apologetic (1)

                “Unafraid, Bi-Partisan, Uphold U.S. and Freedom”  

By Jiri and Leni Friedman Valenta            

Paul! Mr. Speaker! Censure Obama and deny his request for a 18% pension pay hike! Since you came to power earlier this year, your Republican majority in the House has done virtually nothing to rescue our republic from the nightmare of Obama!  Incredibly, his audacious request for a pension pay hike follows his watching baseball and playing footsie with Cuban dictators Fidel and Raul Castro, and dancing the tango in Buenos Aires!

Barack is surely no master of the art of the deal. While we support the opening to Cuba, we do not believe we should lift the embargo until some of our demands are satisfied: We are not calling for regime change, but we do call for release of all political dissidents.  Also needed is persuasive proof, not yet provided by the Castros, that Hezbollah’s Islamic, Shiite, terrorist Cuba station, engaged in anti-U.S. and anti-Israel activities in the Western hemisphere, has been closed.

We also need monitoring of Cuban ties with North Korea, and assurances there will be no further illegal arms transfer through the Panama Canal or by any other route sea or air.  Cuba must also cease advising and arming the FARC narco-communist terrorists in Colombia.

The Castros must further guarantee Cuba will not try to interfere on behalf of the discredited Maduro government in Venezuela and hinder the process of democratization in that country.  And let us also demand that U.S. criminals taking refuge in Cuba be extradited to America.

The delusions of our president are unprecedented. As Americans, we were ashamed listening to his a-historical, apologetic cant as he stood with Raul and basically provided a public relations endorsement of its repressive communist regime. All this while human rights dissidents, like the innocent Ladies in White were repressed on his arrival; some thrown into in jail.

The Cuba Archive has documented 3,615 firing squad executions conducted by the Cuban state since Castro took over on January 1, 1959.  Most were done summarily.  There are disappearances as well. Former head of the Soviet Latin American desk, Yury Pavlov, author of the The Soviet Cuban Alliance,1959-61, told one of these authors, that Raul Castro's deputies enjoyed shooting live targets (prisoners) while laughing and having a good time.  In an interview with us, former prisoner Pedro Fuentes confirmed Pavlov's account  and described the torture in the jails.  Another prisoner,Jesus Chao, has fully detailed the stomach-turning,Castro horrors. 

After listening meekly to Raul Castro address the "shortcomings" of the U.S., Obama applauded the "constructive dialogue." That was followed by our president broadcasting his passionless platitudes about the attack on our allies in NATO capitol Brussels. He knew many Americans were injured in the carnage, yet rather than coming home, he engaged in a pleasurable afternoon with two bloody dictators, responsible for killing thousands of Cuban patriots and innocent victims at home, but also during Cuba’s interventions in Angola and Ethiopia. Fidel also supported with arms and advisers, further carnage in Columbia, Nicaragua, El Salvador and elsewhere.

We call on you, Mr,. Speaker, to sponsor House resolutions as well as work with the Senate and its judicial giants, Senator Ted Cruz (R) Texas, and Senator Orin Hatch (R) Utah, to censure the president for aiding and abetting a foe of democracy -- and roundly propose a cut to his pension, rather than the 18% pension pay hike he has requested. 

Mr. Obama’s repeated derelictions of duty could provide grounds for impeachment. Likely there is not enough time for that. Therefore let us register our dissatisfaction as we can. We are counting the days until the GOP takes takes over.

Watch for our full expose of Obama’s and Hillary's shameful performances coming soon.

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