grounds (1)

The Honorable Congressman Smith                                                                            2 June 2013
The Honorable Senator Cornyn
The Honorable Senator Cruz


I have been very patient, hundreds of millions of Americans have been very patient....

We are collectively losing what little patience we have with the absolute lack of action from Congress. I, and the rest of concerned Americans, understand Congress must have all the facts in issues before coming to judgment and action.

The last time I checked, we had a Constitution that proved three branches of Government, all designed as a system of checks and balances on each other.

What I have personally witnessed is this system of checks and balances completely destroyed and nullified by the complete and total lack of action from Congress.

Attorney General Eric Holder has told the world he is going to overturn the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and imprison citizens if anyone is caught posting or writing "inflammatory" comments about anyone who adheres to the muslim religion....

Amendment I.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


#1. I submit to you that the " Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011" restricts free speech, prevents Citizens from petitioning this government for a redress of grievances and is legislation by fiat in defiance of the Constitution.

#2. I submit to you that this statement made by Mr. Holder that anyone who speaks their mind about those who behead Christians here in our own country and overseas, trash our Christian religion, promote pedophilia, promote "honor killings", promote crimes against women - is in direct and blatant violation of the 1st Amendment of our Constitution.

#3. I cite Supreme Court case - Landmark Case; Marbury v. Madison (1803); Summary: In the instance where legislation (an executive order is NOT law and illegal in the first place and you know this) and the Constitution conflict, the Constitution always overrules said legislation - and said legislation is declared null, void - as unconstitutional. Congress should NEVER have allow any of Mr. Obama's executive orders to become legislation by fiat in the first place!

You have seen mountains of evidence what this man and his administration has done is wrong - and yet Congress has not put a stop to it... you write letters, hold hearings and this does nothing to stop him and his agenda.

You have czars from his administration in defiance of Congress, refusing to provide you evidence you seek, refuse to answer questions you ask - yet none of them are jailed for their contempt. Congress allows them to remain in contempt without action.

If a common citizen of this Nation were to do even one of these things they would quickly find themselves behind bars for a very long time.

No one is above the law and Citizens see all of this! We see there is clearly a double standard at work here - and we do not like that at all!

Why have no NOT acted? You have the grounds, evidence and you hold the Authority.


Aubrey Mason
San Antonio, Texas

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott
The Honorable Senator Paul

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