blackburn (3)

Until the American mainstream media comes to its senses and begins acting like journalists again, real investigative stories (like the one linked above from the ultra-liberal London Times) will not appear in ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN newscasts. Truth will NOT be available to Americans from our oldest news outlets. That story is over five months old and required the London Times to eat some very serious crow, for they had been driving the global-warming bandwagon for many years. The actual event took place on November 17, 2009. It took the Times twelve days to research the story before their Environment Editor Jonathan Leake drove a stake into the heart of global-warming with his article entitled “The Great Climate Change Science Scandal” which agreed with the conclusions of the press and neutral scientists around the globe, that the East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) had perpetrated an expensive and elaborate hoax on the world. That story has not been run in the New York. Times yet nor in any other major Liberal newspaper or broadcast company. As we speak, Cap and Trade legislation based upon global warming theory is poised for passage in the United States Senate.
Another story you’ll probably have to pick up first on FOX News or in the London Times is this one . . . our president Barack Obama and our ex-vice president Al Gore are still using that false global warming alarmism to confuse the American public and are guilty of deliberate conflict of interest that will bilk the American economy of $10 TRillion each and every year.
You’d have to read that in Investor’s Business Daily ( of course, not in the mainstream media) or hear it on Fox. The lamestream media is too busy protecting Obama’s butt and worshipping him to actually protect our country.
Here (above) is a brief schematic of the corrupt connections designed to sell America and the free market down the river and scam us all of 40% of every dollar spent in the country from now till hell freezes over . . . .
If and when Cap and Trade legislation passes . . . an enormous fortune will be made by Joel Rogers, the man who owns Obama’s strings, and the brains behind CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange). CCX is a business venture owned by Al Gore and his London partners the fifth largest owners; Barack Obama, Joel Rogers, John Ayers (brother of Weather Underground bomber and Obama ghostwriter Bill Ayers, several Goldman Sachs bigwigs, and 10% owned by Goldman Sachs the investment firm itself; Richard Sandor and surprise, surprise by Fannie Mae (who owns the patent on the methodology) as well as several other key progressive organizations and individuals such as Van Jones, Andy Stern and unions AFLCIO and SEIU.
Sandor, the founder and man in charge of CCX has been videotaped saying that cap and trade will be a $10 TRillion industry. Since all actual U.S. manufacturing production and services (where something is actually produced or a service actually performed) create $15.4 TRillion per year that means that about 40% of all costs associated with anything produced in this country will be associated with Cap and Trade legislation and therefore the final costs after cap and trade costs passed on to American and world consumers will be roughly 67% greater because of the existence of Cap and Trade Laws. For you arithmetically challenged .4/.6 = .6666667
But Sandor is a small potatoes guy . . . the brains of the outfit, the man behind the great green curtain in Obama’s Emerald City Ozville is a communist activist Wisconsin professor named Joel Rogers. He is the man who owns Obama’s strings, a man who says here in this link below that “Capitalism is Monstrous.” He is the creator of the Apollo Alliance (seemingly a progressive money-laundering foundation) which received $80 Million from Obama’s stimulus funds. These progressive foundations (The Joyce Foundation; The Tides Foundation; The Apollo Foundation; the old ACORN; etc. are just a few of a long list of progressive foundations who channel money into other progressive foundations and quite naturally receive money channeled into them by other progressive foundations . . . while big surprise, Barack Obama’s name is found on the board of many of them) received a huge amount of our stimulus money. Joel Rogers is the leader of a cunning collusion for profit and power. But the mainstream media will not cover All-American Joel or his organizations or his connection to Barack Obama or Al Gore or the full corrupt story . . . . when they finally regain their senses and their journalistic spirit, Rajjpuut suggests they start their investigation with CCX. Why? Follow the money!
Being associated with all these progressive foundations with all that loose money floating through them is surely profitable, but only chump change compared to what happens if and when cap and trade becomes a reality. When it first appeared that Cap and Trade legislation which narrowly passed in the house last spring was dead on the senate floor . . . Joel Rogers is the one who prodded Barack Obama to prod the Environmental Protection Agency to issue an edict, a regulation, that would in effect make cap and trade legislation the law of the land and classify carbon emissions as dangerous pollutants and that would make the CCX immediately a going highly-profitable concern and make the individuals mentioned above a fortune for selling, uh . . . blue sky. Free blue sky with the carbon-dioxide in it that plant life needs to grow and produce oxygen for us to breathe would be symbolically exchanged for other free blue sky with a bit less carbon dioxide in it in accordance with the EPA directives and run through the exchange system computers on programs for which the patents are owned by Fannie Mae. Something for nothing, abso-frigging-lutely nothing will never cost so much in the history of the universe and Joel and Obama and Al and Richard Sandor and John Ayers and the Goldman Sachs bunch are the folks who will be taking us to the cleaners while literally selling “licenses to pollute,” according to their own interviews. Makes you proud to be an American, eh?
Actually, Rajjpuut is very proud to be an American and one reason is the existence of Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn, his April, 2010 Statesman of the month who took on Al Gore’s lies face to fact (link above). Al can run to his $9 million new mansion in Montecito, California alongside the global-warmed rising seas but he cannot hide from her direct question, “. . . will you in any way, profit personally, from the legislation you’re supporting here today?” Ms. Blackburn and Senator Inhofe are also behind the movement that made the EPA backdown from instituting cap and trade by regulation . . . you see the EPA was violating its own rules because they cannot issue regulations based upon somebody else’s studies but must do the environmental, or in this case the climate, studies themselves. And, of course, the EPA was basing their edict upon the Climate-Gate fraudulent figuring done at CRU in East Anglia, my, my, my. Ms. Blackburn’s got more courage in her pinky fingernail than all the inglorious mainstream media reporters and executives combined.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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April, 2010 Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmanship Award

In honor of the memories of Harry S Truman (just a letter no middle name), Ronald Wilson Reagan and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, three of the most diligent and competent statesmen in world history, Rajjpuut will be awarding a monthly Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Award for statesmanship. Whole encyclopedias could be written about these three men.

Truman, a hero in World War I made the courageous decision to drop the atom bomb ending World War II and saving an estimated one million American fighting men from death or wounding. He also inspired the Dixiecrats to leave the Democratic Party at great political risk to himself, Truman who was raised a segregationist, integrated the armed forces. And unlike his successor Eisenhower, Truman was an immediate and powerful vocal opponent of Joe McCarthy and his communist witch hunts.

Reagan personally intervened to get the final funding and stinger missiles that spelled the defeat of the Big Red Soviet Military Machine in Afghanistan. His confrontational style (“Tear Down This Wall, Mr. Gorbachev!”) but willingness to talk face-to-face helped bring about the fall of communism and the Warsaw Pact, the end of the Soviet Union and Cold War and yes, the smashing of the Berlin Wall: not a bad legacy for “the Great Communicator!”

Kennedy inspired warm hope among jaded American voters. He, like Reagan, made a courageous speech in the shadow of the Berlin Wall. Most importantly, Kennedy stood tough upon discovering that the Soviet Union had moved missiles to Cuba just 90 miles off America’s shores and put the whole world on a nuclear disaster watch by blockading the island and demanding removal of the missiles. Like his book “Profiles in Courage,” Kennedy, a World War II hero, practiced what he preached.

The April, 2010, Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmanship Award WINNER is:

Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn

For the second consecutive month Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn has earned the coveted statesmanship award after sharing the award last time out with James Inhofe. Blackburn has repeatedly demonstrated that she not only has perhaps the most level head in the House of Representatives, but she also has the guts to use it and the faith in our Constitution to ennoble America and her fellow countrymen at every turn in the discussion. Sheis probably the most consistent and one of the most eloquent voices in opposition to the widespread Big Guv expansions engineered by the Obama Administration.

Within a year of her election to congress, Marsha had already been named a “Taxpayer Hero” by the Americans for Tax Reform and is serving her second session as Deputy Whip and is most famous for being the questioner who put Al Gore on the spot about his conflicted connections in the energy industry with the simple, “"The legislation that we are discussing here today, is that something that you are going to personally *** benefit from?”

Recently, Representative Blackburn was one of the Republicans in the room challenging the assertions of Barak Obama about all the good that his Obamacare initiatives would bring to the country. She has long championed tort reform to lower doctors’ malpractice costs and cut down on unnecessary defensive medical actions; across state border health insurance options; and removing abortion and other elective surgery payments by the federal government. Along with Inhofe, Blackburn has probably been the single biggest voice against Cap and Trade. Recently when Obama tried to over-ride the lack of senate votes by making Cap and Trade a de facto law in the form of an Environmental Protective Agency directive, Blackburn was immediately on her feet attacking the EPA for violating its own laws in making the directive; and it now appears that opposition has forced the EPA to delay implementation of its recent directive from this April to sometime next year. Inspired by Blackburn’s tough stance Texas and Virginia have sued the EPA for, using the refuted and disputed IPCC and CRU findings as the basis for their directive when the law says the studies involved must be done by the EPA itself.

Let us once again congratulate the April, 2010, Winner of the Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmanship Award: Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,


*** Rajjpuut’s recent revelation that both Gore and Obama are guilty of conflict of interest in pressing for Cap and Trade legislation and aim to profit Billion$$ via CCX clearly justifies Blackburn’s audacious attack.

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When you think about idle or under-used factories all around the United States like those in Indiana, Michigan, Georgia and Tennesse where automobiles used to be built, it’s obvious that for the hoped-for recovery to get anywhere near the 138 million non-farm jobs we had around 2006, those factories need to start up again and get humming with the production of new automobiles, or perhaps, retooled and modernized . . . producing new something elses. For those who don’t think the government is the problem, listen to the words of Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn, a member of the House energy and commerce committee . . . .

“Not far from my district the Spring Hill plant sits idle. GM pulled out of Spring Hill, once the proud home to the Saturn line, in the wake of its bankruptcy last year. Reopening the plant, either for the production of cars or anything else, will be critical to jobs growth in Middle Tennessee. At a listening session with constituents who live in the 7th district and used to commute to work in Spring Hill, the message was clear: to get the plant up and running again, Washington is going to have to do ... less.

Washington, or more specifically the Environmental Protection Agency, poses a significant challenge to any new enterprise that hopes to revitalize Spring Hill and Tennessee’s economy. While Tennesseans are looking for a new owner to come in, take over the Spring Hill plant and get it producing again, the EPA has proposed a series of regulations that would require businesses to certify they have limited carbon emissions or pay steep fines. These regulations are a result of their “endangerment finding” under the Clean Air Act that carbon dioxide and other green house gasses pose a threat to human life. (Rajjpuut interjects here . . . The EPA was violating its own rules with these “endangered findings.” They are prohibited by law*** from making environmental regulations based upon somebody else’s studies such as the discredited CRU “global-warming” nonsense. They must conduct their own studies and base all regulations only upon their own studies, if the studies prove conclusively that the moves are warranted. Marsha Blackburn continues . . . .)

“The new greenhouse gas rules will require anyone who buys the Spring Hill plant and performs any modifications on it — which they will likely have to do — to analyze all the greenhouse gas emissions from the plant and from all its potential new processes. Any new owner will have to report these emissions to the EPA. All the while, Tennesseans remain jobless.

“Most possible uses for the Spring Hill plant would cause the plant to exceed the 25,000 annual tons of carbon dioxide emissions the EPA proposes to allow, classifying it as a “major emitter.” Major emitters must go through additional review and permitting by the EPA, a process that could take months or years. These are years when an entrepreneur owns, maintains, and pays taxes on a non-productive facility — clearly a disincentive to anyone thinking of reopening a plant in the United States.

“To add to the cost, the EPA will require major emitters to purchase and install the ‘best available control technology’ to reduce emissions to an acceptable level. Even when that equipment is installed, the new owner isn’t done with EPA-imposed costs. Because the EPA found that the Clean Air Act applies to carbon dioxide, any new owners of the Spring Hill plant are open to being sued if the carbon capture technology fails or the plant ever exceeds the EPA emission ceiling. Such a specter of unanticipated cost would hang over the plant for its entire operational life. While potential new owners calculate the possible cost, Tennesseans go jobless.

“As Washington works to balance economic impact with the need to spur energy independence, the EPA lurks on the Hill with these disastrous carbon restrictions in its briefcase, threatening to detonate them on the economy in the event that the Senate doesn’t meet its minimum standard of economy-killing carbon limits. Its actions are a clear executive overreach.”

The rest of Blackburn’s commentary can be found at:

She proposed a bill that would void the EPA’s endangerment findings and prohibit the agency from regulating carbon emissions under the auspices of the Clean Air Act in an effort to help the Spring Hill plant re-emerge from its near death experience. She then talked about the EPA announcing a video contest with a $2,500 prize to help Americans appreciate how EPA regulations and the entire regulatory process “benefits the citizens.” The fact of the matter is that the EPA’s regulations are killing the country and are a huge part of the problem and the proposed Cap and Trade legislation would cost America at least $220 Billion each and every year it’s in effect probably much more. One of Mr. Obama’s cronies at CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) has admitted on TV that their group sees climate exchange as a “Ten TRillion Dollar industry.” Since that industry produces nothing but only sells literal “blue sky nothingness to the productive parts of the economy (a shakedown, if you will, by the EPA) then the rest of the economy must lose $10 TRillion for the CCX to exist since the output of the whole non-government economy is now between $15-$16 TRillion . . . you get an idea of just what a raping cap and trade will prove to our nation and its future. Clearly, Mr. Obama as a board member of CCX is operating in conflicting of interest when he pushed the legislative process and again when he commanded the EPA to regulate carbon emissions a la cap and trade. You can read the specifics of this illegal and unconstitutonal matter and of Al Gore’s and President Obama’s betrayal in these three prior Rajjpuut’s Folly blogs:,__gore_and_cronies_might_make_trillions.thtml,_america,_here_comes_your_re-raping.thtml,_media_ignores.thtml

As mentioned often by this blogger, the President has been repeatedly guilty of illegal and unconstitutional acts. After his impeachment, it would also be fitting and proper if the mainstream media that aided and abetted his rise to power and his illegal activities by refusing to engage in journalism but instead served as cheerleaders who refused to vett his connections, his activities and his personal background . . . Obama’s betrayal might be great but the betrayal of mainstream journalism upon the American people has been greater. Here Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn explains the simplest truths that are so basic to understanding how a capitalist economy creates jobs . . . and yet such a story is never a part of the media’s “hot topics,” never.

Like Obama himself, the EPA has seriously overstepped their bounds and the misuse of bureaucratic power by the president and by the EPA is a huge problem. Ask the folks around Fresno county (the richest vegetable-growing region in the world) about their nearly 40% unemployment in some areas while the EPA to save the purportedly endangered Delta Smelt has forbidden use of irrigation piping and pumping in the region to save the smelt. The Fresno county workers got shafted by the EPA during a drought; and the consumers are paying much more for vegetables thanks to the EPA . . . and the EPA with such nonsense is killing the economy.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

*** The efforts of Marsha Blackburn and other Republicans in other states, made the EPA back down from their illegal stance. Supposedly, they canNOT return to this kind of heavy-handedness unless they themselves prove that global-warming is occurring and dangerous and that human activity is driving it. Of course we know from the Climate-Gate scandal that global-warming is a trumped-up result created by overzealous environmentalists pretending to do science but actually "cooking the books" by manipulation of data, as verified by the following article by the very liberal London Times talking about the actions of fellow Brits:
twelve days after the Climate-Gate data manipulation scandal at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) erupted, the most important liberal voice in Europe recognized the error of its ways and stopped promoting the lie that is "global-warming" but five months later our American media is still cheerleading for global-warming and for the godawful cap and trade and for the progressive Obama administration that will further kill our economy if allowed . . . and they still refuse to print any meaningful coverage of climate-gate; of cap and trade or about the connections between Gore, Obama, Goldman Sachs and several progressive foundationsa and CCX . . . .
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