americana (1)

Donald Trump awakens Johnny Freedom; leads freedom-lovers to victory

Jim Mullen

Eight years ago, Americans were so eager to elect a black president; they voted for a darling of left-wing extremists, Barack Obama. The corrupt, and likewise, leftist, main-stream media joined Democrats in hoisting Marxist Barack Obama upon their shoulders, carrying him to the White House.

This Marxist ideologue immediately declared war on traditional Americans, their culture, religion, laws, and the Constitution. His eight years of torturous tyrannical rule were agonizing for all freedom-loving Americans. Constitutionalists suffered through it all hoping and praying that at the end of the nightmare a miracle candidate would emerge.  We were desperate for someone from beyond the binding chains of political chicanery that could stop the hemorrhaging of liberty and resurrect a long-sleeping giant.

Hillary Clinton, a not-so-bright, female political hack and clone of Barack Obama, was chosen by the left-wing lunatics to succeed the worst President in U.S. history.  She pledged to preserve his legacy of Marxist tyranny, and continue his war on America; particularly white Christians. This totally corrupt and despicable woman claimed and exhibited only one qualification for President; marrying Bill Clinton.

Since the Ronald Reagan era, Republican politicians’ empty promises fell on disinterested conservative ears. They promised anything to get elected, and then fell into bed with the Washington establishment; never heard from again until the next election. Conservatives remained in a stupor for decades, realizing not one presidential candidate in either party did anything to propel them toward extraordinary action or allegiance.

This forgotten segment of society, benumbed by decades of main-stream media’ and politicians’ lies and promises, retreated into a quiet, introspective acceptance of the status quo.

Then, a clarion call came from a man who spoke in clear, straightforward, and uncompromising terms. Political correctness was a foreign concept to this man, as was multiculturalism, niceties, and made-up rules of politicians and the media. Supporters loved that he gave no quarter to the anti-American forces in America’s leftist political barrenness. When attacked, he retaliated mercilessly and relentlessly. 

Donald Trump was a successful entrepreneur and business mogul with no political or government policy experience.  Predictably, polish was something on his shoes, not in his oratory. He wasn’t tied to a political machine, and given a zero chance of success by political hacks, media morons, pointy-headed pundits, and the established political parties.

This Republican spoke plainly to disenfranchised Democrats, Republicans, independents, and first-time participants in the political process. He dove headlong into a political campaign using an unorthodox course of action never before witnessed in our nation.

Naturally, sparks ensued and the left exploded in a rage; as did the established Republicans. However, the quiet, forgotten Americans answered the call to patriots and erupted into a freedom-frenzy. They rose up, stood in massive lines, and suffered continuous derision and abuse to hear Donald Trump say the words they all craved; but feared they would never hear again. Similarly, countless numbers of those living on the Democrat plantations, and hard-working union members took heed and joined in this movement for the ages. 

Ignoring mounting, withering attacks, this unconventional, innovator voiced conservative ideas and values, and countermanded the extreme Marxist, anti-American views of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the New Socialist Democrat Party. He spoke of America-first in all dealings with foreign nations, and pounded repeatedly the simple, realistic idea that without secure borders, we will never have security or a country.

Second Amendment supporter, Donald Trump spoke to the hated gun owners, the Christians, the marginalized, and the despised set-asides from Obama’s leftist America. One-by-one he invalidated every policy, ideology, and tyrannical dictate from the destructive Democrats, and the go-along to-get along, mainstream Republicans.

It was a revolution set squarely against the destructive, Obama Marxist revolution.

Businessman Trump also knew that allowing a racehorse economy to again run freely, we must unhitch Obama’s heavy government wagon of regulations and taxes from businesses and corporations. Private sector jobs flourish only when market freedom exists. 

From the coal mines and the hills of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, they came. From small towns and rural countryside of Americana, from the Great Plains, rustbelt states, and the Gulf Coast, long-suffering voters sprang to life when long-dormant Johnny Freedom (the American spirit)  awakened to end the long siege by Barack Obama and his tyrannical bureaucrats.

Johnny Freedom rose to lead these new patriots toward the inspiring words and welcomed ideas of a man sounding the “cry of freedom from tyranny.” These modern patriots rattled the establishment, perplexed the media, and sent a blood-curdling, paralyzing sense of loss to academia, and the powder-puff liberals. Donald Trump won the election!

The prancing, stomping, and parading mobs rampaging through the streets of the nation and the halls of academia embody the ill educated, misinformed, immature, and lawless rabble that clings like barnacles to the sinking ship of Marxism.  

As seen by the wailing, hysterical lunatics on the left, they would not survive without conservatives to protect them from themselves and ordinary life. Perhaps it’s time for the law of natural selection to decide their fate.

Meanwhile, will Obama, Clinton, and the liberal establishment grieve themselves into a pile of worthless, progressive dreams as their legacy vanishes as quickly as an Obama promise?

Congratulations and welcome President-elect, Donald Trump! Godspeed!

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