morals (1)

Servants First

My Status is the same as always.
I'm here (on this Earth) to serve Jesus and Others.
I know that my words may be somewhat severe, but I always speak them with the truest of motives. I Love all of you enough to speak the things that I truly believe will help all know how best to live as the Lord wants us to. I am always open to any Ideas that can be backed up first by the Word of God, second by true moral standards, or third by undisputed historic/scientific evidence.
I've served in the military to defend everyone's Right to Speak their own Minds and Beliefs. I don't, and you don't, have to agree with all I purport to be True.
Debate is one of my favorite forms of conversation, better than surrounding myself with "yes men".

The Leaders of Our country today have seemed to do just the opposite. By surrounding themselves, with "Yes men. yes women, yes media and yes apologist", we hear nothing but repeated lies and whacked out Ideas made up by the president and perpetuated thru out our society these days.

By following these Simple rules that I use to validate my beliefs, the leaders of today would make much better decisions, about everything, whether they hold my religious beliefs or not.

You don't have to be a Christian to benefit from ALL the Moral teachings of the Bible. There are no teachings of Jesus contrary to moral Law from anywhere in America, unless you really believe you can change right from wrong. The so-called leaders of today, typically leading from behind, don't seem to even possess even the slightest of morals or intestinal fortitude. From the "Coward in Chief" to the lowest member in Congress (with the possible exclusion of Ted Cruz), even the veterans after the ilk of McCain, seem to have Zero accountability to The People of These United States or Any Higher Power. We in these States that understand that the entire basis of this country's existence is, and always has been, based on "CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES" have no President representing us. It seems that Ubama represents only himself and his whacked out socialist ideology. The President Is supposed to be a Servant of the People of the People. His Leadership is to inspire others to do the Will of the People. This he does not do. Personally, I believe that the best Leaders have been in the Military or in real public service(Dr's, Police, Firefighters, etc...) not community organizers or career Politicians.The founding Fathers would be appalled at the politicians living in office I'm Sure. They get there and completely forget the reality of living in and for this country and people,IF they ever did know these things. Term limits are a must. Thank You All. 

If there is ever anything I can do to explain the Bible or my Beliefs to help you out, just ask. I will do my best to use Bible to interpret Bible and back up my beliefs.
The Lord has truly blessed me with the time to repent and come back into His service, of that I am Eternally Thankful. I pray not only for You all, but the whole World, without ceasing.
May God Richly Bless you, my Beloved.

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