Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder

Liberals are mentally disturbed. They do not understand what a Republic is or how it works. They do not and will not understand what it means to be a 'Non-Dependent Citizen'. They cannot conceptualize the ability of an individual to make a profit so vast as to pay their bills, provide for their family while paying their taxes. These concepts and several others are foreign to them and beyond their comprehension.

Dr. Savage is right, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder.   

Or am I mad to even think such an obtrusive thought?

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  • They deny truth even when backed up with facts, they are blind and stupid and gullible.
  • You are right. I never in my life thought a people like them could actually exist in our Country. Day after day the venom they spew, their arguements, the liberal mindset, it's just insane. They are Godless science fanatics and they seem to think they can do and say whatever they want while trying to shut down every opposing opinion. I think liberals in our country are more of threat to our values as a Country than Islam.
    Liberals are stupid. Look at our history. It is the brave, strong and independent thinkers that has built our nation. Not a bunch of weak government dependent scallywags. If it works don't fix it and our country has worked for well over 230 years, please don't fix it.
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