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My California group has a website at: http://www.calbettergov.net.

We are supporting Operation American Spring, and would like to combine forces for a big operation July 4th.

I would like your assistance in setting up a Nation Wide Car Pooling Blog, for people who have cars, and are joining with “Operation American Spring” in Washington D. C.

Riders and potential gas donors could be matched to people with cars, who are mobilizing! Millions more patriotic Americans could rally – to join the protests in Washington D. C.

Millions of concerned citizens could get together through your website, and assist each other with mobilization problems.

By utilizing the Discussion, Event and Blog features of your website, we could enable tens of millions of people to converge on Washington D. C., for the Fourth of July!

Let’s get rid of the crooks in Washington, and get to the Truth.

J. Smith

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