joyce (1)

Hey, You’re about to be Re-Raped by Gore, Goldman Sachs,

Barack, and Your Very Own Federal Guv , Have a Nice Day!

In the upcoming re-rape of the U.S. Taxpayers engineered by the Federal Government, most of the citizenry will not even get a kiss. But since Rajjpuut likes YOU, we’ll see to it that you not only get a kiss, by Jove, but perhaps even enough understanding to survive or glory-be actually thrive. Pay attention, now, you really do want that kiss!

First a bit of history: the last time the country got raped it was through a little manipulation called the sub-prime lending crisis. The laws had to be changed four times before that scam finally worked. In chronological order those laws were: the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. The expansion of CRA into the Federal progtams at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac in 1992; a smaller expansion in 1995 and finally the Bill Clinton expansion in 1998 that put the whole system on steroids. A group called ACORN with lawyers such as Barack Obama worked at forcing lending institutions to grant ridiculous loans (forced by the four laws just mentioned) to some people

A. without I.D.
B. without jobs
C. with abysmal credit ratings
D. without even a bona fide rental address and even to
E. illegal aliens.

Then some people bundled a lot of these horrendous mortgages together and sold them to other people known as “fish.” One of the biggest profiteers from this activity was a group on Wall Street known as Goldman Sachs. You may have heard of them. As far as Rajjpuut can tell GS, sometimes known as “Government Sachs” actually did nothing technically wrong, they just made a lot of money out of the entire country’s misery . . . . originally Rajjpuut thought that ACORN and the progressive politicians were the culprits . . . but GS, well, let’s see where our story leads us . . . .

OK, OK the last time we bundled mortgages together, so the suckers won’t fall for that for at least a decade – how in hell can we make a dishonest buck? Hmmmm. But first did you know that eleven key regulators of the financial industries (FEDS, in other words) and eight key members of the Obama industry have spent a good deal of their adult lives working for Goldman Sachs? Maybe that’s where the name Government Sachs comes from. Let’s see where were we? Oh, yeah, how to re-rape the country. Well first we need something to sell . . . .

“I know, I know” said a clever senator from Tennessee and another clever senator from Chicago. The two clever senators decided to sell the country and the world “Blue Sky” – clear blue sky, step right up and get your blue sky.

Here’s how it workes . . . You may have heard of the Tides** Foundation, it’s a place where rich progressives donate a lot of money and then you can’t tell that they’re involved because everything is hush-hush secret and done by this anonymous entity . . . the foundation. The Tides Foundation is a non-profit that’s purportedly promotes social justice, cleaner environment, etc., but what it really does is take advantage of the godawful regulatory climate, which progressive lawmakers have pushed onto all of us, to find appropriately complex and very profitable scams . . . all in the name of advancing questionable liberal/progressive goals. The Tides Foundation is huge. Well imagine something even bigger, something that could fit up to ten or twelve Tides Foundations inside it and still have wiggle room. In fact this larger entity, The Joyce** Foundation, actually is one of, if not THE largest funder for the Tides Foundation. If that looks like money laundering to you . . . well so be it.

So in 2001, the senator from Tennessee had just almost been president of the United States and he was going around the world in his jet spreading a lot of nasty exhaust but telling a lot of lies supposedly based on real science, but actually just plain lies about something called global warming. And this Joyce Foundation they gave him and others money for a start-up grant to create an entity called CCX which would eventually sell the “blue-sky.” And the board (the group) that’s running this CCX (which stands for Chicago Climate Exchange) consists of that nice Tennessee fellow Al Gore and a London Investment group he works with (no relation to East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) of climate-gate shame, we’re sure, (or are we?); plus the brother of the well-known Weather Underground Bomb-maker Bill Ayers, John Ayers; plus three or four key Goldman Sachs people; and the Goldman Sachs Company itself (10% owner); plus Barak Obama who actually wasn’t even a U.S. Senator but just an Illinois Senator when he and a fellow named Sandor who’s the President of this CCX put the whole scam together. By the way, CCX is a voluntary agency – get that voluntary. And remember they’re selling (eventually) blue sky.

When Mr. Sandor was interviewed recently he estimated that the blue-sky sales business (also known as “Cap and Trade”) which creates something literally out of nothing would shortly become a $10 TRillion industry every single year. Since the full value of all the stocks on all the American exchanges and over the counter in all the companies is estimated at $15 TRillion which is $15 TRillion over all the earth’s history and therefore nothing compared to blue sky being worth $10 TRillion every single year . . . well that’ll give you a pretty good idea of what exactly blue sky can be worth in the hands of people with imagination and a bit of larceny in their souls?

$10 TRillion, but wait, remember we said that the CCX was a voluntary group? You did remember that? So they've been working basically without reward for nine full years basically out of the goodness of their hearts, my my. Of course if climate-law such as Cap and Trade ever became the law of the land and they already were the most experienced at the business in the whole world . . . well $10, TRillion . . . . Any wonder why, with Cap and Trade stuck forever in the Senate, Barack Obama has tried to make (a presidential edict) Cap and Trade the law of the land via the EPA? Ah well, bend over America, ENJOY! And as for Barack Obama, it's called conflict of frigging interest Mr. President.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** and for any reader that thinks that the Tides Foundation and the Joyce Foundations sound vaguely familiar and might actually be parodied in Michael Crichton's thriller "State of Fear," come on now, that's a work of fiction, Crichton wouldn't do that, would he?

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