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We all have someone we wish we could have walked that last mile with. Here's your chance.On June 22, 2009 at 9AM in Southold, NY, filmmaker Matthew Perdie began his walk across America, carrying a large American flag. Protesting big government (especially the spending part), Matthew’s journey is ending on July 4 in Santa Monica at 5pm.He will walk the final yards across the beach and plant his flag in the West Coast Pacific surf. Just google ‘Matthew Perdie’ to see how his walk across the country has been celebrated for over a year now.You can walk the last mile with Matthew and thank him for his patriotic journey on July 4 in Santa Monica!perdie.jpgIt looks like several networks are putting big coverage on this event, so get all your Tea Party volunteers out there in full regalia. We are arranging a patriotic fife and drum corps to accompany Matthew on the last mile. is coordinating the last mile. Contact Ron Robinson rsr@cartsupport.com3:30PM July 4, 2010 – Memorial Park, 1401 Olympic Blvd, Santa Monica, CA(map:,+Santa+Monica,+CA&sll=34.013278,-118.489267&sspn=0.015812,0.025191&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1401+Olympic+Blvd,+Santa+Monica,+Los+Angeles,+California+90404&ll=34.019088,-118.483644&spn=0.031622,0.050383&z=15)Meet in the parking lot behind the Police Youth Center.Parking: park on Colorado or Olympic east of the park. The park isexactly on the route and exactly one mile from the beach. Parking inSanta Monica on 4 July is always crazy, so get there early.More About Perdie:website: http://www.perdie.comRoute: online documentary:
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Click on the image to see the extent of this vandalism in all it's gooey glory. Of course, when you are a registered Democrat who puts a Republican's yard sign in your yard, it elevates the misdemeanor to a felony and thus requires a response in kind. Yes, that's heavy, heavy construction glue that was used to glue the yard sign to the garage door. Congressman Adam Schiff - Dem CA CD29 D.C. Office: (202)225-4176 Pasadena Office: (626)304-2727 Campaign Office: (626)583-8581 Photo by Ron Robinson.Adam Schiff Is a Master at the Sleight of Hand That Fools No OnePhony "Town Hall" meetings and dirty money contributed by convicted union officials aside, we now get another glimpse of the real Adam Schiff and his 'service' to his country, along with the values he insists on conveying to his staff and volunteers..We see it in almost every campaign at one time or another. Until the candidate's senior staff leans hard on the junior staff and volunteers, yard signs of the opposition seem to grow legs and disappear by themselves. Completely innocently, of course.But two recent incidents in this genre suggest more sinister motives. While John Colbert's (Candidate for CD 29) campaign has been trying to work quietly with Schiff's campaign for weeks now to resolve the 'disappearing yard sign' mystery, suddenly the covert action escalates. In both instances, it took a decidedly unsavory turn.Usually, when yard signs disappear, they are simply lifted off the ground and removed. But it takes a 'special kind' of sinister to remove a sign by snipping the wires just beneath the sign, and leaving hard-to-spot wires protruding from the ground as a hazard to passing children. Yep, happened in Pasadena within blocks of the Rose Bowl.In the most recent incident, it went beyond a mere 'free speech' issue to a vandalism and property issue. In the yard of an 88-year-old Democrat, the sign was removed from the yard and thick industrial glue was used to glue the sign to the property owners' garage door. A senior, probably on a fixed income, will now have to pay several hundred dollars to repair her garage door and have it repainted.Of course, that's OK with the liberals - that's just progress on their 'social justice' agenda.Now those of us who were really paying attention knew exactly what to expect from Obama by watching his supporters. Those of us who value the safety of our children (and I am now a nut on that issue), who value free speech and who insist that our government honor our property rights have just the insight we need into Adam Schiff's real values and real motivations. His refusal to discipline his volunteer staff reveals his real values: win at any cost.Because Republican John Colbert's challenge is a very, very serious challenge this season. (I've been meaning to treat you to a great 'Meet John Colbert' diary entry, but this event overtook me. I promise that post real soon.)Adam Schiff: Get your volunteers under control! You are no man and you have no honor until you get this resolved with your volunteer staff. (aside: can't we just get Neil to bid him G'bye?)But the sleights of hand don't stop there - turns out there is good reason to assume that Schiff may have voted with his feet, and become a carpetbagger.It's really tough to fit a family of four into a 640 sq. ft. Burbank apartment, so we are assuming that Adam Schiff's real primary residence is his Maryland home. Alas, the fine residents of Burbank are deprived of a capable (and influential?) PTA member as Eve Schiff has elected to be a PTA mom at Bells Mill Elementary School in Bethesda rather than in Burbank. I'd support this with a Google link, however a properly worded Google search returns all her contact information right in the Google citation/preview. Guess he's educating his children in Bethesda, too? How's that for contempt for your own CD?Many of us are calling Schiff's office every day until he publicly denounces the vandals who are trying to 'help' his campaign.Congressman Adam Schiff - Dem CA CD29Washington D.C. Office: (202)225-4176Pasadena Office: (626)304-2727Campaign Office: (626)583-8581
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If I were to sum up President Obama's administration so far in only two words, I would call it 're-distributive misery'.

While listening to Kyl's story of Obama telling him that he would take no action to defend our borders until/unless Republicans help him pass comprehensive immigration reform in Congress, we learn that Labor Secretary Solis is inviting illegals to turn in employers who are not paying them enough. We already know here in LA that the Mexican consulate next to MacArthur Park is plastered with posters luring immigrants to apply for welfare and other benefits.

It's no surprise then that citizenship seems to mean less and less - especially to those who already possess it - and means still less to those who 'visit' us.

Meanwhile, the president's 'do nothing' Gulf policy & drilling moratorium throws tens of thousands more out of work while preparing final delivery of that 'energy prices will necessarily skyrocket' campaign promise. As if 10% unemployment was not bad enough! Well, add $5 gas to that by summer's end.

We discover ourselves in a position where we (and even many states) are nearly at war with our own government. Our Congress and administration regard the Constitution as a mere inconvenience and they pick and choose which laws are worthy of enforcement.

It's the closest thing to anarchy that you could still (with some amount of puzzlement) call a republic.

We see it in his thin-skinned avoidance of the press. We see it in endless 'teachable moments' Obama uses to pontificate to us of the Great Unwashed. We see it in the general arrogance, common among liberals, that no idea from outside the privileged circle deserves any consideration - and the many and manifest blind spots that produces.

Misery loves company, and Obama intends to have plenty of that.

It won't be enough to simply go vote in November. We must encourage others to go to the polls with us.

We should meet our neighbors, even the Democrats, and let them know that we'll be proud of them when they vote to save their country this fall. Get to know those folks. There's probably not much need to try to persuade them to change their liberal views, just be friendly and helpful with them. Let them know how you feel on some of the issues, and let them know you'll be pleased if they vote your way on an issue or candidate or two.

Few people will vote for their own continued misery.

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Nobody even thou7ght an app like this might be useful - ubtil this year: PROCINCT - Proactive Precinct Victory Management will make your job much easier when you send your precinct captains out to walk their precincts. Allow every precinct worker in all your precincts to use a powerful online voter recordkeepping tool that will make their jobs much, much easier.ColdWarrior said it best: " I’ve tested Procinct with Ron and it works great — far better than Voter Vault. This is exactly the kind of tool we need to help get out the vote in our own precincts/wards/whatever-they’re-called-where-you-live where the rubber of the precinct activists meet the road of the actual precinct voters we want to get to the polls."Follow the link to the article at Redstate - where it explains in clear detail how PROCINCT allows precinct captains - and those who must manage collections of precincts - share voter data privately online with your precinct workers.Or simply go here and get started with PROCINCT.

Ron Robinson
GOP Committeeman for CA AD49
California State Chair, National Precinct Alliance
Your host at Precinct California
(A web site for budding precinct captains and committee-people)
Developer of PROCINCT - Proactive Precinct Victory Management - a free online app for folks who must manage precincts or collections of precincts. PROCINCT is contributed to the cause in a spirit of gratitude and victory!

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