governance (2)

My original title for this post was the declaration “No More Politics!” However, Politics is not a bad thing it is a necessary thing. It becomes a bad thing when it is a profession. It is the Reids, Pelosis, Boxers and yes, the Boehners, McCarthys, McCains and Cantors that make politics ‘a bad thing’.
An understanding of the Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States makes it plain that this was to be a nation of individuals. Even John Jay, a member of the Continental Congress, writer of five of the Federalist Papers, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and the original “Liberal” was devoted to the individual; his rights and his freedoms.
It has been said many times and in many ways that where the people fear their government there is tyranny; where the government fears the people there is liberty.
OK, enough preamble what is the solution? The solution is cradled in a thing called a Convention of States or, more popularly a COS. A COS is a convention in each state called by the people of that state and voted on in each states legislature to propose amendments to the constitution. Prohibition was repealed by such a COS.
It is interesting to note that at no point does the President have a role in the formal amendment process (though he would be free to make his opinion known). He cannot veto an amendment proposal, or ratification. This point is clear in Article 5.
The COS I am talking about here has never been used by the American people, but it is time it is used. We need to have a concerted effort by the PEOPLE to reign in the power mad DC elite. This country was founded with the idea of ‘citizen legislators’ as outlined, again, in the Federalist Papers. There is a growing movement to do just that. I refer you to the Citizens for Self Governance at This is a movement and a web site that was initiated by lawyers and American Patriots to get this job done and it, WE, need your help to fulfill this dream for America. The site is in the organizational stages for the convention and need all kinds of volunteers. Remember each state has to be in on the effort. Approval by three fourths of the states is needed for enactment.
Think for a minute about a nation where the elected officials are limited in the length of service, unable to exempt themselves out of any laws, and required to be elected by citizens that can prove they are citizens each time they vote. Can you say “Voter ID”? Case in point regarding that last one: Harry Reid, after his first election to the senate from Nevada has gone into election day a serious underdog and arose the next morning as the top dog, I keep wondering how that happens.
Think about being a part of such an historical effort.
This is a movement that can make the changes we were looking for when BOH promised changes and delivered a nightmare. It needs all kinds of help from state directors and public speakers; district captains and people to help with the coffee for meetings. If you believe in the need for real grassroots change back to a government “… of the people, for the people and by the people.” Please at least take a look at that web sight and then decide to put in your two cents worth.

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Ron Robinson is author/founder of, the online app that broke the PDI/VoterVault monopoly for your precinct walk lists and is a GOP precinct committeeman/state delegate in California.)Rushing past us now like the windows of a fast train are the precinct, county and state caucuses/conventions where the GOP leaders for the next 2 years are chosen. If it's your intent to change the direction of the GOP, you need to get involved now.Obama used the metaphor of a car that had driven into a ditch in the last campaign. Of course, he had envisioned that the car had gone off into the ditch on the right. Tea partiers see the car swerving to the left. What do you do when your youngster is driving and drifting off the the left? Send a fax or email? Sign a petition? No! You grab the wheel and yank the car back over into the proper lane.That's just what more and more Tea Party types are doing this season as they show up at the precinct and county caucuses to choose the new GOP leaders - the new leaders who will put our party back on track. They are getting involved and taking over governance of their own party.We tried letter, faxes, protests and petitions. Not much help. But as the GOP swings back t the right bit by bit, we are learning that our work is taking effect.Take responsibility for the governance of your party today. If you don't know how, you can go to to learn.(headline h/t: Pogo)
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