fabian society (2)


If Your Emblem is LITERALLY
A Wolf-in-Sheep’s Clothing,
What Kind of Monster are You?
Part I Background
                Actually, we’re going to explain why those people who espouse progressivism can be so dangerous in only three paragraphs . . . but before we do we need to lay a little groundwork. First notice the three sites linked above. If you’re a normal non-superhero type person . . . they may be the three greatest gifts you’ll ever receive other than life and love.  The book The Myth of Stress has the potential to do more good for more good people such as the Conservative movement in the United States and the nascent TEA (“taxed enough already” or “taken enough abuse”) Party folks. It also has the ability to turn many dangerous progressive malcontents into far more reasonable people not by merely relieving stress but by virtually eliminating it from their lives – it’s that good. For people already hounded by serious physical complaints with a psychological component or origin; or serious but not commit-worthy psychological problems the next two links are godsend . . . for example helping relieve and virtually eliminate PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) in some cases going back to the Viet Nam War in a matter of 3-4 sessions. My gifts to you . . . .
            More background:  the link immediately above disrobes the Fabian Society in England (whose organizational emblem, a wolf-in-sheep’s clothing, is displayed in the background within an infamous stained-glass window in which George Bernard Shaw and other Fabian Socialists are shown heating the world over a blacksmith’s fire and pounding it into to their desired shape) which was the movement that gave birth to so-called “progressivism” here in the United States.   The progressives and the Fabians believed in the ideas of Karl Marx but NOT in the violence inherent in REVOLUTION. They believed that they could sneak their agenda onto the scene and take over the world that way. The term “Fabian” comes from the Roman general Fabius who defeated Carthaginian leader Hannibal (him of the war elephants crossing the Alps) by refusing direct confrontations and winning a thirteen-year war of attrition. 
             Progressivism arose here in the 1890s and was a very strong movement for many years. Then he word “progressive” fell out of favor thanks to the debacles of Woodrow Wilson and his administration (the altered historical record in which some people put the Democratic progressives Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson into #2 and #3 position among U.S. Presidents and then alter history dramatically to hide the fact that Herbert Hoover was a Republican Progressive is totally inaccurate); the term “liberal” was used over the next eighty-five years but now “progressive” is back in favor among them since “liberal taxation” and “liberal spending” and “liberal government” now hold such negative connotations among voters. The link below tells you how in order to make Wilson and FDR into undeserved heroes: the biggest economic lies possible were used:
            FDR, of course, and his VP candidate attacked Herbert Hoover as a “socialist” and promised to imitate the actions of Harding and Coolidge (49% decrease in spending and taxes; 30% pay-down of the national debt) that made Wilson’s Depression into the “Depression you never heard or” or the “Invisible Depression” even though it started out much worse than the 1929 crash and downslide.  Of course FDR not only continued every single one of Hoover’s initiatives but created another 39 brand new federal agencies and did precisely the opposite of Harding-Coolidge by dramatically increasing spending, taxes and the national debt and dramatically expanding government. But besides “adjusting” history as necessary to make their opponents look bad and themselves look good, what do progressives believe? Progressives believe that we must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘out-dated and ill-conceived’ U.S. Constitution if we’re to achieve the Marxist/Socialist earthly Utopia. In recent times progressives like Van Jones, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Joel Rogers, Bill Ayers and others are flying from the woodwork to let their followers know that NOW is the time for the final stage of the “revolution” -- the takeover. Background material over!
Part II Why Progressives are So Dangerous
            One of the greatest additions to the human evolutionary arsenal over the years is man’s neo-cortex high in the front of our brains. It is the neo-cortex that gives man FREE WILL, art and culture, fiction, what-if thinking, science, free markets, capitalism, the U.S. Constitution, the TEA Party, etc. and unfortunately the ability to lie and to get stressed out. It’s a blessing in large part but a curse in many cases. The neo-cortex allows man something that animals can’t embrace: CONTRA-FACTUALITY the ability to postulate “lies” or creative speech or invention and as we’ve said, FREE WILL.  But along with the good comes a large chunk of bad.   If you’ve ever seen the amazingly funny movie The Invention of Lying, you know what we mean by contra-factuality. Contra-factuality is the ability to think, do and eventually deeply believe ideas that are contrary to present truth. Constant inner bombardment with contra-factuality makes stressful lives for people – they live whole lives based upon the words “should” and “shouldn’t;” “have to” and “mustn’t” in situations where they cannot seemingly separate these untrue – intangible statements from reality. The liberal or progressive corruption of the United States Constitution, for example, is changing all their desires into “needs” and then putting forth the proposition that these newly created needs for health care, government handouts, etc. are “rights” akin to the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness mentioned in the Constitution. And the rest of us, meaning ‘the taxpayers,’ are henceforth naturally responsible for meeting these nebulous rights of theirs. 
            To them there are no obstructions to a constant, consistent and bountiful eternal federal free lunch. There are no evils to deficit spending, the national debt, or inflation in their world. Since far more than most of us, progressives are geared to living inside a world that has little close touch with reality; they are far more dangerous to themselves and to the rest of us. For example, in 1970 Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorne can postulate and be entirely convinced that they know far better than the rest of society how things ought to be (“should”) be run and then convince themselves so thoroughly of the rightness of their case that making and planting bombs is “necessary.” Barack Obama can believe so deeply in the Marxist anti-colonialism that his mother raised him on and his Father exposed him to during their magic month together (Dreams from my Father by Barack, Jr.) that he would do anything including totally undermining this country to make his vision of a better world true. George Soros (“The Man who Broke the Bank of England” and decimated the currencies of six other nations and who’s now trying to do the same to the United States via his puppet BHO) believes that only he has a full and accurate grip upon what’s best for the entire world . . . and he’ll stop at nothing to achieve it.
            Totalitarianism, sick human cruelty and all despotism comes from abused and corrupted contra-factuality.   Ayers and Dorne, Castro and Che Guevara, Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao . . . these are great monsters because they believe they and they alone know what’s best and should control or even end the lives of others. Today another wave of contra-factuality is threatening us on many fronts:  Contra-factual science. Man-Caused-Global Warming based upon carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses such as water vapor is just part of a conspiracy theory which the progressives are using to help impose greater government control over everybody else.  This is a repeat of the environmental extremism that erupted upon us following the publication of Rachel Carson’s pseudo-pscience book Silent Spring and the banning of DDT by the U.S. and the U.N. which followed.  With over 2 million deaths per year just from malaria (the total yearly malaria death count was a mere 42 thousand in 1972; now malaria kills roughly 2.15 million worldwide every year), Ms. Carson (and her book) have become a greater mass murderer than even Mao (a mere 60 million) with presumably well over 100 million deaths to her credit. Because the progressive mentality allows them to see some human life as an obstacle or unnecessary to “the greater good” . . . or to propound falsehoods that ignore truth so severely as to threaten other human lives these depressing progressive human beings are a threat to us all. The greater threat, however, is not them but the people who follow them for whatever reason. The progressive leaders themselves are remarkably incompetent human beings but when someone like a Hitler can get huge masses of people supporting him, well, the rest is sad, sad horrific history   . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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“Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular.”


Time to Strain Your “Belief Muscles” Again?

You may have trouble believing this story IF you believe the following lies propagated by Progressive politicians for the last 20-50 years:

A. We’re running out of oil in the world. This blog will change that notion for you.

B. We’ve long ago run out of oil in the United States. This blog will set you straight.

C. Man-made global warming is endangering the planet. Most real scientists here in America and almost all real scientists in Europe are positive that statement is Untrue (see the top link below this paragraph). In fact our American media silence in the United States on those two facts (the truth about global warming itself; and America’s scientists’ convictions about global warming even before the Climategate conspiracy was unmasked) amounts to a huge betrayal of the American people and of our U.S. Constitution. The “Climategate” e-mail release thirteen months ago in Europe has only been covered here in the United States by the Wall Street Journal and FOX News among the media but the internet, both here and in Europe, is alive with it. While Americans have believed that Global Warming is dooming us, Europe over the last year has almost totally discredited these alarmists (in case you missed out on the Climategate revelations and upon the biggest scientific fraud within the global warming lie: the next two links will put you onto the truth).




D. Environmental leaders (known in Europe as “Watermelons” and “mean greenies”) have your health, prosperity and happiness in mind always.

E. Only Green-Tech can save our planet and our economies in the long run.

The lies associated with items D and E immediately above are a bit complicated, but will roll out of the information below. Before we get to the meat of the blog, let’s clear up the key source of almost all of the lies you’ve been fed about energy over the last 50 years; and the source of the great majority of the political lies spread about the world over the last 162 years. American “Progressivism” (which called itself by that name for about a quarter century and then called themselves liberals for over 80 years) is based upon English Fabian Socialism. The key group pushing these ideas for almost 130 years now is called the Fabian Society:


The key belief of American progressives is that we must “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution so that we can “progress” toward their notion of an earthly Utopia where, they say, we’ll take from each according to his ability and give to each according to his needs (the 162 year old desire of Karl Marx writing in Das Kapital). If you have never before seen the Fabian Society unmasked; and “kindly” George Bernard Shaw stripped naked beyond Pigmalion and My Fair lady, you owe it to yourself, to America and to our future to visit the website just above. The Fabian Society also gave us the London School of Economics closely tied to the American progressive desire for a single global ruling elite. The London School of Economics also gave us George Soros.



At the risk of seeming racist, let Rajjpuut say this: George Soros can aptly be called “Barack Obama’s MASSA.” He is the puppet master pulling the strings of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and American progressivism.

The eighty year old Mr. Soros can accurately be compared to the ageless Emperor in the Star Wars movies. He grew up as a fourteen year old capo, a Jew working with Hitler’s Nazis, getting other Hungarian Jews to “report” for their transportation to the death camps. He’s only become more sinister since.

Known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” super rich Mr. Soros went from hundred-millionaire and became a multi-billionaire by profiting from wrecking four countries’ currencies over the last 24 years). Mr. Soros has said on more than one occasion, “The number one obstacle to world stability is the United States.” He aims to destroy our currency, impoverish the country, and with the help of the 48 progressive American non-profit foundations he’s created (start with the Tides Foundation; Center for American Progress; and his Open Society Institutes and spread your research from there . . . Mr. Soros is one helluva busybody at a time in his life when most people are content to go fishing) Georgie is seeking to push us all into one-world government led by elites like . . . well, George Soros), he may well succeed.

Progressives in general and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros, who have all broken bread together on many occasions, now want to break your back. That’s where the lies come from. Back to our main points of interest . . . .

Item #1 At this present moment, Green-Tech is a flim-flam.


Natural Law (mentioned in our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Federalist Papers and applying to such things as the Law of Gravity as well as to human behavior) discoveries in the area of wind tech; solar tech; etc. are 300 million years behind fossil fuel. We’re NOT saying that some new Edison in five years won’t or can’t revolutionize the entire green-tech picture and eliminate the need for fossil fuels overnight. What we are saying is that green-tech right now right here is science-fiction from a viable nationwide standpoint. Is that a serious problem? If the underlying scientific principles required to make PRACTICAL energy on a grand national scale don’t yet exist . . . everything based upon saying that “YES, YES THEY DO TOO EXIST!!” is a scam and a national betrayal. How big a national betrayal? Consider this: In 1997, Spain had the healthiest economy in Europe and was creating the most jobs on that continent with unemployment about 4%. Today Spain is one of seven seriously near-bankrupt European countries with unemployment at 2o.8%. How did that happen?

Spain bought into green-tech in 1998 and began to heavily subsidize clean energy jobs. Results of a Spanish green-tech study done three years ago show that 2.2 jobs in the real economy were lost for every single green-tech job created. Like Obama with the stimulus (where jobs lasting one week were credited the same as permanent jobs), the Spanish exaggerated the job creations via green-tech. Only 10% of Spain’s green-tech jobs proved permanent and most paid between U.S. $10-$14. Mr. Obama has promised to give us “five million new green-tech jobs” which extrapolated toward the Spanish example would lose us eleven million real jobs; only 10% of those newly created green jobs would prove permanent meaning that only 500,000 permanent jobs would be created and we would have an American version of the Spanish green-tech experience on our hands . . . a 22/1 debacle in lost jobs compared to jobs created (11 million real jobs lost; only 500,000 modestly-paying green-tech jobs created).

So for those of you who thought Mr. Obama was exaggerating when he told the San Francisco Chronicle that his policies “would bankrupt the coal industry” and “under my policies of cap and trade the price of electricity would necessarily skyrocket” . . . he was a straight-shooter on coal and the cost of electricity, but he was hugely exaggerating about the “benefits” of green-tech jobs at this point in time because the technology does NOT exist.

Item #1.5 The oil critics are NOT asking the right questions . . .

. . . that’s why they keep giving you and me only the answers they want us to hear and never tell us the truth . . . .

The answers they want us to hear are wind, solar power and other “Magic Clean Green” energy sources that do NOT actually exist in any meaningful way on a national scale. The truth is that fossil fuels are and have been the preferred source of power because right here and right now only fossil fuels make sense. In a nutshell, the question comes down to practical, efficient and cheap energy. Fossil fuels are all three and they’re getting cheaper (except for artificial barriers thrown in our way by environmental regulations to make slow, inefficient and expensive green vehicles look somewhat more attractive) by the day. For example the Swedes have come up with a cheap way to make extraction much more efficient for getting out 60% of the unreachable oil. For example the Canadians have “trained” a tiny microbe to allow them to take previously worthless coal tar and turn it into clean-burning methane gas. If the only answer the media and the politicians and the greenies want you to hear is so-called “green-energy” (solar power requires huge pollution and energy use in the manufacturing stages) then the truth will not get to you and the actual dollar savings you’d be expecting can just be taxed away.

Item #2 Would you believe our conventional oil supplies will quadruple or quintuple in your lifetime if we want them to?

It’s true.

As the price of oil rises and the technology for extracting it improves dramatically, we are every day returning to old “dried out wells” and eventually harvesting two to three times the original yield of those wells. Besides that, exploration methods seeking new wells are now about 400% more accurate, so less money is wasted drilling “dry-holes.” Here in the United States and southern Canada we have also discovered the Bakken Formation, which is the largest oil reserve ever found, bigger in area than the entire Middle East . . . of course we’re not allowed to drill there thanks to ridiculous prohibitions and only the reservation Indians are taking advantage of it so far. It’s also true that the same people who are limiting our drilling have seen to it that this country has not built a new oil refinery since 1974! By the way, the oil is there if we choose to go after it. We may reasonably NOT want to go after it, however, read on . . . .

Item #3 Would you believe that if we want it, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming could supply the energy needs of this country for five to six hundred years?

Also true. Keragen or Marlstone (usually MISnamed: “oil shale”) deposits in western Colorado as well as Utah and Wyoming hold that much stored energy. These deposits require a “mining” approach rather than a conventional oilman’s drilling etc. The Indians told the Whites about the “rock that burns” 155 years ago, now if we want it, we’ve got boundless energy sources using that keragen. We may, however, reasonably decide we don’t want it. Read on . . . .

Item #4 Would you believe that Items #2 and #3 above quite possibly are going to prove unattractive within a dozen years?

Without the government’s interference and without resorting to fraudulent energy sources such as ethanol (which costs much, much more in pollution start to finish; and significantly more in money –if subsidies are added in - than oil), it appears that the recent discovery of the Natural Law underlying MAN’S creation of oil in the near future will bear huge fruit. Unlike ethanol and other plant-based synfuels subsidized by the government, the cost of foodstuffs like corn will not skyrocket if and when these new technologies are perfected. You’ve heard of things like Castrol’s synthetic oil . . . this is something different, using algae to replace the 300 million year process of creating oil, coal, natural gas, etc. When this becomes reality, then a point will be reached where the price of oil says that keragen and oil in the ground will become far less desirable than letting nature take its course under the watchful eyes of man above ground.

Item #5 Would you believe that new technology called “cellular oil” could make all drilling and oil shale exploration moot questions?

That’s the name of the new technology.

Item #6 Would you believe that someone has a vested interest in our not hearing the terms “watermelon” or “mean greenie” here in America?

Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular. The term “mean greenie” has been around in England for some time. It describe folks who burn SUVs, deliberately foul fishing nets, destroy ski resorts, drive six inch spikes into trees in hopes of killing lumberjacks using chainsaws, and others who commit crimes against humans in the name of ecology. Lately “mean greenie” has seen a sudden upshot in popular usage in the media all over Europe. But the term “Watermelon” is something special that’s only become common since the Climategate e-mail revelations.

A “watermelon” is a so-called environmentalist who’s “green on the outside and pink to bright red on the inside.” That is, the leaders of much of the environmental movement are now seen in Europe as using the environment for pushing their real but hidden agenda, a heavily socialist or even Marxist agenda. What???? You see it’s like this, all of the Cap and Trade ideas needed (the progressives say) to stop Global Warming in its tracks can only efficiently be executed by a near totalitarian state . . . an all-powerful national government run as part of an even more powerful global government. And what is the basis of all this fraud?

The progressives are pretending that Natural Law no longer works. They want a crisis so they manufacture one with manufactured “science.” They want oil eliminated from the world scene so they pretend that Natural Law has advanced to the level that green-tech is viable, even though it’s not. Right now, the only Natural Law in force capable of providing energy for the whole planet at a practical price and effort is fossil fuel energy. Because of advances in Natural Law (laws we discover and use; NOT laws we make up!) tomorrow, man-made fossil fuel energy appears ready to supplant 300 million year old fossil fuels, and that is semi-green tech created by capitalism and individualism . . . not by a political elite defrauding the people** of the world.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** These are the same people who had DDT banned because of false science (a la Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring) at a time when DDT had dropped malaria deaths (not to mention suffering from a lifetime of episodic three-day fever fits) down to 44,000 annually. The American and United Nations DDT ban has killed more than 70 million souls just to malaria, never mind all the other scourges that DDT avoids, since 1974. Today 2,100,000 people die from malaria every year and tropical nations are finally seeing the light and going back to DDT. If you read the Fabian Society material given above and the words of George Bernard Shaw you see this for what it is: deliberate population control a la eugenics . . . or if you’re a sucker for progressivism, you could call it just plain incompetence . . . and the more you check progressivism the more incompetence you find . . . consider our $113 TRillion in unfunded liabilities via Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; or the unfunded liabilities created by the state side of Medicaid by the Obamacare Law which will bankrupt all 50 states by 2024 . . . or the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring home lenders to deliberately make known bad loans which was expanded five times (four times just by ACORN President Bill Clinton: once by regulatory edict and three times via legislation) and took us from one “bad” loan in every 404 loans in 1975, to 2005 when 34% of all home loans were bad: thus giving us our sub-prime lending crisis and financial meltdown.

Whether you consider it incompetence or a deliberate attempt to undo capitalism and create chaos so that progressivism can step in offering their neat, sweet big government solutions . . . progressivism is the lethal cancer dominating the American scene and needs to be eradicated posthaste. Thankfully, the voters in November, 2010, saw that clearly.

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