nations (10)

4064544030?profile=originalIn support of the upcoming 70th anniversary of the United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Republican Politician Barry Donadio took action by raising awareness for human rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted in 1948 with the assistance of none other than Eleanor Roosevelt. Since then it has been a foundation of what has been agreed to and is expected regarding every persons rights.

Barry Donadio is a strong supporter of the United States Constitution and also supports the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights for all the people in the world.

Donadio stated that he agrees with the United Nations in the belief that the declaration inspires us to continue working to ensure all people can gain freedom, equality and dignity.

“I am very proud to support this declaration for the good of all people” said Donadio.

Donadio participated in a total of three United Nations videos that show him reciting various articles of the declaration as an inspiration to others.


Barry Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 10


Barry Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 28


Barry Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 4

Giovanna Alexandrina Donadio who is the 13 year old daughter of Barry Donadio, was also seen in a video supporting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Donadio said that he was so proud of his daughter for taking a stance for all humans by speaking out appearing in the United Nations video.


Giovanna Alexandrina Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 20.

Barry Donadio also took the human rights pledge which reads:

  • I will respect your rights regardless of who you are. I will uphold your rights even when I disagree with you
  • When anyone’s human rights are denied, everyone’s rights are undermined, so I will STAND UP
  • I will raise my voice. I will take action. I will use my rights to stand up for your rights.

Another 14,157 other people globally have also taken the pledge.

December 10th 2018, will mark the 70th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Donadio is asking for your help by spreading the word and supporting the declaration.

#standup4humanrights #barrydonadio #republican #MDGOP #queenannescounty #maryland #donadio #unitednations #UDHR #UN

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Many parents are concerned with the direction of education in the nation today. Children are not being taught what they need to learn.

In the past, American textbooks were always picked by local school districts who have the responsibility of assuring that they textbooks use met criteria in the basics of education principles.  Involved in the selection of textbooks was the local school boards elected to their position, and the local community including the parents of the children involved. This is no longer the case.

The United Nations has targeted our children to be indoctrinated into a globalist mindset through such UN entities as UNESCO.  Not only here in the United States but throughout Africa and beyond, the socialist controlled UNESCO have targeted textbooks that they feel are not politically correct. A few months ago they issued a “Global Education Monitoring” report that declared  textbooks in Africa did not meet the requirement on the subject of “global citizenship. UNESCO declared that if failed the promote  “ Homosexuality, lesbianism, global warming alarmism and transgenderism”. They have already made it quite clear that even “Private schools must be made to submit to the requirement of International law”. They are now trying to push another scheme called the “World Core Curriculum” a radical socialist scheme pushing everything from a revision of history to meet its needs and the sexualization of the children.

 They have an agenda of dictating textbooks that will be used  to shape an agenda, and attitude and the ethics of our children. This is being done to move forward with their Agenda 2030 and the sustainability within that agenda.

In Connecticut, a group of United Nations “human rights” experts have forced a change in textbooks because they we not happy with how slavery in the Northeast was written about in a history book  “Connecticut Adventure”. They proclaimed that the textbook must be changed because  it was insensitive to the plight of slavery.

The “experts” were from the” United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent”. The expert in charge is Sunga III from the Phillippines,.  This is the same group that last year came to the United States and demanded reparations for slavery, lobbied for gun control, and an end to voter ID laws.  This is the same group that turns a blind eye to the rape and terrorism set loose on the countryside of African nations, but feel it is more important to push their way into our education system to implement the agenda that have created.

At a summit held in Korea the UN adopted a global action plan that demands a worldwide “education regime” to transform the youth of the world into social justice warriors. In this plan the UN wants the responsibility of shaping our children in ethics, values and spirituality. It is being implemented for the purpose of making our children “green warriors” and  a part of the war for the “common good”. This summit, organized and run by the UN Department of Public Information (UNDPI) and through Agenda 2030 has as a goal, having the NGO’s worldwide working to implement its idea of global citizenship. In a portion of this report it was made clear what they consider a “civil society. Our children may need to be taught the fundamentals but the education they receive must also advance the cause of global citizenship. It declares that all facets of education, physical, spiritually,, ethically, and intellectually which would normally be the realm of the family, community and churches have been thrown to the sidelines to further the agenda of the globalists. The education they would receive would work toward assuring our youth are forced to believe the roles, right and responsibilities that will be allowed to keep or given to them by the globalists through the auspices of the United Nations.

Among the agenda as being driven by the United Nations, much is made of “Human rights” as written in Article 29 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The UN foundation for many of the plans that are moving forward. Using this article when read ensures that the UN and the tyrants who run the human rights council claim the your human rights can be limited by law for the purpose of “public order and the general welfare”. This line was first used by Hitler in the late 1930s. In essence you have no right, only privileges as given to you by the United Nations.  Your rights are not yours and in any case not be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

If the traditions and cultures of the individual sovereign states run afoul of the agenda the United Nations has set, it states that education will be “enhanced”.

Where does it all start? This could never happen here you say. Actually it already has. It started with the implementation of “Common Core” financed by Bill Gates and the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that was mentioned above on the intrusion of textbooks being used in this country. The objective is to make our children all good little globalists and to be transformed to be able to contribute to the global sustainable market. Common Core is the first step, a nationalizing of the curriculum that is meant to lead to a top-down planned society  that does not consider the Constitution, individual liberty and the God given rights that this country is founded upon. It is founded on teaching our children to be a part of the “globalist group” meant to take away the individualism and rights given to the American people and replace with global collectivism.

Through Common Core the effort is being made to “dumb down” the peole of the world.UNESCO has made it quite clear in the “Education for Sustainable Development report that “Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people who tend to have lower incomes. More education increases the threat to sustainability.” Does that help to make sense to why Obama is bringing the poor from all over the world, and wages being stagnant for almost nine years?

Obama is an advocate of this agenda as is the Education Secretary Arne Duncan. It typical political doublespeak , Duncan stated  “Our goal for the coming years will be to work closely with global partners, including UNESCO, to promote qualitative improvements and system strengthening”

 The United Nations, in their minds has the authority to override families and has the collective right to shape the values of our country’s children. They speak of sustainable development but neglect to mention that parts of the development agenda include population control, central planning, and global governance. It is through the education of the children, and the indoctrination of those children into becoming good children fitting into the global citizenship world of the new order. It is the intention of the UN agenda to restructure human civilization into a centrally planned global economy under the control of the progressive socialist globalists and the UN.

Even home schooling is not safe. Under the guise of “human rights” and equality, even home schooling, private schools and religious schools must be put under UN purview. Understanding that they can move forward with the global socialism that they envision if they can induce enough people using the buzzwords of “equality and rights”, the envision a “group of change” involving children and young adults taught in the system they will implement to create an activism for even further goals in the agenda they have set.

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Traitor John Kerry

John Kerry was and is a traitor to the American fighting forces and the basic principles that our country is founded upon. Being a retired combat veteran myself, from a few years later and a different venue, I understand what it takes to work together as a team, and to stand side by side with your fellow man. I have worked with and stood next to some of the finest this country have to offer.  I would like to believe I speak for many when I say that John Kerry was, in fact a traitor and still is, both to his country and to the bravery of our fine fighting forces.

Let’s start at the beginning of our Secretary of States’ career. As an officer, John Kerry was put in charge of men, young men of honor and perseverance who were sent to fight and die in a hellhole called Vietnam. Kerry spent his time there taking every step he could for personal and career gain, and the integrity of the agenda he was given was secondary. The main focus for Kerry was to write up as many medals as he could for himself and get out. In the book “About Face” Colonel David Hacksworth, shows while there were many fine officers that served there in all branches of the military, John Kerry stood out and continues to stand out as a poor example of what an officer should be.

 There has been much written about his going to Paris to undermine the accords at that time, as a panderer to the Viet Cong. His “Winter Soldier” testimony at the Fulbright Commission was nothing more than an attempt to undermine the war and his fellow soldiers. He was once again, looking out for himself and using the publicity to further his own career. The two miserable people I remember from that time are John Kerry and Hanoi Jane Fonda. Neither, I can say with certainty to ever be forgiven by the brave and loyal men who served in our fighting forces, that day or ever.

As a Senator, Kerry continued to undermine our country by meeting with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in an attempt to secure a “peace” in which he sided with the terrorists. Over his entire career he has sabotaged every opportunity that our country has had to turn back those who move forward in the destruction of freedom in vast areas of the world. Kerry is of the type too prevalent in this administration that feel that peace can only come if freedom loving people step back and allow the terrorists to win. Kerry seems to think, like Hillary Clinton, that activity means results. To gain those results you must gain the respect of those you are dealing with. Nothing in Kerry past would cause any discerning adversary to give this man even a modicum of respect. A loudmouth who echoes the talking points of Americas enemies for almost half a century, Kerry is a perfect fit for the progressive Democrat party of today. Failure in dealings with ISIS, Assad, North Korea, Iran, Russia and many other terrorist regimes only further proves that John Kerry is still first and foremost out for himself, to burnish his resume and still considers himself the only smart diplomat that our country can depend on in his own mind.

Kerry has met with Mahmoud Abbas along with Timochenko the head of the narco-terrorist group FARC. Even knowing that Timonchenko has a five million dollar bounty on his head from Kerry’s own State Department, Kerry felt that giving land and security over to these men was the gift that was expected. Abbbas then met in the White House with our Muslim in chief for two hours. Kerry did not bring peace, but threats and blackmail from the terror organizations he scurried off so fast to meet. Giving up prisoners for peace, the Israelis counted on Kerry to assist in the transfers and received nothing but more terrorism. Of course, Kerry blamed the Israelis.

Kerry has been the lackey for these terrorists. Like the little boy that no one wants, he sits at their feet on the floor admiring Assad, FARC, Iran and the PLO in a futile attempt to gain acceptance for his mindset that is anathema to everything our country stands for.

The latest Kerry attempt to throw another democratic country under the bus, much as he did with his fellow soldiers is based and lies and omissions of real facts. His speech was based on an agenda of treating the Israeli people as second class citizens, and to place the blames on them, rather than on the Palestinians.

 To this day, following the orders of this administration and the progressives in charge, there is still no admission of the terrorism and attacks in the streets of Israel except in passing. Even then, it is the Jews fault, because they will not back down from the sovereignty of the country they have fought so long and hard for.

Kerry stated that “Israel can be Jewish or Democratic. It cannot be both. This strikes me as a special kind of stupid. Israel since the inception has been a democracy. In his speech he stated that the Israeli government is the most “right wing in Israeli history”. Arabs and Jews live together is a harmony that Christians are not allowed in Arab States.

Our Muslim in chief has declared that there can be no peace with a Palestinian terror state alongside Israel. Kerry dutifully sewed this during his speech without understanding that there can be no Palestinian terror state next to Israel because the Palestinians along with the rest of the Arab world want to wipe Israel off the map. Blaming Israel for not making concessions is just ludicrous. They have always given up Gaza, which led to nothing more than an increase in the rocket attacks. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered a good portion of Judea and Samaria, historically Israeli lands to the Palestinians, and land swaps linking this territory to Gaza. The deal was refused by Abba, the same man that Kerry is trying so hard to placate.

The settlements, argued over and causing a great wringing of hands by both Kerry and Obama are not illegal. If they were to be turned over to the Palestinians it would be as before, the Jews would be attacked and murdered in pogroms to make the entire area free of Jews. There are over a million Arabs living and working Israel, how many Jews or Christians for that matter would the Muslims allow to live in their territories?

We must also remember that this is also the same administration that is giving aid to the Palestinian government and attempted to boycott weapons in the outbreak of the Gaza terror war. Not mentioned by Kerry was the forgotten Israeli settlements that were abandoned by force to give to the Palestinians. The Israeli government forcibly removed settlers in Gaza and we rewarded with rocket attacks from the areas that they turned over to the Palestinians.



This debacle, pushed by this administration in the Security  Council and passed because of a petty and  narcissistic Secretary of State and Muslin in chief being too cowardly to veto it and protect the only democracy in the Middle East will stand as an impediment to peace . Perhaps that is what the Muslim Brotherhood lackeys in this administration were looking for, another fine war to settle the American people into.

It is informative, that even Democrats such as House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer is telling the White House to stop, to shut up, and let the two sides figure it out. The United States has long maintained that the agreements reached must be between the two sides of the conflict. It must be negotiated between the adversaries, not by the United Nations, not by the United States and definitely not by this administration. In particular, but a Secretary of State that panders to terrorists, or a Muslim President that allows them to flourish.



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4064002651?profile=originalU.N. Demands Fossil Fuel Phase Out By 2100 To Save Planet

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A look at Agenda 21 in the United States

A look at Agenda 21 in the United States

December 8, 2012
By Joseph



On June 9, 2011, an Executive Order established the White House Rural Council with 25 executive branch departments including Defense, Justice, Homeland Security, National Drug Control, Environmental Quality, Labor, Commerce, Interior, EPA, Housing, Health, Education to name just a few.

The order covers 16% of the American population who lives in rural counties because they “supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. ”


File:Barack Obama signs Executive Order.jpg


Executive Order 13575 of June 9, 2011

Establishment of the White House Rural Council

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America and in order to enhance Federal engagement with rural communities, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy.
Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.

To enhance the Federal Government’s efforts to address the needs of rural America, this order establishes a council to better coordinate Federal programs and maximize the impact of Federal investment to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in our rural communities.

Sec. 2. Establishment.
There is established a White House Rural Council (Council).
Sec. 3. Membership.

The Secretary of Agriculture shall serve as the Chair of the Council, which shall also include the heads of the following executive branch departments, agencies, and offices:

the Department of the Treasury;

the Department of Defense;

the Department of Justice;

the Department of the Interior;

the Department of Commerce;

the Department of Labor;

the Department of Health and Human Services;

the Department of Housing and Urban Development;

the Department of Transportation;

the Department of Energy;

the Department of Education;

the Department of Veterans Affairs;

the Department of Homeland Security;

the Environmental Protection Agency;

the Federal Communications Commission;

the Office of Management and Budget;

the Office of Science and Technology Policy;

the Office of National Drug Control Policy;

the Council of Economic Advisers;

the Domestic Policy Council;

the National Economic Council;

the Small Business Administration;

the Council on Environmental Quality;

the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs;

the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and such other executive branch departments, agencies, and offices as the President or the Secretary of Agriculture may, from time to time, designate.

A member of the Council may designate, to perform the Council functions of the member, a senior-level official who is part of the member’s department, agency, or office, and who is a full-time officer or employee of the Federal Government.

The Department of Agriculture shall provide funding and administrative support for the Council to the extent permitted by law and within existing appropriations.

The Council shall coordinate its policy development through the Domestic Policy Council and the National Economic Council.


Sec. 4. Mission and Function of the Council
The Council shall work across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate development of policy recommendations to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America, and shall coordinate my Administration’s engagement with rural communities. The Council shall:

make recommendations to the President, through the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and the Director of the National Economic Council, on streamlining and leveraging Federal investments in rural areas, where appropriate, to increase the impact of Federal dollars and create economic opportunities to improve the quality of life in rural America;

coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America;

coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas; and

identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities.


Sec. 5. General Provisions.

The heads of executive departments and agencies shall assist and provide information to the Council, consistent with applicable law, as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Council. Each executive department and agency shall bear its own expense for participating in the Council.

Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


File:America Farm - - 625217.jpg

Image credit: Will Lovell

A recent article in Washington Post appeared with the innocuous title, “What we need: Smarter growth plans.” The author is Roger K. Lewis, a practicing architect and professor emeritus at the University of Maryland. Who can possibly object to “smarter growth plans?” Except that “smart growth plans” is the euphemism used by the United Nations for its Agenda 21, a direct assault on private property rights and American sovereignty.

Roger K. Lewis suggests that “smart growth” was designed by market forces driven by “green building.” He makes no mention of Agenda 21 and ICLEI objectives and intrusion into our society since the early 1970s or the agreement signed in 1992 that went under the radar of the American people’s understanding of the complex negative ramifications for our economy and our liberties.

I have not met Americans who think, “sprawl-producing planning, zoning and mortgage templates are obsolete” as the author claims. Would Americans willingly give up their land and homes with or without compensation in exchange for a move to a densely populated high-rise, with no parking garages, no access to cars, like rats fenced in a grey concrete maze?

Communist “social engineering” confiscated land and homes for agriculture. People were forced to move into many-storied, tiny cinder block apartments without any compensation for the land or homes bulldozed. They were forced to commute by bicycles or public transit.

Lewis deems subdivision developments with low-density, detached, single-family homes as outdated. He calls the areas educationally dysfunctional and unsafe. American suburbia was built, he says, on four assumptions that have lost validity today:

  1. Unlimited supply of land
  2. Inexpensive and inexhaustible supply of oil
  3. Homogenous land use
  4. The American dream to own and inhabit a mortgaged house.

I am not sure on what research Lewis based his conclusions, but we have huge domestic oil reserves if permits were issued to drill. We also have a vast land mass. Some areas have 70 or less inhabitants per square mile. Americans still want to own their own home and want to live in a homogeneous community of other homeowners. Just because power hungry bureaucrats at the United Nations have decided to “preserve” land and the environment for the future of the planet and its animals, neglecting the future of humans, does not mean Americans agree to this vision.

Much of America’s land cannot and should not be developed.” Who are you to decide for us, Mr. Lewis and why? Last time I checked we were free people who determined their own life choices.

“Dependency on oil and limitless use of cars pose daunting environmental, economic, and geopolitical problems.” Who is going to decide the limit to our car use? Is it going to be done by law, more regulations, or executive order?

A handful of environmentalists, the EPA, and the United Nation’s dictators, using faulty debunked data from the University of East Anglia or phony research are trying to separate Americans from their land use, cars, trucks, and the open-wide roads.

Lewis continues his Agenda 21 fallacy. “The traditional nuclear family—mom, dad, two to three kids and one or two pets—is now a minority of America’s households.” I am positive that this man is not describing America that I know and see every day. His statements continue, “Today a majority of households are people, young or old, living alone; couples or sets of unrelated individuals of various ethnicities, ages and tastes.”

Agenda 21 and Mr. Lewis suggest building high-rises in “designated areas within municipalities where new development and re-development is feasible and desirable.Affordable housing is a priority and so are environmental standards.

It is obvious that “smart growth plans” or Agenda 21 designed by United Nations will affect our future choices in how we live and where. EPA will be involved and will twist the arms of those who do not adopt “smart growth plans,” denying grants to states and cities and levying other penalties. By the time Americans realize the implications of Agenda 21“smart growth, they will lose their homes and lands with no compensation. At least people who lost property under Eminent Domain have been compensated.



The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is a conglomerate of 600 national, regional, and local government associations who promote “sustainable development” and protection of the environment because of man-made global warming that does not exist.

“Sustainable development” is the United Nations effort to contain and limit economic development in developed countries and thus control population growth. It is “sustainable de-growth,” plain and simple. The focus is “low-income agriculture” and to set limits on the developed world.

United Nations and its affiliates believe that first world countries polluted significantly during their development while urging third world countries to reduce pollution thus impeding their growth. Implementation of“sustainable development” would revert our society to a pre-modern lifestyle.

ICLEI wants to keep the environment as pristine as possible through “ideal-seeking behavior.” These euphemisms are not clearly defined in terms of what or who will evaluate or set the standards for this “ideal-seeking behavior.”

Agenda 21 sets up the global infrastructure to manage, count, and control assets. It is not concerned with protecting the environment or the world’s resources. Agenda 21 wants change from old sector-centered ways of doing business to new approaches. The “desired future state” should be to pursue “economic prosperity, environmental quality, and social equity.”

“Social equity” is the new euphemism for “social justice” the Marxists in our government have been using a lot lately. Who gave them the authority and the mandate to initiate such change? I do not remember the American people being asked through a referendum whether we wanted our way of life to be fundamentally changed according to mandates set up by the United Nations. How will population growth control be achieved in order to protect the precious environment?


File:Sustainable development.svg

Image credit: Johann Dreo

There are four tiers to UN’s “sustainable development” plan:

  1. Environmental sustainability
  2. Economic sustainability
  3. Socio-political sustainability
  4. Cultural diversity.

In 2001 UNESCO, in The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, stated that cultural diversity is as important as biodiversity in the sense of a more satisfactory, intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual existence. Who is to decide the level and quality of the population’s satisfaction, intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual existence? Human needs must be met while preserving the environment for the future. Again, who will decide what our needs are in order to preserve the future?

In February 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya, ICLEI attended a United Nations conference as representative of the interests of local governments. “In collaboration with partners such as UN-Habitat, Cities Alliance and ICLEI, UNEP (United Nations Environmental Protection) is working to make cities more livable, better prepared for the multiple environmental challenges they are facing, as well as giving them a stronger voice in the international climate negotiations.” Last time I checked, global warming has been debunked as a hoax and UN rapidly changed its name to climate change, continuing the attempt to fleece developed countries. In addition, who decides these international climate negotiations and why? What are we negotiating? Carbon credits?

In October 2009 in Bangkok, ICLEI stated, “local governments are offering national governments our partnership in the fight against climate change.” ICLEI wants local governments to collaborate with national governments to fight against climate change, the very change that has been scientifically debunked.

Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution states clearly, “No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation, …No State shall,… enter into an Agreement or Compact with another State or with a foreign power…” The counties and cities that are members of ICLEI in the U.S. through its national organization are attempting to implement foreign policy, which our Constitution forbids. What mayors and municipal governments are doing is plain unconstitutional.

“Mayors and local governments set forth the following commitments to implement sub-national, national, and international frameworks by providing resources, authority, and mandate to carry forward climate protection roles and responsibilities.”

There is no law or act of Congress to authorize the aiding and abetting of foreign policy globalism by state and local governments. We have to protect our sovereignty by banning cities and counties to be members of ICLEI, an organization that promotes United Nation’s Agenda 21/“smart growth” which is detrimental to American economic interests, liberty, and sovereignty.

“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto law, or Law impairing the obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.” -Article 1, Section 10, The United States Constitution. That Section of the Constitution prevents membership of states, cities and counties in an organization called International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)…

But I’ll bet many of you reading this live in a city, town, or county that belongs to ICLEI because ICLEI has more than 600 active members throughout the United States. Those members are cities, counties, and states, not individuals. Westchester County is a member of ICLEI. Think we have a problem? To see if your city, town or county is affiliated with ICLEI go here:

Tags: Agenda 21, ICLEI, United Nations, United States

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4063631957?profile=originalAre you ready to wake up in an America where your family is defenseless against enemies foreign or domestic? This reality is right around the corner. A day after his reelection, Barack Obama signaled the United Nations that he is ready to sign an Arms Treaty to strip you of your U.S. Second Amendment Constitutional right to bear arms.

This is not new. The United Nations made earlier attempts during the administration of former President George W. Bush. But, President Bush soundly rejected the measure. Now, President Obama, fresh off of this presidential win, feels emboldened to go forward with his design to unilaterally dismember the guaranteed constitutional protections citizens of this nation are entitled to.

Do you feel comfortable with the idea that the U.S. State Department under the control of either Ambassador Hillary Clinton will truly represent your interest? What about her possible replacement nominee, America’s United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. This is the same Ambassador Rice’s who went on five television network shows to cover up the truth of what happened to four Americans murdered on 9/11 in Benghazi, Libya.

Where does that leave Americans?

The real question is what are you prepared to do in order to defend your right to defend your family? Will you wait to see what happens? Or will you take the necessary steps to make certain that you will not have to wait and see if United Nations gun control officials knock at your door, demanding, and “Gun license and registration, please!”

The right to control your guns is not open for debate or for negotiation. It is a sovereign right that no foreign organization, including the United Nations has the right or the authority to undertake, because a president gives the go ahead.

When any president decides to destroy the nation’s U.S. Constitutional rights afforded its citizens, which he has sworn to uphold, he no longer has the authority to represent the nation’s citizens. He must be impeached!

The U.S. Constitution says with great clarity in Article II, Section 4:
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Your signed petitions should be forwarded to John Boehner, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

The impeachment process begins in the House of Representatives according to Article I, Section 2: "The House of Representatives . . . shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

You do not need the permission of the White House nor do you need the permission of the mainstream media to determine your course of action to demand the impeachment of Barack Obama. Develop a list of particulars that petitioners in all fifty states will sign. The secessionist movement has already gotten the ball rolling.

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4063619911?profile=originalThe state of Ohio and Texas along with Florida and Wisconsin are on the United Nation’s Election Day hit list when it comes to their officials showing up at state polling locations. It seems that these United Nations officials have the mistaken belief that they have the legal right to intervene in how Ohio and other states are running their Election Day activities. Their organization the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe is showing up because the nearly impotent NAACP and the discredited ACORN organization requested that they oversee possible voter suppression.

The fact that outside countries can use the guise of the United Nations to come into sovereign states and cities like Cleveland, or Columbus, Ohio, or Houston Texas, or any other city in America is without merit. If one single United Nation’s official illegally steps within the 100 foot limit of a polling precinct they will become quite familiar with American jurisprudence.

The Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has already publically stated that if a United Nation’s official breaks Texas law by interfering with its election process within the 100 foot limit, he will have them prosecuted to the full extent of Texas law and justice. Jay Sekulow, head of the American Center for Law and Justice affirmed this and other similar developments around the nation, on Fox News, Friday, November 2nd.

First and foremost is the erroneous notion that a foreign nation has the purposeful audacity to believe it can set one soiled boot on Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin state soil. Could these so-called officials of the NAACP or ACORN be that incompetent about how state government and the U.S. Constitution actually work? The United States Constitution is still the law of the land, as is the 10th Amendment, which clearly states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” This includes election law.

News flash, nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say that state election officials should bow, submit, or be subject to interference by the United Nations. Foreign governments do not dictate terms to the United States of America or states about how and what it does regarding elections or any other sovereign action. In other words, United Nations officials take your pens, pads and notebooks to the nearest motel room and watch the election results like any other person.

What is disturbing about this entire misleading scenario is how the United Nations could ignore due diligence in taking a letter from organizations that offered them no legal proof of voter suppression or intimidation. Before the United Nations started snooping into America’s business, why not go over legal proof of voter suppression and intimidation legal cases from the U.S. Justice Department? What about the states they are targeting? Oops, that would be a big negatory since no proof of voter suppression or voter intimidation by Republicans exist!

Why did this so-called finder of fact committee set up by the United Nations not investigate the organizations that made the request? Take ACORN, which had officials engaging in voter fraud in Cleveland in 2008, who were illegally signing up voters multiple times. One voter even testified that ACORN voter registrars signed him up 72 times to vote. Their voter fraud activities are legendary. In Missouri in 1986, 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. Also in 1986, in St. Louis, six ACORN volunteers plead guilty to a myriad of election law violations.

The NAACP which also requested United Nations intervention into suspected Republican voter suppression has election fraud skeletons in its own closet. The organization made up fraudulent claims in 2000 against then Governor George Bush about voter intimidation and the lack of prosecution of a fatal attack on a black man. In addition, in 2011, NAACP Tunica County, Mississippi executive committee member Lessadolla Sowers was convicted on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots in a substantial voter fraud scheme. So much for integrity!

Then of course there is the infamous voter intimidation case in 2008 against the New Black Panther Party, which openly intimidated white voters in Philadelphia. The Obama U.S. Justice Department refused to prosecute the case, despite overwhelming evidence, and an actual video which captured their thug-like tactics.  ( Read More )

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National Park Service shills for Big Pharma

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

It has been discovered on September 26 2010 at both the Northwest New Mexico Visitor Center, and El Malpais information center that now theNational Park Service (NPS) aka the Department of the Interior has beenshilling for the H1N1 Vaccine scare by the World Health Foundation andalso by Big Pharma.

Luckily I bring my camera bag almost everywhere I go so when nobody was in the restroom I took a quick shot to send to the Internet to leteverybody know what the NPS is doing in response to the H1N1 Vaccinescare, they want you to get your H1N1 Vaccine shot.


Also according to a cropped image copied from another shot taken of the propaganda vaccine poster it says that the National Park Service nowhas a Office of Public Health. Now since when does the NPS and allgovernment agencies need to have their own Health Department to makesure that everybody gets the inoculation to receive toxic chemicals,live viruses, cancer viruses, and even future health problems at thevictims expense, that means that they have to pay for the damage totheir own bodies they receive from the vaccination shot they were toldthey have to have for public safety.


Also this is a closeup again from the other shot not being shown on here because of the JPEG Compression makes it hard to read the photo.


The image states "Get the H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available" by the National Park Service Office of Public Health also by theDepartment of the interior.

When you see conservation government organizations which the whole goal was to protect the Nations most valuable monuments and mostbeautiful lands of nature, being owned by the UN aka United Nations orbeing used as a tool of mass indoctrination, mass murder, and eugenics,then it is no longer recognized as a conservation organization butanother hammer given to Big Pharma to squash those that resist havingmore health problems which generates billions of dollars to thepharmaceutical industry.

People need to do plenty of research and ask opinions of many different doctors on whether the vaccine shot will actually help or hurtbecause what people don't know about the vaccines may hurt them.Vaccinations have been reported to having chemicals, cancer viruses, andother live viruses.

What the National Park Service has done is indoctrination and propaganda for Big Pharma because they are not asking people to doresearch and make a choice on whether vaccines are good or not, theposter says to just get it no matter happens to your body you must getit for the guise of protecting the Health of others.

Hitler told various lies just like Obama, and Bush about how serving under a youth corps, serving fascism, and abolishing the Constitutionis a good thing for the security and safety of the German people.Safety, having good health, saving the environment, and even Securityare being used to indoctrinate the whole Nation into fear and slavery.

Also now why would New Mexico National Parks be the only area to have vaccine propaganda and H1N1 fear mongering?

Well take a look at who is friends with the globalist created marketing puppet.

The New Mexico Governor that's in charge of New Mexicos state affairs is best friends and even endorces Obama according to theGuardian. These people don't care about your health they just wantto pose for the camera and then work with their globalist masters fortheir next orders and then they will both be rewarded with being ableto lead us all into a Eugenic New World Order where the science ofTyranny is law, where populations have to be reduced from the billionsto five-hundred million, and where all of human activity is monitoredby super computers where no activity is private.

The globalists want Obama to lead us into scientific tyranny with a little fascism on then side. For those who won't be sacrificed for theagenda of World Governance, will become slaves that will comply to everywish and order provided by the worlds top elite.

The National Park Service needs to remember that they are not suppose to indoctrinate people to vaccine, and that they are suppose to beprotecting National Landmarks as their job is intended by the taxpayers. Now they only shill for the agenda creators and that instead ofgetting rid of chronic illnesses and diseases, we will have even morehealth problems that will put us under dozens of more prescriptionmedications till the day we die.

I hope American Patriots and truthers will stand up against the NPS Propaganda and that it is not just a waste of tax payers dollars butalso makes the National Park Service another indoctrination center forthe World Health Organization, Big Pharma, and the New World Order.

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United Nations in Geneva and the Swiss


I got my email about the U.N. threat. I saw it was sent from their headquarters in Geneva.

Have any of you been to Geneva, Switzerland. I have. My wife is Swiss (and also American).

When you get to Switzerland, as a tourist, you are required to go directly to the local police station, with your passport, and register(if you stay at a hotel, the hotel does this for you).

If you are “suspicious” looking or get stop, you better have checked in.

It is not America. Not check in? You are arrested and then deported.

If we had the Swiss laws and enforcement (when your tourist time is up, if you have not checked out, they hunt you down), there would be no need for the Arizona law.

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