google (3)

Google EVIL?

If this is the way they are going to be, I am going to have to start boycotting them.

That means no clicking on Google ads (they get paid for that)

and no more searches with their engine.

I will use this instead.

I dont put much stock in Huffington Post most of the time, but read this article:

You may or may not agree with Alex Jones, and if you dont, you probably dont know him very well or listen to his program. I know Alex, I met him personally years ago and have followed his work - whether you agree with him or not, you have to agree that censoring his opinion IS evil. It is anti - first amendment, though in this case it isnt the Government playing big brother, its the new technorati, the globally oriented info-corporations.

This is the new face of the NWO. Corporate NGO's who will assist the government to suppress the opinions they do not like or threaten their power. Wake Up.

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Author: Brian D. Hill

We are now asking all users who read this article and the confirmed psychiatric article to do a little job for us to make this article evenmore explosively viral.

We are asking all who want to bring the truth out now about ODD, about Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and to expose Big Pharmas medicalcorruption by using false psychiatric disorders to rake in more profitsoff the people, then please search up the search terms on Google for itto reach Google Trends: "Psychiatric Manual DSM-IV-TR" and these searchterms will show up two main truth sites exposing this and that isinfowars and uswgo.

If we can blow the lid off of this then we will get the attention of every university around the world to find out the truth about the DSMbooks and then get them debunked and dismissed. We Can Do It! We canstop the madness before it reaches critical mass. We can stop thepsychiatrists from institutionalizing Oath Keepers, Free Thinkers,Researchers, Militias, Highly creative people, Theorists, thosequestioning authority, and those that go through normal human emotions.

Lets show these universities before they brainwash, indoctrinate, and build a army of psychiatrists that will go after anyone who even wishesto even publicly oppose the system.

So remember the search terms and by helping us you are helping yourself prevent the Psychiatric corruption that we are facing today aswe head for a even more corrupt Washington D.C. We are asking everybodywho uses Google and even Yahoo to keep searching up the same terms overand over again until enough people and searches will make the truthbecome even more viral then ever before. Lets follow the example ofInfowars! Let's use their machine against them!

The search terms again are:

Psychiatric Manual DSM-IV-TR

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