of their foundations and the great vision of the Founding Fathers.  Over the years the progressive minority has attacked those foundations and the Founding Fathers incessantly and used that ignorance against us as they seek to destroy our Republic and replace it with a communist state. Progressivism, after all, is a desire to “progress” beyond the “ill-conceived and outdated” American Constitution in order to achieve progress toward a progressive-socialist (Marxist?) utopia on earth.

            Barack Obama believes that American Exceptionalism doesn’t exist and never actually existed. Most Americans feel there’s something definitely wrong with the President’s approach to things, but find it difficult to point a finger at exactly what’s not right. Let me give you a clue. The word “democracy” that he and others bandy about so pointedly is meaningless

Yes, our American Republic employs democratic means to select Representatives and Senators and semi-Democratic means to choose our president (the Founding Fathers put the electoral college into the mix for a damn good reason). But Democracy is not all that it’s cracked up to be . . . 

         A.  Justice and Freedom count; democracy can be misused and often is and doesn't matter
         B. There is always the possibility of “tyranny of the masses” in any democracy   
Democracy among ignorant folks has happened often in history and the resulting mob rule has never been pretty
         D.  Words are one thing, reality is generally another.  The Peoples' Democratic Republic of China is not for the people; not a Democracy; and certainly not a Republic.  They mow protestors down in the streets. 
         E.  Democracy among savages amounts to nothing more than Thugocracy and often Theo-Thugocracy.  

            Right now there is great talk of democracy in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain all Islamic countries.  The chances they will degenerate into theocracies like Iran are excellent.  And Iran is definitely a Theo-Thugocracy. In a recent survey in Egypt a week before Dictator Mubarak was ousted, 85% of those surveyed approved of Shariah (strict Islamic code) “Justice” and Shariah Law. That is, 85% of the Egyptians think stoning people to death for not being a good Muslim; for adultery; for teaching other religions; believe that raped women must have four male witnesses to back up their case; think thieves should lose their hands; and see public lashing as fit punishment for women failing to cover themselves properly from head to foot . . . how much is democracy worth among such savage people? 

Democracy is certainly over-rated. Here in America, we have a Republic and the most successful republic in history and American Exceptionalism is alive and well, but severely threatened by Mr. Obama and his cohorts. The most Republican documents in our nation are: Paine’s Common Sense; the Declaration of Independence; The Constitution of the United States; The Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution; and recently two more have been added  . . . The TEA Party’s “Contract from America;” and the Republican Party’s Pledge to America.   Perhaps two or three American in every 1,000 have read all six of these documents: a great pity that so many are so willfully ignorant. Here are some brief excerpts to serve as background before we get to the meat of this discussion with links to the whole documents provided so that the ignorant folk you know might be educated:


“America is more than a country

“America is an idea – an idea that free people can govern themselves, that government’s powers are derived from the consent of the governed, that each of us is endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America is the belief that any man or woman can – given economic, political, and religious liberty – advance themselves, their families, and the common good.

           “America is an inspiration to those who yearn to be free and have the ability and the dignity to determine their own destiny.

           “Whenever the agenda of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to institute a new governing agenda and set a different course.

            “These first principles were proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, enshrined in the Constitution, and have endured through hard sacrifice and commitment by generations of Americans.

            “In a self-governing society, the only bulwark against the power of the state is the consent of the governed, and regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent.”     From “A Pledge to America” a 2010 document of the Republican Party


            “SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

            "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer! Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.”    From Common Sense by Thomas Paine



“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed . . .” from the Declaration of Independence unanimously approved by the 13 colonies


                We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”    The Preamble to the United States Constitution notice the huge size of the first three words . . . .


                                                “Amendment X

              "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”   as added to the U.S. Constitution four years after the Constitution was approved. Of the 27 Amendments to the Constitution, the first ten are the vital Republican documents cementing our freedoms and limiting government known as the Bill of Rights.


The Contract from America

      We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

      Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

      The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

      The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

1. Protect the Constitution

      Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)    From the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party Contract from America in which Americans voted on their top ten issues and resolutions from among 24 key proposals. In the case of this #1 “plank” 82.03% of respondents thought that it was vital and it became the #1 issue for the TEA Party.


                In fairness, Rajjpuut has included some input from “the other side”:    When Barack Obama wrote his first autobiography, Dreams from My Father, here are the dreams he was referring to from his father’s article in the “East Africa Journal” as taken from a liberal website:


                    “Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100 per cent of income . . . I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more . . .”    From Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama’s article “Problems with our socialism in the East Africa Journal


                So, the question naturally becomes, “Besides Obama’s attacks upon American Exceptionalism and his utterly weak foreign policy, what exactly is it that Barack Obama, the progressives of both parties, the Democratic hierarchy and the union leadership are doing that threatens to destroy the American Republic? We could write whole volumes . . . .  

               Three main things come to mind:  1) Undermining the American Dollar and preparing its elimination as the world’s reserve currency right now thanks to Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Banks’ unrestrained money-printing, theoretically the 2011 dollar is worth about 3.2 pennies from the late 2008 dollar 2) Bankrupting the federal government with trillion dollar deficits and refusing to aim for a balanced budget and reduction of runaway federal spending and 3) Setting up multi-state bankruptcy so that the individual states (re-

read the 10th Amendment above) will be made so weak and so totally dependent upon the federal government that all power will reside in Washington, D.C. and the federal government will run the life of the country totally and completely with the states no more than weak agencies of the federal government. 

               One of the overlooked aspects of Obamacare is that it mandates state takeover of much of the present federal side of Medicaid and of a great share of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. These provisions would bankrupt all 50 of the states sometime between 2022 and 2026.  

              The main reason that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats did not pass a fiscal-2011 budget is that they had hidden $105 Billion in set-up fees (unconstitutionally hidden in Obamacare’s 2,900 pages. That is, they illegally took away all power from future congresses to control Obamacare and to save the states from financial ruin. If they’d passed a budget that $105 Billion would have stood out as stark evidence of their malfeasance. That final copy of the 2,900 page bill was given to the House to vote on just two hours before the vote. At that last minute, a cave-in by so-called anti-abortion Democrats led by Michigan’s Bart Stupak passed the bill (on receipt of a one-page promise from Barack Obama that no federally funded abortions would ever be part of Obamacare – so far over 200,000 have been paid for under Obamacare) with every Republican and 32 Democrats voting against it.

              Barack Obama wants to nullify the power of the states and the power of the individual citizens guaranteed by the 10th Amendment and his and the Union leadership's assault on Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan aims to hamstring all the states with government workers unions once and for all.



Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,



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Trick me once, shame on you; trick me twice, shame on me!”

Will TEA Party-Inspired Victory

Again Go to Waste for Conservatives?

The man of the hour is House Speaker Designate John Boehner. On the face of it, it appears that the hopes of conservative America could hardly have been put in stronger hands. Mr. Boehner reportedly has never asked for nor taken an earmark in his twenty-year career. Yes, a man of principle is needed. But more than anything else, America needs John Boehner to be a man with an elephant’s fabled memory and an owl’s much lauded wisdom. Will the recent TEA Party-inspired victory at the polls go to waste for conservatives? Something even bigger along those lines happened in 1994 . . . it must NOT happen in 2010.

In 1994 the conservative standard-bearers, the Republican Party swept into control of both the House and the Senate netting 55 new house seats on the way. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and the Republicans had set the victory up by creating a “Contract for America” similar in many ways to the ideas propelling the TEA Party Contract from America and the Republicans Pledge to America, both offered up in 2010. This year things are different in three important respects from 1994:

1) From a conservative’s view point, the 2010 election result was broader but less conclusive. Many more governorships were seized; more U.S. House seats were gained; many more individual state House and Senate seats were won; but the gain of six U.S. Senate seats did not give the Republicans a majority in that chamber.

2) The clear inspiration for the Republican victory was the creation of the TEA Party grass roots fiscal- and Constitutional-conservative movement begun about February, 2009, shortly after Barack Obama, the Democrats and many Republicans passed the $787 Billion Obama stimulus.

3) Republicans running on religious-conservative or socially-conservative lines were uniformly defeated as the old “litmus- test” gave way to a type of conservativism that Independents embraced eagerly.

TEA Party Has Much to Learn;

Republicans, Even More, from 1994

So, what exactly does the TEA Party-inspired conservative victory mean for America?

A. Nothing, if the beneficiary of this Conservative victory (the Republican Party) ends up less than a party of principle and also opts to return to its old “litmus test” of social and religious issues

B. Everything, if the beneficiary of this victory ends up returning to its roots as the party of small government; accountable government; fiscal-conservativism; and Constitutional Conservativism, leaves the old litmus test behind and learns from the debacle of 1994 . . . .

In 1994, the Republican Party had a historic opportunity dropped into its lap and then blew it badly by playing small politics instead of honoring the will of the voters and standing up for Constitutional- and fiscal-conservativism. Back then the voters angered by the Democrats’ failed attempt at Hillarycare and other less than conservative efforts by Bill Clinton also rejected the Democratic Party at the ballot box. The G.O.P. picked up 55 seats in the House of Representatives for a majority there and even won the senate. Like now the Republicans back then had a document working for them, the “Contract for America.” John Boehner has the opportunity to learn from Newt Gingrich’s less than sterling efforts and begin the nation’s return to sanity, principle and fiscal-integrity. You see, Gingrich compromised repeatedly with that wily devil Bill Clinton. Boehner would do well to learn the lesson that only 100% principled bills need to be presented for a vote in the House, not 99% principled bills with one ear mark or one outrider; not 99.9% principled bills . . . but only 100% principled bills. Why?

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to go from 36% approval to 65% approval (in January, 1998, just prior to his escapades with Monica Lewinsky in the so-called “tailgate” or “little blue-dress scandal” becoming the headline story for the next few months).

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to pass three expansions of the Community Reinvestment Act (two in 1995 and the “steroid version” in 1998) which ACORN was able to exploit to turn Jimmy Carter’s ill-conceived CRA of 1977 into a nation-wrecking sub-prime lending crisis**.

Item: You will remember that whereas in 1976 only one in 404 mortgages was offered at less than 3% down payment; that by 1986 the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now (later to expand to become the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) had doubled the rate in the nation to one questionable loan in every 198 mortgages; which had really jumped to one bad loan in every 14 by 1996; and 34 questionable loans in 100 by 2006 and ignited our present financial crisis.

Item: You will remember that ACORN lawyer Barack Obama in Chicago played a key role in that area brow-beating and shaking down lenders to force them to comply with the evil CRA legislation.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of the CRA ’77, ACORN, without Barack Obama, discovered that it was now just as easy to put an ultra poor renter into a $450,000 home as it earlier had been to get him into a $150,000 one.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of CRA ’77 by Clinton, ACORN was able to get many loans not at 3% but at ZERO% down payments.

Item: You will remember that people without I.D.; people without jobs; people without anywhere close to decent credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people whose only “income” listed was food stamps; other welfare recipients; and even illegal aliens were being put into $350,000-$500,000 homes courtesy of ACORN’s “street warfare” against mortgage lenders required by law to make knowingly bad home loans.

Item: You will remember liberal news coverage in big cities of protests against banks “Unfair to the poor” or “racist banks” being carried on TV as crowds chanted on the lawn outside bank presidents’ and vice presidents’ homes.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush trying to change this complex of laws in January, 2005, but progressives from both parties (particularly the Democrats) voting him down.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush personally or via spokesmen talking to congress some 26 times about the financial problem these CRA laws were causing.

Item: You will remember finally 30 months after his first attempt to rein in this nightmare runaway train, the Bush administration and bi-partisan patriots passed a watered-down version of his original anti-CRA bill in July, 2007. It was, of course, way too little, way too late and the debacle was on us by October, 2007.

Item: You will remember that three months ago in August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush’s actions for stopping the recession from becoming truly deep and serious and from preventing a critical plummeting in home prices.

Item: You will surely remember that on at least 200 occasions, Barack Obama^^ has told us an analogy about a car in a ditch driven there by the previous administration.

Item: You will surely remember that Barack Obama claims his policies prevented another “Great Depression” caused by the prior Republican administrations and failures of the Free Market.

Item: You will surely remember Barney Frank saying, “Gee, the Free Market created another mess and now government has to come to the rescue . . . AGAIN!”

Item: You may not remember Rajjpuut telling you that the correct version of the “car in the ditch” story was that George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

Item: You will surely remember Tuesday’s voting and that courtesy of the awareness created by the TEA Party, the Republicans now have a chance to make amends for their faulty oversight of the nation between 1994 and 2004.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**How exactly did this disaster happen with Republicans owning a majority in both chambers?

How did Clinton like a Tae Kwan Do black belt use the power of the powerful House Republicans against them? It happened, just as the strike out of MIGHTY CASEY did, because “pride goeth before the fall.” Because when “politics is the art of the possible,” all is well; and when politics becomes "the art of the compromise for appearance-sake," all is surely wrong.

The Republicans, you see were committed by Gingrich to passing legislation in the House in accord with their Contract with America. Since they had the majority, they could and did and included among their achievements was incredible Welfare Reform, all well and good. However, Gingrich went beyond the possible into the dirty world of compromise with the Devil (Clinton) and got smacked around like a schoolboy. It happened more or less because Gingrich’s pride could NOT accept passing a bill or several versions of a bill only to see Clinton veto it repeatedly after the senate sent it to him. His pride demanded that he ENACT legislation . . . something NOT in his power. Enter the fuzzy world of COMPROMISE . . . .

Gingrich’s pride would NOT allow him to pass a bill and call it a success, he must see it enacted . . . and there Clinton had him because Clinton was NOT facing a veto-proof congress. So the Republicans would set out and eventually pass a great piece of legislation, Constitutional and smart and Clinton would veto it. They would adjust a few things tinker with it here and there and get a few more Democratic votes and pass it again and again Clinton would veto it. Presumably if Gingrich had been content to keep passing good bills and been content with the few crumbs of success Clinton allowed to become law, much good would have done; the Contract with America would have been achieved (passing all the bills; not unfortunately enacting all of them); and Clinton’s approval rating would have dropped into the teens . . . instead because of his pride and compromising with Clinton . . . the Dems got credit for passing “monumental reform” legislation; and the Dems repeatedly snuck in little pieces of poison (like three CRA ’77 expansions) and so Clinton was resurrected and re-elected. “But, but, but HOW?” You ask.

After several vetoes of several versions of a particular bill, finally, the minority Democrats in the House would create virtually a twin of the most popular version of the same bill Clinton had just vetoed (with some teensy-teeny nasty progressive surprises such as the CRA ’77 expansions earlier mentioned in them dropped into the small print) . . . rather than standing upon principle and defeating the bill in the house, Gingrich and the Republicans went along with Clinton’s charade, time after time after time after time and helped Clinton go from 36% approval to about 65% approval by 1998 before Monica Lewinsky did him in. Yes, the G.O.P. did fulfill their Contract with America, but because of the wily Clinton the nation was much the worse for it . . . . And that is the lesson John Boehner must take from history as goes about meeting the Pledge to America. NO compromise with the Devil, please, Mr. Speaker!

^^ This is an example of the two most well-known propaganda techniques: the Big Lie in conjunction with Unceasing Repetition.

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Rajjpuut’s Predictions 2010

G.O.P. Dem Ind.

Governors 34 15 1

Senate 52 46 2

House of Reps 268 167 0

But Flynn let drive a single to the wonderment of all

And the much-despised Blakely tore the cover off the ball

And now the dust has lifted and they saw what had occurred

There was Blake SAFE! at second; and Flynn a-hugging third!

And from the gladdened MULTITUDE went up a joyous yell

It rumbled in the mountain tops, it rattled in the dell

It struck upon the hillside and rebounded on the flat

For Casey, MIGHTY CASEY, was advancing to the bat . . . .

Politics: The Art of the Possible

Rajjpuut memorized Ernest Lawrence Thayer’s marvelous poem Casey at the Bat, when he was eleven years old . . . there is something magical there (a proviso to the G.O.P. and presumably John Boehner as well) because, after all “MIGHTY CASEY” did strike out . . . If John Boehner “works with” President Obama he will succeed in repeating the debacle that Newt Gingrich encountered beginning in 1994. What happened there/then? The Republicans won 55 new house seats and also swept into controlling the senate . . . the G.O.P. owned both chambers of the Congress for the first time in several decades. The wily Bill Clinton facing-off against an optimistic Newt Gingrich who pledged to commanding the Republican horde into achieving their "Contract with America" . . . and Clinton . . . made Gingrich very, very sorry . . . and America much, much, much sorrier . . . .

History shows us that it was only after the 1994 midterm elections that Clinton was able to pass his two 1995 expansions of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77 which forced home lenders to make knowingly stupid home loans); and then the steroid expansion of that bill in 1998 which led to the financial debacle that began in August, 2007. To put things in perspective, in 1975, before CRA ’77 was passed just one in 404 home loans was granted at a questionable 3% down payment or less. After almost a decade of ACORN’s shenanigans mostly in Arkansas (it began as the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now in 1977 with the assignment from Cloward, Piven, and Wiley to ACORN creator Wade Rathke to shake things up in voter registration and housing) the national “questionable home loan rate” had doubled from 0.24% to 0.51 of home loans offered at 3% down or less. Clinton, himself beginning in 1993 had started “creating” law via regulatory edict upon CRA ’77 and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And then twice in 1995 with the Republicans guarding the switch Clinton expanded CRA ’77. When the dust had lifted in 1995, 14.1% of home loans were being offered at a highly questionable 3% down payment or less, many required zero down payment. (By 2005 34% of home loans were questionable and now ACORN was pushing for $400,000 homes not $150,000) How did this disaster happen?

How did Clinton like a Tae Kwan Do black belt use the power of the powerful House Republicans against them? It happened, just as the strike out of MIGHTY CASEY did, because “pride goeth before the fall.” Because when “politics is the art of the possible,” all is well; and when politics becomes "the art of the compromise for appearance-sake," all is surely wrong.

The Republicans, you see were committed by Gingrich to passing legislation in the House in accord with their Contract with America. Since they had the majority, they could and did and included among their achievements was incredible Welfare Reform, all well and good. However, Gingrich went beyond the possible into the dirty world of compromise with the Devil (Clinton) and got smacked around like a schoolboy. It happened more or less because Gingrich’s pride could NOT accept passing a bill or several versions of a bill only to see Clinton veto it repeatedly after the senate sent it to him. His pride demanded that he ENACT legislation . . . something NOT in his power. Enter the fuzzy world of COMPROMISE . . . .

Gingrich’s pride would NOT allow him to pass a bill and call it a success, he must see it enacted . . . and there Clinton had him because Clinton was NOT facing a veto-proof congress. So the Republicans would set out and eventually pass a great piece of legislation, Constitutional and smart and Clinton would veto it. They would adjust a few things tinker with it here and there and get a few more Democratic votes and pass it again and again Clinton would veto it. Presumably if Gingrich had been content to keep passing good bills and been content with the few crumbs of success Clinton allowed to become law, much good would have done; the Contract with America would have been achieved (passing all the bills; not unfortunately enacting all of them); and Clinton’s approval rating would have dropped into the teens . . . instead because of his pride and compromising with Clinton . . . the Dems got credit for passing “monumental reform” legislation; and the Dems repeatedly snuck in little pieces of poison (like three CRA ’77 expansions) and so Clinton was resurrected and re-elected. “But, but, but HOW?” You ask.

After several vetoes of several versions of a particular bill, finally, the minority Democrats in the House would create virtually a twin of the most popular version of the same bill Clinton had just vetoed (with some teensy-teeny nasty progressive surprises such as the CRA ’77 expansions earlier mentioned in them dropped into the small print) . . . rather than standing upon principle and defeating the bill in the house, Gingrich and the Republicans went along with Clinton’s charade, time after time after time after time and helped Clinton go from 36% approval to about 65% approval by 1998 before Monica Lewinsky did him in. Yes, the G.O.P. did fulfill their Contract with America, but because of the wily Clinton the nation was much the worse for it . . . . And that is the lesson John Boehner must take from history as goes about meeting the Pledge to America. NO compromise with the Devil, please, Mr. Speaker!

To Mr. Boehner, instead of saying “I wish you bluebirds in the spring,” Rajjpuut says, “I wish you gridlock for two years . . . a spine of steel to dull your tears . . . and most of all, when critics call, I wish you luck!”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Isn’t it about time the Republicans and other conservatives grew some testicles? Instead of cowering before the Big Lie that conservativism drove the car (the economy) into the ditch (deep recession), isn’t it about time the Republicans stepped up to the plate and unveiled the “Big Truth,” the monstrous truth? Rajjpuut
Obama Tut-Tuts GOP 'Pledge'
as Echo of Failed Policies
Calling the Republican’s new Pledge to America plan "an echo of a disastrous decade we can't afford to relive," President Barack Obama dismissed the idea as an invitation to redo failed policies. Our Marxist president proselytized on his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday attacking House Republicans over the "Pledge to America" unveiled this Thursday. The Pledge’s promise to restore the Constitution’s 10th Amendment, cut down on government regulation, repeal Obamacare and end his stimulus program was criticized heavily by the president who, of course, wants more government, more spending now “to handle this ongoing crisis.” Unmentioned was the huge part played by the President and other progressives in creating the financial meltdown that began officially in 2007, but which had built up over 30 years of progressive politicians interfering in the mortgage markets.
Seemingly oblivious to the truth, the President said, "The Republicans who want to take over Congress offered their own ideas the other day. Many were the very same policies that led to the economic crisis in the first place, which isn't surprising, since many of their leaders were among the architects of that failed policy," Obama said, continuing, "It (the Pledge) is grounded in same worn-out philosophy: cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires; cut the rules for Wall Street and the special interests; and cut the middle class loose to fend for itself. That's not a prescription for a better future." While NOT using his infamous car-in-the-ditch analogy, the President once again resorted to the Big Lie (a propaganda tool) insisting that all of the nation’s woes were created by conservatives and republicans and the free market.
Isn’t it about time the Republicans and other conservatives grew some testicles? Instead of cowering before the Big Lie that conservativism drove the car (the economy) into the ditch (deep recession), isn’t it about time the Republicans stepped up to the plate and unveiled the Big Truth?
That truth, in a nutshell can be stated this way correcting Obama’s favorite bedtime story:
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
Let’s explain the Big Truth:
The left has claimed that our present financial crisis was created by 1) the Bush Administration 2) conservatives 3) lack of government regulations on the economy 4) the free market, etc. Unmentioned in their Big Lie is that before Progressives deliberately (see the link above) decided to correct our “broken housing situation” the United States was the envy of the world with 62-65% private home ownership. The system wasn’t broken. Progressives forced major changes in mortgage laws five times between 1977 and 1998. Once the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) was passed, they also created ACORN in Arkansas immediately to willfully abuse the same laws they’d just created. In 1975, only 0.24% of all home loans in the country were made with 3% down payment or less. Low down payment mortgages were reserved for exceptionally well-qualified veterans only. By 1995, 14% of all home loans were completed with less than 3% down payment. By 2005 34% of all home loans were ill-advised loans to people who couldn’t ever hope to pay off their mortgages, in other words a 133 times worse bad home loan percentage occurred in 2005 than in 1975 back when the progressive wing of the Democratic Party decided to fix what wasn’t broken.
That shifty wing of the Democratic Party, ACORN, was shaking down lenders and forcing loans for people without ID; people without jobs; people without even rental histories; people with horrendous credit ratings; people whose only income was food stamps; any person on welfare; even illegal aliens. And who was the best ACORN lawyer at shaking down these lenders who really didn’t want to make loans to people who never had a prayer of repaying their mortgages? Barack Obama!
Somewhere after Bill Clinton’s third expansion of CRA ’77 (two in ’95) put the whole system on steroids in 1998, (Barack Obama was gone by now) ACORN discovered it was almost as easy under the ’98 law to get an impoverished person into a $400,000 home as it had been earlier to put him into a $120,000 one. By 2005, 34% of all home loans were completed with less than 3% down payment. That’s called a “sub-prime lending crisis.”
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner gave George W. Bush a thumbs up about two weeks ago saying that Bush’s efforts to pass a law in July, 2007 kept the country from going really deep into recession and kept home prices from plummeting ever lower. Unmentioned is that Bush sought to pass a tougher law in January, 2005, 30 months earlier but that progressive votes derailed that effort. The 2007 law that Geithner praised was way too little, way too late . . . but it was a life-saver, nevertheless. So the truth about that ditch is . . . .
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
One last thing to clear up, who were Cloward and Piven and how did they get this all started? Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are disciples of Saul Alinsky, self-described “neo-Marxist Chicago community organizer who wrote Reveille for Radicals in 1946 and Rules for Radicals in 1971. Cloward and Piven, two Columbia University (NYC) professors wrote an article in 1966 published in The Nation magazine called The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty which has come to be known as Cloward-Piven strategy. Cloward and Piven put forward a plan to overload the welfare system and thus force (they thought) the country via the left-wing of the Democratic Party to establish a GNI (guaranteed national income) thus ending poverty in a single stroke.
With community organizer George Wiley in 1967, Cloward and Piven created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) which by 1975 had used shake-downs and brow-beating a la Saul Alinsky to put eight million extra people on the state and city welfare rolls. In 1975, New York City went bankrupt and had to be bailed out by the federal government; and New York State came within a whisker of the same fate. While not acknowledging they’d failed to force the creation of GNI, the threesome bragged publicly about the “great thing” they’d accomplished and suggested that the next two areas for street-action needed to be housing and voter registration.
In 1976, Jimmy Carter was elected president and one of his first deeds was passing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77). In 1977, a Wiley lieutenant named Wade Rathke already in Arkansas and working with a rising politician Bill Clinton (30 years old elected the lieutenant-governor of the state in 1976) . . . Rathke created ACORN to take advantage of the new law. In those days the “A” in ACORN stood for Arkansas. They weren’t very effective at first but they did help Clinton win the governorship in 12 of the next 14 years. Later among Clinton’s first two acts as president was a regulatory overhaul of mortgage-guarantee legislation to give it more teeth especially its connection to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and passing the Motor Voter Act (a twelve-lane highway to voter fraud) with Cloward and Piven standing right behind him in the official signing portrait (all over the internet).
As mentioned already, Clinton (the First ACORN president) besides his regulatory revamping of CRA ’77 went on to expand the law three more times and Barack Obama was in the trenches a la Saul Alinsky (Obama taught courses in Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” in Chicago for several years) . . . so once again we remind you to notice the word “deliberate” within the Big Truth:
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy (that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by a planned overloading of the welfare rolls) . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
By the way, going back to our headline claiming the Republican leaders have been neutered and need to grow a new set of testicles: the Republican response to Obama was absolutely pathetic. They used their own radio address to defend the plan and here was the closest they got to showing strength: "The new agenda embodies Americans' rejection of the notion that we can simply tax, borrow and spend our way to prosperity," said one of the Pledge’s authors, California Rep. Kevin McCarthy. "It offers a new way forward that hasn't been tried in Washington _ an approach focused on cutting spending _ which is sadly a new idea for a Congress accustomed to always accelerating it." Like Rajjpuut said, "Republicans, grow a pair!"
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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"The land of opportunity has become the land of shrinking prosperity ... Our government has failed us, we will take back our country. We will restore for a better future. This is our pledge to you." Kevin McCarthy, California Representative

Republican “Pledge to America” Says,

“We’ve Learned Our Lessons”^^

Everybody needs 100% of the time to be cynical about the actions of politicians. Having said that and admitted that the new Republican “Pledge to America” (linked at the top of this page) is, of course, aimed at answering the progressive Democrats claims that the G.O.P. is a “Party of ‘NO!’” nevertheless, any thinking voter has to be pretty impressed with the “Pledge’s” twenty-one detailed and inspirational but no-nonsense pages. One can only hope the party and its candidates will keep the Pledge to America” front and center over the next 43 days and BEYOND. Finally, the Republican Party seems intent on reverting to the Party of Lincoln, to libertarianism. A Libertarian is a social moderate and even rarely social liberal that is utterly fiscally conservative and Constitutionally conservative. About 65% of the TEA Party would classify as Libertarians, live and let live on social issues but deeply committed to fiscal and Constitutional conservativism . . . and the Pledge to America is indeed a libertarian document.

One last theoretical-political point, some will say, that Democrats protecting slavery were the conservatives in Lincoln’s time and that the brand new Republican Party, was the party of abolition and other radicalism. Not even close, elimination of slavery was seriously discussed by John Adams and Benjamin Franklin and George Washington before the Declaration, written by Jefferson, was approved. No, the words of the Declaration explicitly say “all men are created equal . . . endowed by their creator with certain UNalienable rights . . . life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, etc.” Springing back to the spirit of founding documents is real conservativism. Notice these truths about the G.O.P.’s “Pledge” . . . .

Social issues are barely touched. This is both smart and more importantly GOOD. When it comes to social issues (guns, abortion, drys vs. wets, gay rights, etc.) moderation is the key: respect old tradition and old law but don’t interfere needlessly with personal freedom. Don’t try to mandate social change through the ballot box or by edict.

Fiscal conservativism is the driving force behind 85% of the “Pledge’s” content. Get out of the way of the free market and out of the way of individual liberty and control by both the states and individuals over their own destinies. Constitutional conservativism is the glue that makes the whole thing worthwhile and workable. Common-sense Americanism is the result. A look at the chart depicting the Obamacare Law now on the books on page 16 is worth a billion times its weight in gold; as is the comparison chart of federal spending as a percentage of GDP on page 13 and the Federal Assistance chart on page 12. However, it’s not a perfect document. Let us point out two areas** where the pledge fell short, perhaps deliberately so:

1. No serious mention of “unfunded liabilities” such as Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid and Welfare, etc. is made, nor any indication as to how to solve the total of $190TRillion drain these unfunded liabilities amount up to.

2. No serious treatment of term-limits is given.

Why were these “flaws” allowed? Probably because smart politics is the art of the possible and practical. Obama and the progressive Democrats were raised on Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and ACORN’s propaganda-machine and take-it-to-the-streets mob law to become experts at nit-picking, deliberately causing confusion and using unfair sound-bites to create false impressions that appear to vilify conservatives. Why give these traitors ammunition?

Despite these shortcomings, IF they live up to their words and continue to be the party of NO MORE OBAMANATIONS and to fight relentlessly for these principles, Republicans will have re-energized the American political argument and earned the country’s trust. Congratulations, G.O.P!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Not directly relevant, but Rajjpuut would have gone to extraordinary measures to find a way to discuss Obama’s BIG LIE about the car (the economy) being driven into the ditch by Republicans in a footnote to the document. To wit . . . here’s the truth linked to the proof . . . .

** Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

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